People Confess Their Engaging Revenge Stories

Feeling different emotions is human. If someone is being a jerk, it's pretty normal to get annoyed or offended. It can sometimes even test our patience when a jerk oversteps boundaries, so we feel the need to get revenge and get back at them with a foolproof plan. Here are some stories from people who pulled off amusing acts of revenge toward their enemies.

32. Brother's Petty Ex Got Her Stuff Back


“My little brother and his significant other came to stay at my house for the weekend, and the girl was super self-centered and obnoxious. When they left, she forgot her clothes and toiletries because she left them sprawled all over my bathroom.

About a week later, she and my brother moved into an apartment together. After he paid for the moving truck, deposit, and utilities, she two-timed him with her ex and kicked him out of the apartment. This left him broke, homeless, and heartbroken.

In the days after the breakup, she kept calling and emailing him several times per day, demanding that he ask me to ship her clothes and toiletries back to her (‘I mean, it’s really important.

It’s my NORTH FACE.’) My brother called and pleaded with me to ship them to her so she would stop having a reason to contact him.

Being the loving sister that I am, I gathered up the Really Important Northface sweatshirt, shorts, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and razor.

I folded everything nicely. I then wrote a nice note apologizing for taking so long to mail them to her and letting her know that I hope all is well. The note was written in permanent marker, and the paper happened to be resting on the Really Important Northface when I wrote it.

Unfortunately, the ink bled straight through the paper and onto the shirt. Also, unfortunately, the shampoo, soap, and conditioner caps were not tightly secured on their bottles, and the contents leaked out all over the clothes, further spreading the ink. The most unfortunate result, though, was that her razor didn’t have any sort of protective cap or container and left little slashes all over the front of the Really Important Northface.

She received the package, and my brother never heard from her again.”

5 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, came1, lasm1 and 2 more

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RoseGarden76 3 years ago
Would have been more satisfying to hear her ex two-timed her and she lost the apartment. But this is okay.
0 Reply

31. Despicable Coworker Got Fired Instead Of Promoted


“About 8 or 9 years ago, I worked retail in a small outdoor goods store (6 members of staff small). Ski stuff in the winter, Camping/hiking in the summer.

I wasn’t passionate about it, but a job’s a job!

The woman who hired me left pretty soon after I started, she got a job that was in the field of her degree, and she left the store in the care of the supervisor at the time, Lauren.

Lauren was the kind of girl we have all had the poor fortune to deal with at some point. Irresponsible, held power over you when it suited her, and tried painfully hard to be your best friend the next. Annoying at best as a supervisor, but abusive with her power as a manager.

She started by changing people’s shifts so she was never in the store during peak hours. She’d take the easy shifts when the store was dead and would spend her time hanging out in the back office doing ‘important paperwork’ (read: sitting on her phone or reading a magazine).

Then she’d start hiring her friends as and when they wanted to work. The staff ended up turning into a conveyor belt of Hot Topic wannabe models. A few of them were ok, but I remember one of them working a night shift, covering a close for Lauren, closing early, emptying the till, and never being seen again.

(Lauren later said she’d only known him a week before hiring him.)

The worst thing she did though was abuse the 3-month probation rule. Off the top of my head, they went through 8 different members of staff over the course of 5 months. That might not sound a lot, but in a store of 6 employees, it wasn’t a small amount.

A member of staff would be hired and would be doing great, and then all of a sudden ‘I’m sorry we don’t need your services anymore’ and they were gone. ‘It’s just not working out’ – vanished. ‘I just don’t think you’re the right fit for this role’ – disappeared. No notice period, nothing, just gone.

I found out during one of her ‘Please like me’ spells that the area manager hadn’t actually promoted her to be an actual man***r yet. He wanted to make sure she was the best option for the role. She basically thought that so long as no one else lasted long enough to shine better than her, she’d get the man***r role and all perks that come with it.

We then hired a woman called Kirsty, who was in her mid-late 30s and was a great person. Enthusiastic, a team player, great with customers. I mean pretty much EXACTLY what you want in a man***r. However, when it was just me and Lauren, Lauren would go off on how she doesn’t like Kirsty, how she’s thinking about getting rid of her unless her ‘attitude’ improved, etc, and I decided to step in.

I got my phone and hit record as Lauren went on another rant later on. ‘Here’s the thing Kirsty doesn’t get. I’m in charge! I can fire whoever I want! To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if I was taking over from that fat jerk of an area man***r we have now in a year’ etc etc. I just let her talk, only responding with ‘really?’ ‘Oh yeah?’

That night I sent the video to Kirsty, telling her to make sure she was on her best behavior, but she ended up taking the issue up with the area man***r. He came to the store, called Lauren out. Told her that in the time she’d been in charge, the store had lost somewhere in the region of 15,000 – 20,000, they had to get the police involved against her ‘friend’ who stole from the tills, and our store for some reason had one of the highest turnover rates in the country.

