100-Year-Old Rancher Has No Plans Of Quitting Anytime Soon

YouTube, Lyssy & Eckel

There are things in our family that have surpassed different generations, and we are now expected to take care of them and pass them on to the next generation as well.

Meet Doris And Bobby

100-year-old Doris and her 87-year-old brother Bobby are heirs to their family’s vast farmland in Texas.

How It Started

The land was initially purchased by their grandfather and divided among his sons – one of them was their father, Ed BAC.

A 2-Person Job

Their father, Ed BAC, and mother, Emma, were the ones who cleared the vast land of wild brush and toiled the farmland that now bears bountiful fruits.

A Hidden Wonder

There was also a time when their uncle Henry set up an underground distillery in their farm where the locals could take a breather in the midst of prohibition and constraints made by the government, and it’s one of the stories worth telling the generations that follow.

Doris and Bobby witnessed their parents’ hard work and made it their personal dream to maintain and take good care of their family’s farmland.

Breakfast At The Farm

Doris, the 100-year-old rancher, starts her day at the farm with a breakfast that consists of six slices of toasted bread, two flattened eggs, a bowl of strawberries, and a couple of cups of coffee.

Hands-On Owners

She and her brother then get on with the long day of tending the farm by making sure that each animal is well-fed and every crop is watered and nourished.

Not For Sale

Because of how beautifully the vast farmland is tended, there have been lots of calls to sell it, but Doris cannot be moved. She will never sell their family’s greatest treasure.

Watch how Doris and Bobby take care of their family’s farmland in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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