People Share Their “Eye For An Eye” Revenge Stories

9. Karen Is Being Extra Picky And Awful, So No More Big-Shot Job For Her
“A little bit of backstory, I’m running a painting business over the summer as a Junior in college to pay for school. My prices are pretty fair as I hire college students and have a deal with Sherwin Williams as a contractor to get cheaper paint and materials.
Anyways, a potential client, we’ll call her Karen, scheduled an estimate with me about a month and a half ago for an interior bathroom job and a deck stain. I tell her the times I’m available, but she absolutely pushes for a time where I would have to rush over from a job site, do a hurried estimate, then run home to grab a bite of dinner before going to previously scheduled estimates. I’m a bit miffed but I said f**k it.
Sales are hard, I should learn how to bend over backward for clients. So I show up to do the estimate, and the whole time I’m getting my numbers together, she is talking me down, telling me how if she ran a business as I did, she would be fired from her big-shot marketing job immediately, and how I should be dressed better to respect the client. What I did to offend Her Majesty was I moved her plants to the side to be able the measure the deck better, and I came to the estimate in paint-stained clothes since I had run over directly from the job site.
At this point, I’m exhausted and my brain is barely keeping me breathing but that price point doesn’t sound right to me. I calculated my price based on a small profit, labor, and materials. Now I pay my painters $13 an hour and I hire college students. So if the other company is charging way less, they either pay their career painters even less (minimum wage where I am is $11) or the quality of paint is much lower.
So I ask Karen if they remember what paint the other company said they would use and she says she doesn’t recall Fair enough, paint names are hard to remember if you don’t see them that often. Then I ask if I could see their estimate contract to try to figure out why they were so much cheaper than I was. Karen says that they didn’t have an estimate sheet. Now, this is a big no-no in any contracting business because you have to keep track of numbers, budgeted hours, etc. Now alarm bells are ringing in my head so I set a firm amount on the price of the previous estimate with the additional 5% discount which means that I make a measly $5 per hour I personally work on the job.
Karen finally agrees on the price saying “It’s just $50 dollars, I can’t see why you can’t just give us more discount. At [my big-shot marketing job] I would give the customer a discount without hesitation” forgetting that A. The discount would be coming out of my broke college student pockets, not a big corporation, and B. I already told her that I would only be getting about $5 per hour on the job even though she wants to “support the local community.” So I present the price of about $800 with a 10% day of estimate discount to book up the season and she says she needs a few days to consider it.
Okay, fair enough right? I’ll extend the discount a few days for her. So I come back a few days later expecting a yes or no answer and she sits me down and starts to haggle with me. At this point, I’m tired enough already from working in the sun all day and just want some food to stop the rumbles. After I give her another 5% discount just to close the job, she continues to haggle with me saying “The highest we can go is $600.” When I finally tell her I can’t go any lower on the job or I would actually lose money on it, she tells me that she got an estimate from another local company for $500 and that she wouldn’t want me to match it because she wants to support the local community.
She asks if we take credit, but there is a 5% credit card fee that would come out of my already tiny slice of profit so I ask for a check (which I told her we prefer during the original estimate). She tells me that she uses Chase which doesn’t have a branch near us and that the nearest one is in New York (we are about half an hour from Boston). What?? Therefore, she cannot use a check because she would have to order the checkbook from New York.
I think, alright fine. I guess some people these days don’t have a checkbook. I reiterate that I will lose money on the job at that price point with the 5% fee tacked on and that I can wait until the checkbook arrives.
So I tell her that she can message or call me when the checkbook arrives and I can drive back to collect the deposit and have her sign the contract. On the way out, she tells me that the job needs to be finished before a certain date because she was having guests over.
I explain to her that when I receive the deposit, I’ll lock her in for a power wash of the deck which will need about a week to dry we can stain it in one day. She mutters “… [something something] I can find the checkbook by tomorrow…” Come on now.. she just admitted to lying to me about having to order a checkbook from NY. So I say that’s fine, let me know tomorrow afternoon so I can come by and finalize the contract.
When I get home, I decide to search up ‘Chase branches near me’ on Google because I found it really strange that there wasn’t one closer that New York especially since we were pretty close to Boston. I kid you not, there was a Chase branch 14 minutes from her house. Now I’m p*ssed. I don’t know what else she lied to me about so I call up my friend whose dad owns the company she talked about.
He calls me later that day and says that he never did an estimate with her name or address.
I send her a message over Facebook Messenger (I do a lot of posts in local yard sale groups for exposure for my company so I set up estimates through Messenger) and called her out about the Chase branch, the check, and the “estimate” from the other painting company. She. Goes. Off. Here are a few memorable quotes from her rant: “You don’t have the right to insult me like that, this is just your first year running a business and I’ve been working at [big-shot marketing job] for years now”, “It doesn’t matter what I pay you because you’re a young and money doesn’t matter to you right now” (my Facebook post literally says that I am running this business to pay for college) and my personal favorite “you people should be grateful that I even pay you $5 an hour for your work” (I’m Chinese).