He fired her on the spot, Kirsty ended up taking over as man***r, and the store finally started turning a profit.”

5 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, Somhairle, came1 and 2 more

30. Aunt Kept A Secret For 30 Years


“As a young kid, like from age 4 until she disappeared with some random HVAC tech who apparently serviced her, as well as our actual furnace on a repair call, my stepmother would make me wait on her hand and foot. At first, it was fun and I felt useful, but it became apparent that she was totally taking advantage of me—especially when my dad wasn’t around.

‘Take out the trash!’ ‘Clean not only your room but the bathrooms and kitchen!’ ‘Get me (name the item)!’ ‘Fetch my things!’ ‘Get the lighter,’ etc, all the time.

One of her regular requests was ‘get me a glass of water!’ Now, we lived in a sprawling ranch (single floor) house at the time, with the kitchen on one end and the ‘Florida Room,’ a type of living area with windows on all sides, sort of like an all-seasons room at the opposite end—and the stepmonster’s favorite place to lounge.

Well, it was a walk for anyone, let alone a barely three-foot-tall little kid, and then, of course, she wanted her water quickly, so I’d double-time it, spilling water all along the route in the process—and getting yelled at for that, as well.

About a third of the way to the kitchen was a powder room. It was around a corner and of a hallway not visible from the Florida Room, so instead of going all the way to the kitchen, climbing a footstool to reach the tap, and carefully, but quickly, coming all the way back, I’d simply detour into the bath for water.

It didn’t matter that I couldn’t reach the tap—and except for some mild, taste-questioning lip-smacking, she never found out I was dipping her glass in the toilet bowl to fill it.

Well, here’s another story. My uncle was a prominent, busy, doctor.

My Aunt is a stay-at-home mother of 2. My uncle was very rigid and authoritative and had to have things just so: a certain breakfast at a specific time every morning, his clothes folded or hung in a particular way, a specific drink waiting for him upon his return home, and a specific dinner at a given time every night, based on a rotating menu: pork chops say, Monday, Turkey, Tuesday, etc. This went on for decades until he eventually passed.

Regardless, one night was meatloaf night, and after years of no complaints, my uncle erupts, screaming at my aunt that her meatloaf is simply garbage, how could she not be able to cook something so simple, et al, and literally fires his full dinner plate across the room.

My Aunt, his submissive, quiet, loyal servant over their then twenty or so years of marriage, simply apologizes and cleans up, promising to improve her recipe.

It was only after my uncle passed away—they were married for 52 years—that she admitted to my mother that she’s fed him meatloaf and solely of Alpo (wet, canned dog food) for the past 30 years with nary a complaint.”

5 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, Somhairle, came1 and 2 more

29. Steal From My Website? You Won't Get Anything From It


“Back in the mid-90s, web hosting would charge you based on your download volume. my site partner and I hosted a site that’s long since gone, but the hosting service upped our rate because of use volume.

We were like, ‘Cool, so much traffic, this means we’re going to turn a profit for this business,’ but we didn’t see the increase in business. We learned about the hosting tools available for our site and found that there was an NYC/NJ boxing federation that was using a ton of our images and they must have been tremendously popular because the volume was amazing.

Way more than the sum of all our other traffic combined by 10x.

Their hosting theft centered on about 4-5 images – a Mills Lane image, a Deebo image from Ice Cube’s Friday’s movie, and a few others, but when visiting their site, Mills Lane and Deebo were on every single page.

Every Page. We got charged hosting downloads for every page people viewed for this boxing business. I signed up for a membership to their forums and saw our images all over the place – headers, avatars, etc. The headers were sloppy web design – they didn’t make a banner for their site, they used an HTML table that directly downloaded from other sites so they wouldn’t be charged the volume for downloads from their host. Since we were hosting, we were paying.

I saw from the hosting reports that traffic was picking up, and according to their site, it was because they were doing a big event in a week.

My partner wanted to delete the images and make their page look like crap, but I saw a bigger opportunity there.

I was like, this is a boxing site, what would be the worst things to replace their site with? I went to the San Fran Pride Parade images and resized some of the most choice and flamboyant pics down to the pixel height and width of our photos and mocked it up.

Over the top parade floats, men embracing and kissing, it was so ‘in your face’, especially considering the intended audience of boxing fans.

We watched traffic increase and when tickets information went up and the billing was set – we changed our images on a Friday at 5:00 pm EST to ensure they had no way to get the site changed over the weekend.

The best thing of all was the forum’s response when mod avatars changed and the main page offended the members. People talked about skipping the event, getting refunds on their tickets, and the crowds reported in the forums had decreased attendance as time went on.

It was awesome. Monday around 10 am, our hosting volumes returned to normal.”

