People Spill Their Euphoric Moments Of Revenge

24. Hurt Our Puppy? We'll Prove It
“My wife and I rescued a small, scared, puppy from a shelter. The little guy’s hair was matted and dirty so we did a little hunting and found a local groomer who said she specialized in taking care of skittish animals.
Fast forward several hours, she keeps putting off us getting him. Finally, she says he’s ready but that he was groggy from a Benadryl she gave him to keep him chill.
Not a big deal, that’s an old trick.
An hour goes by and he’s way more than groggy. He won’t stand up, he is acting totally out of it and every time we touch a spot on his leg he yelps. We get a hold of our local vet and bring our tiny, sweet, intoxicated, dog.
We are horrified to discover that his leg is broken, he had some sort of tranquilizer in his system and his esophagus was damaged. In short, the groomer beat, choked, and intoxicated our puppy.
My wife and I did a deep dive via social media and discovered this groomer had both personal and professional aliases. She had spent years hurting dogs and her husband would pay the vet bills when the owners would complain. Vet bills are expensive for serious injuries. This groomer was very good at covering her tracks, but my wife was on it. This witch hurt our puppy.
Sure enough, the husband contacted us and tried to pay for our silence. We didn’t have much money, but the vet respected what we were about to do so they cut us a break on the surgery cost. We took the hit in order to exact revenge.
We amassed a two-inch-thick folder full of photos, aliases, addresses, stories of past dog harassment on this horrible witch.
A veritable pile of evidence. Then, we contacted the police, handed it over, and then plastered every social media outlet where this sadistic jerkface had a presence to warn people.
To my knowledge, she is still in jail with court orders prohibiting her from ever working with animals again.”
23. Trashy Company Got Snitched To The Government
“So a couple of years ago I worked as a CDL driver for a small construction company in a dumpy little oil town in Utah.
Right when I had my interview with them, I knew they were real jerks by their attitudes, but hey I needed funds and was still going through flight school. The owner and his cronies would drive up in their huge trucks every morning and belittle anyone who didn’t have a huge truck or be in their circle of jerkiness with them. (I drove a Subaru.)
Since nobody had a CDL except one other guy, I had to drive their crappy dump truck and pull a work trailer. This truck wasn’t licensed with DOT and neither was the trailer. They wouldn’t pass inspection, so the cronies would drive out to the job site ahead of me and scout out any DOT vehicles waiting to pull people over. If the coast was clear, I would drive out to the job site.
It gets worse.
They also had a hydro-vac truck. This was a piece of equipment that would blast a jet of high-pressure water into the ground to break it up, and then suck up all the mud. It was primarily used to expose leaky oil pipelines to be later fixed, and then suck up all the remaining contaminated mud after it was sprayed. It’s a glorified wet vac.
You could tell where a pipe was leaking because the ground turned grey and black. I had to drive this piece of equipment too.
After the contaminated mud was sucked up, I asked where the disposal unit was so I could dump it. (I worked up in North Dakota before this and took extensive classes about NOT breaking the law with illegal dumping.) The jerk management squadron (who were all brothers) looked at me funny and said to just ‘go dump it in a ditch.’ I was completely surprised and warned them of the consequences of doing that.
They didn’t care and said to ‘just go dump it in the company lot’ then. (basically a dirt field by the shop.) The general manager then followed me out to the lot and watched me dump it. I knew it was wrong and took pictures of the dump spot with my phone. To make a long story short, this oil dumping happened three more times – all of which someone was with me in the truck to make sure I did it, even after I warned them.
All times I was able to stealthily take pictures with my phone.
I started to be treated very poorly after about a month and a half of working there, all because I warned them about the dumping and I didn’t fit into their crowd. The manager would tell me to do a job a certain way, and then another assistant manager would tell me to do it differently.
When the manager got annoyed I did it the other way, the assistant manager would throw me under the bus and say I wasn’t compliant.
One day I was pulling a flatbed trailer to a job to pick up a huge trencher. The white trash crony loaded it completely wrong and non-compliant with DOT regs. I changed the way it was loaded to be legal and the crony got mad and said ‘it’s fine, I’ve been around trucks for years,’ even though he wasn’t the one with a CDL.
I told him I wanted it to be legal in case I was pulled over, and he went and told the higher-up manager. The next day the manager fired me in front of all my co-workers because he said he didn’t have a good feeling about me. I was annoyed but had been looking for other jobs at this time, so not too upset.
I told him ‘fine’ turned in my equipment and left.
The next day, I emailed the EPA about what happened and told them I had pictures. I also called the DOT and told them all about the dodgy behavior and crap equipment/trucks on the road.
Wouldn’t you know it! The EPA got back to me within a couple of days, and I had three separate interviews with the same agents at my place.
I showed them pictures and gave them GPS coordinates. They went out to the dumpsites and took pics of their own. They later had me come to their building and verify employees with pictures and said it was a serious case. I told them that I really reported the company out of spite, even though I knew the dumping was illegal. They understood and were going to take it seriously.
I’m not sure what happened or what is going to happen. I know the DOT would’ve done an audit and ticketed them. The government can take its time to handle things, so I haven’t asked for updates from the EPA. I know they were a little sidetracked with that huge gold mine tailing spill into the Animas river around the same time.
I do have the agent’s cards and could call, but I haven’t yet. The owner and managers of this company were awful, even despite my warnings. You don’t mess with the EPA. Karma’s going to catch up with them.”
22. Driver Still Wants To Charge Me After An Accident? Say Goodbye To Future Customers
“I was on a business trip to a client in Philly, located just far enough away from the city to be a very expensive cab ride, but not so far as to warrant a rental car.
I flew down, got an airport cab there, was there for a week being picked up and delivered from my hotel by taxi, and on Friday the client called a cab for me to return to the airport.
The driver of my cab was distracted and not driving with safe attention to the road, so after a couple of miles, he hit another car. Fortunately, it was a low-speed collision, just barely not fast enough to deploy airbags, and everyone walked away unharmed. However, I had to wait for the cops to show up to give a statement, and I insisted the cab company send another car with another driver to take me to the airport.
A couple of minutes into waiting I realized the driver had left the meter running, which I insisted he stop.
All told I was there for maybe an hour between waiting for the cop, talking to the cop, convincing the cop not to force me to go to the hospital (I had a black eye before the accident and the cop was really worried that I was terribly injured and too delusional to realize I had been hurt), and waiting for a new cab to show up.
So, while I’d left early for my flight, by the time I got to the airport I was going to have to rush to make it.
You’d think if you had a cab company and your driver had a car accident with a passenger in the car, you’d see to it that they got to their destination safely and hope they don’t sue you, but not only did the second cabbie run the meter and ask me to pay, but he told me the owner of the cab company had insisted he get the fare from the first cab’s meter and insist I pay it too.
He had the decency to look ashamed about all this, so I wasn’t too nasty to him personally, I told him calmly that I recognized that the law allowed that I could be charged for the trip although good business practice would dictate otherwise, but that if I hadn’t been charged I would have given him a good tip, while now he’d get no tip as I was offended. And then I told him what to tell his boss I was going to do…
You see, my client there was a major bank… it wasn’t Bank of America, but a few years later it got bought by Bank of America, so you can think of it as being that size. And, they had people in to consult with them and work with them often, and they always used this cab company for all the local travel. I would be going back there in two weeks, so I simply phoned up my client on Monday morning to let them know about the accident and asked them very nicely to please find another cab company for me to use when I would be there.
My contact at the client was, of course, horrified, and made sure that they, their employees, and their consultants and contractors would never be using that cab company again.”
21. Humiliate Me? Let's See About That
“So this happened about 2-3 years ago. I live in the Philippines (the more general city area). There are lots of activities to do here, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So I was around 11 when this happened. Over the summer, my parents decided that it was best to have me attend Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes twice a week. I wasn’t too excited nor too bummed. The place was literally 3 mins away by walking, so it wouldn’t be much of a hassle to get there.
So when I started, I was pretty decent at grappling, but nothing too advanced yet. (Grappling is when you grip an opponent’s uniform/gi and try to throw them, submit them or just straight up do some extra stunts to defeat them). So anyway, I’m just doing my usual training, when a 30 ish-year-old Korean guy comes in through the back door for the trainers/sensei.
He didn’t really look intimidating. He was wearing a black and purple gi/uniform, a brown belt, and a logo of the dojo we were in. So I was guessing he was like the assistant teacher. (Keep in mind that my original sensei before this guy was literally one of the nicest people I have ever met).
Anyways, the ‘Assistant Teacher’ (let’s just call him Ruba).
So Ruba walks in, and we greet him. He seemed like a nice person. IMPORTANT: I was also pretty chubby at the time this happened. So he does his greetings and stuff. Then we start to practice/spar with him, to know what he’s like. As well as he knows what our strengths and weaknesses are. So I go about 4th in line to spar with him.