At this point, I’m ready to just block her and go to bed angry but I have an epiphany and just hear “[big-shot marketing job]” echo through my head. I take screenshots of the messages she sent me and slapped them along with a lengthy description of what happened in an email and sent copies to whatever email addresses I could find associated with the “big shot marketing company.” I get an email back a couple of days later from a different address than the ones I wrote to previously basically saying thank you for reaching out to us, this type of behavior is unacceptable and we will be conducting an internal investigation into Karen.
Just today, I was messaging another old client and came across Karen’s conversation with me. I go to her profile and in the intro, for her profile it now says “Works at Self-Employed.”
8. Try To Take Over Our Trip? You Have No Idea What You're In For
“My dad and I have been planning to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu for about a year, to start on father’s day (he’ll soon be 60 so I wanted to help him cross this item off his bucket list before he gets older).
A coworker of my dad’s decided that he wanted to join in on this trip with his daughter, and as it was my first trip to South America, I thought there would be some strength in numbers in case we run into trouble, and I accepted.
My dad’s coworker (let’s call him 58 because that’s his age as well as his IQ) has never traveled much aside from Italy (through a package tour), and was completely inexperienced in traveling solo.
As we began to plan this trip, his answer to everything became “I’ll just do whatever you guys are doing (read in your best idiot’s voice).”
Whatever, I was determined to make this trip the best one for my dad, and it wasn’t a big deal for me to make the reservations for 4 people instead of 2, so despite the fact that 58 and his daughter (let’s call her NP, for Machu Picchu, obviously) were not pulling any weight on the trip planning, I was glad to do it and happy to help 58 and NP experience the world (NP has never traveled outside of her home country as far as I know).
Unfortunately, trouble began almost immediately. 58 has packed way too much and literally could not handle all of his luggage, leaving me and my dad to carry one of his bags atop our suitcase (he never once said thank you, and my dad was already p*ssed on day 1). Here are some of their lesser offenses:
If you’ve ever traveled to Peru, you might know that most first-time travelers follow the same path (often called the Gringo trail), starting in Lima and following a few very small but touristy towns (Paracas, Huacachina, Nazca).
Our plan was to stay in these towns for 4 days, where there is no ATM access. So I wrote to 58 many weeks before the trip to bring at least $500-600 USD + 400 soles in cash, to pay for hotel and transportation as well as food and wrote clearly that he will not see an ATM for 4 days. As soon as we landed at Lima airport, 58 announced that he had precisely $305 and a very low ATM withdrawal limit (around $200 per day).
I knew we were in trouble right there and then (we ended up lending him some money to make him shut up whining about money, which he ended up doing daily)
From that day onwards, 58 began harassing me about ATM every day despite the fact that I have told him that there won’t be any ATMs (keep in mind that I’m his co-worker’s daughter… Have some dignity maybe?)
58 also complained constantly that the Peruvians don’t speak English, and that he had no trouble communicating in English on his package trip to Italy.
Umm… Sorry for not having taught all the Peruvians English?
Despite his massive luggage size, both 58 and NP didn’t pack everything that they needed for the Inca Trail, and they wanted to spend an entire day shopping for trekking gears. To give you an idea of what these people are like, 58 needed a rubber end to his trekking pole and wanted our help in finding a store that sells it. When my dad pointed out a store that had hiking sticks on display, he cried out in his whiny idiotic voice “I want the rubber end, not the hiking sticks!” *rolls eyes*
At the Inca Trail, our hiking group was about 10 women and 5 men, and 58’s comment in front of me and NP was “wow, this means all the dudes can have two girls each, eh?” Happy father’s day, I guess!
At this point, since it’ll become important later, I will honestly and seriously say that 58 seems to have some sort of cognitive problem. He can’t usually follow conversations, and even though the information was relayed to him, he had trouble either retaining it or processing it, and people usually have to repeat information several times to him before he gets it.
So because I noticed this early on in the trip, I tried to be understanding for a long time.
I really tried my best to make this a great experience for them. With my limited Spanish, I was able to get some great deals and some hidden tours that aren’t really known to many people yet; I have some fancy lounge access at all airports that lets me bring in an unlimited number of guests, so 58 and NP were traveling in style with me, drinking free alcohol and munching on snacks on comfy sofas until boarding time; because I had a year to prepare, we all got great hotels at great prices, etc.
Nonetheless, the real trouble began about a week into our trip. My dad and I had gotten sick of the constant ATM hunting and trekking gear shopping, so we had told 58 and NP that we were going to split, see some sights, and since NP and I have roaming data plans, we’d figure out how to rendezvous later.