Another User Comments:

“I did something very similar to this years ago when image theft was a big deal. On my website, I had a photograph of a Honda Valkyrie motorcycle. I noticed after some time while browsing through my weblogs (what, doesn’t everyone read weblogs before going to bed?

What’s the matter with regular people?) that the deep linked image was being fetched and the referring URI pointed to some car aficionado website.

I created an account and found the forum in particular where the image was referenced from. It turned out to be that the dude who ran the forum owned a Valkyrie, had deep linked to the image with the legend ‘I drive this big bad boy.’

I changed the image to a child’s tricycle.” perlandbeer

4 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, TJHall44, LilacDark and 1 more

28. Think You Can Get Away With Keeping My Deposit? Try Me


“This happened in London, where I was just one year after graduation, trying to save anything from my salary while living in this super expensive city. With my flatmate, we decided to live with one more friend and move to a bigger apartment.

We were renting this property for a year, and our lease was finishing, so the timing was perfect.

Like most properties in London, this was led by the agency, so the whole process was very professional. Before we moved in full, a very detailed inventory check of the house was prepared. After we moved out, the same company did one again, to allow for any deductions from the deposit.

Deposit in the UK is usually 6 weeks of rent (about 2,000 British Pounds.) Quite a substantial amount for poor young professionals like us.

3 weeks after we moved out we were still waiting to receive our deposit. We already received an inventory check done after we moved out, and the flat was in the same condition as when we moved in, except for a few bulbs we never bothered to replace.

We started to chase and chase the landlord, to give us the deposit back, when he finally emailed us a list of deductions. This included:

120 GBP for cleaning of the balcony, 125 GBP for replacement of 5 light bulbs, 50 GBP for blocked toiled (was never blocked!), 50 GBP for something else etc. In total almost 500 pounds!

We asked the landlord for a receipt for items like bulbs as the prices he quoted were crazy. We also argued that he cannot charge things like a dirty balcony, as we left it in the same condition as it was when we moved in, and we have proof (report done by an external company he chose).

He was very stubborn, didn’t want to discuss it, and just didn’t give us back this money.

Luckily for us, UK tenants are very well protected. Every deposit has to be registered in one of three Deposit Protection Schemes, and if one disagrees with the landlord on such deductions, there is an arbitration procedure where Deposit Protection Schemes decided what is the right deduction amount.

Given that landlord didn’t want to negotiate, I notified the landlord we will dispute it via the scheme… The issue was, I could never find a registration document for the deposit, which should’ve been provided to us when we moved in. I was afraid I lost it.

For 2 weeks I was asking the landlord to provide me the details of the deposit registration until finally, I called all 3 deposit schemes. It turned out, our landlord actually never registered the deposit!

Scared we might lose all the funds, I researched the topic, and it turns out not registering the deposit is a very serious violation by the landlord, punished with a fine of 3 times the amount of due deposit.

The next day, I filed the small claims court case against the landlord for over 8,000 GBP (3x 2,000 penalty, all deposit remaining, court fees, etc). 3 days after the angry landlord called me, and started to swear and shout saying how dare I sue him and that I will pay for this dearly.

I remained calm, just told him ‘well, I’ll guess we’ll see about that in court.’

2 days later, we received a call from the agency who rented the flat, saying that landlord would like to settle. Which we did, as we got all the money back and then some more for the inconvenience.

We didn’t ask for the full penalty amount, though thinking now, we probably should’ve.”

3 points - Liked by came1, LilacDark and lebe

27. Witch's Lawn Suffered Because Of Her Pettiness


“Once upon a time, I was a newly married lad. We purchased my grandparent’s house from their estate, as our first home. We didn’t have kids yet, so we both had full-time jobs and hectic schedules.

The incident, the First) One day, I came home from work to find my dog out on her run, going nuts.

She rarely barked, so I paused for a second, trying to find out what was going on… and watched as a bright yellow sprinkler came flying over the fence. There was a bunch of stuff lying about my backyard, where the neighbor kid (let’s call him Evil Son) had been throwing it at my poor dog.

I walked next door and knocked on the neighbor’s door. The boy’s mother (let’s call her Witch) came to the upstairs window (not even to the door) and yelled ‘what are you doing on my property?’ at me. By the way, this is my very first interaction with this woman.

I introduced myself and tried to explain what was going on. She immediately jumped to ‘do you have a video of my son throwing stuff?’

Then, inexplicably, Witch started blaming my wife and me. ‘If we weren’t such hermits, everyone wouldn’t hate us so much.’ Odd, all of my other neighbors waved when we went by… but we didn’t interact more than that.

She was the only one I didn’t know. Anyhow, she went on, and it turned out that she was upset that I didn’t tell her that my grandmother had passed. Yeah… I hadn’t told someone I didn’t know about a family matter.

Fine, whatever… I dropped the matter and left.

The incident, the Second) Shortly thereafter, I stopped working a regular 9-5, and started my own business, working out of my home. I noticed some mail went missing. One day, I see the mail truck go by, and put on shoes to go pick it up from the mailbox.

