People Share The Fiercest Revenge They’ve Gotten On Somebody They Didn’t Like

Chandler Cruttenden

Each and every one of us has someone we don’t particularly like or at least didn’t like in the past. One of your best friend’s pals, the ex of your current partner, someone you dated in the past, or even your rude mail carrier are examples of people you might not be too fond of. But the people you don’t like can also be those who are closer to you as well such as a blood-related family member, your next-door neighbor, or even your professor who you see multiple times a week.

If we must be honest with ourselves, disliking or even hating somebody takes a lot of energy. So, to say that it’s not good for our health is an understatement. But nothing is more aggravating than someone who gives you a snotty attitude, intentionally tries to ruin something good you’ve got going on, does something horrible behind your back, or simply makes life so much more difficult for you than it has to be. With these types of people, you just want to rip your hair out!

The following people still have their hair intact (as far as I’m aware), but they did manage to get revenge on that person they didn’t like.

Whether it be their cheating boyfriend of three years, their boss or co-worker, or even their bully, they had a devilish plan set in place!

12. This Guy Got The Last Laugh In EASY


“My aunt used to be an assistant for a multi-millionaire, down to earth CEO of a small company. According to my aunt, he is one of the nicest guys she has ever met and is probably the best boss she has ever had.

There was this one time my aunt hitched a ride with the CEO to a business event, at a mall, where they struggled to find parking.

They eventually found a spot that’s about to be vacant and so as any normal courteous person would do, they waited a few feet away from the Civic that was backing up and had their turn signal on indicating that they found the spot first.

The Civic was almost out of their spot when they see a BMW M3 pull up by the spot and waited on the opposite side of where my aunt was.

The Civic finally leaves the spot and lo and behold, the M3 swerves in and takes the **** spot.

Two teeny looking ********** exit the vehicle and snickered at the CEO driving. The CEO politely told the kids something along the lines of “Hey, I found the spot first. I would appreciate it if you could look for your own spot”. The kids laughed and told the CEO “Sorry man, too slow”, then walked away from the parking spot towards the mall entrance.

The CEO paused and calmly told my aunt to exit the vehicle. Now, I think it’s important to mention that the CEO was driving a big vehicle – something like an old Range Rover according to my aunt.

My aunt got off the vehicle. The CEO suddenly backed up a bit and RAMMED the parked M3 onto the wall it was facing, smashing both the front and the rear of the German sedan. The sound of the collision caught the attention of the two kids and they quickly ran back to the scene.

My aunt and the kids were stunned. The CEO asks my aunt to hop back in. The kids, still stunned, while the CEO says “Sorry, too rich”, throws his business card at the kids, and drives away like a ******* boss.

A few weeks after the incident, my aunt asks the CEO if ever he had to pay for damages. The CEO said “Yeah I did pay for damages. But the faces of those kids after I totaled their car was priceless.”SourceSource

11. He Should’ve Just Had The Windows Fixed, But Now He’s Out Thousands Of Dollars


Thought you could get away with avoiding extra costs? Nope!

“Keeping things vague in this post on purpose. –

My girlfriend and I moved into a house that had several broken/cracked windows held together with tape.

The rest of the house was great and in perfect condition. The landlord promised to fix them ASAP. He kept promising to fix them month after month, with no action being taken. After 6 months I began recording his phone calls and had recorded him threatening to have us evicted if we got a lawyer – which is highly illegal in my state (landlord cannot retaliate against a tenant for getting a lawyer.)

So, we got a lawyer and provided him with the recordings and pictures of the windows.

We also contacted the City code enforcement Dept and reported some minor code violations that we noticed throughout the house.

At this time, I worked for a medium-sized payroll and corporate compliance company that happened to do the payroll for the company that my landlord was the president of. Because of this, I could see exactly which laws he was breaking due to state and federal human resource and labor law regulations. For example, he did not have a company handbook, labor board posters displayed and didn’t have various federal compliance reporting measures in place.

Being in the industry, I knew the minimum fines for the slew of violations his company had would be about $730k due to the length of time they had been operating without these requirements in place for his business. So I reported his company to the appropriate regulatory committees knowing perfectly well that when **** hit the fan, they would look to him for answers.

I didn’t hear anything regarding his company violations for some time while the legal negotiations continued between my lawyer and his.

In the meantime, the code department issued a $10k fine for the code violations including the windows and required him to fix the windows. Now, anyone who knows windows knows you shouldn’t replace one window at a time, especially when you have numerous bay windows in the house. This required him to replace windows in the entire house which ended up costing ~$6k as there are lots of windows in the house.

The legal negotiations ended after the windows were replaced.

In my state, due to a clause listed in the lease, I was able to bill the landlord for my legal fees to fight him on this issue. Add $5k.

We are now at $21k USD in costs incurred by the landlord for these windows.

A couple of months go by and I notice he’s no longer on the company payroll (again I worked for the company that did his payroll and compliance for his company) – when I called his company to verify we shouldn’t be paying him, I was informed there were “organizational changes” due to fines brought against the company for a number of violations.

When all was said and done the landlord paid $21k out of pocket directly for the windows and it cost him his job and his company at least $730k in federal and state violations. It didn’t cost me a dollar in the end.

I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome.” orangemen0000

10. I Was Fired For Being Sick, Now They’re Making Minimum Wage


“So this happened during the beginning of my senior year of high school, I was balancing out Football, School, and Work.

I worked at a convenience store chain that’s only around in my region of the country (USA). I had an incompetent store manager. She was lazy, never wanted to do work and, all the store associates including the assistant manager were always stuck cleaning up her mess. She took two-hour lunches and always thought it was appropriate to leave her shift early.

For some reason and I’ll never understand why, but she did not like me for whatever reason.

A good example was her writing me for using my cell phone on the floor when it was my mother calling me asking when to pick me up (didn’t have my license when this was going on), or the time she gave me **** for not fully stocking the fridge. Now she came in early in the morning and I would usually come in at the end of her shift because I had school and football practice, then there was nightshift after me.

She would come in the morning and see the fridge not fully stocked. This is just an example of how much of an idiot she really was and, how she should be giving the nightshift guys write-ups for that but no I was her main target.

Now I had gotten very sick one weekend and had called into work to that I couldn’t come in that day. None of the managers or assistant managers were in so the team lead took my message.

(Looking back at it, I should blame him more than my idiot manager). I assume he never told the managers I was out because come the next week I had a football game on Saturday and I usually work Saturdays and when I had gotten that job earlier that year I gave her my football schedule so she wouldn’t put me on for that day. My boss calls me Friday night telling me I need to come into work Saturday because I missed work the previous week, and no call no show is automatic termination.

I told her I did call in but she didn’t believe me so instead of her telling me I was fired I said, I quit right there, on the phone. So I guess she didn’t fire me but fired me. I don’t know

Now to the revenge…..

I already had plans to get her fired or demoted. Either one would have made me happy. Over the course of that month prior to my departure, I had taken video and pictures of how bad she had that store running.

By the time I had gotten to my shift I had taken pictures of, filthy floors and bathrooms. Flies all around the food assembly area. Associates on their phone even the manager herself playing games or whatever right on the floor. Basically showing how she kept her store a wreck during her shift and I was left to clean up the rest.

I ended up sending this all the way up to our regional manager (she was banging our district manager if I sent it to him it would’ve gotten buried) and I got a response back that the situation would be handled accordingly.

District manager ended up getting fired due to incompetence and he was also under fire initially for ****** assault allegations from other store workers and, my store manager demoted all the way down to a basic store associate.

The icing on the cake was a year later after I quit/got fired. I was working at a warehouse that year after I graduated making almost $20/hr, there was another one of the convenience stores right down the road from my building.

I ended up going there for lunch only to see my old boss getting reamed out by that store’s manager. So with the knowledge that I was making almost 3 times her hourly wage (Store associates only made $8.35/hr) and she was still incompetent at her job. It made me quite happy.” Darth_Xen0

9. Bully Me With A Custody Agreement? You’re Getting Sued Multiple Times


“My ex-husband ‘Brian’ was/is a toxic, controlling narcissist. Classic case. Our divorce was very bitter but I tried to be fair, splitting custody and giving him decision making authority under the assumption that he would be a better father than he was a husband.

Things went well for about a year. I got a new boyfriend who was great to both me and my kids and wanted to be involved in their life. When he found out my new boyfriend ‘Tom’ as going to be attending my kid’s fall festival at school, he went off the deep end.

He abruptly decided he wasn’t going to watch the kids while I worked anymore. He also refused to let my friends or family watch the kids and said he had to meet them first, but then would refuse to do so and claimed he would sue me for going against the custody agreement (since he had decision making authority) if I got a babysitter he didn’t approve.

I lost two days at work scrambling to find any place available, which was difficult because of the school’s location they attend.

He began asking the kids to call him every night, which is fine, but if we were eating or busy doing something and I told him it would have to be later when they call, he would rage and threaten to sue me.

He began asking me at all times where I was with the kids.

One day I went into work for 3 hours to clean up some things I missed due to a storm. I left the kids with Tom since waking them up at 4:30 am seemed needless. When Brian found out, he raged and threatened to sue me.

He threatened to apply for child support even though we split custody. He raged about every little thing. He didn’t bring the kids to the Christmas school play because he knew Tom would be there.

He fought me over medical appointments for the kids and refused to pay his share because ‘he didn’t agree to the appointment’ and of course, would sue me.