So I do the best I could. I sucked. And it really looked like it. He then notices my chubby weight and proceeds to lift me! He then says ‘Ho mah god you are heavy!’ I wasn’t really too offended, but it really embarrassed me, a lot.
So our session ends, and repeat the cycle. Every Saturday and Wednesday I would go there and train with him and the other nice coach.
He would always constantly make fun of my weight. There was this one time when we did a belt upgrade (pretty much an exam) I was about to get a yellow belt 1st stripe.
So then I started sparring with some of the other kids. They were really respectful and funny. But when it came to Sensei Ruba… I knew what was coming. I did my best to attack and defend myself while literally 50+ parents, staff, trainers watched me.
He then shouts ‘Are you gonna go on a diet anytime soon?!’ I was shocked and VERY, VERY embarrassed. I did end up graduating though. I also ended up losing some more self-confidence.
This sort of humiliation tactic kept up for about one more year. As I progressed throughout, people could really see my strength building up. I still didn’t really lose that much weight though.
He still made fun of me. It started getting really annoying. I told him to please stop, and he really wouldn’t. So, I started my plan… I realized that there was a new upcoming belt test on that Saturday. When I heard about this, I went to the gym ASAP. I tried every method to increase and preserve my strength for that day.
And finally, that day came.
I was training for a yellow belt 3rd stripe. When I showed up, I saw sensei Ruba coaching everyone for the exam. I did my usual greeting and went on. I did everything I could to preserve my energy until it was my turn to spar with him. So what I did was, I hyped myself up but not too much so I could preserve my energy.
Until the time came when I had to spar with him. When I saw him, he chuckled and he looked sarcastically intimidated by me. When the match began, I straight up sprinted full-speed towards this dude and put him in an armbar. He tapped out REALLY FAST. I then shouted ‘Who’s laughing now?!’ to the 50+ parents, trainers and students. They were all pretty shocked, but then cheered afterward.
Sensei Ruba ended up limping a lot for the rest of the day and had to get treatment for the arm I nearly broke on accident. After the incident, everything was resolved and we actually ended up becoming really good friends to this day.”
20. Here's Your Burger Without Pickles
“When I was younger I worked at a McDonald’s. Here in The Netherlands, we had a lot of teenagers coming in while they had their breaks from school.
And they all wanted the €1 hamburgers, sometimes a couple of them. They were always a pain in the butt… Being rude to the staff, destroying the furniture, never cleaning up their mess, smearing all kinds of crap (literally) all over the place, etc., etc.
One day a boy came up to the counter and complained that his burger had a pickle on it. He said he wanted one without a pickle.
We were sure he didn’t order one. We looked at his burger and we saw he had eaten up more than half of the burger.
The rest of his friends were laughing and watching from a distance. Normally, the policy was just to give him a new burger. But this time, we didn’t want to give him a ‘full’ new one. We know it costs only one euro, but he just didn’t deserve it.
We went to the kitchen and we made him a new burger, without any pickles. We then got a knife from the storage and cut the burger in half. We wrapped the burger and gave it to him.
He looked really proud of himself to pull off such an elaborate scheme. Then he unwrapped the burger and looked surprised. At the moment we told him that since he had finished half of the original burger, this was only fair.
His proud look slowly turned into a disappointed one.”
19. Keep Making The New Hires Quit And Your Last Day Will Be Sooner Than You Think
“Back in my college days, I slaved away flipping burgers under the good ol’ golden arches to help pay for my tuition.
It wasn’t a terrible job, all of my co-workers were great people… well, almost all my co-workers. There were two, let’s call them Bryan Bully and Jerry Jerk, who were workplace bullies.
Both these goons had been at the same place for several years and thus felt like they had the right to taunt and outright sabotage new crew members. The rest of us had been around long enough to push back and tell these guys to get lost, so they left us alone.
We did what we could to protect newbies that fell under Bryan and Jerry’s wrath, but we couldn’t always be there for them.
Things that the bullies did to new hires included, but are not limited to:
- Walking over and clearing the order screen before newbies had time to see what needed to be made
- Changing settings on the grills/fryers when newbies weren’t looking so that the food wouldn’t cook properly
- Tampering with the condiment dispensers in various ways
- Dirtying equipment at the end of the shift so the newbies would have to clean it again
- And of course all the usual name-calling, taunting, etc.
As you can imagine, these antics greatly messed up drive-thru times and genuinely hurt us as a store. This was all brought up to the managers time and again, nothing much was ever done.
The goons would get a stern but spineless talking-to once in a while and that was it. Bryan and Jerry had worked there forever, considered themselves the head cooks or whatever, and management probably didn’t want to bother hiring a new set of staff, even though a well-trained monkey could do it.
A lot of new hires quit after a few days and blamed it on the bullying, and I can’t say I blame them.
There was one new crew member in particular, though, who stuck around despite getting the worst of it from the bullies. We’ll call him Lance. Lance was a good guy, always very pleasant and good to work with even when Bryan and Jerry tormented him. There were times, though, that they got to him.
One night, I found Lance sitting on the hood of his car with his head in his hands after a particularly brutal round of sabotage.
The bullies had cleared his order screen multiple times before he could read it and a lot of angry customers came back with messed up orders, on top of the stress of drive-thru times being absolute garbage. Lance didn’t strike me as a crying man, but you could tell he was just barely holding it together. I asked if he was okay and we talked for a little bit.
Lance said not to worry about it because he was going to get the last laugh against those two, but he wouldn’t elaborate further. We went back inside and I told the bullies to screw off, but they just snickered, as usual. They knew they were immune to discipline unless they straight-up murdered someone.
Lance stuck around for about six months, a pretty typical tour of duty for a college town, and then moved on to pursue ‘other career interests,’ as he told me.
I missed him and we stayed in touch for a bit. I ended up transferring to a university the next town over, which meant transferring to another McDonald’s as well. Ah well, at least I would be free of the goons. Little did I know, vengeance was coming…
Fast forward to my last day at that particular McDonald’s. I had just come in for my shift, along with Bryan and Jerry.
How I hated working with them, but at least it was my last day. I was a bit early, so I sat in the dining area and played on my phone for a bit before it was time to clock in. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see my old buddy Lance, who was, to my surprise, wearing a manager’s uniform.
‘Hey Lance, my main man!’ cue enthusiastic bro hug ‘Moving up in the world I see!’
Lance smiled and said he had been promoted to assistant manager at another store in the franchise but had come back to take care of some things. An older man was standing behind in a full suit, who Lance introduced me to as his uncle… and the franchise owner.
Lance was the franchise owner’s nephew. The whole time he was doing grunt work and getting awful crap from the goons, he was the franchise owner’s nephew. My hunger for justice intensified and my heart rate went up a few notches. I knew things were about to go down.
Lance and the owner disappeared behind the counter. I was not privy to what happened back there with the goons, but of course, I asked later what happened. When Lance told him all the things that had been going down, he asked Lance to stick around and keep a log of everything.
The goons, after getting an eyeful of Lance in a manager uniform and being informed of his relation to the franchise owner, pooped their collective pants. Not only were they being terminated, but they were also facing the possibility of legal action for all the stunts they pulled. Something about affecting profits and staff turnover. Jerry couldn’t bear to even look Lance in the eye, he just kept his head bowed like a child.
Bryan cried and begged for his job. Lance then proceeded to tell them, in front of the owner, that they were the two most worthless pieces of work he had ever seen in his entire life, and as their superior, he was personally firing them and barring them from any further employment with the company.
When I learned this, I got a sweet taste of justice.
On top of that, Lance put in a good word for me with the owner, so that if I ever wanted a pay increase or promotion at my new location, it would most likely be mine.
I worked at the other McDonald’s for eight months with an extra dollar per hour before graduating and getting a college-level job, but I never forgot about the bullies and Lance.
The dude must have had incredible self-control to report for work and put up with them knowing that his uncle would be getting him a manager job anyway.
Sadly I did not keep up with Lance, so I never found out if the bullies were taken to court, but I like to think that they were. And I like to think that, as former fry-cooks at a fast food joint, they probably were unable to pay up, landing them in a place where they would undoubtedly fit in just fine: jail.”
18. Racist Landlady Got Sued
“A little over a year ago I moved to a smallish town. I found a decent duplex out on the outskirts, with plenty of room for just myself.
When I spoke to the landlord (or landlady I guess) she had implied that she’d had quite a few other people look at the place, but that these weren’t the sort of people she wanted moving in.
It was heavily implied, though never explicitly stated, that she wouldn’t allow minorities to move into her duplexes. I really didn’t care, as it was none of my business, and as long as I could get the place I was happy.
So, I moved in a week later, and at first, all was well. I work Tuesday through Saturday, 8-5 every week, though I frequently get off later than 5.