When I get down there, I find the box empty, and Witch walking away from it with my stuff in hand.

I yell at her, and she drops it in a pile on her driveway. Proceeds to yell at me that it was blowing around her driveway and that I should be more careful.

Yeah, so I call the cops. They are reticent to do anything since I didn’t actually see her take the mail from my mailbox, but they still go over to talk to her. I can hear her yelling at them from inside my house.

The next day, she runs out and stands in front of my car, trying to confront me as I am leaving. I tell her in no uncertain terms that I am ok with running her over.

The incident, the Third) A neighbor’s pet bunny went missing from its outdoor hutch.

Another neighbor spots Evil Son down at the end of our cul-de-sac, looking suspicious. Bunny is found in bad shape where Evil Son was seen. Cops are called, denials, the works.

The incident, the Fourth) We were getting our house ready to sell. Part of that included stripping and repainting our attached deck.

I come home from work and find a can of paint has been opened and thrown across the deck, some furniture, and the side of the house. There are a few child-sized footprints through the paint. Cops come, but don’t give a darn.

The incident, the Fifth) Evil Son is expelled from his elementary school.

He was found with a blacklist containing most of his classmates.

The incident, the Sixth) Witch has an ‘extinction burst’, as they call it, blaming everyone for everything bad in her life. She puts fliers in everyone’s mailboxes, talking about a conspiracy against her.

Did you know that that’s actually illegal and punishable by a fine? She does now…

The incident, the Seventh) Witch takes a different neighbor to task, out in the street. Turns out, she doesn’t have any friends, anymore. Other neighbors join the fracas, ganging up on her.

Turns out her kid killing their rabbit, or her kid throwing rocks at their cars, and various other events, made her no friends.

The incident, the Eighth) Witch gets kicked out of a city alderman meeting, where she tried to have the entire neighborhood condemned for various imagined slights.

Results) So, after years of dealing with this woman’s nonsense, we prepared to move to a new house. We threw one last blow-out party, as one does. I get a little inebriated and went on a rant about how little I was going to miss having that neighbor.

A friend decided that payback was in order, so we went down into the cellar, and perused my grandfather’s shelves of Stuff He Never Threw Away. Amongst it all was a bottle of weed killer. Great Depression era, block letters, ‘weed killer’. I have no idea what was in that stuff.

Now, this is where the story gets a little hazy. My friend disappeared for about an hour and then was back, as if nothing ever happened. I never saw the bottle leave the shelf. But, a few days later, parts of Witch’s lawn started to turn brown and die.

Big block letters spelled out ‘I am a witch’.

I ran into Witch a week later, as I was getting my mail. Contractors were tearing up her lawn, laying down rolls of sod. She stomped over to me and ranted about my other neighbor’s kids.

She clearly saw them apply lighter fluid to her lawn, and light it on fire to burn the awful message into it.

Funny thing, whatever was done to her lawn, within a week sections of the new sod died, and the message reappeared (although blobby and illegible).

And I still have that yellow sprinkler. Screw that witch.”

3 points - Liked by came1, LilacDark and lebe

26. I Chased Down The Girl Who Ran Away After Crashing Into My Car


“Some girl hit my car in a hit and run. There was a witness to the crime, so the police were able to track her down. When I was asked if I wanted to press charges I went for it.

Turns out she had no license or insurance. She kept trying to fight the charges but wound up getting sued by my insurance, having to pay me restitution via the court system, and four separate charges between all her crimes, all of which included a decent fine.

She was an 18-year-old single mom. I felt super bad by the end of it.

Edit to add details: The damage wasn’t significant. There was a small dent and a large scratch. It was all cosmetic damage. My deductible was small, but the total bill to my insurance was about three grand.

My car is over ten years old and had some other scratches already. I was way more upset that someone hit me and drove off than I was about the actual damage. I wouldn’t have even bothered to get it fixed if the girl hadn’t driven off.

My pursuing her and pressing charges was 100% fueled by revenge, and her life got pretty messed up from it. Yeah, what she did wasn’t right, but I can emphasize her being a scared 18-year-old who made a bad choice while caught up in the moment.

Also, I’m not justifying her behavior because she had a kid, but it does make me feel bad for her. Being a single parent (as a woman or man) is a really expensive thing, and having a bunch of fees on top of that financial burden has got to suck.”

Another User Comments:

“I bet if she didn’t run and spoke to you at the time of the accident this situation would have been totally different and better for her.

I know if I was in your spot and I wasn’t injured and my car wasn’t damaged heavily I would have let it slide had she not fled and let me know her situation.