He wouldn’t let me have the kids during his time, even to let them attend birthday parties or sleepovers with friends or family. Something we had been doing for each other with no issue.

This went on for about two months before I snapped. I hate when parents are willing to hurt their kids over their own egos.

He kept threatening to take me to court and I was fed up with the empty threat.

So first, I wanted to make sure he couldn’t afford to fight me in court.

Brian was on food stamps. I knew it was only because he was claiming to pay his ex-wife rent (she still owns half the house and he still owed her half the value.). I sent his ex-wife a message asking her if she was getting rent from him and she said no.

I sent that letter to child protective services and they closed his food stamp card and sued him for fraud.

Then his ex-wife turned around and sued him for her value of the house since he was claiming to have been paying her all along.

Then I sued him to modify the custody agreement and take out all the things he was using to try and harass me. I had screenshots of every nasty thing he sent me.

I had a letter typed by his lawyer stating he was looking for another job since I wasn’t paying him and that’s why he couldn’t watch the kids. So if he tried to get child support I could prove he was capable of finding more income. I had medical records and receipts showing I had paid for everything for the last year for the kid’s health needs. I had records of things he said to the kids about me.

I had pictures of them looking filthy when picking them up from his house. I had receipts of everything I had spent on the kids for the past year.

He folded pretty quickly, cannot harass me anymore, and is still paying off his first ex-wife.” PM-me-your-moogles

Another User Comments:

“I’m the Tom in this scenario, and I married a woman with a Brian when the kids were 1 and 2. I raised his kids. And he put us through some of the sh*ttiest circumstances anyone could imagine, though I’m willing to bet you’ve just about seen it all.

“My” kids turn 18 and 19 this year, and I’m just wanting to pop in and tell you that it gets easier as they get older. After they hit a certain age, our Brian’s threats to kidnap them and move them across the country became almost laughable, though when they were too young to know how to memorize our phone number, it was terrifying. I don’t know the ages of your kids but hang in there OP.

He can’t use them as leverage forever, and there is an end to it all, though it may not feel like it sometimes. fistbump” Atillion

8. Say Goodbye To Your Career And Kids


“Several years ago my Mom was seeing this nice man with two kids. My younger brother and I liked the boyfriend himself, but his kids were another story. His kids were entitled jerks that always got what they wanted, constantly stole our toys and were generally a nuisance to be around.

I always tried to be a better person, but my brother and I were constantly getting into arguments with them due to their pettiness.

They weren’t even the worst part of the relationship, the boyfriend’s ex-wife was. From my perspective, I felt that she was the type of person that if “she couldn’t have him, nobody could.” She made my mother’s and our lives ****, constantly filing false complaints about our side of the family generally pointed at my brother and I.

From harassment to claiming I had stolen the son’s toys, (which was the other way around) and going after the boyfriend claiming he was an unfit parent.

Several times she’d try and ruin any plans we had come up with. For example, after spending months planning a trip to New York, last-minute she blew a fuse and demanded we cancel the trip so that she could take her own trip with them. (We had already gotten written agreement from her).

One time she even demanded the older son and I visit a family therapist, after pointing all the blame on me I told my side of the story. It resulted (without the therapist fully implying) that they agreed I was in the right and them storming out of the room.

Among many other reasons, even after my mom and her boyfriend had gotten engaged, the Ex-wife was one of the biggest reasons why Mom had decided to call off the engagement.

Harassment and drama were just too much for us. It broke her heart to do so, but she made us the priority and got us out of that situation.

A few years after the breakup, my small family and I were living happily. I never saw the kids or the dude again. My mom had still kept in touch with the former boyfriend, but after some time apart she’s seen the faults in him too. I was in the 8th grade and living life happily.

That was until the Ex-wife stepped into gym class one day. Apparently, since the breakup, she had gotten her teaching degree and became a substitute teacher. She was now replacing our normal gym teacher who was on maternity leave as well as acting as the assistant teacher for our ************* Education class. Basically, I now had to see her pretty much every other day for the rest of the school year.

At first, she didn’t recognize me.

Puberty had hit me hard, changing my appearance drastically especially for someone who hadn’t seen me in like five years. Eventually, she recognized my name and that’s when the harassment began anew. All of it was snide remarks about my appearance. Constantly pointing me out as an example as to what puberty can negatively do to you (pimples, ****** hair, voice cracking that sort of stuff) to the class as if I was the only one dealing with it.

The main health teacher didn’t know about it either. Basically everyone in the 8th grade was taking ****** Education at the same time. It was technically one extremely large class but split up into male and female groups, and wasn’t I lucky that the Ex-wife got the male half (mine)

I told my mom about it immediately and she was livid. She sent multiple emails to the school requesting that they switch teachers or at least let me take the class online.

It all fell on deaf ears until with the help of the Ex-boyfriend, we showed them dozens of emails, phone calls, and messages all spouting harassment at my family and I.

This resulted in her being fired from the school and basically being blacklisted from our school district and the surrounding area. If she wanted another teaching job she would have to find it elsewhere. This resulted in a major legal battle between her and the Ex-boyfriend because she had tried to move out of state with the kids without his nor the court’s permission.

Apparently, she lost custody of the kids and had to go back to her old job (Don’t know what it was).

All in all, it was an interesting experience. We cut all ties with that entire family after the whole ordeal and went on with our lives. I’m now a Sophmore in college waiting out the lockdown in my state. While my mom still hasn’t had a long term relationship since then but she’s happier than she’s been in a long time.” Arcinbiblo12

7. My Boyfriend Cheated On Me, So I Slept With His Sister


I’m sure this was a plot twist for him for sure!

“Part 1: Exposition

This took place roughly 2 years ago, at the twilight of my senior year of high school.

It was early May and our graduation was set for early June, so with most of our brains switched to summer mode and our teachers fresh out of ****,* my friends and I finally fell in line with the majority of our class and started ditching.

Our friend group consisted of a handful of minor characters in addition to my boyfriend of 3 years: “Kyle”, my best friend since middle school: “Sarah”, myself, and a recent inclusion: “Brad”, who, not gonna lie, was and is a bit of a White Knight.

Kyle belonged to a Christian family. No, not the nice, charity giving, actually Christian Christians, but rather the homophobic, slur slinging, will kick a homeless guy in the face and then sit in church like a saint Christians. They always went to church every Wednesday and Friday, and while they invited me, I never went due to being a) an Agnostic, b) a closeted bisexual, and c) almost physically sick from their hypocrisy. They never really liked me because of this.

They also were entitled. It wasn’t evident until they got into trouble. You see, they helped organize the Church’s funding (grants, donations, charity, maintenance, etc), which put them pretty high on the pecking order. The Church, while not the centerpiece of our part of town, still claimed A LOT of the district’s authority figures as patrons. It was the sort of unofficial institution that sneaks its way into politics without ever being directly involved. So whenever they got pulled over or issued a parking ticket, they’d drop a couple of names and dodge the whole thing.

Kyle himself was decent. I’d known him since elementary school, he was usually nice, and he was hot (shallow, I know, but it was high school), so I tolerated his idiotic and oftentimes narcissistic behavior (they treated him like God’s gift to Earth). But it was his sister, “Charlie”, who redeemed the whole family. She was a year younger than Kyle and I and was the only genuine Christian in the group. However, she also had an impish streak in her that led to some fun hi-jinx.

You could always tell she’d had a devilish epiphany with this little half-smile she’d make. We’d often hang out and she was a blast to be around. We were very close, and she often confided in me about stuff she couldn’t tell her family. To me, a great friend. To them, the perfect little Christian daughter.

Sarah was a really good friend who had helped me through the passing of my mom. I wasn’t diagnosed with depression or anything major, but I loved my mama to pieces and it shattered me.

She and Kyle were always there for me and she was the one who pushed me to ask him out. I trusted her about as much as any teenager could.

One fateful Tuesday, Kyle, Sarah, myself, and our mutual friends headed downtown to get food, skate, and generally do stereotypical annoying teenage stuff. Getting bored of our current activities, I asked Kyle if he wanted to race on our boards to the end of the street (it was just past the lunch rush so most people were either back in their offices or stuck in traffic).

He accepted and about 30 seconds and a loose flagstone later I ended up planting my face into the sidewalk and fracturing my arm. I tried to shake it off but no one else was having it, considering I was walking like a newborn deer and my arm was beginning to swell. We ended up making a visit to the ER where they confirmed that yes, I did have a fractured arm, and a concussion to boot.

The concussion was my ******* tax.

It wasn’t too big a deal as far as accidents go, but considering my sorry state, they wanted me to stick around so they could do a few more tests, brace my arm, and generally just ensure that I was healthy enough to return to my *******ery. Thankfully, Kyle and Sarah had offered to stay with me, because apparently their parents didn’t care, and we were already ditching so school the following day wasn’t a big issue.

I ended up spending the night in the hospital (the hospital had been understaffed for years, so once your condition was deemed stable they tended to shove you into limbo) and went home the following day with the usual concussion orders. Effectively I was to become a vegetable for 10 days. Wanting to get back to my recently attained freedom I complied, meaning I spent about 7 days sleeping and eating. I only picked up my phone after the doctor cleared me, to which I found an unexpected message.