I should have foreseen that 58 would not process this information at once. He somehow understood that we would come back in 15 minutes, and NP, although she understood what our plans were, didn’t try to correct 58 (from what I’ve observed over the week, they don’t have great father-daughter chemistry and have very little communication – for example, when 58 was having a really rough time with altitude sickness on the Inca trail, NP was happily hiking at the front of the trip, a couple of hours ahead of her dad, and never once hiked alongside him during the 4 days).
So apparently they waited for us in the freezing streets of Cusco for a long time. I’m told that 58 was already p*ssed at this point.
From here, things took a dramatic turn for the worse rather quickly.
We had just one key to the Airbnb that we were staying in, which I had (frankly, didn’t trust 58 to not lose it). But NP’s phone died and she couldn’t find her way back to our hotel for a long time (as they had no part in the trip planning, they had no idea which neighborhood the hotel was in; which landmarks were nearby, etc., although I had, of course, sent them all the info ages ago).
As a result, my dad and I were locked in our hotel for over an hour waiting for them, and NP and 58 were locked out for an hour. My dad and I eventually went out to take a walk and to hopefully run into them (maybe 20 minutes total) and during this time they came to the hotel, saw the door locked, and became even more p*ssed.
When they finally came back to the hotel, 58 (who is probably 6’4″ to my 5’4″) stormed directly in front of me, pointed a finger at my face, and screamed, I AM SO ANGRY, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, AND YOU CANNOT TREAT ME LIKE THIS, and proceed to have a temper tantrum for hours (I just locked myself in a room and my dad dealt with 58, during which 58 apparently asserted that the ATMs wouldn’t give him enough money and it was my fault, the Peruvians don’t speak English and it was my fault, I quoted all prices in USD and Peruvian soles and so I was not honest, NP’s phone died and it was my fault, and they got lost and it was my fault).
Essentially, he and NP told me that my plans were disorganized compared to 58’s package Italy tour and that I was a terrible person (for your reference, 58’s Italy trip cost him $6k, his Peru trip cost him less than $2.5k). What a way to pour my year’s efforts for this trip down the drain!
I had had enough, and I decided to take my revenge. With about 8 days to go in the trip, I announced to them that I would no longer travel with them and that aside from the things that were already booked and paid for, they were on their own.
58 and NP both got very upset, understandably so, and NP made things worse by telling me that I should grow a thicker skin and that I should take this as a learning experience since surely someone else will get mad at me again, and that I cannot burn bridges so quickly like this.
Well, 58 and NP are having a learning experience of their lifetime, being thrown into a country that they have no knowledge of (since they didn’t do any research or trip planning on Peru) and neither of them speaks any Spanish.
NP, an avid Instagrammer who was making 20+ updates while being with me and my dad, hasn’t Instagrammed anything since we split. They also missed sights in Cusco such as the Salineras salt mines, Moray, the Sun Temple, etc. They’re also missing out big time in Lima, but since we still have about 20 hours left here, I won’t list our plans here in case they see this (oh, I hope they do!)
Tomorrow our flight leaves at 2:40am from Lima, and 58 and NP will have to make a fun choice; either stay in Lima until around midnight (nights in Lima aren’t exactly safe, especially for non-street-savvy travel n00bs) or wait at the uncomfortable and not-so-clean Lima airport for 6-7 hours.
In the meantime, my dad and I will be chilling at a VIP lounge, have some free drinks, and try to catch a few winks before boarding. 58 and NP will definitely not be my guests.
Also, in case you’re wondering, although 58 is my dad’s coworker, my parents are also completely behind me on this; dad is incredibly p*ssed at 58 and will distance himself as far from 58 as office politics will allow, and has already told 58 that he crossed a line that should never have been crossed; 58 and his girlfriend have been wanting to get closer to my parents for ages and go camping together and whatnot, but my mom has firmly stated that she will never see 58’s face ever again.”
7. Wanna Be The New Bully On The Block? Naw, Not With All Of Us Around
“I grew up in a fairly large neighborhood back when having tons of neighborhood friends was still a thing. Our group was pretty large and at times was well over 10 people. We did everything together every single day. Now our group consisted of a bunch of oddballs. We had “nerds”, football players, chubby kids, super skinny kids, boys/girls of various ages, etc.. Being nice and wanting to have fun was the only requirement and everything was going great.
Anyway, the “Bully” moves in and we ride our bikes over to do our standard mass introduction. We invite him to play with us anytime, and he takes us up on it immediately. The first day was slightly weird, but generally fine as far as first impressions go. Over the next week though we started to realize that he is an absolutely spoiled brat and a bully. Lost a game of anything? He would scream and start blaming people.
