12-Year-Old Genius Graduates From College

YouTube, Good Morning America

Every child has unique gifts, and if parents know how to support them and help them nurture those gifts, the future would be so much brighter for everyone.

Meet Sawsan

YouTube, Good Morning America

Sawsan Ahmed is a smart girl who graduated from college at the age of 12 years old.

How They Found Out


Sawsan’s parents said that they realized her special gifts when they homeschooled her. She would ace her lessons and was several years ahead of her grade level.

Fast-Paced Learning


Sawsan was only 9 years old when she graduated from high school. After that, she passed her secondary education readiness test, which allowed her to enter college.

A New Chapter

YouTube, Good Morning America

She enrolled in Broward College in 2018 and graduated from there with an associate degree and a 4.0 GPA at the age of 12.

Slow Start

YouTube, Good Morning America

At first, Sawsawn only started college with just one class per semester, but when some of her extracurricular activities got canceled during the pandemic, she got more time to enroll in more classes.

How She Adjusted


The teenage genius said that it was odd being the youngest in the class at first. She said that her classmates would ask her how old she was, and when she told them she was 10, she would get really surprised looks from everyone.

Youngest College Graduate

YouTube, Good Morning America

By the end of her course, Sawsan ended up being the youngest Broward College graduate in the school’s 61-year history.

Her Inspiration


Sawsan said that one of her inspirations was her dad, Wesam Ahmed, who is a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic’s cancer center. However, she aspires to invent a technology in medicine that could help save multiple lives at once.

Watch the incredible story of 12-year-old Sawsan, the girl genius, in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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