Part 2: The Act

Brad had gotten my number from Kyle, and sent me a link to a private data storing account (one of those services where you can upload videos, pictures, etc and lock it behind a pass-code for personal use only) and a password. I, being intrigued by this sudden plot hook in my boring life, followed it to find literal GIGABYTES of pictures, all showing Kyle and Sarah in compromising positions and captions hollering things that were definitely not beneficial to their relationship with the Lord.

I’m talking everything from individual nudes taken from the Chat of Snaps to full-on money shots and everything in between. It looked like an “adult” album. The most recent of which was dated to, as you probably guessed, that Tuesday evening.

Brad explained that Kyle had this whole thing where he’d upload videos of him and Sarah doing it for his close circle to watch. I personally would’ve simply used P*rnhub like a normal human, but Kyle had always been a little self-infatuated so I wasn’t too surprised at this Narcissus level move.

Brad had apparently just been included and was sickened by the whole thing.

For context, in our 3 years of seeing each other, the furthest Kyle and I had gone was a BJ after a football game that January. He spewed BS about “saving it for marriage” while d*cking down my BFF.

I. Was. Shattered. The two people I had placed my unconditional trust in had, without my knowledge, been taking turns pounding that trust away, all the while being fully aware of their importance in my life.

I confronted Kyle about this when we next hung out at his place, and he denied everything at first. Said I was being a paranoid ****.* When I showed him the evidence, he involved his parents, who started claiming I PHOTOSHOPPED the photos and videos, and threatened that they would report me for making such explicit underage content (Sarah and Kyle had only just turned 18 the past September). Knowing the police would prove me right, but not wanting to tank Brad for possession (our city had been throwing the book at people for this for years) I dropped it and left.

I thought we’d broken up, but apparently his parents insisted we stay together until after graduation to save face with his extended family. Apparently they knew deep down he was guilty, but the usual entitled parent tendencies flared up. Not wanting to make waves (yet) I reluctantly complied and began regressing into my earlier negative mental spaces.

Part 3: The Revenge

The funny thing about religious families is that they are just as prone to producing LGBT children as non-religious ones.

Kyle had avoided the “sickness.” Charlie hadn’t.

Not one week after our argument, I was at Kyle’s house, helping him keep up the act. We hardly interacted, so I turned to Charlie for companionship. This typically happened when Kyle and I would get into fights, as Charlie’s chill demeanor and deep concern often led me to confide in her, sometimes with things I didn’t even share with Sarah. This, being the biggest “argument” of our relationship, was no different.

While we were chilling in her room, she started to get really antsy. Her normal bubbly demeanor was gone. Contrary to your typical homosexual, I didn’t have a strong gaydar, so I assumed she’d learned of Kyle’s infidelity.

Well yes, but actually no.

I asked her what was wrong and she said she had a secret to spill. I wasn’t really in the mood for drama or comforting, but it being Charlie I let her go.

In what has yet to be the second biggest surprise of my life, she told me about how she’d been in the closet for years (14 or 15 was when she first started figuring it out), and apparently, for a long time, she’d been trying to get closer to me because I was the only person she truly felt comfortable around.

Her family was almost stereotypically homophobic and really only approved of her church friends. She was jealous of Kyle and our relationship but thinking I was straight and not wanting to rock the boat she resigned herself to her angsty teenage heartache. That was until the HMS Relationship struck an infidelity iceberg and she figured she could finally shoot her shot.

Now, given any other circumstance, I would’ve said heck no. We’d known each other for over a decade, and I’d been seeing her brother for 3 years.

It would’ve been scummy and Charlie was practically a sister to me at this point. But then the ***** started rushing and the lizard brain started screaming for payback. I’ll spare the details for her privacy, but one woo-hoo later she and I were enjoying the afterglow when the gears really started turning.

I felt like ***.* I knew what I’d done was wrong, but given my current situation, I frankly didn’t care about that. I more so felt bad for Charlie.

At the time, my feelings were twisted and painful, and I thought I didn’t really like her that way, so I thought I’d just one-and-doned the only non-family member who I still trusted. She caught on to the vibe I was giving off and ended up talking me out of some bad thoughts while we got dressed and said our goodbyes.

We ended up continuing the relationship after that. For her, she finally got to be with her longtime crush, and I got an escape.

When the day of graduation came and went, we maintained the charade until both our families, as well as their church group, went over to their place for a massive dinner celebration and commemorative slideshow.

Now I’d known about this event since the fall and hadn’t thought too much of it until the incident. During our fling, Charlie had been pushing me out of my slump and towards thoughts of vengeance. Apparently, her parents had been spreading rumors to their church group that I had been cheating on Kyle, and they were saying that after the dinner, he was going to dump me.

In front of an entire crowd that included MY FAMILY.

I didn’t really care about myself, but my dad had gotten a lot of flak for remarrying after mom died. Some of it even came from me, but having the perspective of age and distance I got over it. I was not about to have him publicly embarrassed by some sh*theads who thought they blessed the ground they walked on. Before, it was just petty high school drama.

But this was no joke. My dad worked for the District Rep’s office. The District Rep grew up at that church. It was part of his “one of the people” persona. A few choice words my dad’s job would be history. Guess Kyle’s parents in their malignancy never thought that part through. Or maybe they did and I’m giving them too much credit. Either way, this was now personal.

So Charlie, being her impish self, began scheming.

She was loved by the Church group, so it was easy for her to get the role of prepping the slideshow. She even gave a whole speech about how she couldn’t wait to “finally give her brother and his friends the recognition they deserved.” She then began compiling the videos and photos from the account Kyle had made (dumba*s hadn’t changed the password), alongside screenshots of their conversations in a group chat they had (she got those by “borrowing” his phone, making a “call” and sending the screenshots to her phone before deleting them from the message history) and integrated them into a slideshow.

It was structured so that a slide would pop up with a bunch of pictures of the boy in question alongside their favorite bible quote. Then the next few slides would include the screenshots of their respective conversations and whatever pictures they had listed as their favorites (censored and from after they had turned 18 for obvious reasons). Altogether this slideshow took Charlie days to compile, but not once did she complain or ask for a break.

She was on a mission, and alongside being hot in its weird way, it was also shifting my perspective on our relationship.

So the night comes and we’re all sitting around the table, making small talk and putting on our best fake smiles. Several church families are giving me smug “you’re gonna get what’s coming to you” looks, but I shrugged them off and stuck with my family for most of night. Charlie and I avoided each other to ensure no one got suspicious.

Finally, the moment of truth came. Everyone was called into the backyard where they had rows of chairs set up in front of a massive projector. Charlie portrayed her best innocent little sister act before starting the soundtrack.

The slides began to roll, and people began to gasp and yell in tune to Good Old Days by Macklemore. Seeing the looks on Kyle and his family’s faces as they realized what was happening was priceless. In turn, each boy was brought onscreen and put on blast, and each time everyone was too busy recovering from the whiplash to stop it.

The few that did tried to grab Charlie’s laptop, but she quickly scooped it up and ran into the house, locking herself in a bathroom (the projector was wireless). No one thought to turn off the projector. Idiots.

Finally, after almost five minutes of bible quotes and nudes, the boy of the hour was put on screen. His quote: Hebrews 13:4 “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.” It was intended to create the setup for my humiliation.

Oh how the turntables.

A handful of videos played showing his 18+ exploits, alongside screenshots of the rows of content he had made, with texts from back to the summer of 2017 implying the length of his fling. It hurt to watch, but I found my solace in the sweet nectar of vengeance laid before my eyes. Finally came the last slide, a blank white page with a single audio file link. Even I was confused at this part, seeing as audio wasn’t included in our plans.

Charlie crept back outside and clicked play, and Kyle’s parents’ voices came screaming through the speakers. Apparently, Charlie had recorded their entire humiliation plan in detail and had added it to the slideshow as evidence of my impending setup. The girl had covered all bases, and when the show ended, she stood next to the projector beaming that devilish half-grin.

It took a few seconds for anything to happen. Kyle and his family beat a hasty retreat to the house, but the party is at their place they had nowhere to go.

Several church members conveyed their disgust at Charlie, Kyle, and the boys in equal measure for the event. She ignored them, called out to her parents, and waited for them to peep their heads out. When they did, she quickly planted a massive kiss on my cheek and pronounced herself as gay. Needless to say, that didn’t go down well. My parents and I left in a hurry, and Charlie, now in deep ***,* came with us.

Part 4: The Aftermath

Charlie and I have been seeing each other since. As you probably guessed, her family cut ties with her, so she ended up crashing at my place. My stepmom wasn’t too pleased with how she’d gone about my revenge, but my dad thought it was hilarious. He collected his $20 from my stepmom (they’d had a bet over when I’d come out, apparently) and argued on our behalf for Charlie to stay. After all, they had an interesting first impression, and there was no risk of pregnancy.

To top it off, it was the perfect way for them to spite Kyle’s family after they’d trashed my reputation and tried to make me an outcast. He caught some jokes and snide remarks at work for the next few weeks, but given the circumstances and the fact I was a teenage daughter (apparently we’re prone to bouts of roguishness), he got off. No harm.

As for Kyle? Well, his family got barred from their church after his collection came to light, which caused them to fall from local grace.

They lost the ear of local officials, and the various name drops they’d been using to avoid various fines and penalties caught up to them. Last I heard from Sarah they had moved to the next state over and Kyle was living sexless in his parent’s basement, squeaking by at a community college.

Sarah and I made up eventually. It took a lot of apologizing and no small amount of groveling on her part, but not wanting to resent her for the rest of my life I got over myself and allowed her back in.