But hit and run? Screw that noise, I see no issue with what you did.” [deleted]

3 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, Somhairle and LilacDark

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lasm1 3 years ago
Screw that, being a single mom does not give you a free pass. She needs to be held accountable and hopefully learn some life lessons. I freaking hate people who hit your car and take off
0 Reply

25. Tell Everyone I Beat You Up? We'll Make Fun Of You


“In high school (would be late elementary in the US, I guess) there was this kid who wasn’t unpopular per se, but a little awkward.

On the last day before the summer holidays, he plays with us during the morning break. Things get a little rough and there’s some light wrestling involved. Nothing too serious, no one got hurt except some red ears. But the kid turned out to not be the silverback of our schoolyard.

We walk back into class and continue the day like any other. Get on the bus home (he is still being a little sour with the rest), start enjoying our summer holidays. Yay!

A week later my dad summons me into his study, fuming and enraged. He got a letter from the kid’s dad according to which I had beaten the boy up so badly that he came home sniveling.

According to the letter he was in so much pain that he could barely walk. The letter laid out in detail how the boy would not be able to enjoy the trip the family was going on the first day of summer due to his grave injuries.

I was expected to better come up with one great injury because otherwise, we’d get fire and fury from the police and their lawyers.

After some frantic back and forth shouting my father eventually believed me that I didn’t, in fact, beat the guy up.

My father wrote a conciliatory letter to try to work out what precisely had happened. The other family wasn’t having that though and began collecting statements from witnesses. Turns out that several teachers stated in writing that the kid appeared to be completely fine throughout the entire day, did not appear to be in distress or pain, and had interacted with them and other students completely normal. Whoopsie.

The other family concluded that there had been a misunderstanding.

I was pretty annoyed at the guy because I seriously was expecting to get beaten up badly at home and be in a ton of trouble had this gone otherwise. So once school started I waited until our entire (male) class was assembled and then told the story with appropriate snark to the rest of the class – nasty snitch move.

From that moment on that kid spent years at the bottom of the hierarchy and was the butt of every joke for a long time. That time must have been really awful for him.

I regret that deeply. Because the kid was actually genuinely nice (if a little awkward) and grew up to be a pretty decent adult.

And to his credit, once school started he came to me and tried to explain the situation to me. The gist was that it was his overprotective parents who were the real trouble, not him. But I was so annoyed because I could have gotten into so much trouble over nothing – just out of someone else’s spite.

But during the entire summer, I hadn’t even got an apology or any admission of wrongdoing and was left doubting myself. There was also no attempt by the parents at getting us to talk to one another. That’s deeply regrettable. I wish someone clever had helped us talk us through that situation.”

3 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, LilacDark and lebe

24. Jerk Roommate Had To Look For Her Name Tag


“I lived in a cheap crappy apartment with roommates and we all worked in fast food. Money was tight. One roommate ended up unemployed for a few weeks and then got a job as a bank teller, earning much more. However while unemployed she had missed a rent payment, which we had collected together to cover for her.

Two weeks into the new job she gets her first paycheck, obviously we are expecting immediate payback. Day 1 she says something along the lines of she couldn’t do personal business (cash her check) during work so she could pay us in a couple of days.

The Friday she was supposed to pay us she comes home with a big shopping bag and casually mentions she can’t pay back rent yet because she had to buy new work clothes. When roommates and I got upset she went total jerk on us that we ‘didn’t understand how to work a professional job because we were only food service’ and basically told us we would get our funds when she felt like it.

That weekend she misplaced her name tag required at work. She spent hours searching for it. At some point, I came across the name tag in a random spot and said nothing. She kept searching for it all weekend and was panicked that she would look bad to her boss, etc. I never moved or took the name tag but the whole time I knew where it was.

She never found it and had to get a new one. She also never paid the rent back and we kicked her out a few weeks later.”

3 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, LilacDark and lebe

23. Tell Me To Move Out All Of My Belongings? Sure, Will Do


“Roommate in college was disgustingly messy and a raging witch. When I had the flu once, I had left a blanket and sweatshirt in the living room to keep warm.

Woke up to a text along the lines of ‘You’re a disgusting pig.

The apartment is a disaster. Get all of your belongings out of the living area or we’re going to have a problem.’

And honestly, if she had nicely asked then fine. And if she weren’t insanely messy then fine. But she had to go full out witch.

She had forgotten that I had provided all of the furniture for our apartment. Couch, table, TV, etc. All ‘my belongings’.

So, while she was in class, I called up some friends on the football team that occasionally helped people move for spare cash. We loaded up every single piece of furniture onto their truck and just parked it a few blocks away on the street.

Cue my roommate coming home to an empty apartment. Screaming at me and calling me names. I just told her I was following her orders and I moved out ‘all of my belongings’. She was dumbfounded and really had nothing to say.

Obviously brought the furniture back hours later.

But certainly proved my point.

Tbh that’s only one of many petty points I had to make to that witch.”