My job consists of driving a company truck and going to customers’ houses to fix their stuff. I sometimes deal with as many as 10 different people a day. At the end of the day, the only thing I usually want to do is go home and veg out in front of my computer. The last thing I want to do is interact with other people or have to deal with a bunch of noise.
Unfortunately, my neighbor was running her own daycare next door, watching as many as 10 or 12 kids in her little 1000 square foot unit. She would allow these kids to run wild.
My typical Monday (which was one of my weekend days) would consist of waking up at about 7 am to the sounds of kids hitting on walls and jumping on furniture and hearing my neighbor scream at the tops of her lungs.
This would go on all day until about 7 pm, with no respite.
Now, I knew when I moved in that she ran her own small daycare, but I didn’t think it would be a problem. After all, I used to watch kids as well, only I was good at it, and I made sure the kids I watched were well behaved. Naturally, I assumed that someone running their own daycare would have the skill to control the kids.
Not so.
After a few weeks of this, I ended up losing my patience. I knocked on my neighbor’s door and engaged her in small talk. I didn’t want to immediately tell her to shut up, so I just made it seem like a friendly chat. During the small talk, I realized that this witch was nuts.
Well, after a few minutes of conversation with Witch I decided to broach the subject of excessive noise.
I started out by asking her if I was noisy, and assuring her that if I ever became noisy she could ask and I would quiet down. She assured me that she never heard a peep from me. She then asked me if she was noisy, to which I replied that there was an awful lot of noise during the day while she was watching kids.
Now, I’m still trying to keep things civil and friendly, but things start going off the rails. She apologizes and tells me that running a daycare is a noisy business. She explains that this is her only source of income, and she has no choice in the matter.
I ask her if she’s able to keep the kids from hitting on the walls at the very least, to which she replies that she’s one person with 10 kids, and she can’t be everywhere at once.
At this point, I realize that being Mr. Nice Guy isn’t working. This filthy witch is just going to keep making excuses and avoiding the issue rather than actually try to do something about it. I suggest that she either hire some help or take some lessons to learn to better deal with young children. She suggests I move somewhere else, and that it was stupid to move in when I knew the next-door unit was a daycare.
Well, at this point I’m just annoyed. This witch does a trashy job of running a daycare and handling children and has the nerve to call me stupid? I decide to go to war. Before going back into my own unit I make one more statement: ‘Do you have a license to run a daycare?…’
Well, it turns out that Witch is good friends with the landlady, and at the beginning of the next month when the landlady comes to collect rent, she serves me an eviction notice, giving me 30 days to leave.
Her explanation is that I’m causing tensions among the other tenants and being a troublemaker. Keep in mind, the only other tenant I’ve spoken to has been Witch.
Well, neither of these witches knows who they’re messing with. I’m the last person to just roll over and take it in the butt, especially when I feel that something unjust has been done.
I do my research and learn about my state’s childcare laws. I learn that there is a limit to how many children an unlicensed facility can care for, which is also based on how many caregivers there are. I also learn that there are certain requirements, such as state workers inspecting the facilities and doing background checks on the caregivers.
All of that licensing information is public domain, so I do a search, and sure enough, my neighbor is unlicensed and illegally watching children.
After that, I do some research on housing equality laws in my state. Turns out it’s illegal for anyone, even a private owner, to discriminate against potential tenants on things like race, gender, religion, etc.
First things first; I call up the department of child protective services and report my neighbor. I explain that she’s unlicensed, that she’s clearly unable to handle the children she’s watching, and that I frequently hear banging and yelling coming from her unit, which has me concerned for the safety and well being of the children (a bit of a fib there, but I figured I should spice it up a bit.)
Well, much to my surprise it only takes about an hour before two CPS agents and a couple of police are pulling up in front of the duplex. They force Witch to call each of the parents to come pick up their children, then explain to the parents that if something were to happen to their children that they could be held liable for leaving their children with someone who isn’t equipped to handle them.
Witch ends up getting slapped with a hefty fine and an order to appear in court. For the first time since I moved into that duplex, I was happy with the thin walls. I just sat there drinking a few beers and listening to all the chaos. It went on for hours. I slept like a baby that night.
So, phase one of Operation Duplex Destruction was complete.
Witch was ruined. I’d destroyed her only source of income, permanently, caused her financial distress in the form of a fine, and got her in trouble with the law.
It was time to proceed to phase two. By now most of my stuff was packed and I’d found a new place to live a few miles down the street. A couple of weeks after moving to the new place I invited a few of my coworkers over to have a few beers, though I had ulterior motives.
It just so happens that I invited two black coworkers and a white coworker. After we’d had a couple of beers I explained the real reason I wanted to get together. I’d been working on a plan to get back at some racist jerk of a landlady, and I was ready to put the plan into action. Fortunately, me being such a likable guy and on great terms with all my coworkers, they were more than happy to go along.
I went ahead and had one of my black coworkers call up the landlady and ask about her ‘for rent’ listing and set up a time to meet her and check the place out. I instructed my other black coworker to wait a couple of days and do the same and instructed my white coworker to wait until the end up of the week to do the same.
A week and a half came and went. During that time all 3 of my coworkers had met with the landlady to check out the unit. She told my two black coworkers that she’d already found another tenant, and sent each of them on their way. But when my white coworker showed up later that week, she told him that she hadn’t found anyone to rent yet, but that she’d had some ‘unsavory characters’ show interest.
Well, this was more than enough for me. I got in touch with my state’s Commission on Human Relations department. I explained that I had referred a few friends to check the place out and that the owner of the properties was blatantly refusing to rent to minorities. I also called up the NAACP and explained the situation to them.
It’s now been about 2 months since all of that happened. I checked back with the NAACP this morning to ask for an update on the situation.
The racist landlady was slapped with a fine and is currently being sued by the NAACP for tens of thousands of dollars.
Operation Duplex Destruction is a success!”
17. Working In Storage Has Its Perks
“This happened in 2007/2008. So I got a job working as the only person in a stockroom of the bookstore in a multi-conglomerate-bookstore company.
I had an agreement with the boss that it would only last for three months (November and out January), as I had to go back to school. My boss (female and extremely hot – but let’s call her BB) was nice and sweet, until my first day. It was like she hated me. I have no idea why, but whatever, I got along with the rest of the staff.
There was a Christmas party with a dinner for all the staff, but I was not invited (whatever). The rest of the staff told me after the weekend that they’d asked where I was, and BB had told everyone that since I was only working there for 3 months, there was no reason to invite me. This was said in front of the CHRISTMAS STAFF, who only worked there for a month!
They also found this quite strange and started to get the picture that BB really didn’t like me.
So off to my revenge: when we ordered books, we had them sent from the central storage, and we got about 1000 books delivered every 2nd day. The problem here was that the number of books we had ordered and the number of books we received matched about 50% of the time.
The guy I replaced told me that when that happened, we had to call storage, inform them about how many we ordered and how many we got (which was either too many or too little) – they then had to go on to cancel the original order and create a new one, which took about two days, so the storage was often late with displaying books, as we had to follow stock and the system wouldn’t let us sell books that we didn’t have ‘in stock’.
After about two weeks of this, I found it quite annoying and started digging around in SAP (which was the system they used). Me, having grown up with computers and had previous experience with SAP, found a way where I could manually add/remove the number of books we had gotten, making the stock correct at the same time as I scanned/counted the number of books, meaning I increased the turnover, as all the books we got the same day would be delivered to the store.
The guys working in the central storage didn’t even know about this.
BB asked me in January how I managed to have the stockroom completely empty every day we got a delivery after the Christmas rush was over – I informed her about what I did, but not how (like she cared). She just nodded and told me to write the steps down somewhere, ‘yeah, sure’ I replied (or something like that).
She had figured that since the stockroom was always empty now, she wouldn’t need to have someone on full-time in the stockroom and have the sellers do the work, as the stockroom wasn’t full at all anymore. I smiled when I heard about this.
So on my last day: had a talk with BB, who then asked me for the instructions, to which I replied ‘I forgot to write it down, and since I have less than 30 minutes left of my day, it’s not enough time to write it down.
Sorry!’ BB got furious and told me to stay on longer that day to get the instructions written down, but I just told her that 1. We have to follow the signed contract. 2. I had no obligation to write this down – nor did I have to teach this to anyone, as there was no one who was replacing my job. She proceeded to threaten to withhold my pay, but I just told her that that’s illegal (Norway is a great country to live in with regards to being an employee) and that I would then have to take legal action (I was also in a union).
Bye-bye, BB.
A few weeks later I talked to a friend who was still working there, and the stockroom was a complete mess – they even had someone come from the central storage to try to work out how I managed to keep it clean, but they couldn’t. They spent a fortune on updating their systems so that they could do what I managed to do in two weeks.
I see BB from time to time, and she does not look happy when she sees my face. I smile at her every single time.”
