Loving Grandma Is Left To Take Care Of Her 12 Grandchildren After Her Daughter Passes Away

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Being a mom requires a lot of things – time, love, effort, and resources.

Grandma’s Love


While we celebrate the amazing things our mothers do for us, we should not forget that our grandmas were the ones who taught and guided our moms on how to become great mothers, so they also deserve to be honored.

Nikita’s Story

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Nikita Washington is a 35-year-old woman who was a mom to 12 kids before she passed away in December 2022.

Her 12th Child


Nikita gave birth to her youngest son, Nathanial, last December, but shortly after the delivery, she suffered from “postpartum hemorrhage” and eventually passed away.

She Was Alone


What made her situation even sadder was she was alone in the hospital when it all happened as the baby’s father was not in the picture, and her mother, Patricia Pouncey, was at home, babysitting her other children.

The Sad News

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

The hospital called Patricia the next day to inform her of her daughter’s passing and told her she needed to come and pick up Nathanial.

Wonder Grandma

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Since then, Patricia became the sole guardian of all 12 kids, with ages that range from 19 years to 5 months. She promised to do everything to make sure that all the children stayed together and with her.

They Need Help


Since Patricia was living in a small house, she wasn’t sure if they would all fit in there. Also, their family vehicle was involved in a car accident and is barely in good condition to be used, so a GoFundMe was set up for Patricia and the kids.

Help Came


The initial goal was $10,000 for Nikita’s funeral. Surprisingly, a lot of people donated, and the goal was quickly met. Donations kept coming until $106,000 was raised for Patricia and her grandkids.

Watch the story of how Patricia became her 12 grandchildren’s sole guardian in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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