We’re not as close as we used to be, but that trust is slowly growing back. Let’s just hope she keeps her stuff in her pants this time.

Charlie and I lived together until I went off to college, where we’ve been long-distance since. She managed to get into a school two hours away, so we often spend weekends at each others’ dorms or somewhere in between, doing our typical hedonistic thing. It’s taken me some time to fully recover.

As cathartic as our revenge felt, it did little to truly bring me solace. Despite the implications of this story, I had a really deep connection with Kyle, and while it’s easy to write off as teenage drama, it still scarred me. My family and Charlie have helped me rebuild. Our relationship may have begun unconventionally, and could certainly be classifiable as “trashy”, but we don’t care. We’re happy, and I have a girl who’s gone above and beyond for me.

Not everyone can say that.” FutureButterscotch9

6. She Refused To Cancel School On Snow Days, So We Sued And Won


Safety always comes first. She learned the hard way.

“Both my children attended elementary school in the northern midwest. As you can imagine, it snowed. A lot. Even with all the snow removal infrastructure, when a particularly heavy storm came along, the town just couldn’t keep up with it, and the buses couldn’t run. For decades, the school district dealt with this by having five snow days built into the calendar.

If they had more than five snow days, the kids would go an extra day(s) at the end of the year. For years, this system worked, and no one ever complained, except the occasional child that had to attend a couple of extra days in June.

Well, all good things must eventually come to an end. The old, mild-mannered super retired. A new super took his place. She was young, aggressive, and almost immediately reviled by everyone in the district.

Let’s call her Sue because that’s what we ultimately did to her.

Sue came right out of corporate America. I don’t know how she got it in her head that she wanted to run a school district, but she did. She was so inexperienced that the school board had to give her a waiver to work in our district before she could even show up for work. When the year started, Sue went on a power trip that made everyone’s heads spin.

She slashed hours for support staff. Barred children from repeating a grade without her personal approval (wat). “Cracked down” on teachers taking sick time, until the union pointed out that she was violating the CBA by doing that. Backed off a little but vowed to “go after” any staff taking sick time. Stopped the weekly trip to the fitness center by the special needs class.

She was like a cartoon villain.

But what’s important to this story– she ended the decades-old snow day system.

I took the days right out of the calendar and said we wouldn’t be needing them, as she was “cracking down” on snow days.

Here’s how snow days work: the transportation department keeps an eye on the roads. If they are unsafe, or even if they are safe but the forecast is looking crazy for later, they tell the super they can’t safely run the buses. The super then cancels school. It’s really supposed to be the transportation department’s call.

Well, Sue decided that she is the sole arbiter of deciding cancellations, so even if transportation says it’s not safe to run the buses, she can say “tough ***.”* Which she did. Often.

As you can imagine, this led to a lot of awkward and even dangerous situations. Buses not being able to access rural roads. Buses running an hour late. Buses running their entire route completely empty because no sane parent would send their kids to school in a whiteout blizzard.

For two years we parents tolerated this dumbf*ckery, but needless to say, we were frustrated. We tried going through the proper channels. Contacting the transportation department, writing to the school board. We even wrote a collective letter to Sue personally. Who, if the rumor is true, spit on our letter and tossed it in the bin. Though we did get a nice message on the school department website about how they are always thinking about the safety of the students, so that’s nice I guess.

Things finally boiled over the winter of that second year. A bus went off the road. Though my kids were not on it, it shook me up. There were numerous complaints on the school’s Facebook from scared and disgruntled parents. Two years of being the only district open in the county during storms were getting on everyone’s nerves.

My sister in law is a criminal defense attorney. I am a disability advocate with a state agency, so while I’m not an expert on the law like my SIL, I tend to know my way around.

We met for dinner and decided that, if and when the inevitable tragedy happened, we would sue. We met a couple more times to work on our game plan. You can’t sue a school district for making dumb snow day decisions, but if a kid gets hurt…

The day finally came in the late autumn of the third year of Sue. We had a big storm roll through in the early morning hours. Not cold enough to snow or freeze, thankfully, but extremely windy.

Most of the county lost power, including the schools. Thousands of outages. Power lines down, trees down, roads closed… It was a mess. All the districts in the county closed.

All of course, except ours. Sue was never one to turn down a chance at a power trip. She ordered the schools to stay open.

It was a disaster. Buses couldn’t access every road to pick up students. Buses were late. Individual schools were putting out bulletins that attendance was the parents’ choice, students unable to make it to school would receive a Principal’s Excused Absence, stay home if it’s the safer choice.

Bear in mind that all the schools were running on generators. So the high schoolers (who start an hour earlier) were sitting in the gymnasium bored. There was literally no point in having school this day.

Then, the inevitable happened– a tree fell and hit a bus. And this time, my daughter was on it. Thankfully, the driver did a good job of evacuating the children and there were only minor injuries. But injuries nonetheless– all because of Sue’s absurd no cancellation policy.

Some ambulances showed up. Four kids went to the hospital as a precaution. It made the news.

It was time.

The district sent forms to all of the parents of injured children: they would cover all medical costs and provide counseling for the kids in the guidance office, AND a small cash settlement, in exchange for the parents signing a release of liability (“you can’t sue us”).

But my SIL and I had gotten to the parents first and advised them not to sign ANYTHING, as we were taking the district to big boy court.

Some of the parents did take the settlement offered, which is understandable since not everyone likes drama. But some didn’t. Some told the district right where to shove that settlement. I was one of them.

SIL and I got together with a couple of the injured parents that were sick of the district’s nonsense. We got our paperwork in a row and filed a suit. We filed the suit so fast that our hands burst into flames.

(The essence of the suit was that the district had failed their duty of in loco parentis by making unsafe transportation decisions, directly causing the crash and injuries.)

My SIL also pulled some strings at the local newspaper and got our lawsuit a small spot on the front page. Parents came out of the woodwork to express their support. They were frustrated after years of Sue’s authoritarianism. It turned into a small media circus, and I’m sure some Redditor will Google this and find something.

Well, the district’s lawyers got to work and quickly really that this was going to be a mess. A discovery process pulling up dirt, the parents of the injured children testifying, the general hatred of the district… Not to mention it appeared that they would, indeed, lose. They moved to quickly and quietly settle this case. They basically sat down with us and said: “name your price.”

And while I cannot discuss the details of the settlement, let’s just say that all injured parties were made whole.

Also, the district changed their cancellation policy immediately. Now, if there was even a hint of snow or icy weather, they canceled. A welcome change of pace.

As for Sue, she became very quiet. She used to spend all day sending aggressive emails about her “policies.” Now, hardly a peep. All she did the rest of the year was fill the seat. As summer approached at the end of the year, Sue announced her resignation. She was leaving to “pursue other interests.” We think she was asked to resign.

She was replaced by a superintendent who was much nicer 🙂 He rolled back all of Sue’s power trippy policies.” tranquil-potato

5. They Destroyed Our Tree, So We Destroyed Their Driveway


“Full disclosure: this happened almost five years ago, so my memory of this is a little fuzzy at times. However, the major player here confirmed that it’s “accurate enough to get the story across,” so I’m going with it. It’s also kinda lengthy, so there’s a tl;dr at the end.


Our house is old. It is really old. It’s older than the town; it’s older than Confederation. The house was originally built by a merchant from the area like 200 years ago. It’s old. With its age comes a very big property line, and apart from a couple adjustments here and there to account for infrastructure and housing development, it’s basically unchanged from a hundred years ago. It rarely ever comes up here, but in any dispute relating to property lines, the official town plan takes precedent; and our property line crosses over into our neighbors’ property.

This will be important later.

And now for the two major players in this tale: Our ***** ***********neighbor, who we will call… Lumpy. He’s just the worst; he ran an illegal chop-shop in his backyard and seemed to be extremely afraid of trees. He also always took a two-week long vacation in summer, and it was always at the end of July – this part is also important later. The other one is my dad. At the time he was in Government Oversight, but before that, he was in the Department of Justice, and his major responsibilities included training Crown attorneys.

This included the Attorneys General. In the pecking order, Dad was actually pretty low, but the Crown knew and respected him, and they were keenly aware that Dad knew the law inside and out; if there was anything even remotely resembling a legal dispute, Dad was almost always in the right with his argument.

Now we begin our tale:

The Slight

The line between our yard and Lumpy’s was pretty clear: our side was grass, protestant lilies, shrubs, and trees; his was a gravel driveway.

Before the incident, there was a large Manitoba maple tree growing there. It was very old, but grew in such a way that it blocked just enough sunlight to have a pleasant level of light going through the window. We had no intentions of ever removing it – maybe trim it a little if it got too close to the windows.

However – some lower branches were sagging onto Lumpy’s driveway, so he asked if he could cut down some of the lower branches so that his car wouldn’t get damaged when he drove in and out.

It was a fair enough request, and he did ask permission first, so we told him to get a landscaper and a quote because we sure as heck weren’t going to let Lumpy do it, and were okay paying for that. A couple of days later we were all on a day trip somewhere, and when we got back, Lumpy comes over and tells us not to worry about the landscaper because he “took care of it.” Red flags were waving at that statement.

So we went and checked the tree – b*stard cut the entire tree down. Then, to add insult to injury, he painted the stump with some sort of weird grey stuff. Don’t know what it was, but it had to have been toxic as ***, because nothing ever grew on that stump again – not even fungi.