He would push, call people names, and sometimes start crying over the most ridiculous things. Throwing fits every other day at least and going home mad as ****. He would start off fine but randomly escalate to insane levels. We went from some Utopian society to having to break up fights, and constantly diffusing situations. To make matters worse his mom would always come to chew us out after he went home and blame us for events that didn’t even happen.
He had her wrapped around his finger, and she created a monster.
This went on for about a week and then “Bully” had his best friend come to stay for a few nights with him. Together they formed the ultimate piece of *** final boss. We were playing four square, and “Bully” got eliminated. He of course screams that he wasn’t out to our “ref”, and then shoves her down in the dirt. A friend ran over to help her up and “Bully #2” shoved him down and then threw dirt on the girl while calling her a stupid ****.
I immediately told them to leave, and that they weren’t allowed to play with us anymore. They laughed and “Bully,” said see ya tomorrow for kickball. We knew they would most definitely come back just like he did every other day so we held an emergency treehouse meeting. We always talked problems out and came to an agreement on things in our friend’s treehouse, but this was definitely not something we were used to. We knew we had to get rid of them for good so we hashed out our plan.
The next day, my friend and I were playing basketball at his house. Sure enough, they come strolling up asking why we weren’t playing kickball. We told them everyone else would be there soon, but we just got Mortal Kombat so we could go play it while we waited. Once we got upstairs I grabbed “Bully” and pulled him into the room on the right, and my friend grabbed “Bully #2” and pulled him into the room on the left. In each room was the rest of the group divided up waiting.
Once they were in the room each person grabbed an arm or a leg and forced them into a chair where we tied them up. We removed the phones from the rooms and put Barney VHS tapes in the TV/VCR combos. These particular VCR’s would rewind them automatically and play it again from the beginning every time it ended. This was the real torture to us for some reason. We knew the rope/chair situation would only last so long so we tied their doorknobs together as well with a *** ton of jump ropes.
They were in there for probably an hour (or approximately watching the same Barney VHS 3 times from start to finish) before they got out of the chair. I have to admit it was hilarious watching them try to get out of the room. The jump ropes had enough give to where they could open the door like an inch max. One would open it and the other would cause it to slam shut. They literally fought against each other for a bit.
Thinking they had enough we told them if they promised to never come back we would let them out. The little *** said, “I’ll do whatever I want now let me out.” Sure bud. See the thing is…my friend’s parents were both at work and wouldn’t be home for many many hours so we kept them locked away for many many hours. We all went downstairs and watched multiple movies, ate lunch, played video games, and even went outside for a bit.
Eventually, it was time to let them out before any parents got home. We didn’t think about this part, and we didn’t really know what to do. So we did what any nervous kids would and grabbed a bunch of random items to use as weapons in case they “tried anything” when we let them out. We told them we were letting them out through the door and to back up. We opened the doors and they looked completely defeated which kind of made me feel really bad for them.
We told them they could go, and they just left without saying a word. At this point panic kind of set in as we really thought his mom was going to come over and tell our parents what happened. We’d all be grounded for a long *** time, and we knew it. However, she never came and they never bothered us again.”
6. Tell Me My Language Isn't Professional Because You Don't Want To Give Me A Bonus? NUUH-UH
“Within the last 6 months, a new company came to the area and they are primarily a west coast company. Essentially my job is to process the company’s bills and take calls from customers in the downtime.
Since I am taking calls, I am subject to the Quality Assurance reviews on my calls and can get a bonus depending on how well I do. All month I have been doing fantastic on the reviews, set to get max bonus when my final QA review comes through.
They marked me down significantly because I used the word “okey-dokey” which is relatively common in my area. They claimed that it was “jargon or slang” and that I should avoid those words. Now, I generally change how I speak depending on the call in order to sound nicer towards customers, and in this call’s instance, I used it because I was talking to a sweet older woman who even complimented me for using the word.
After disputing it and getting the dispute denied I instantly changed how I talked on the phone to the highest standard of professionalism I could do.
Now, fun fact, when someone is upset regarding an issue, speaking like you’re in a meeting with the President not only confuses them but angers them as well. This week alone I have made people cry, scream, and more just from talking as properly and “professional” as I possibly could.
I have also had a handful of complaints about seeming “cold.”
The quality department manager called me in for a meeting yesterday and said that I should tone down how I talk and change how I talk depending on the circumstances of the call, specifically telling me to, “use simple, friendly, and language more suitable for the average caller.” They then played a call where the agent used multiple “slang” words to calm the customer down as a perfect example of how a call should be handled. The words from this agent included, “Yep”, “Alrighty”, “No problemo”.
I then brought out a copy of my quality report stating that not only did I get marked down for doing exactly what they are now claiming is perfectly fine, but that it was very clear that they were marking me down simply to avoid paying a full bonus. I took what they said and my report to the operations director today who then had to go back and review all of the qualities monitors on me.