16. The Battle Of The Consoles
“In college, I lived in a house with 5 other roommates. No cable or even local tv. One roommate insisted that we set up his big-screen TV and PS3 in the living room for shared gaming and streaming for the house.
Within the first week, the roommate started taking the power cords from the TV and PS3 and requiring us to ‘check it out’ from him if we wanted to use either. He was super petty about it, and hated me in particular because I ‘reminded him of his older brother.’ The final straw was when I had a girl over, cuddling on the couch watching a flick.
He gets home from work, sees us, and immediately removes the power cord mid-scene.
A few days later I noticed he left the PS3 controllers & remote control on the floor of the living room. Not wanting someone to trip on them, I placed the devices up in the dish of an unplugged floor lamp sitting in the corner of the room and conveniently ‘forgot’ I’d placed them there.
The lamp was above eye level and the dish was opaque, no one thought to look up there. It didn’t even have a bulb in it. A few weeks later, my roommate bought two more controllers but remained an insufferable jerk about letting anyone else use the living room TV. This time I moved the controllers up to clear the floor for vacuuming. Two months in, with four controllers and two remotes down a house meeting is convened as the lack of working tv and console for streaming is really putting a damper on movie nights.
The roommate is getting heat from other roommates for being so flakey and misplacing the remotes. He gets defensive, accuses the house of ‘stealing his stuff,’ I act hurt by his accusation but like the bigger man, suggest the house use my 360 and big screen for entertainment. ‘It’s set up in my room but I’m willing to sacrifice my personal entertainment set up for my roomies.’ We start transitioning electronics out.
Roommate is livid, all his power fantasies have fallen apart, he rages, picks up his PS3 from the entertainment center, and spikes it into the corner of the room knocking the floor lamp. The PS3 shatters on the wall, four controllers and two tv remotes spill out from the lamp. I seriously couldn’t have planned it better.”
15. Threaten My Pregnant Wife Over Parking? I'll Report You
“About 5 years ago I bought a 1500sq ft townhome condo in an up-and-coming town. Right in the downtown area. This is a valuable property with home prices that have increased 35% since I purchased. This was a wonderful area within walking distance of everything I loved as a single bachelor. When I moved in all my neighbors were wonderful.
We all got along great except for one person. She belonged to the HOA board but was moving on because you can only serve 8 years. We’ll call her Gimpy J.
Gimpy J is a 65+year old widow whose husband passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. She doesn’t have much to do. She met a man online and moved on and I was happy for her.
Talking to my passive neighbors I hear bits and pieces of things being the way they are at the HOA because of Gimpy J and another woman who had to move because of age. On the board the two of them bully residents. They change the landscaping from mulch to pine needles, they stop upkeep on the pool deck because they hate kids. They reported one house for anything and everything because their kids were too loud.
She bullied a woman with MS because Gimpy J was feeding feral cats and attracting raccoons and possums near our homes and Animal control was called. Residents did not like her.
I got married and my wife has been living with me for 2 years now, at this point. We are very happy.
During this time Gimpy J began spending more and more time with her new man.
He lives about an hour away from our house in the country. She would initially spend the weekend, then a week there, until she began living there all the time with very little time spent here. Maybe 15min-2 hours a month would be at our complex.
Now at our complex, there is only 1 rule on parking, each resident is entitled to two spots close to their building, but not necessarily in front of your unit and there is no limit to parking spots you may occupy.
CLOSE to it is the keyword. We have new folks on the board who are all under 40 years of age and the place is starting to get spruced up.
We have some friends over regularly and they park in front of our unit. Gimpy J had 2 hip replacements done and we had not seen her in about 7 months. Our little area of the complex consists of 8 townhomes that face each other, 4 on one side 4 on the other.
There are 8 spots for three homes and a handicapped spot for one of our neighbors.
Gimpy J started coming back around in January for longer periods; a day on the weekend to go out downtown or to visit friends. She started complaining that we were in her spots. Again, there are no assigned spots. We were willing to move our friends’ vehicles for her to another empty spot, that is until she started occupying two spots at a time with her vehicle.
This behavior continued as she would come in taking 2 spots any time she was here. The rules in the Master Deed say no vehicle can take more than one spot without written permission from the Board of Directors or Property Management group and cannot continue for more than 2 days with permission. This was to account for residents moving in and out.
Suddenly that spring my wife had a medical issue and was hospitalized for 4 days and on disability for 8 weeks.
My mom was the only family member on both sides that had the capability of coming down to where we lived to help us out. She drove down and we needed to occupy 3 spots. I promptly let our property management company know and the Board of Directors know what was happening, providing them with my mom’s make, model, and plate number and that she would be here 6-8 weeks, just in case anyone had an issue.
Gimpy J’s first time home in 6 weeks we had a car in front of her house but she had room for her vehicle. She marched over and banged, and I mean it was loud, on the door demanding we move the car, and tried to open my front door and walk into my home. Yes, she tried to ENTER MY HOME. It shook my dog who peed herself it was that loud, who in turn growled and chased her out.
I promptly told her there was no assigned parking and the rule is 1 car 1 spot. We moved a car out of respect one last time and saw she occupied 2 spots with it, per usual.
The next time it happened, 2 weeks later, we refused to move our vehicle. We also began taking pictures for our records and communicating with our HOA about Gimpy J’s erratic behavior.
She continued to arrive, knock on our door, scream at us for having a car parked ‘in her spot.’
One time banging on the door, she dented the frame with her keys.
A few additional times when we were not home she would come in and park, occupying two spots. I would take more pictures, for my records in case something happened because of her erratic behavior.
Finally, it happened. About this time last year, I was at the gym and I get a call from my mom and my wife, frantic that someone is going to tow my wife’s car. I drive home as fast as I can and it’s Gimpy J’s partner’s son and his girl, whom we have never met. This jerk, who doesn’t live here and has no business here, is screaming at us and insulting my pregnant wife and mother.
‘MY MOTHER-IN-LAW PAYS $XXX DOLLARS A MONTH FOR THESE SPOTS! YOU IDIOTS ARE BREAKING THE RULES! IMMA TOW THAT THERE SUV!!!!!’ All while drinking beer. Now we know he can’t do anything except scream and try to intimidate us outside. He calls his ‘mother-in-law’ (who is not married to his father) about the situation.
Gimpy J drives an hour to our complex. When she gets here she parks her car behind all three of ours and gets out blocking us in, and I had enough.
I quickly snap some pictures. I called the police. I will not feel unsafe or be harassed in my neighborhood by people who do not live there or are barely there. Gimpy J realizes I called the police and moves her car.
I print out all my documentation, pictures, and communication from the HOA. I shower quickly because I’m disgusting from the gym and throw on a nice polo shirt and shorts.
My pregnant wife sits in her rocking chair and my mother sits calmly at the kitchen table.
The police arrive and we can see them hollering, waving arms widely, and screaming. The police come to the door and we kindly open up. Gimpy J tries to walk in before I block her and ask her to leave my property and invite the police officers inside.
We apologized that we even have to call them over something so petty, but our neighbor is acting crazy and her behavior has been escalating. We explain what is happening, show them communication from the HOA, show them pictures. The officer quickly had enough of these white trash pieces of work. He imposes a no-trespass order on my porch and will not let her near my property.
If she steps foot on our walkway she is in violation of the order and she will be arrested.
We watch him go back out and explain calmly to her and she starts screaming along with her partner’s kid and his partner. This goes on for a while and the officer calls for back up and a second car arrives promptly. Gimpy J promptly declares it’s her property too, she pays her fees and that he can’t do that because everything is community property outside of a home.
She goes and marches up to my stoop and he arrests her. Charges her with disorderly conduct and harassment.
The police then tell Gimpy J’s partner’s son to go home. He gets in his truck with his white trash partner and they drive off. As soon as he hits the road outside of our complex, the 2nd police officer pulls him over, for DUI!!!
That’s right, the wasted guy screaming at my wife and mother had been drinking the entire time and was loaded. Police couldn’t do anything in the complex, but could when he hit the main road. Both of them were hauled off to jail and we stopped hearing from them about parking.
2 days later Gimpy J and her partner show up at the complex and they park her partner’s car in our lot and leave it, parked in one spot to ensure it’s ‘hers’.
Well, they drive off and we don’t hear from them in a week and no one is home. Since Gimpy J’s partner does not live here and his car is abandoned, I called the HOA to report it. They came and towed his SUV.
Gimpy J put her house on the market 8 weeks later.”
14. Make Fun Of Me At Work? I'll Send You An Email
“Several years back I had a work colleague who thought it was funny to poke fun at me in a group setting. He was your typical class clown kinda guy, not very self-aware, and also doesn’t know when to quit.
He passed himself off as this really nice guy but he took shots at me whenever he could. I was definitely a target, presumably because I was that guy who reacted instead of laughing along with the group.