So we’re understandably p*ssed off, but unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about it because there’s no proof. So now we’ve got a stump that was once a beautiful tree, a smug neighbor, and seemingly no course of action to take.

Dad didn’t accept that scenario, and he had a plan.

The Plan

As I said earlier, Dad knew the law inside and out – so he began to plan things out. He made a few phone calls to the town’s civil architect, a couple of inspectors, the local landscaper Lumpy was going to get that quote from, and a contractor. He visited city hall and got a copy of the official town plan – which, remember, is the final word on property lines.

He had everything arranged, and now he began to wait.

The Revenge

Like clockwork, Lumpy went on vacation, and the plan was enacted. Over the course of two weeks, we expanded. We rebuilt our fence to new dimensions; re-arranged the shrubs; dug up the gravel driveway and put fresh dirt and grass over it; and planted a weeping willow in a spot where, as it grew, would always hang, and shed, into Lumpy’s yard.

With the expanded fence and shrubbery, Lumpy’s driveway was a small strip of pavement, maybe half a meter wide, the fence placed an old, dying maple and a hawthorn on our side, but because of how the two trees grew, most of it was on Lumpy’s side.

The key point is that the placement of the trunk dictates whose property it’s on, so it’s our tree that he can’t touch, no matter how annoying or destructive it is. With the new dimensions, the chop-shop he was running was now on our side of the fence – but because it was illegal, it was just scrap metal as far as the law was concerned. So we sold it to a local scrapyard.

By the time Lumpy came back, our yard had expanded almost three meters into “his” yard, and waiting for him was Dad, the civil architect, and a lawyer with a stack of documents outlining, in full detail, that what they did was 100% legal, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it.

Aftermath. Lumpy apparently tried to press charges, something along the lines of trespassing, or destruction of property, or something ridiculous like that. I had moved out of town at the time, so I don’t know for sure what happened, but I like to think the judge just threw the case out. Like I said, everything was above board and completely legal.

What I DO know he did was tear up part of his lawn and put in a new driveway – he still had room for it, but it also cut his lawn in half, and he had to pay to have the sidewalk adjusted into a ramp.

Also because the town was paying attention now, he had to have it done properly, with like, asphalt, and stuff, instead of gravel-like before. He’s also apparently planning to move out and rent the property to others.” AustSakuraKyzor

Another User Comments:

“What was the reaction of that sucker?” MrHupfDohle


“I didn’t see it, but Dad described it as a combination of sputtering silent rage and rapidly dying inside.” AustSakuraKyzor

4. My Bully Pretended To Be Buddy-Buddy With Me, So I Got Them Fired


Nobody likes a two-face.

“So this one happened quite a few years ago, started somewhere in 2002 and ended in 2005.

I’ve been positively diagnosed with PDD-NOS, a form of Autism which doesn’t really affect my IQ levels but does require some assistance in day to day living and because people in school are varied hard on anyone that doesn’t fit inside the mold of ‘normal’ I was always being bullied. so I got transferred to a special school that while not targeted to people like me, was very strict on their Anti-bully measures. Not that it helped much but at least there were provisions for my autism issues.

I was 15 when I transferred to that school, and right away I got targeted by the head bully there. Let’s call him Kyle, not his real name obviously. While the school as I mentioned had strict anti-bully measures, that just made Kyle get creative on the bullying, so he took to bullying with words. Whoever coined the phrase ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me’ has obviously never been under the effect of name-calling or harmful words for some 3 years long.

Comments about my looks, comments about what I’m wearing, comments about well anything you can put a negative spin on reality. Day in and day out. The final straw came when I started wearing an old golden ring that I inherited from my grandpa who had died just before I started wearing it. Kyle had this nice little phrase “Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it is and stays an ugly thing. ” Avery cold reply of “this was my grandpa’s ring, who died recently” only got him and his peanut gallery friends to start laughing at me.

When that happened, I just couldn’t take anymore and dropped out of school and entered the workforce at age 17, no degrees or anything to my name.

Now fast forward a year. At the company I started working at, I was often helping out the head electrician. We were short on several female type 3 prong XLR connectors, they are used often in audio equipment, mainly stage microphones. Our usual supplier was closed at the moment and we needed them today.

So I went down to the local general electronics parts store as I knew that they had them there.

When I entered the store I spot Kyle, standing behind the counter while playing Snake on his old Nokia cellphone. At the time of walking in the store and seeing him, my thoughts didn’t really turn to get back at him or the unprofessional on display there. I just wanted to get the parts I needed and get back to work.

Browsing around the store, I couldn’t find the connector I need. They have the male versions, but I need the female version. I guess I have no choice but to interact with Kyle now.

The following conversation is from memory.

“Hey there,” I say in a kind tone as I walk up to the counter and when Kyle looks up I put my thumb over my shoulder “I’m looking for female 3 Prong XLR connectors but I can only find the male ones.”

“Right, follow me.” Kyle replies.

He leads me to the back shelf that has the connections I’m looking for, oddly enough there were in the section that carried Vacuum cleaner replacement parts. He taps on the shelf tray that they are in as he passes. Then turns around and goes to lean on the shelves like he’s leaning his arm on the roof of a car. “There they are Female 3 prong XLR connectors” he proclaims proudly like he just cured cancer.

I gave a mental eye roll and give a curt “Thanks” as I glance at the price before taking the number I need.

“Of course, I prefer a different kind of female,” he says with bluster while pulling off a small crotch grab complete with pelvis thrust like he’s Wacko Jacko.

No idea why he felt the need to do this, I can understand if you make such jokes with your buddies, but the fact is, we aren’t buddies as you’ve done nothing but bully for 2 some years.

3 years if I count the year I’ve been off school and you still needed to pick on me when you spotted me going about my day today. And currently, you are representing your boss with that behavior, so my thoughts turn to ‘I’m not going to take this,’ and getting even with him.

I had 5 of the needed connectors in hand already so I put them back and say, “You know what, I don’t need these connectors from this store,.” and walk out with Kyle looking at me confused.

I’m on the clock right now, so I go to another store to get the connectors, with the plan to come back to the store to complain to the owner on my own time.

That afternoon, when I get out of work I go back to the store. Kyle isn’t there anymore but the boss Hank is standing behind the counter. Hank is about 10 years older then me, and we were childhood friends so I greeting him as such.

“Hey Hank, how’s the wife and kids?”

Pleasantries were exchanged and we were just chatting away. The business was slow so he didn’t mind chatting with me but he knows me well enough to know that I don’t just walk into his store for a social visit so he asks me “So OP, what brings you by?”

“Well, it’s about one of your employees, Kyle.”

Hank heaves a heavy sigh. “What’s that moron done now.”

I’m slightly taken aback by that response, and I start telling Hank about what happened.

Playing on his phone while at the counter, not stopping playing it till I asked a question, and then the crass comment and physical display.

“When was this and where in the store?” Hank asked me.

“About 2 o’clock, down by the Female XLR connectors in the vacuum section.” I happily answer.

Hank goes off to his office for a moment and I follow him. he plays back the security tapes one I hadn’t noticed was to the back of me.

It didn’t have great audio and the quality was bad, but it was good enough for Hank to see Kyle grabbing his crotch with his right hand and thrust his pelvis out while his left arm is leaning over the shelves like its a car’s roof.

“Believe me now?” I ask as Hank turns off the take viewer and rubs his eyes.

“I shouldn’t be surprised…” Hank turns to me. “Sorry OP, I normally take you at your word, but this was too stupid to believe.”

“No worries, so… not the first time is it?”

“No, it’s not but it will be the last time, in my store anyway.”


“Definitely Fired.”

Hank spilled the beans on some of the other bonehead things he’s done.

I won’t write down what else he’s been up to, but let’s just say that Kyle has a problem with keeping his head out of the gutter while on the job.

Now dear readers, that’s not the end of it. I wasn’t done getting even. It’s one thing to make someone lose their job, it’s quite another to let them know you were the cause. I had asked Hank if I could be there the next day when he’d informed Kyle that he could go straight back home and never come back.

Hank was fine with it and asked me why. I told him and he could only laugh.

So I called in sick the following day and left really early to be there before opening time. I give Hank a hand with opening preparations and he treats me to some food while we gab about some of the things Kyle’s done to me or here in the store. So 8AM rolls around and there is a tap on the store window.

Its Kyle but Hank is on the phone so he tosses me the key to let Kyle in.

“Why are you here so early?” Kyle asks me in confusion as I lock the door behind him.

“Hank had a bit of a paper snafu with scheduling employees, so I’m just helping him out as a close friend,” I stress the words close friend.

Kyle heads to the back to pick up his company vest with name tag but before he can really do anything, Hank calls him over to the office.

I come back from locking the doors and turning the lights on in preparation for opening and close the door of the office behind me and go to sit down beside Hank like a united front. Kyle is visibly nervous at this point, for all his bluster and acting like the big cheese while he was the head bully, he has never been able to hide when he was nervous, and I just bathe in that as I lean back till its my turn.

Hank starts off with “So I called you in here to let you know that I’m firing you, effective immediately.”

“What! why!?” Kyle exclaims sounding like a little kid at this point rather than a 21-year-old adult. He’s like 3 years older than me, doesn’t really mean much in the end now does it mister bully man.

Hank drops a stack of paper on the table. Despite being a small store with only a few employees, Hank loves his paperwork.

