15-Year-Old Girl Catches 101-Pound Catfish

This young lady broke records with her fishing skills – and she’s got some amazing photos to prove it!

Meet Jaylynn

Jaylynn Parker is a 15-year-old girl from Ohio who loves fishing.

Usual Day

One day, she and her family went jug fishing at a calm river nearby, like they always do.

Something Big

Suddenly, Jaylynn felt a strong tug on her line so she used all her strength to pull it out of the water, and alas – it was a HUGE catfish!

Its Weight

The Parker family immediately contacted the Ohio Department of Fish and Wildlife to weigh the giant fish, and they later learned that it was about 101.11 lbs.

A Reason To Celebrate

When they realized that Jaylynn had just broken their local state’s record, they celebrated by prompting the teen to jump into the water.

A Deeper Meaning

Jaylynn’s record-breaking catch is an incredible accomplishment. She is sure to inspire so many other women interested in the sport who are often overlooked. She proves that women really can do anything!

An Inspiration

Jaylynn’s accomplishment highlights how young women, who are frequently underrepresented in competitive fields, can earn that top prize and smash records just like men can.

A Signal Of Hope

Many people find inspiration in Jaylynn’s success story. It will probably encourage more young ladies to start fishing and push themselves in other situations where they might have previously felt uncomfortable or out of place.

Watch how Jaylynn caught her record-breaking fish in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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