One day, I replied-all in a joke email of his asking both him and the group to cut it out and only use work email for work.
I sent the email to his boss and she chided ‘the team’ (instead of just him) on proper work email usage. This only seemed to fuel his fire, as the next time I saw him in the halls he went out of his way to yell a joke at me across the hall. Several of his friends giggled like schoolgirls as they walked by. I didn’t find it funny.
I emailed him, and copied his boss, stating that I was definitely a target of harassment and was really sick of the behavior. I thought that would just scare him off and that would be that. He ended up being investigated by HR and reprimanded for his behavior. I also believe a record was kept on him.
Needless to say, my apology was not accepted and he basically told me our friendship was over.
Look, I didn’t really care about that, but I genuinely felt kinda bad about the punishment he got. I just wanted him to stop what he was doing. We are now civil but basically don’t talk unless we are at the same place at the same time accidentally.”
13. Lazy Coworker Got Fired
“Several years ago I had a coworker who was absolutely worthless. She called in sick at least every other week with some malady, was always out running around, chatting and socializing instead of working, and just generally left the rest of us to fill in for her.
Another coworker (who I will refer to as ‘Fed Up’) was really sick of dealing with her because we were the ones expected to take her calls and take care of her customers when she was out or away from her desk.
I had complained loudly and often to my manager to no avail. For some reason, she took it as if I were challenging her authority, rather than believing I had a legitimate complaint.
One day she basically told me she was sick of hearing about it, I obviously had a personality conflict and to drop it or else. Well, I dropped it but I was annoyed.
Finally one week, everything came to a head. ‘Worthless’ handled one of our large clients and we were getting a lot of calls from their customers. So many in fact, that my supervisor told me and Fed Up that we needed to help Worthless because she couldn’t possibly handle all the calls.
I was livid. Maybe if she spent her time at her desk instead of running all over the office she could handle the calls! Anyway, I did what I was told but I fumed the whole time. Worthless was also in the habit of leaving early every day. At about 20 min to closing, she’d shut down her computer and go sit in another coworker’s office and blab for 10 minutes, and then they would leave together while I was still working.
One afternoon after she left, I still had about 10 of her unanswered calls so I sent them back to her desk. I figured if she had time to leave early, she had time to return her own calls. Well apparently the next day, Worthless tattled to the boss, because she came to see me about the phone calls. I’d had it. I told my boss exactly what happened and why I sent the calls back.
I guess this time she agreed with me because we didn’t have to help her with calls anymore.
The whole time this was going on, Worthless was complaining nonstop about this client. She was so annoyed about having to take all these calls and griped all the time. Well, she decided to vent on social media and, idiot that she is made disparaging comments about one of our biggest clients online.
As if that’s not bad enough, she was friends with at least 20 coworkers, all of whom saw her rant. Most of them were friends on social media only, because, in reality, very few people could stand her.
So, one of her ‘friends’ screenshot the page, printed it out, and gave it to Fed Up. We then mailed the screenshot of her rant to the HR manager from outside the office and sat back and waited. Two days later Worthless was escorted from the office.
Rumor has it that HR had her termination paperwork ready before they even called her in.”
12. Fool Me Thrice? I'll Give You A Bad Reputation
“This happened last spring. It was for a final project in my sophomore year of high school.
I joined a group of a total of four, including two good friends. However, we all just assumed someone knew the last guy, none of us quite knew how this Indian kid named Dan got into our group. Whatever, Dan was a smart guy from what we knew. We planned a study session at Panera Bread the following Saturday. Group text. Everyone confirms they will attend.
Even Dan. Of course, Dan doesn’t show up.
No biggie right? We bust our butts on the script and decide to let him get away with just writing the analysis of our script. Dan once again agrees. The next week we were going to film the project at my house. Now it is important to note here that due to poor planning on our part, we had only two more days until the final was due and we hadn’t even filmed yet.
We instruct Dan to bring the analysis of the script with him to my house when we film. But guess what: he hasn’t done the analysis as we told him to.
He tells us he can write it while we film, but that wasn’t the deal, we need everyone in our group to film for full credit. So Dan says he will come film with us then write the analysis.
But doesn’t show up. What the heck, Dan? We missed off-season practice to accommodate you and you don’t show up!?
At this point, we realize he is just dead weight. But we were mad. We wanted revenge. We realized we had been instructed to pick our own groups. Technically, the teacher had no idea who was paired with who. So, we compiled all of our group texts and printed them off.
Then we shot the film sans Dan and I gleefully wrote the analysis solo. The next day (the day before it’s due) Dan is texting us like mad trying to get us to film with him. But Oops. Sorry, Dan, we only took one day off practice to meet with you and that was yesterday.
We finish practice. I tell Dan (who had already been waiting 3 hours at this point) that we had already shot the day before.
He sends a flurry of angry texts demanding that we shoot the entire project over again, to which we all reply no. Come the day of the project, we had already emailed the analysis, video, and script to the teacher. We show her screenshots where Dan has clearly neglected his responsibilities. Dan is called to speak with her privately right before we present and is not in the class for the rest of the period.
We later found out he received an F on his project and his grade dropped two letters. It was glorious, and nobody ever worked with him on a project for the rest of the year in any class. He did learn his lesson, but not before getting the lowest passing grade in the class that year.”
11. Your Potato Salad Deserves To Be Thrown Away...And So Do You
“So one day I am shopping at my usual supermarket. As I so often do I have my headphones in: So I don’t hear what’s going on around me. I primarily rely on my eyes to notice what is happening. Anyway there I was, all paid and putting my groceries into my bag, when suddenly a dripping cup of potato salad appears in front of my eyes.
Dripping oily marinade into my bag and all over my groceries.
I look up and see a red round angry face (RRAF) saying something to me. So I pop out a headphone.
RRAF: ‘…freaking now.’
At this point I didn’t realize one thing: He was speaking English. As you can tell by this single sentence: Where I live we speak a different language, but I speak and hear English almost all the time.
I don’t realize that at the moment.
ME: ‘Huh?’
RRAF: ‘This potato salad is leaking. Get me a new one! Right now, you lazy idiot.’
ME: ‘Um… why?’ His behavior hasn’t really sunk in yet.
RRAF: ‘That’s what you bag boys are supposed to do! You idiot!’ Okay, now I have caught on.
ME: ‘Hey jerkface, I’m not a bag boy.’
RRAF: ‘Whatever you are get me a new potato salad.’
Me: ‘Hey moron, I’m just shopping here.’ Which was when he saw the potato salad in my bag.
RRAF: ‘Then just give me yours.’ Reaches for/into my bag and forces his cup of potato salad into my hands. ‘It’s covered in the marinade!’ He made a disgusted face and tossed it back into my carefully packed bag.
‘Get me a new potato salad.’
I have had enough by then. I took my bag and walked ‘into’ the store to dump his potato salad in a trash can.
He turned even redder before I left the store. I can’t even begin to rationalize how he could have reasonably thought that I was a bag boy. 1. Around here there are no bag boys.
2. I was wearing a military-looking black jacket. The supermarket employees all wear red polos. 3. There were two other people packing their shopping bags.
Later that night as I arrived at my work I was introduced to my new manager: RED ROUND ANGRY FACE. Well shoot… or not. His predecessor introduced him as the new ‘temporary manager’ who would get the office into shape until a ‘permanent manager’ would take over.
Turns out I don’t work there, but I do work for RRAF.
Neither of them realizes: Those are code words… for me. I know the company CEO and almost everyone directly underneath him, but there are a few layers of hierarchy between them and me. I am officially an independent contractor with a fixed hourly rate that is independent of my work time (day/night) and the office manager is supposed to call me in as necessary.
My secret is: I am the company hitman. Due to the nature of the company people in manager-level positions have very generous severance packages… unless they are fired for cause. I can see why they want to get rid of RRAF.
Long story short: We both act as nothing happened, but he schedules me to work full night shifts for a month, which suits me perfectly fine given my hourly rate.
The problem is, he was supposed to work these shifts instead of me. Strike One.
His computer doesn’t properly log his weekly reports, because of a crappy security system. Usually, I help people with that, but tough luck. Company Headquarters flags him as non-compliant. Strike Two.
Finally, a month in he calls me into his office and tells me that I am fired. That my services were no longer needed. Never mind that I cannot be fired without the authorization of the division manager.
Strike Three.
He was fired the day after. I was asked to supervise him clearing out his office and was probably grinning like a moron the whole time.”
10. Time Moves Quickly When You're Taking Revenge
“I was raised by a single mom and was very, very poor as a kid. We lived on the outskirts of a semi-nice town and went to a great public school.
I was always late to school. There was no bus that ran in my area and my mom worked as a waitress at night.
If she didn’t feel like waking up, I just didn’t make it to school or I had to walk 45 minutes each way. The problem was that during the majority of the year, it was dark out when school started so I would wait until the sun came up and be late.