Keeps reports of all incidences at the store for if no other reason then its good ammunition for situations like this. “These are all the incidences caused by you in the store. Every inappropriate gesture, every racist comment, every time you tried to hit on a customer.” Hank takes the top paper in hand. “Every sheet is an incident and you have 30 right here. Oh this one hasn’t been signed yet.” and he places it down before me.

I give a fake “whoops!” and quickly take out a pen and sign it. “Here you go, bud,” I say when I hand it back to Hank. Kyle who’s been white as the sheet I just signed is now getting red in the face.

“What did I ever do to you!?” Kyle almost yells at me.

Hank gives me a ‘be my guest’ gesture so I lean back with a smirk and start to reply.  I berate his professionalism, his manners, and his conduct as an Employee.

When I’m done, Hank caps it off with a, “If someone who doesn’t even work for me knows the proper way of professionalism, manners, and conduct, then you have no excuse for your behavior.”

“But we went to school together!” Kyle whines, totally ignoring Hank.

“Yeah we went to the same school but we weren’t friends. Now Hank? He is my friend from childhood. What sort of a friend would I be if I give someone like you a chance to ruin his business with your behavior?”

“I think we’ve said all we need here.

If you’ll come with me, I’ll give you your pay for the last few days and after that I want you gone to never return.” Hank says as he gets up to lead the way with a meek Kyle following him.

Before Kyle is out of the office door I give a parting shot. “Guess you should have learned manners and restraint instead of how to bully the fat autistic nerd.” Kyle spins around to look at me as I just keep smiling at him.

He opens his mouth once or twice before he shuts it with a click and goes out to Hank.

I stayed the day to help Hank out with running the store in Kyle’s stead. Hank and I had a good laugh about it all during lunch break. And even if I wasn’t making money that day doing so, I felt like a million bucks and I got treated to dinner for my efforts.” Reddit user

3. My Ex-Best Friend Tried To Ruin My Reputation, So I Severely Damaged Her’s


“Back in high school, I had a very small group of friends.

My then best friend, who we’ll call Jenna, was one of the only people who knew a lot about me. Not that I wouldn’t tell people about myself, I just never bothered to unless asked. But Jenna and I would talk about everything and anything we could, as best friends do. We had our ups and downs for sure, but in the end we were inseparable. That is, until “the incident” happened.

To make a long and frankly complicated story short, what happened is that one of my other friends and I wanted to celebrate our birthdays together since we’re a couple days apart.

My friend was best pals with Jenna’s ex, so I asked Jenna if she would be okay to party with her ex there. I said it was fine if she wasn’t, and that we could go out to lunch or do something else. Jenna said it was okay and we had a fun day at the amusement park. Up until about the last hour, where I was in line with Jenna’s ex and a few of our friends while she went to get a locker.

I guess I said something that her ex took as flirting and they kissed me. Literally out of the blue. I wasn’t expecting it, no one else was expecting it- least of all Jenna, who had turned around and was walking back to us at that exact moment. I was absolutely mortified.

I profusely apologized to Jenna, even though everyone in my friend group agreed that I didn’t initiate anything and that I was caught off guard and wasn’t a consenting member.

But Jenna was absolutely livid. At every opportunity she could, she’d bring it up- to invalidate anything I disagreed with her on. It didn’t matter what I said, how often I apologized, how genuine I was, or how sh*tty I felt about it, she kept bringing it up to hang over me. It was a gotcha card in any argument we had, and I eventually got sick of it and told her that, look, I have apologized so many times for an event that wasn’t my fault.

I wanted no part of it, and everyone in our group agreed that it was out of nowhere.

After a while, we drifted apart because she was emotionally abusive towards me, and I finally put my foot down and ended our friendship. Come to find out later though, she was spreading lies and rumors about me to anyone who would listen- that I was an attention wh*re, that I loved drama, that I was a terrible human being who feels nothing, basically she was telling people I was a sociopath with no empathy and an inability to care about other people.

She used a lot of the deep, personal things I had told her against me. She turned people against me before they had even met me. I told them that I was b*tchy and callous and that I was looking for a reason to start drama- which cannot be further from the truth. I actively avoid drama at all costs because I do not have the time or energy to deal with the emotional toll it costs- my parents gave me enough emotional trauma to deal with.

This is when I finally snapped. Because it takes a lot to really get me riled up to a point where I’m gonna do something about it. But I had dealt with her emotional abuse for years, and I finally got sick of it and ended *** between us. But when she made a point to try to ruin my reputation, I finally snapped and had had enough. So I made it a point to do the same *** she was doing to me, but worse and make it seem like I wasn’t doing anything to her at all.

In fact, I played it off like nothing was wrong at all.

She had found another best friend after me, who we’ll call Martha. Martha had just moved from Florida and had no previous knowledge of Jenna or me, but Jenna had turned her against me based solely on her undying thirst to get people to hate me. So I turned my kindness up to an eleven. Martha and I had the same lunch, but Jenna didn’t.

I’d sit and talk to Martha, and lowkey put in little digs about Jenna that I knew Martha had a hard time dealing with. It didn’t take long before Martha and I were best friends and Jenna had to find someone new to associate with.

She moved on to another girl who we’ll call Katherine. The same thing that I did to Martha, I did to Katherine. I found a little bit of irritation and made it grow into full-blown annoyance, nearing hatred.

For some reason, Jenna could not keep a best friend for more than a few weeks before they’d blow up at her and stop talking to her.

This would happen to every single person who would be her “best friend”. She’d befriend them, and I would swoop in and slowly turn them against her by using nothing but truths about her. Unraveling her friendships before they could really take hold with only the issues she would cause herself.

Sometimes these problems would take a little longer to manifest themselves, but I’m a patient person when it comes to these kinds of things. The moment I saw a weakness, I would talk them away from it simply being a minor issue to part of a full-blown problem that they personally had with her. I suppose I’d talk them up, in a way. Rile them up so they’d be the ones to get mad at her without them ever connecting the pieces that it was me who got them there in the first place.

When we eventually graduated, Jenna had no friends and was nearly universally hated. Not that I made up lies about her, everything I did or said was true and based on actual things she said or did that already annoyed person. I just got good at pointing that stuff out and forcing people to re-examine their relationships with her. She could never figure out why no one wanted to be friends with her, or why the people she was briefly friends with would leave her in the dust after a very short period of time.

She had to move out of state for college because she had no friends from high school at home that she could associate with. No one wanted to be around Jenna.

But in truth, all I had to do was point out how poorly she was treating people for them to realize how she was using them. She did most of the work herself. I just shortened the lifespan of her friendships and made it so she got a taste of her own medicine.

Minus the ******* and lies.

This may initially seem a little petty and childish, but I assure you. I cannot express how much her social life was secretly ruined without her even realizing it. She never suspected me because I made sure to never say what annoyed me about her, I’d simply listen for a small bit of information then take it and run with it. People never said it was me who was talking *** because, in their minds, it was their own personal issue.

In reality, I was the one who sent them over the edge.

She believes people just hate her for no reason. Not because she took her anger a step too far and pushed me over my limit.” AegeaonHeights

2. Enjoy Working Alone With No Staff


“This story happened over 20 years ago during the late 90s. I was 17 and had just recently gotten a job as a dishwasher at a local summer camp. This was a large camp that was run by a corporation.

I won’t say the name of the corporation, but there is a very famous song named after them. I had been to this summer camp before as a kid so I knew the layout of the camp. My job started up in the first week of summer (mid-June) so the kids were already there. I had my interview with the acting Kitchen Manager (who we will call Susan), the original manager had just recently left the company and put Susan in charge.

This didn’t seem to bother Susan as she was eyeing for the kitchen manager job that had recently opened. Susan was a sweetheart; she was nice and helped me out with everything. I also interviewed Bob, the camp director as Susan did not have any hiring or firing power (as she was just an acting manager).

The majority of the kitchen staff were also nice and helpful. I made friends with them during the time I worked there.

While there was way more than these people (I remember there being around 10 to 15 kitchen staff members during the summer), I am only going to bring up ones that are important to this story. There was Todd, an older guy who lived only a few blocks from the camp and didn’t have a car so he rode his bike in the morning, who was also a dishwasher, he was my supervisor but also really nice.

Dale, the head cook, had been there for a long time and used to be a cook for the local middle school, Debbie, another cook, Ellie, a kitchen server (later girlfriend), and Boris, a Russian dishwasher who had a sponsorship with the camp as part of their “world view” program. There were 3 other dishwashers (Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest) who I will call “the dummies” but they are not part of revenge, just that there were 3 dishwashers that were the worst.

Nobody got along with them and they couldn’t get fired because Susan was acting manager.

Now, due to the fact that we were located at a camp, the staff had full access to the facilities of the camp. This means that during my breaks or off work if the camp was open, I was allowed to go to the swimming pool, go horseback riding or even boating. As long as I didn’t get in the way of the kids, who had a set schedule, it was full access.

Susan told me this along with the director of the camp, Bob, during my interview. Bob was also a nice man but also kind of weird. This is important later on.

During the summer, this place was wonderful. I would typically start working the lunch shift then have an hour lunch break between lunch and dinner. While I was required by state law for a half-hour lunch, Susan gave me an hour which she did for everyone.