3 points - Liked by RoseGarden76, Somhairle and LilacDark

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lasm1 3 years ago
I would have told her she needs to apologize for that :we're going to have a problem" comment. Then put the TV in my room, she sounds like a nighmare.
1 Reply

22. Awful Man Got What He Deserved


“I emigrated from the US to the U.K. for work, a few other coworkers from the US were also relocated. One of the other Americans that moved with the company had a real issue that I was 15 years his junior and had the same job.

He would come to my house while I wasn’t home, be snooping our home uninvited, he would go through my mail. Several times I was told he went through my email regularly as well. He was furious that we got the same company car and office size etc…

To give a little perspective on this guy, he had a tattoo of the company slogan done on the back of his neck and seemed to really enjoy reporting any minor issue of his coworkers to management. He was very easy to dislike.

I started small by making sure I got to work before him and taking his parking spot.

I know how petty this sounds but it truly bothered him deeply, and I started to wonder if it was worth the escalating battle of who could get to work first, but given the clear results I kept it up.

I would also send fake emails from my account to bait him like once I emailed my wife that we were getting a dog, it took him 2.2s to run to our management and advise that we had gotten a dog in a company leased house (which was a violation of policy).

That was the fun stuff.

Once we had a party for the American families for Thanksgiving at his house. Before the party, my wife told me he regularly gets wasted and beats his wife. I didn’t like the guy but had no reason to believe this about him until that night.

She had clearly been roughed up and there were empty bottles everywhere.

Apparently, he had a real anger issue, it manifested itself at work with a local U.K. employee, and security was called. I thought that was the end for him but he got by.

About a month later a company security guard left a violation notice pad in the lunchroom… and I got an idea that worked far beyond my wildest dreams.

The next day I got a few friends to come in very early so we could take the whole front row of parking spots.

The other spots were much further away. Needless to say, he was beside himself with anger.

After about an hour, I went out and put a violation notice on his car for improper parking.

When he left for the day and went to his car I was watching from five floors up.

I could see him turn red and explode in anger, he nearly sprinted to the guard shack and proceeded to physically assault the guard on duty, police got involved and this guy now has a violent offense on record.

It only took a few days for the company to see his true colors, fire him and send him home.

I had heard a few months later that the wife (who was a lovely person) had moved on and was in a much happier relationship.”

Another User Comments:

“Was the security guard ok? I know you didn’t know he’d flip that far but I would hate to have that on my conscience.

Glad this may have been the wake-up call to the wife though.” algy888


“Security guard was fine, I came clean to him a few years later that I left the notice on the car. He thought it was hysterical and apparently told me there were other run-ins.

The main thing that eats on my conscience looking back is I wonder what life was like for his wife after all this went down.

I was very relieved to hear that once back in the US she took action and got out.” superbuttcringe

2 points - Liked by LilacDark and lebe

21. My Friend And I Had Fun Getting Revenge


“Way back in elementary school a friend threw a piece of chalk that hit me square in the forehead. It was the most humiliating moment for younger me as everyone who saw that started laughing their butts off (kids are jerks).

I plotted and planned my revenge, to get back in the same fashion over the next couple of days. One fine day weapon in hand, I find him perfectly placed a chalk-throw away from me.

I yell out his name and quickly launch the projectile as he spins around.

For some reason, he had his mouth open as he looked at me and the piece of chalk flew directly into his throat. His eyes widen and he starts choking. I stood frozen in shock as he fell on his knees coughing. Luckily somebody grabbed him from behind and thumped his back, so he swallowed the piece.

An adult walks in, cannot remember who it was at the time, but she looks at me and asks what happened. At this point, I’m shaking realizing that I narrowly hurt my friend. I say it was a mint. My friend, also shaken at this point, laughs it off saying it went straight into his throat and he didn’t taste it.

The adult shakes her head and says next time just hand it like a normal person and walks away.

Years later when we were moving away to another country I remind him about the incident and come clean about the whole thing. He snaps and yells ‘I knew it!'”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

20. I Left My Useless Groupmates In The Air


“When I was a senior in high school, I was in a group English project with 2 other people. We had to read the assigned book, and over the course of a month or so we had several mini-projects to do before the final presentation.

These mini-projects were designed so that each person would be covering a different section of the book, and they would all be combined for the finished product.

The night before the first mini-project was due, I learned that neither one of my group members planned on putting any more effort into the project than Spark notes and stuff.

I ended up pulling several all-nighters trying to just get a passing grade. Fast forward to the day of our final presentation. We were going to be the last group to present, putting us after the lunch break in the middle of class. What I hadn’t told anyone was that I was going to the b***d drive that our school was having during lunch to donate.

I go, donate, and spend a couple of minutes making sure I’m not going to pass out afterward.

I come back to the classroom and find my group halfway through the prezi I had made for the presentation. Apparently, they had been floundering, making things up on the fly, and making it very clear to everyone that they had never read the book or had any idea what was going on.