Anyway – my teacher was a real jerk. He acted like every single time I was late that I made a conscious decision to be so.
His rule was that if I was late 1 time a week, I had to miss recess every single day that week.
So, I pretty much never got to go to recess. Finally, one day my teacher forgot I was late earlier that week and I was out playing when this fat kid came up to me for absolutely no reason and was like ‘weren’t you late on Monday?’ and I responded with ‘who cares?’
He immediately went to our teacher, told him and I was banished from recess for the remainder of the week and next (regardless if I was late).
I was annoyed so I called him fat the next day. He then got on my case and would say stuff like ‘didn’t you wear that shirt yesterday?’ Just bully kind of stuff.
Fast forward a couple of days – we get in a fistfight, I beat him down and gave him the nickname ‘Pillsbury dough witch’.
I went on to call him that every single day for 3 years. I became relentless. If I saw him, I shoulder-checked him. If I walked by him in class/school I’d say ‘piiiilllllllsssss… Berrrrryyyyy’.
Finally around 8th grade, the principal calls me into the office and the fat kid and his mom are sitting there. He’s crying and she’s super upset. They were like ‘OP, you’re a nice kid and the other kids look up to you.
You should be friends with the fat kid. You’re bullying him and he comes home upset every single day. The other kids will follow your lead if you are nice to him.’
Then I got really upset and yelled ‘It’s his fault, he made me stay in for recess and made fun of me saying I wore the same shirt’.
They looked at me like I was insane and were like ‘when did he do that?’
And at that moment, I realized it had been over 3 years ago. And for that, I had beaten him, relentlessly bullied him, and given him a nickname he probably will never be able to fully forget. And I regretted it.”
9. School Bookstore Employees Finally Stand Up For Themselves
“Working at a college bookstore, we constantly have to charge a ridiculous amount to students so the college can make a ton and then buy them back from you for cheap after the term is over.
We had our manager, we will call N, and her boss, we will call COG (Creepy Old Guy).
COG was the worst. He would insult us in front of customers to make himself look powerful, he would flirt with my female coworkers, and would walk around trying to look tough, while he was only a 70-year-old man with a hunchback.
The bookstore was miserable to work at.
Everyone hated it, none of us were ever sure about how many hours we would get the next week, we received minimum wage, it was the worst. None of us were close friends with each other because we were all so spaced out and confined to our own areas, that no one talked much. It was pretty much a dictatorship.
So after working there for a long 6 months, we were about to have this meeting with HR about Title IX.
Pretty much about harassment in the workplace.
Then I started hearing about the underbelly of what was really going on in the bookstore. COG was constantly being creepy to the girls of the workplace. Women had quit because he would try to get them to model some of the new clothes we got (we also sold memorabilia for the school), and he would constantly check them out.
For example, one girl named Kaylee was a leader in the store. She had been promoted again and again because she was such a hard worker.
One day I came in and was told she no longer worked there. Apparently, one of our male coworkers had found her number and tried getting nasty photos from her, and she freaked out on him. COG and N were the ones checking over everything, only for Kaylee to be fired for acting unprofessional, and the guy got suspended a month for inappropriate behavior.
I’m a guy and I know that’s wrong. Kaylee told us later that COG was the one who made the final decision on the punishment.
So anyway, there was this girl who worked in the mailroom, we will call her Erica. Erica comes up to me and says ‘Things are about to hit the fan in the HR meeting.’
Oh God, here we go.
We get into the meeting, all 30 coworkers and HR lady 1 and HR lady 2.
They go into a 15-minute speech about what is correct behavior, etc, etc… and then we do an activity on these huge poster boards about ‘What does harassment look like?’ ‘What does it sound like?’
So what do we do?
We write out the description of COG and phrases he has said.
We fill up the poster board so much that they have to ask us to stop and go sit back down.
Then they ask us where is this coming from. Erica stands up and says ‘I’ve complained to you 5 times in the 2 years I’ve been here. I’m graduating next month and I’m tired of it. You’re telling us how to behave, but when the guy who has multiple complaints and is the biggest creep in the school isn’t here, we don’t care what you have to say.’
She starts storming out and one of the HR ladies calls for her to come back. Erica stands there waiting for them to say something.
I stand up and say ‘You know what? This is complete nonsense. Even though I’m a guy, I know myself and the other guys here are sick of hearing how our coworkers are being treated like objects and you guys aren’t doing anything.
I’m outta here.’
After that, 90% of our coworkers follow us out.
The meeting is over.
Two days later, Erica and I get requests to go see HR on our break.
We get interviewed separately, and during mine, the HR lady asks about all the rumors, etc.
Finally, after telling her everything, I told her that no one there thinks HR will do anything because COG is way high up in management.
I see the HR lady’s eyes flair up.
‘No one is above getting away with harassment.’
I told her that I guess we will see.
In the next week, every employee is called into HR. Managers and COG have no idea what it’s about because they were not allowed to know.
Find out that one day, Kaylee was wearing an Old Navy pair of jeans with a logo on the left b*******k.
COG comes up, slaps her butt, and says ‘How’s it going Old Navy?’
He also fired a manager a couple of years ago because she wouldn’t personally model for him.
He would corner girls and look them up and down while licking his lips.
Every time it’d be reported. Nothing would happen.
Finally, I get to work maybe a week after investigations had started.
COG is gone. The office is completely cleared out. Management is baffled. Employees are high-fiving, smirking, etc.
Management starts complaining that they should know why. It’s not their place and is against the law, so we can’t say why.
Employees feel a sense of power we haven’t felt in a long time.
Find out the day he’s coming in to pick up his last check.
Invite Kaylee to the store. We all glare at him while he walks by. COG turns red out of anger/embarrassment.
Around this time, it’s summer so they lay off a bunch of people. We went from about 30 employees to about 12.
Some of us ask for a raise, no one gets any. We say we are doubling our workload and getting paid the same.
N is the manager now.
She refuses but tries to build us up and say we are her handpicked staff to start again at the bookstore and make it better. We will be a massive help to the new people we hire at the beginning of next school year.
Once again, most of us ask for a raise. 2 people get one as they are promoted to lead.
The last 10 of us are furious.
Unknown to each other, we all were searching for different jobs.
I still laugh when I remember my manager’s face when she gets 10 people giving their two weeks notice at the end of summer.
They went into the school year (the busiest time of the year) with a completely new staff who knows nothing.
I walked in there a few days ago after not being there for about a year.
No one works there that I worked with. Find out the turnover rate is extremely high. Even a couple of lower managers quit after a month or so.
The bookstore is now the laughing stock of the school.”
8. Hurt My Friend? I'll Force You To Stop Your Education
“So in my first year of university, I lived in a flat with five other girls. Next door to our flat was a studio flat, where one girl lived alone. During the first week, she joined our flat for a party and became friends with all six of us. Let’s call her Mary. Mary had been long-term going out with a boy who lived in another county in an open relationship.
She was very fun to be around, and we all got on really well.
Time goes by and she visits us regularly for company. Through this, she ends up meeting most of my friends, including my best friend, who we’ll call Sarah (as she has a part to play in this story). Mary opens up about her trashy family, and how her parents never taught her to cook anything – so me being me, I offer for her to come round one night and I’ll teach her how to cook her first meal. We agree on a simple stir fry to start us off, and I bought the ingredients.
During the night, she tells me about her relationship; how she’s looking to experiment with women (and how her partner had given her permission); and how she found Asian people particularly attractive. She was well aware that I and my friend group are mostly LGBT girls, and I’m pretty clearly Asian. I’m a kind of stereotypically attractive woman, and have experienced similar uncomfortable situations with men many times… so without her directly asking in the first place, I made it clear I wasn’t into doing that and she happily told me that was totally okay.
She tells me about her passion for becoming a nurse, more about her man; and how she gets a little jealous sometimes, causing her to look through his phone often when they’re together. That struck me as really unhealthy, so I told her it was. She found it weird I thought it was a bad thing to do. That should have been a huge red flag for me there and then, but I’m a big idiot who always tries to see the best in people.
I tell her to maybe stop that habit and just trust him (as the way she talked about it made her sound like she was a nice girl who somehow scored with some poor pushover of a dude and it worried me a bit).
As the night goes on, my flatmates all arrive and hang out. When everyone was there, Mary let us know that our front door closes really loud when we leave it to shut automatically, and directly through the wall was her bed. It wakes her up often, so we should always slowly, manually close the door ourselves so as not to wake her up ever (she gets very tired as she’s doing a nursing degree with crazy hours).
We all agree to do this for her because it’s not much effort for us, and the night ends.
Fast forward a few months and I need to find a place to live in my second year of university. I go looking for houses with Mary, as Sarah was staying in the same place for the next year and all my current flatmates had already arranged stuff (I had left it late like a fool).