Typically during this hour I would go swimming or play with the horses. One time Bob and I went jet boating around the lake or Ellie and I would make out in the pool. Just typical stuff a teenage boy would do. Most everyone in the kitchen staff loved me, as I was a model employee and helped with just about everything. They loved that they had someone who they could get help with as the dummies would always mess up.

In August, we got the news. The corporation had picked a new kitchen manager and it was someone from outside of the company. Susan was really upset, she had worked so hard for years for this job and the higher-ups picked someone outside of the company. The new manager was named Karen.

The first time we met Karen; she gave a speech about how “new changes are coming” and “we will now work as a team” and was condescending at Susan’s work.

The first thing she did was do a massive clean up to the large walk-in fridges. The strange thing was, she didn’t have the staff do it, but it was (later on we found out) her family cleaning it out. She also hired her husband, Dan, to be the assistant manager, pretty much forcing Susan out.

During this time the camp was starting to transition from a summer camp to an event camp. So the large staff would be cut in half.

This wasn’t a problem normally as people would be leaving for school or other seasonal jobs start opening up. The first people she cut were “the dummies.”  Everyone was happy about that (and that was the only good thing she did) but in the end, all that was left was Ellie, Dale, Todd, Debbie, Boris, a few others, and me. I asked Karen if I could work the weekend (as I had high school) and she agreed since everyone else had wanted to keep me on staff.

Karen then begins her horror, it only took a week but it happened. Her fangs started to show and the power got to her, each person felt the wrath of her. She was one of those people who thinks their farts don’t smell. She would come in late, leave early but yell at everyone for doing the same thing. Everyone had problems with her but here are a few that I remember.

Todd was starting to get written warnings about coming in late.

Karen placed him on the morning shift but he told her that he couldn’t do the morning shift or he would be late as he doesn’t have a car and bikes into work. As the camp is located in a rural area, it doesn’t have street lights and biking in the morning is dangerous. This isn’t a problem during the summer as the sun is up earlier but during the fall and wintertime, it’s not acceptable.

She called him lazy for not having a car and it didn’t matter, she needed him in here.

Dale, the head cook, was starting to get fed up with Karen ordering too little of the food and the wrong food. Having cheaper products and being forced to work with a broken stove. One time he asked her when the stove would be fixed and her response was “fix it yourself, you are a big boy.” So oftentimes we would run out of food for the night and had to make sandwiches for the people.

Ellie got the worst of it. Since we were seeing each other, I found out that she had an eating disorder a few years earlier (she was 2 years older than me) and use to be anorexic. Karen kept calling her “piggy” and “fat” and how she shouldn’t eat all the food in the kitchen. She was upset and crying the whole time when this happened. I confronted Karen about it and she said “she shouldn’t be a sheltered college brat and should just grow up” and “if she has a problem, she should talk to me, not you.”

I also felt the wrath of her too.

She would change my schedule around randomly after posting it. On Friday we would get our schedules for the week. I typically worked Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday because of High School. During the week, she would change my schedule, so I was working on Friday night, she changed it to Wednesday night and then would call saying I missed Wednesday night. Unlucky for her, Dale had my number and called me whenever he found a schedule change but it was getting old quickly.

She would also tell me to do a job then change what to do.

For example, one time she told me to clean the oven, and when I was near finishing up on the job she asks why I didn’t clean the stove and get mad when I said she told me to do the oven. Another example was that she would tell me to mop the floor and Boris would come over and help me out because he had nothing to do and then get on me for Boris finishing my job, even though Boris spoke up and said that he asked her if he could help me and she said yes.

Another example was that she cut my break from an hour to half-hour and not allowing me to use the facilities during my break since I “was only on a break to eat, not play.”

After a few weeks of this (late September), I went to Bob about her and told him everything about what she was doing to us. I found out from Bob that Dale also went to him earlier that week with the same thing.

However, having the spine of a jellyfish he said “I’ll talk with Karen;” then a day later Karen starts getting on us for going to Bob and not her saying, “If you have a problem with me, you come to me, not Bob.” This was the last straw for us, so I talked with the rest of the kitchen staff and we decided that she needed to leave.

During one of my breaks that she wasn’t in the office that day when we were still trying to think of a way to get rid of her, I was eating my dinner in her office (the manager’s office was the only one with AC in it and it was a hot day).

We all had permission to be in her office as it had the keys to the large fridge, tools, the private restroom, and whatnot. I’m eating dinner with Ellie when Boris comes looking for a pen. He was trying to fill out the information so he could go home to Russia (I don’t remember what, just that he was planning on leaving in 3 weeks) and sits down at her desk. He is opening up the desk to find a black pen when he finds a check.

It was a paycheck to one of the dummies, who left a month earlier. It was his final paycheck, highly illegal to withhold a paycheck. Boris showed us the paycheck and then he started to look at the computer that was on her desk. While Karen was a jerk, she was also stupid and left everything unlocked.

There he saw the orders. She was ordering things that we never got into the kitchen or ordering extra stuff.

It turns out that she was ordering more food than we thought, stealing the food and using it for her own personal use. I told Boris that he was looking through her personal files and he said “What are they going to do? Deport me?” We also found out that Bob was getting a kickback from the extra food that Karen was getting in to keep quiet. So it explained why Bob had the spine of a jellyfish towards Karen.

Boris printed out the information and held onto it. This is important later on.

The three of us told Dale about it and he wanted to confront Karen, but Debbie pointed out that she would just deny it and Bob would cover-up. We thought about corporate but we had no connections to corporate and Susan had left the company, who use to have the connections. It then hit on us, in about 3 weeks (mid-October) corporate was going to be having a retreat using the camp.

All the big wigs and high ups were going to be there and we were all scheduled to be at work that day because there was going to be a huge feast for dinner while lunch corporate was going to have grilled burgers and hot dogs. I remember that corporate brought in an outside vendor for the grilled stuff since they were preparing a big feast. Karen was also going to be there to impress the big wigs.

We decided to act on that day but also knew what to do beforehand. It was also going to be Boris’ last day as he was leaving for Russia that night.

So on the day of the feast, all of us show up on time at around noon. The dinner feast wasn’t going to be until 5pm so we had plenty of time to prepare or at least, that what Karen thought. We got there and just sat down around the kitchen and did no work.

We locked the freezer with a different lock (it was only locked with a normal deadbolt lock you can get at the hardware store). The janitor wasn’t going to be in until later in the evening (thanks to Dale telling him about the plan and not to answer the phone) so he couldn’t use his tools to break into the fridge. So we waited. Karen didn’t get in until 4pm with her husband; she looked as if she was ready for a major interview when she saw all of us just standing around.

The stove wasn’t on and cold, the fridge was locked and we were just sitting around.

Karen started to yell and talk about how today is important for her and that she would have our heads for this. So Dale comes up to her and says “We quit.” Karen went full-on deer in the headlights and her mouth was so wide open that you could throw peanuts into it. All of us walked out on her, into our cars and drove away before she could get a word in.

We decided to just quit. After we quit, all of us started to look for jobs, while some had security lined up since we knew that this was going to happen but knew that a major shakeup like this would grab the attention of the big wigs.

I found out a month later when I got a call from Susan, the original acting manager before Karen, asking me if I wanted my old job back. It turns out that Karen called Bob and said her whole kitchen staff just left and they needed to tell the big wigs that the feast was going to be canceled.

She couldn’t get into the fridge with all the food since her key didn’t work and nobody was picking up to help her. She tried to call others that left or were fired but since she was so toxic that nobody wanted to work with her.

The big wigs were not happy, they went right to the kitchen to find out what was wrong and saw that nobody but Bob, Karen and Dan were there without any food cooking.

Boris walks in and Karen starts yelling at him, saying how could he do this to her? Boris then hands the big wigs the printed information he got from Karen’s computer earlier and had made copies of it, gave it to everyone in the room (Boris told me, through email, that he wasn’t sure who was in charge so he gave everyone in the room the information since he figured one of them had to be the head guy) then got into a taxi and went back to Russia.

Corporate started an investigation as soon as that happened. Bob, Karen, and Dan were fired almost right on the spot and not only did they find out about the withholding checks and backdoor deals with Bob but also Bob was stealing money from the camp to support a drug habit. Karen and Bob were arrested for fraud and most likely other things (it has been over 20 years, I don’t remember everything but that one stuck out at me).

Pretty much the whole camp had a shakeup, Susan took over as the manager (got the job she wanted with a pay raise. She did leave after they gave the job to Karen but her new job wasn’t working out) and about half of the staff came back. I did come back too, during the 2 months I was out of work, my parents were helping me out with bills (they forced me to pay for my own car insurance and gas.

My grades were never the best in high school) while this was happening. I came back but only for a month since by that point it was in the middle of winter and it was costing me more in gas to get to work than work was paying me. Dale came back to the job along with Debbie but Ellie and I broke up (it was a “summer love” anyway) as she moved away for college, Todd never came back and works at a local liquor store (at least last I saw him.

I haven’t been in that store in about 7 years).

So what happened now in my current job that caused me to remember this? Well, I got a call from Dan about a month ago recently wanting to do some work for him. However, he lived in another state that we aren’t licensed to do work in and that was pretty much the end of the conversation. I decided to Google search her name but didn’t find much information except some court records about the original case from years ago.

Dan and Karen do not appear to have any social media page or anything that I can find. I honestly don’t care anymore as it has been over 20 years since this happened and I’m much happier at my current job.” Konacha

Another User Comments:

“Why did dan get fired tho? What did he do?” Munchiezzx


“I think that he got fired being the husband of Karen. When I talked with Susan the first time on the phone, she just said she is now the manager and if I wanted my job back.