The teacher had her head in her hands.

I walk back in, and my group says, ‘Oh thank god he’s back.’ I restart the prezi, give the presentation, and take my seat. Explain what happened to the teacher after class. Got a passing grade.

90% sure they failed.”

Another User Comments:

“Something similar happened to me in high school. We had to complete a group project covering one chapter in our history book, a few sections per person in the group. We had two weeks of class and two weeks of winter vacation to finish it if we didn’t during school time.

I did my section and said I’d put it all together over the break in the special storybook program our teacher wanted us to use. Of course, one girl straight up copies the introduction section and gives it to me at the start of break.

The other guy, despite multiple email requests for his part, only sent me two photos with no citation to use the last day of vacation. I already had those two photos. Both didn’t do any work before winter vacation.

So I had to put their names on the presentation but the voice-over, music, and presentation were all done by me.

I did have to have the plagiarism girl open the project with her email because mine didn’t work and at the end of the presentation, the teacher commented on the excellent quality of it while looking at that girl. So I loudly, in front of the whole class, said thanks, it took me a while to do the whole project by myself.

The best part was the teacher’s grading system let each member of the group grade each other and give reasons why. I trashed them. They failed and I got an A.” TodayIsJustNotMyDay

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

19. You're Never Stepping On My Bus Ever Again


“I pull up to a stop about 6 in the morning. There’s a guy smoking and a few other people.

Buddy who was smoking takes one last drag, walks in, and exhales. God darn it.

He puts in his change and asks for a transfer. I tell him ‘you blew smoke in my bus, you can take a transfer on your way out’. He says ‘no I didn’t’ and smoke is still coming out of his mouth as he talks!

I hold out a transfer and he takes it and sits down.

Not today, buddy.

I ask him a few more times, am met with expletives. Fine.

I hit the emergency button, I explain what happened and that he was refusing to leave. They come over to the PA and tell him he needs to leave or they’ll send the special constables.

He finally gets up and on the way out says ‘I see you again I’m gonna smash your face in’.

Okay, you 100-pound scraggly little idiot. Game on.

I decide to cover all my bases. I drive up the road, call the emergency line again and explain that he threatened me.

I go back to the division after my shift and submit a report of the whole ordeal. I go to the office and explain the report to my boss, telling him I don’t feel safe and asking him what I should do if I see him again.

He says I can bypass the stop.

I see him again the next day. I drive right by, hit emergency, tell them I had to bypass because I was threatened by someone waiting at the stop.

I repeat this every day until he stops showing up.

He even had the gall to submit a complaint! I get called to the office, my boss reads the complaint, I just say ‘that’s the guy who threatened me, I put in a report and talked to you about it’. The complaint gets ripped up without another word.

People and their big mouths, I swear to god.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

18. This Is Why Car Accidents Are Such A Hassle


“I worked for an insurance company as a total loss adjuster. This was back in January.

When a car is totaled, it simply means that it’s uneconomical to repair or the state guidelines won’t allow for it to be repaired. 90% of the time, people don’t want to hassle with jumping through the hoops of getting a salvaged title, handling the car, repairs, blah blah blah, so the insurance company–although not required to–will typically handle the wrecked car for you and move it to the yard and auction it.

Well, an inbound call comes in and it’s Captain Jerk of the Jerklords (CJ). He immediately starts berating me and is upset that his claim hasn’t been paid yet. He had a nice 2014 Benz that was totaled from a collision accident (worth about $30k before the accident) and it was sitting in our salvage yard awaiting the proper paperwork from Captain Jerk.

Me: I apologize for the delays, but it seems that we haven’t received the paperwork that was sent to you (three weeks ago). Did you receive the packet?

CJ: I received it, but I’m busy! I can’t take time to get the documents signed and notarized!!

This is ridiculous, why can’t you just pay my claim?!

Me: Because the vehicle’s final resting place will be in NY, we (must) have these documents to be able to properly salvage your vehicle and pay your claim. Plus, we also have to remain in compliance with your state’s Department of Insurance (DOI).

CJ: It’s been three weeks!

Me: … again, we need those documents back, signed, and notarized to be able to release payment first. We overnighted them to you and even included a free overnight return label for your convenience.

CJ: You’re my insurance company, you have to do it!

I won’t be bothered to find a notary and ship these docs back to you! I’m a (hotshot job title) I have more important things to do than you, someone who works in a call center!

Me: Sir, we can’t sign your name on your behalf, that’s called forgery and it’s illegal. Look, if it’s too much trouble, I can help you find a notary nearby with flexible hours and I’ll even call the shipping carrier to help you arrange for the documents to be picked up from your house.

But NY does not allow us to circumvent this process.

CJ: No! I already said this is your problem, you deal with it!

Me: But I can’t handle your wrecked vehicle properly and pay you without these docs!

CJ: Well, you’ll have to find another way to do it!