A lot of my friends had spare places in flats, but like Mary I was going to try to rent a house, so we go to visit a 2-person small house on the nice side of town with her parents. It’s lovely, I can ‘just’ afford it and everything’s fine except Mary keeps getting angry with her parents for what looked like no good reason.
I would understand some hostility if you grew up with such a bad family, but she was actively berating and shouting at her parents in front of the estate agent. I don’t know why I overlooked it… probably because my own family wasn’t great and I still thought that much negativity was okay? I dunno.
The estate agents’ office we went to seemed a little dodgy, which made me feel uneasy.
Mary desperately wanted a place to live though as she had nobody else to go with (in hindsight I freaking wonder why), and she pressured me very hard to sign. So I reluctantly do the tenancy agreement, and we’re set to move in next year, no backing out now, deposit laid, all that. I’m a little nervous, but I’m convinced Mary has some good in her heart and that she can learn to be a better person while we live together with my love and encouragement.
She likes my company because I’m always trying to put a smile on her face even when she’s down, and I’m hoping she’ll learn she can be happy when she’s with the right people for her.
She tells me that she doesn’t let her man interact with other girls, and she doesn’t let me see him when he visits. She outright asks me to try inappropriate stuff with her a few times over the months, using her depression as a pity card.
I say no each time, and worry starts to grow inside me about how I was going to have to move in with this person… I felt grateful our bedroom doors would have locks on them.
My flatmates started getting uncomfortable around her. They were all straight, and her lowkey sensual behavior towards them made them ask me if that was okay, and made me irritated. We were her only friends though, so I told everyone to just try and help her learn to be better, as long as they were okay and comfortable with that.
My kind flatmates all did just that, bless them! The fact Mary was getting good influences from these people boosted my assurance that she’d break out of her toxic attitude just like how I and so many other people did as teens.
One night, I get a message from Mary. She says she’s feeling incredibly depressed and asks if she could come over for company.
It was really late, so I just left it on unread and went back to trying to sleep. About half an hour later, I hear scuffling coming from the other side of the wall, where Mary’s apartment is; something very unusual. I felt bad for ignoring her message, but I was tired and couldn’t bear any of her burdens tonight, so I let it go and went to sleep.
We were meeting the next day anyway to discuss our housing situation for next year over a cup of tea.
The following morning, I woke up to see a BILLION messages from Sarah. Apparently, Mary called Sarah over since Mary was feeling depressed and needed company. Sarah is a strong and tough person, but our first year of university was a stressful time for her head was a bit of a mess, and she was uncomfortable in her own body.
Even though it was late, she went over to Mary’s place, where it was weirdly boiling (Mary cranked up the central heating no doubt). This meant Sarah had to get down to just her tank top… and I won’t spare you the details, but Mary peer-pressured Sarah into getting into Mary’s double bed together in a ‘girly sleepover’ type way, and then did something very illegal. Sarah didn’t know what to do and was too scared to leave afterward.
She had a horrible, horrible night; and sneaked out once Mary was asleep.
I’m a passionate person, I’d say, but I’m not generally angry. I learned that when you look like me, nobody takes you seriously when you get angry. However, I was shamelessly annoyed. Mary was being a pretty bad friend recently, and that final act of trashiness set me COMPLETELY over the edge and then some.
Despite that, Sarah took priority. I messaged the flat group chats with a ‘block Mary on social media, I’ll explain when I get back,’ while Sarah and I went to the student support office and explained everything. She was traumatized, and seeing strong Sarah completely break down over something Mary had done made me absolutely livid. I felt this crazy mix of sadness, pity, and pure rage; seeing my sweet best friend in such a state.
She did nothing wrong and had been going through some tough times – it was the last thing on earth she needed. She didn’t want to press charges as her family had no funds, there was nothing she could do.
I needed to get out of the tenancy agreement for next year. I was absolutely kicking myself for signing it in the first place. I went into that estate agents’ office with little-to-no plan, other than ‘get out in any way possible, even if it means flirting your way through.’ It wasn’t pretty and I felt awful, but somehow, I managed. I was free from living with her at the expense of my day and dignity, which made me even angrier.
The arranged time of our meeting at her apartment was approaching. I was well aware of how I’d just absolutely screwed her over for next year by backing out of that tenancy agreement. I was fine though, I had several offers from friends in apartments to come live with them, so I just had to say goodbye to the idea of living in a house.
Outside the corner where she and my front doors to our apartments are, I send a message to my flat’s chat saying I won’t be long and I’m almost home. I knock on Mary’s door, and she lets me in. The sight of her face makes me want to spontaneously combust right there, but for the sake of my pacifist lifestyle, I hold it together.
Inside her flat, I calmly tell her that because of what she did I would not be moving in with her next year, and the tenancy agreement was terminated.
She EXPLODES at me and outright denies everything. That made my b***d boil; I trust Sarah with my life and the experience of her relieving all that nasty crap was harrowing. All I had done was make Mary food and talk about life with her and try to help her be better and thought she was making progress, but she was going MENTAL at ME after SHE had done one of the worst things you can do, saying personal things like ‘Are you kidding me?!
You ended it with ME because of what some OTHER person said, without talking to ME about it!?? What does that say about YOU?! What kind of person does that make YOU? How selfish do you have to be?!’ And then some more personal stuff about how I’m a failure as a student and my choice in academia would lead me nowhere and how I look ugly, stuff that would really hurt your self-esteem if you’re not ridiculously self-assured like I am.
It angered me even more that she would try to hurt me into thinking I was wrong, though. Some lovely toxic manipulation right there.
So for the first time since I was a kid, I lost it with someone. I let loose on all the things I disliked about her; yelled back that she was a terrible person for what she did to her partner, for not seeing anything wrong with what she did to Sarah, for being super manipulative, and she was lucky the police weren’t up to her butt right now.
I told her to shut up, that she wasn’t getting anything from me or my flat anymore, that she was never going to be a nurse with a personality like that; and then, on a really awful personal note… that she was crazy for doing something so awful just because she wasn’t hot enough to score with me or Sarah.
I saw her expression twist, and it was the ugliest I’d ever seen anyone look.
She reached an ultrasonic pitch screeching stuff at me, but I just stormed out of her flat while she was still talking.
Back in my flat, I see 4/5 flatmates at the kitchen table with cups of tea, waiting for me. They asked me how it went… and I told them we were ignoring Mary from now on because if any of them wanted to talk to her, I’d want to cut them out of my life as well.
The sighs of relief from the table filled me with sweet validation. Then, the last flatmate loudly arrives through the front door. Mary is crying and wailing behind her on the other side of the doorway. We watch flatmate 6 pose dramatically as the huge, heavy door swings shut behind her with a massive SLAM. The racket Mary makes becomes quiet and muffled. Flatmate smiles at us, and we all cheer and yell and hug together.
After that, we didn’t bother gently closing the door for her, and since we knew her timetable, we scheduled parties for her prime sleeping time; where lots of people would be loudly storming in and out of the flat, and music would be blasting. I don’t even like parties, lol.
Because she did that, Mary now has no friends, no sleep, and no accommodation for the upcoming year.
We told her significant other what she had done via social media, so no partner too.
Her academic life was effectively ruined from then on. The lack of sleep meant her grades and attendance plummeted. Her personal life was completely dead all of a sudden. We didn’t care and kept doing whatever we wanted with no consideration for her life. She dropped out of university before the semester ended, and I haven’t heard from her since.
I just finished my dissertation in some macroevolutionary morphological analysis, and my side hobby as an illustrator on the internet is doing so well now that I don’t need a job anymore to pay for everything while I’m studying. Sarah fell in love with a beautiful girl and they’ve been going out for over a year now, she’s doing amazing and has already been accepted into a postgraduate study with near-perfect grades.”
7. Second-Grade Bullies Got Expelled
“When I was in second grade I got into a lot of fights, probably because I hated bullies and loved spiderman too much and wanted to be a hero.
The worst fight involved this much smaller but also 2nd-grade kid who I vaguely knew. These two girls were 5th or 6th graders who were known bullies to the students, but the yard aides never caught them and were referred to as ‘The Amazon Women’ by anyone bullied by them.
I had run afoul of them but I hit them back hard enough that they decided it wasn’t worth it. One day running about during recess, I saw them kicking the little curly-haired guy around. And I had only ever stood up to bullies my own size but I had decided I had enough.
So I ran as fast as I could towards them and dropped kicked the bigger one in the stomach, then stood and kicked her in the face.
Then tackled and UFC style mounted and punched the other. After recovering the big one laid into me and I saw red. That haze of fighting where you’re not 100% sure what you’re doing just that you are fighting.
What felt like a haze of 30 minutes, but was really only like 2, we fought and I remember getting my shirt torn on the right side so I was wearing a toga.