They had to write me a check for the missing bonus. The quality manager averts her eyes every time I pass her now.”
5. Try To Get Me Fired Because You Think You Know Better? Google Translate Proves Otherwise
“After college, I was recruited by a company to take part in a paid internship in a foreign country.
The company was American, and so were most of my coworkers, but there were several international offices, and I had landed a spot in a pretty popular one.
Now, I hadn’t gotten this job based on my looks. In fact, if I hadn’t been studying a foreign language (Persian) I absolutely wouldn’t have gotten the gig, and that was made clear to me from the start of it. While the everyday work had literally nothing to do with Persian or any countries that speak the language, there was occasionally the need for a translator specifically in that language, and the company had no one else who fit that role.
My Persian wasn’t perfect by any means, but I promised them it was a work in progress and that it would suffice.
I was hired with three other paid interns, one of them a tall, socially awkward man named Skylar. Now, simply put, Skylar had no idea when to shut up. His routine – and I was convinced that he practiced this – was to rudely start conversations with people by asking uncomfortable, personal, or out of place questions, and then follow up on these questions with a Devil’s Advocate kind of conversation.
Nobody enjoyed being around Skylar, and he wasn’t emphatically good at the job, but I paid it little mind.
Skylar had been studying the language native to the country we were living in. He frequently and loudly criticized me for not learning or being interested in this language, but I maintained that it was in my very best interests to study and perfect my Persian, and noted that I had a pretty good set of relationships with the Persian-speaking immigrant community.
No harm was done, right?
Not right. One day at work, as I’m coming back from lunch, Skylar, sneering, informs me (in front of the other 2 interns) that he convinced my supervisor that he could translate a Persian-language document with Google Translate alone and that I wasn’t needed for that role. My supervisor let him have a stab at it, and he gave it back a fully translated a little bit later. He then said to me that it seems my language abilities were “not necessary” in the first place.
To this day, I don’t know why I didn’t just push him out of the 7th story of that building (which we were on). I went back to the office after lunch and, sure enough, my supervisor confirmed that Skylar was able to translate the document.
Look, some people have different interests. You like football, I like basketball. Do you study this foreign language? I study Persian. There’s no need to degrade my interests, and certainly no reason to professionally threaten me over different interests.
I politely asked my supervisor if he’d like me to double-check the document. He thought that would be a good idea. Great. Let’s take a look at this translation.
First sentence: Wrong. Really wrong.
Second sentence: Wrong.
Third sentence: Wow. Impressively wrong.
Remember when your Spanish teacher told you that you couldn’t use Google Translate and that you might confuse simple words, like “bee” and “be”? Skylar had done that for something like 6 pages straight.
The translated document didn’t actually translate to the correct verbiage. By the end of it, it became clear to me that Skylar had made up a lot of what Google Translate couldn’t clarify.
I took my supervisor aside and started nerding out on Persian language facts, showing him simple grammatical inconsistencies in the translation, and eventually pointing out how the overall message of the text is changed entirely from start to finish. I underscore that Skylar didn’t just get this wrong, he pretended to have it right when he didn’t get anywhere close.
To his credit, my supervisor rolled with this, gave me a smile, and closed the issue. Skylar wouldn’t be doing any more language translations.
Except over the next few weeks, all the more important projects came my way. Things that Skylar and I would normally divvy up became my responsibilities. Months passed and I would go so far as to offer – through my supervisor – to take on a few additional reports or projects from Skylar’s workload, to ensure they got done quickly.
And I’d get them. Nothing that was too difficult, but always the exact projects that I knew Skylar was looking forward to.
As the internship came to a close, word spread that one of us would be offered a permanent job. Skylar had been talking about this since the internship started – almost a year ago – but we all knew what was going to happen. The boss gave him a handshake and thanked him for working with us, and let him know that he’d be considered for anything that came up in the future.
I was asked to step into another room to negotiate salary.
I later got confirmation that Skylar’s stunt with the Persian translation was a big red flag to the supervisors there about what kind of work he was capable of doing, and led to him becoming a low-quality intern pretty quickly.
Oh, and my Persian got much, much better. So **** you, Skylar, forever telling me what language I was obligated to study, or how my hard work was all for nothing.”
4. Womanize, Lie And Cheat In The Workplace? Say Bye To Your Career
“I work for a rather large well known, well-hated company. Said company has started cracking down on ****** Harassment thanks to a certain figurehead getting busted and the #metoo movement. This story of revenge starts back a few years ago…
I was really close with a coworker named Franklin. Franklin is a nice guy, about 10 years older than me, married, has kids, etc. However, Franklin was notorious for being a womanizer, a flirt, a pervert, but I had known him before joining the company, so I was used to his BS, and I put up with him.
About a year after I started at the company, I moved to a new department, and 18 months later, he followed.