It wasn’t until I went to the kitchen that I got more detail about what happened that Dan, Karen and Bob lost their jobs after we did our revenge. I’m pretty sure he got fired as a “cleaning of the kitchen staff” due to investigation or Susan fired him if he didn’t. I’m not 100% sure if he got fired due to our revenge or Susan letting him go but I never saw him again and Susan had Debbie as her assistant manager when I returned.

In fact, when I returned the kitchen had such a skeleton staff that Susan was forced to do the dishwashing and cook until they could get back people who walked out on Karen or were fired by her.” Konacha

1. Bully Me For 4 Years? No More Dream Job And Happy Life For You


“So to understand all of what I’m going to write, it’s important to understand that I was bullied heavily in school. I have talked now and again about it here in the past and understanding this is important to understand why this person affected me so much.

After leaving school things started to get better, it took me a while to recover with the help of some great friends.

At one point, I needed to start looking for work. It was 2005 – 06. Things weren’t going so well in the job market around my area and being broke I couldn’t just leave for better pastures so I ended up joining the army instead. It didn’t last (that’s another story), what’s important happened after.

While I was away my friend’s group picked up a couple more nerds for the crew. Among these was a useless bully (or Bully for short). Thing is, is that this guy was a gamer like everyone else for the exception of one large quirk. He was very egotistical and really liked talking ***. It didn’t take long for him to single me out, it really does seem like bullies can sniff out what they call a good target.

He really likes to talk ***, often crossing the line between common bull crappery and real insults.

It was obvious he didn’t seem to like me but for some reason liked having me around. Some of my other friends even noticed and tried getting him to stop but he took it like a badge of honor, even told me so himself once. I’m not going to get any deeper about what he did as its not the point of this story.

So now you ask why did I stick around and why did my friends put up with such a d*uchebag? Well, for one thing, I knew my friends far longer then he was around and they were fine. They themselves weren’t good at conflict and Bully was very smart. He knew exactly what to say to skirt around things if needed. So, part of the time they would enable him and the rest he knew how to manipulate them so they would give a pass.

It was an abuse cycle, he would act like an a**hat one moment and the next to be all nice. In the end, they got too used to this and became a little blind to what he was doing.

But let’s continue. I’ll start with one particular event that started it all. As anyone who knows me knows, I’m a computer geek. I like to work on them, build them and so on, and it’s important to know that so does Bully.

Like a typical bully, he labeled me as incompetent in all things and treated me accordingly. So to him, I am not even a novice, even though by the time I met him I already started building. Enter that key moment.

One night after a night of LOL (League of Legends) I decided to ask the guys something. I asked him and the rest what the L cache was for a CPU. Something I didn’t know yet at the time.

He, of course, blew me off. Later that night I googled it and while doing so I had an epiphany. Just because Bully refused to be helpful shouldn’t mean I can’t be. So I started offering help at work, beginning with word of mouth then over time I went freelance and time marched on. I eventually moved away met my now wife and broke ties with Bully. I kept up with some of my friends though, if they wanted to be friends with him I didn’t care as long as they respected the fact that we won’t be going near each other.

Time still passed, I got better as a freelancer and eventually earned my way into a legit IT job in my home town. Things are great, one of my dream jobs. Eventually, the *** hit the fan when not long ago my co-worker got fired for doing something he shouldn’t have done. This of course left a spot open. In the search for a replacement, I offered the spot to one of my friends who declined, but through him, as I found later, Bully found out.

Low and behold a couple of applicants later he showed up for an interview. My boss sets these up and would take my exco-worker to the interviews, but now I fill that role. So when Bully showed up I was surprised, I kept my cool though and so did he. It was obvious he recognized me but shown no fear. Remember this guy is really egotistical and probably thinks things are in the bag already. The interview was normal, I’ll skip to the nitty-gritty here so I’ll skip to the later part of the interview.

Please note that any extra info trickled to me over the years was from the friends that still hang out with him.

B =Boss, Bully= Useless bully, Me=Me and only me.

B: Do you have any experience in an independent team environment?

Bully: I’m a manager at Wall-Mart and I know the ins and outs of teamwork. I can handle myself. (Note he managed the electronics and wasn’t very respected)

Me: Do you have any experience with a ticket system or ordering system.

Bully: No, but I think I can handle it.

Boss: On your resume, you turned in says you went to college for a degree in computer repair but you forgot to put in when. When did you get your degree?

Bully: I forgot to finish that I actually finished a year ago.

I knew this was bs, he actually graduated a year before I met him so it’s been over a decade by this point. At this point, I started to lay down some pressure and sow the roots of this man’s demise.

Me: In your resume, it only shows you working at two different places and there is a time gap in between both of several years, can you explain that?

Bully: Oh that was a typo I worked at xx place for a while, I ended up quitting, and a month later I started as a manager at Wall-Mart.

Note that made that whole thing suspicious because I knew for a long time he job hopped a lot, even while we hung out he lost three jobs.

He did actually get hired straight into his role at Wall-Mart but he didn’t mention the job where he earned his way up to that position and got fired for being an ***** to his co-workers.

Me: If a computer went down on the shop floor, how would you handle the situation?

Bully: I would go down and fix it duh.

Me: What if it was completely unserviceable.

Bully: No, there is nothing I can’t fix.

His ego was showing through, just as I wanted.

Time to start cutting this interview down to size.

Me: So if the memory were to say go bad, your telling me you could fix that?

Bully: Well I’m sure I could handle it.

My boss looked at me a bit wondering why I kept going with it but he let me continue.

Bully: Don’t you have replacements for memory and things?

Me: Some times.

Bully: Well that’s bull.

I was surprised he said that but I knew he was starting to slip.

He gets mouthy when he feels his ego is being stroked even if it’s just him doing the stroking.

Me: So out of your experience, would you say you are a hardware specialist or a program specialist.

Bully: I can do both but I can lean towards hardware. I can fix anything you toss my way.

Me: So lets test that a bit. Boss do you have any hardware questions you want answering?

Boss: Sure, how long does a coax cable have to be before any signal degradation starts?

Bully: uhhu.

He struggled, I could tell he slipped, that question is my bosses go to question because most people don’t know it and he really just wants to see how they respond.

Bully: I don’t remember at the moment, I did some work hooking up cable for people in the past when the cable company needed some help so I’ll remember it sooner or later.


My boss was seeing through it to, he knows this business like the back of his hand so he knows what’s up.

Boss: “Me” do you have any questions?

The sign my boss was done with the interview.Me: Sure just one last question.

I turn to Bully and I grin. I look him in the eye and ask.

Me: So what’s the purpose of the L cache of a standard CPU?

He went white, he knew the jig was up. I don’t think he fully knew what I meant but he knew enough to know when to give up.

Bully: I don’t know that one, it was never brought up in class.

I accepted his last statement, and we ended the interview. My boss told him he would be contacted within 24 to 48 hours with any results. He left and my boss looked at me a little annoyed. He asked me what was going on and I explained it all. That I knew Bully, what kind of person he was, and about the lies on his resume and in the interview. I told him I just wanted to give him a chance to either mess it up or prove he could handle it.

My boss is pretty understanding so he let it go. Needless to say, Bully was not chosen to fill the vacant spot.

Two days later Bully showed up at my door unexpected. It was Saturday and I figured he found my place through one of the others. My wife answered the door not knowing who he was. Dude fricken walked in like he owned the place. I stopped him at the front mudroom, there was no way I was going to let him in any further.

Note that there was more yelling than this but I cut it down for simplification.

Bully: So what happened?

Me: What not even a hello how are you?

Bully: I never got a callback so I called to ask and they said I didn’t get the job.

Dude had a bad tone in his voice, I knew he was here just to rage. A person that egocentric always blames others and I was target numero uno.

Me: What are you here for!?

Bully: What did you tell him about me?

Me: Nothing that wasn’t true, now get the *** out!

Bully: *******, I know you can’t really handle that kind of work, what did you do, suck some one-off? You just didn’t want around because you know I would upstage you!

Me: What the *** would you know, you wouldn’t even let me talk about computers when we hung out, you just labeled me and treated me like ***.

Dude, I told my boss exactly what happened, how it happened, I didn’t have to lie or exaggerate. You choose to act terribly, you choose to bully someone, you choose to create a bad representation of your self, as far I see it, its just karma. If you really cared instead of barging into my house you would be trying to fix where you ***ed up.

Bully: I don’t need to do anything, go back and fix it!

Me: *** you, get out before I call the cops.

Bully: I’m not afraid of them.

Me: Fine!

I yelled to my wife to call the cops, after this Bully new I wasn’t screwing around and left in a huff.

The aftermath so far from this is him calling everyone he could to tell them how bad of a person I am like some 14-year-old kid b*tching to his classmates at school. Figures because of how immature he really is, or at least, in my opinion anyway. So far no one has taken him seriously enough and some of my friends said he is still fuming but pretty demoralized.

As for the position, it has yet to be filled.” Atlusfox

I’ve disliked people in my past, but these are pretty extreme ways to get back at a person. Nevertheless, one thing is for certain: each of these individuals sure knows how to get revenge when they deem it necessary!

Make sure to share this set of revenge stories on social media, and let us know which was your favorite and why.

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