I got nearly expelled, but the principal knew of my ‘hero habits’ and that I had never started a fight in school, only finished ones that others started. I felt really really bad, but I told the school I had been the one bullied and kept curly hair out of it.
I still kind of regret it. Lying to the principal who trusted me. My mom was mad because I shouldn’t fight girls according to her.
And I’m pretty sure they were expelled or moved schools because I don’t remember those girls ever really coming back. I just wanted them to stop hurting people, not go away forever.
I’d tell these girls sorry if I could.”
6. When Sisterly Revenge Goes A Little Too Far
“My little sister was a major pain in the butt when we were younger, and a bully. I was basically a twig growing up, no strength, but this kid… Despite being 6 years younger than me, this kid was a MONSTER.
She did push-ups for fun, was built like a wrestler, and had an insane temper. Her favorite thing to do was beat me up. She was literally the most aggressive kid I’ve ever met, and could easily knock me on my butt and get me in a chokehold when she was mad. Obviously, being that I was 6 years older than her and she was half my height, everyone thought this was absolutely hilarious, so she never got in trouble for it and it annoyed me.
When my sister was about 7 she got a skateboard for her birthday. She had no idea how to ride it but she liked to pretend she did. One day we were outside with some of my family and she was standing on the skateboard, just kinda rolling back and forth. She started acting bratty toward me and without thinking, I pushed the skateboard with my foot to scare her.
I severely misjudged how hard I’d pushed it and she went flying backward as the skateboard shot forwards.
The important thing to note here: my sister has had back issues her entire life. The lower part of her back is extremely sensitive, to the point where getting tapped there can sometimes make her tear up. The pain can be so bad it makes her legs go numb, makes it hard for her to move/breathe, etc. It’s basically excruciating.
And she went down hard. Flat on her back. And didn’t get up. My mom jumped up to help her and after a few seconds, she started making this shuddery breathing noise. She couldn’t move and she said her legs were numb. THEN she started crying. I just stood there looking like a major jerk, ready to face the wrath of my mother. I felt awful and I had no intention of actually making her fall.
She ended up being okay, thank god. At the time I didn’t realize how serious it could’ve been.
We found out later that she has a severe spinal deformity. She literally has no tailbone. There’s nothing protecting the nerves at the bottom of her spine, or her actual spinal cord, and if she got hit hard enough there she could end up with severe nerve damage or even paralysis.
That’s without considering she could’ve cracked her head open on the cement.”
5. Captain And Chef's Fight Went To Another Level
“I used to work on a cross-channel ferry out of Dover. During the night shift, the Captain makes his rounds and checks to make sure the ship is clean and tidy ready for his passengers. One of the Captains was known to be rather picky and didn’t like one of the Chefs.
Unfortunately, he annoyed the chef by picking at things that were beyond his control and he was pushed beyond breaking point. We worked out the crew meals in advance and it was decided we were having fish, chips, and mushy peas followed by deep-fried mars bars and ice cream for dessert.
The captain’s order came through and the other chef sent me on my break so I could get something to eat as the main rush was over.
The next thing I know was the purser and ap’s were running through the crew mess to get to the officer’s mess. It turned out the crew chief had frozen a turd and deep-fried it for the Captain. He stood there and waited for the Captain to take a bite and once the poor guy had worked out what he was eating promptly handed in his notice.
The Captain had to be pulled off the chef and the police were called once we landed in Dover. I was in the clear as I knew nothing about any of it. The Captain was transferred to another vessel in the end and the chef was sacked.”
4. Football Kid's Lunch Is Missing Something
“In high school, I had the first period off. There was a kid on our football team that no one liked, he never tried hard and always took any chance he could get to get out of anything difficult.
Every morning he had weights the first period. So I would get there in the middle of his class, about 8 A.M. I would walk into the locker room and find the lunch box that his mom had packed for him. Then, I would very carefully take his lunch apart and remember exactly how it was packed.
Once I found his sandwich, I would slide it out of its Ziploc bag and fold it in half, then I would take a bite square out of the middle of the sandwich.
Leaving a gaping hole in the middle of his lunch. After putting everything back in its exact order I would exit undetected. The entire football team would sit together at lunch, so every day I would wait quietly while he took apart his lunch only to find the middle missing in his sandwich. He would lose his mind. I eventually stopped, and I didn’t tell anyone until about 2 years after.”
3. Won't Open The Door For Us? We'll Trash Your Doorstep
“My cousin, a friend, and I went to knock for another friend of ours in the area we all grew up in (South London). We were probably heading off to play football, smoke, or try to steal a car (our extracurricular activities were varied).
The friend was in, we were sure of that, but he wasn’t answering. That was understandable to me – we all took our turn at doing that sometimes. You’re a kid in your early teens and not the most socially adept, so you ignore the door. Nobody ever got too stressed out about that. Except for my cousin and except for that day. He knew our friend was in there and he was not willing to be ignored.
He starts banging louder and louder on the door. No response. So he bangs some more, even louder and now he’s shouting too. ‘Open the door you jerkhead. OPEN THE DOOR!’ We’re all like ‘Mate, leave it, he’s probably taking a poop. We’ll grab him later.’ Our response didn’t calm him down but it did give him an idea. He proceeds to shout through the letterbox ‘Mate, if you haven’t opened this door in the next 10 seconds I’m gonna poop on your doorstep.’ This guy lives with his mum and sister and it’s the middle of the day, so we just laugh, thinking he’s just messing around.
Next thing, he starts counting down from 10. Counting down, then pulling down, then crouching down. He gets to 1 and he’s now in a full squat position. The door still hasn’t opened, and so then it happens – a long brown sausage of poop starts slowly bridging the gap between his b******e and the doorstep, then starts curling round like an ice cream filling a cone.
He finished his business, pulled his trousers back up, and said ‘I don’t think he’s coming out, so we’ll leave it for now.’ The only time I’ve laughed harder is when that same cousin fell 2 storeys onto a railing when trying to collect a ball from a roof. I guess. Karma’s a jerk…”
2. Hopefully I Destroyed The Annoying Customer's Marriage
“I worked at a small t-shirt kiosk in a mall and I had just arrived for the start of the day, 15 minutes before we opened. The mall was already open to the public to walk around and as I was setting up the booth a woman approached and began asking to see specific t-shirt sizes.
I asked her if she could wait a few minutes to allow me to set up the rest of the booth and I’d be happy to help her. The woman grew very impatient in the 5 minutes it took me to set up the booth, asking me if I was ‘done yet?’ and ‘how much longer are you going to take?’ Once I finished setting up and taking care of her needs, she let out a loud sigh, rolled her eyes, and ripped the bag of t-shirts she purchased out of my hand.
Not long after she left, another kiosk employee in the mall came over to talk to me and told me that the woman I had helped stopped by her kiosk to make some purchases. She said the woman had complained about me moving too slow and asked, ‘what was wrong with him.’ The fellow employee defended me by telling her that our kiosks didn’t open until a certain time even though the mall’s doors were open to the public.
I grew even more irritated by this woman after the other employee revealed this to me and was quite annoyed. I looked at her credit card receipt and wrote down her name. I looked her up on social media to get additional info (husband’s name) and found her home phone number on the Whitepages website. Later that night I called her home to which her husband picked up and convincingly told him I was sleeping with his wife.
Don’t know what happened after that.”
1. Throwing Eggs Never Gets Old
“I was in like fourth or fifth grade, and there was this kid everyone hated. I don’t know why exactly, but he was that kid so nerdy and weird even the non-bullies picked on him.
I wasn’t exactly a bully myself, but I think due to my moderately high charisma, I was always the ‘ringleader’ when something messed up happened.
One night, I mobilize all the guys in my grade and tell everyone to meet near this kid’s house at midnight Friday night, and bring all the eggs to their parents’ fridge. We then proceed to egg the ever-living crap out of his house, to the point where it’s hard to see anywhere that hasn’t been hit.
We even went around back and hit every side of the house, we probably had a good 15 dozen eggs. We also egged their car and TPed every tree in their yard.
So I guess the family was out of town or something because the mess didn’t get cleaned up for the majority of the weekend. One of the kids reported that the neighbor was hosing the house off on Sunday afternoon.
Here’s where the remorseful part comes in, Have you ever seen what eggs do to paint if they aren’t promptly washed? Especially when it sits in the sun for two days.
I did not really recognize this at the time, but his family is like, dirt poor. Their house used to be pretty nice, considering, but after the egging, the paint quickly began peeling and flaking off in huge splatter patterns, and the same happened to the car.
Now I didn’t feel really bad about this until I was back home a few Christmases ago and ended up walking past the house. Same car in the driveway, the same ruined paint job on car and house. I wouldn’t have thought that they maybe wouldn’t be able to afford to repaint it, but it had been roughly fifteen years and they hadn’t. I felt so immediately overcome with guilt… I still think about anonymously paying some painters for them…”