Why is this important? Because I am one of the reasons his promotion was approved. He was a good employee, knew his ***, and I talked him up. I even made sure my supervisor grabbed him, as he didn’t know who would be good to grab, and I knew once Franklin was polished up on the policies of our department, he’d be an asset.
Remember how I said he was a flirt and a womanizer? Flash forward a few months later. He’s gotten really close with another agent named Kelly. Kelly is very sweet, nerdy, and shy. Also everything Franklin drools over. Kelly is also married, which makes her a challenge, which Franklin doubly enjoys. He proceeds to spend a lot of time with her, buys her lunch, goes on breaks with her, etc. It’s not long before the rumor mill is on overdrive.
Of course, being friends with both of them, I know what’s going on. I deflect rumors, I give them alibis, the only thing I won’t do for them is lying to their spouses. I feel guilty, but they’re two grown adults, and if they’re choosing to be idiots… that’s on them. One day, they’re making out in a stairwell at work, and another colleague walks in on them. Rumors are confirmed, they have to tell their respective spouses they cheated, ’cause how else do you explain a week of administrative leave, etc…
Flash forward a couple of months. During this hullabaloo, Franklin had been going for a promotion to a supervisor position. Between the two of them being honest, me running interference for them for so long, Franklin comes out with barely a scratch and gets the promotion. At this point, Kelly is now given an ultimatum. Because of their prior relationship, she has 6 months to find another position in the company, or get sh*tcanned.
I feel horrible, and help her get a position in another department.
(That position ended up getting termed, but she’s much happier where she’s at, outside of the hellhole.) Franklin told her that it was too bad, and he’d miss her. He didn’t do anything for her, and that infuriated me. While she was still with the company, he would reach out to her when he needed favors her department could pull, and try to get more out of her. I had her keep screenshots of these conversations.
At this point, he was also starting to get comfy with other girls in the department. Because of my *********, he saw it as an open invite to point out the other girls in the department, and rate them to me. I started getting really irritated with him, when he started hitting on my good friend Dawn (who also happened to be going out with my brother – important later).
Dawn was by no means interested in him, and would purposely flirt with me in front of him, to try and deter him.
When that didn’t work, she made it crystal clear that she was going out with my brother (it was also unknown by most that my brother is my brother – different last names). When Franklin knew he had lost, he would **** about my brother to me (screenshots were taken), and had plotted to get my brother fired (he partially succeeded, but that’s another story and not worthy of my revenge). Even after Dawn moved on, he would still lament about how he never got to sleep with her (screenshots were taken), and after my brother proposed he started to bad mouth both of them.
Franklin, about 8 months ago, started another affair with another agent. There were several between where this story starts and this point, but this one was the catalyst. You see, Franklin had just now become my supervisor, due to sheer dumb luck, and I now see why he relied on me so much. He was so busy focusing on the ladies in the department, he sucked at his job. He had been previously working with agents who were new, or lower performing.
He was suddenly the supervisor of the best agents in the department. The way he acted, I’m constantly reminded of Joker’s line in the Dark Knight “I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it!” There was a reason why his agents didn’t progress or get better. They didn’t have guidance.
Now, something I haven’t mentioned about myself. I’m sick. Like, I’ll be out for a few days at a time due to my illness sick.
I may have also gotten some pro revenge on another supervisor (that one will get this screen name identified almost instantly, so if I share it, I’ll have to change quite a bit). That supervisor, as well as another and an agent, have made it their mission to make sure I get fired the next time I step foot in the building. Kinda skyrockets one’s anxiety when your job is on the line, right?
So, I go to Franklin.
With all the times I’ve had his back, I’m sure he’ll help me out. Yeah, I wouldn’t be here if that were the case. He tells me, he can’t control the other supervisors or agents, and that if they want to drag me through the steps to get me fired, well, that’s their prerogative. I’m shocked, but I nod, smile, and walk over to another supervisor who I know will have my back.
So, despite his blowing me off, he still confided in me, let me know about his escapades, let me know about the girls he was interested in.
This time, however, he sent me a *** pic. Several girls in the department had complained about it, but they never provided the evidence to management, as Franklin made them afraid for “some reason” (Read, I have a power of position over you, do you like your job?). Now, why has it taken almost 7 years for Franklin to send ME a *** pic? It wasn’t meant for me. Remember that new affair I mentioned? His side piece has a very similar name to me.
So say my name is Sparky. Her name is Sparkles. We’re right next to each other in his contact list. He begged me to delete it and not tell anyone about it. So I screen-capped it, emailed it to myself, deleted it, and showed him my phone. We’re BFFs, right?
Management got an email with 5 years’ worth of his ****** harassment of other agents, his sexcapades with other agents, and of course, the *** pic they needed so desperately.
He got his termination letter today.”
3. Try To Repeatedly Short Change A Clever Mom At The Drive-Thru? No Way, Man
“After leaving the drive-through at a fast food place a few years ago, I noticed I wasn’t given the correct change. The attendant had just shoved some money at me, and what with trying not to hold up the line, etc., I waited until I pulled ahead to put the change into my wallet. I was missing $2, which isn’t much, but still…
So I drove back through the lane & mentioned the error, and oddly, the guy knew the exact amount, then left the window & went to the inside counter (I could see him), bent down & then brought me the $2.
It seemed fishy, so during the main shift, I returned & went inside & talked to the manager. He pretty much blew me off & said sometimes they kept money up there, blah-blah-blah.
Since he was the manager, I figured he must not think it was a problem. And it was just a tiny amount of money. BUT…
A few weeks later, same drive-through, same attendant, and the same thing happened again. I gave him $20 & this time I paid attention.
He shorted me by $5, so when he came back, I said, “Uh, I gave you a $20 and…”
He literally interrupted me and said, “Oh yeah, I owe you $5!” This was too suspicious, and if the manager was too dumb to pay attention, time to go to the main office.
If you’ve ever tried to enter an online complaint about a fast food chain (or almost anything else), it’s a nightmare. I did not want to mention “customer service,” because that would go to the manager who didn’t listen to begin with.
So I registered it as a “compliance” issue for the legal department. A few days later, I got a call. When I launched into my story, the guy immediately tried to divert me to “customer service,” and I stopped him short with my best P*ssed Mom voice and said, “You need to listen to me, NOW!” And then he paid attention. I didn’t have any hopes it would go anywhere, but, to my surprise and gratification…
A week or so later, I got a call from a woman over the entire Metro area where I live. She thanked me for my complaint and told me the outcome. It turns out this site had oddly low sales amounts but had a longtime crew that seemed dependable, so after getting the complaint, they paid a surprise audit visit, ran a report on the registers, and viewed the videos (they had videos of the register & all activities).
Wow – the guy at the drive-through was scamming every way he could figure out. And others were in on it, including the manager. Almost everyone got fired (all but one employee, as I recall). They were logging in “refunds” that were not given and then pocketing it, and several other things, including this guy blatantly just plain stealing money. They’d gotten by with it for years because people were trying to get to work, and didn’t notice or didn’t bother to look into it.”
2. My Dad's Wife Is Terrible But We Had To Prove It To Him
“So a little over a week ago I caught my dad’s wh*re wife at a hotel pool with a man I’ll call Steroid D****e or SD for short. Guess what they were doing. Hint: Not swimming.
See she and SD have some history. About a year ago she left my Dad for SD. This was just a mere six months after my father married her. So my dad let her go and started the divorce stuff.
Unfortunately, she came crawling back to him before the divorce could happen. She claimed SD beat her, SD doesn’t love her, she made a mistake! So my dum dum Dad takes her back. Now here she is only 4 months later playing tonsil hockey with SD at a hotel pool when she should be at her office working. She didn’t see my husband and me, so we took some super sweet pics and slipped outta there.
I’m not going to lie. I was super p*ssed. I was going to send the pics off to my Dad right then and there. However hubby and I decided that there was more that could and should be done.
Now I’ll try to keep this brief, but there’s something I need to add. My dad has supported this woman and her children for years and she is not a cheap woman to have around.
She has only very recently gotten herself a job. A very nice one in fact. She is actually in the process of owning about 1/3 of the business. My sisters and I have speculated that this recent success might be because of extramarital activities with the fairly wealthy recently divorced business owner, who spontaneously took my Dad’s wife under his wing. I’ll call the business owner BO.
Now I had no proof that she was cheating on my dad with BO, only with SD.
However, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to BO with my findings to see how he would react. Since she was supposed to be at work, she must of called off. So I called her office.
“Hi, this is tinamoe I’m calling about [wh*re wife] is BO there?”
– I should mention my dad’s wife pretended to be a loving stepmom( she’s not). Well, that also meant pretending to have a hard but endearing relationship with me.
In fact, her office is plastered in pics from Facebook of myself and my family. So people in her office know who I am and didn’t have any issue with transferring me to BO.-
BO: Hi tinamoe, is everything ok with [wh*re wife]
Me: Well kind of, it depends. How close are you really with my dad’s wife?
BO: Ex-Excuse me? (He totally stammered)
Me: Never mind. Look I’m going to be straight with you.
[Wh*re wife] is out with SD when she should be there working.
Me: Hello?
BO: Why should I believe you. All you’ve done is lie about [wh*re wife]
– ya my dad’s wife is a permanent victim.
Me: I’ll send you some pics I took.
BO: [email address]
I send the pics and get no response.
I decide to call SDs gym, which is also my gym. There’s been a pretty awful rumor going around about SD.
Apparently, he’s been selling steroids to fellow gym members. So I told them SD tried to sell me steroids there last week (this was a lie). I told them I didn’t feel safe going there anymore so I’d like to cancel my membership. They asked if I was going to go to the police and file a report, I told them no that SD was prone to anger and I didn’t want to risk retaliation.
They understood. Membership canceled. I know this seems irrelevant but this gym takes these kinds of things seriously especially when a complaint results in an end of a membership. At the very least they will be looking to cancel his membership too.
So then finally after all that I send my Dad the pics, I took of his wife with a long drawn out message about support and love and whatnot.
Now to the good part.
Its been a week since I saw what I saw and did what I did. Here are the results of my h********d sabotage.
- Wh*re wife lost her job and any chance at being a co-owner. BO trashed her **** in the office and actually made a huge scene. Which lead to a pretty nasty heavily detailed review on a local Facebook rant page from a customer who was in the establishment. Our town is pretty small so a review like that can be a bit damaging, and because of the contents, it really hurt wh*re wife’s image.
Someone even shared a story about her husband having an affair with my Dad’s wife 3yrs ago at her last job.
- Wouldn’t you know it SD had rented out a locker at the gym! Since the waiver you sign to rent a locker allows the gym to open your locker whenever they feel necessary, SD ended up getting his locker searched. What they found in the locker according to the police blotter, was a freaking unregistered firearm.
So poor SD is going to prison (probably). Yeah, a seriously great way to b****h** myself into a win. Did I mention he’s a felon? HA, you can guess how that worked out for him. Bu-bye.
- My dad’s wife is now living in a hotel. Between the pics, BO firing her, and then SD being sent away, my dad threw her a*s out. She is super upset about SD. Hysterical to be more precise.
She refuses to come to see her kids who are still living with my Dad. My Dad is being civil and trying to keep everything super calm for them. She doesn’t seem to care about my Dad or the kids at all tho. She did give me a call. I let it go to voicemail. I couldn’t really make out what she said, but between the shrieks and sobbing, I caught “I’m going to kill you” and “you ruined my life” I might get a restraining order, I don’t know yet.
I’m kinda giddy about this. My Dad will hopefully start being happier.”
1. You Want To Break My 1 Rule We Agreed On? This One Is On You
“I took on a job tending bar at a tavern in a small town. The bar owner, let’s call him Nick, had a bit of a reputation for getting angry and yelling at his employees in front of the customers. I discussed this openly and honestly with Nick prior to my accepting the job. I told him that, under all circumstances, yelling at me in front of my customers would be unacceptable and if he had something to say to me, to pull me aside and say it privately.
Nick agreed, and I began working for him that weekend despite the fact that he was more tolerated in the small town rather than liked. The choice of nearby taverns was thin.
For me, everything was going very well. The other bartenders, however, would periodically be the focus of Nick’s wrath and always in front of the customers. Periodically, I would remind Nick in sly ways that he better not ever yell at me. For example, I’d comment to him, “I heard So-n-So got in trouble the other day, boy it’s a good thing you don’t yell at me like that.” And things of that sort.
One weekend I was extremely busy and the dirty glasses under the bar were piling up and I didn’t have a moment to wash them. We had plenty of fresh glasses for the crowd and my focus was on serving the patrons in the bar and not on washing glasses. There wasn’t a free seat in the house, the bar was packed.. but it would thin out eventually and I’d have a few minutes to get some glasses washed. Alas, as luck would have it, the door opens, and in comes Nick.
He comments how busy we are and a big smile crosses his face because we’re busy, and for a bar owner, busy means money is being made.
Nick proceeds to walk around to the back of the bar and sees the dirty glasses. He proceeds to explode and began to scream at me, “Why are all these glasses sitting here? It’s your job to wash them and I don’t care how busy you are this **** is unacceptable!” The entire bar immediately falls silent, all eyes are on me and Nick and everyone is watching…waiting to see what would happen next.
I never said a word to Nick and just smiled at him. I walked over to my tip jar and emptied it out into my purse. I then proceeded to walk around to the other side of the bar and a patron gave me their seat. I pulled a few dollars out of my purse and laid them on the bar and just looked at Nick. He bellowed, “Just what do you think you’re doing?
We are busy and you need to get back to work!” I replied, “I quit, I told you never to yell at me in front of my customers, and I’ll have a Budweiser bartender.”
The entire bar erupted in a huge cheer and the look on Nick’s face was one of total disbelief. I reminded him that we had agreed he would never yell at me in front of the customers and his face got redder when he realized he’d made a huge mistake.
I refused him trying to be the nice guy and asking me to “finish out the shift”. He ended up working the bar till closing himself. I stayed till closing too….and I laughed to myself as I watched him struggle for a while to wash those glasses.”