Hangs up

CJ was represented by an attorney for injuries, so I thought I’d call them to see if they could help. I speak with the receptionist, who was apologetic for CJ’s behavior and said he’s been a nightmare to work with. He talks down to the staff, is uncooperative, and she apologized numerous times that I even had to talk to him.

I explained the situation and said that I was hoping that even though they’re not repping him for property damage, maybe the attorney could talk some sense into CJ.

‘We’ll try, but we’re not even eager to help him with his injury case because he’s such a jerk.’

The attorney was unsuccessful in getting CJ’s cooperation, so I had no choice but to return his damaged, inoperable property to him.

I schedule a tow truck to move the wrecked car back to CJ’s address on file.

I check back on the call log the next day and sure enough, CJ’s wrecked car had been moved back to his home parked in the common driveway, immobile and without keys.

Blocking his roommate’s vehicles in, might I add.

CJ has called in a total of 7 times to complain, escalate, and get the vehicle moved. One inexperienced rep tried to move it but I was monitoring the file and canceled her tow. CJ called in several more times and each adjuster’s notes referred to my documented account of how uncooperative he was and refused to take the vehicle back until we got his docs.

CJ stated that the address on file wasn’t actually his, it’s his landlord’s house where he rents a room and he needs the car moved! His landlord wasn’t happy and was threatening him with legal action! Another adjuster told him that we will no longer use our resources (towing, salvage yard, etc.) to help him with HIS wrecked vehicle and that HE caused this mess by simply not sending the required docs back.

If he needed the vehicle moved that desperately, he would have to pay to tow it and store it at his own expense.

As I mentioned earlier, insurance companies are not required to handle the vehicle in most states. It was CJ’s property and in order to indemnify him, we did still owe him a good chunk of his $30k.

Since he opted to essentially ‘keep’ the vehicle by way of not cooperating, we must also deduct the salvage value of his wrecked car (this represents the amount we anticipated to receive for the wrecked car at auction). That was a whopping $8k of his $30k settlement!

So not only did he have a wrecked car sitting in his driveway, but now we’ve also reduced his settlement by $8k.

Not more than a week later, we got his documents back, but it took another week after that to get his vehicle picked back up.

Since we were now in possession of the vehicle, we also did pay him his full settlement in the end but he ate the costs of moving the vehicle around unnecessarily.

Car accidents suck, I get it. We were trained not to take things personally, and I often get the brunt of peoples’ frustration all day, every day.

I am empathetic and try to be as helpful and accommodating as possible because I’m human. A total loss can definitely turn things upside down. 99% of the time, I can de-escalate someone and it doesn’t turn out this way but there’s always that one person who has to act like a jerk.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

17. You Love Lamb? I'll Feed You Lamb


“So I’m not sure how it was at your elementary school, but in ours, birthdays were a big deal. Usually, they involved the kid’s parents coming in with sweets and goody-bags and everything. In my class there was a super annoying, devil-child which I am convinced was spawned by Satan himself.

Let’s call her Miley.

Miley was as bad of a kid as there ever could be. Talking back to the teacher, never doing her work, insinuating how poor she thought the other kids were, and resorting to physical violence against everybody – especially the other boys.

She knew that she could get a pass just because she was a girl and for some reason, the teacher never really seemed to pick up on how horrible she was. There was something particular about this little Hannibal Lecter though: lambs. She was absolutely obsessed with little white lambs.

They were her favorite animal. She had them everywhere: bookbag, temporary tattoos, notebooks, t-shirts, etc.

Some of you can instantly see where this is going. Being from a Persian family, our diet consisted of a fair amount of lamb. And it was around this fact that my best friend at the time (let’s call him Josh) and I hatched a plan.

We’d both gotten sick of Miley, but my birthday was coming up. Instead of asking my mom to bring over cupcakes, (her usual routine) I asked my dad to cook some authentic Persian Kabob Koobideh so I could have my favorite meal at school. Being the only brown kid in my class I think I passed it off as a ‘cultural enrichment exercise’.

The trap was set. On my birthday, we all stayed in for lunch and my dad brought over a huge tray of kebab. It was a huge hit. Kids were scarfing these things down like there was no lunch for the rest of the week.

I distinctly remember looking over at Miley who had just finished her first one. Josh wanted to set the final stage of the plan into action but I held off. I wanted her to eat more. The best part? She was wearing a pink t-shirt with a picture of a lamb on it.

I remember thinking at the time why she hadn’t asked anyone what meat it was (as it was obviously a slice of red meat). It now occurs to me that she just figures it’s beef and that to spare her feelings, her parents have never told her that people actually eat lamb.

We waited until she had eaten 3 kebabs. She pushed the paper plate away from her. Seemingly she was done with her meal. Josh and I launched the final stage. We both walked up close to her table and Josh asked me, ‘Say OP! That’s some good kebab!

How do you even make such a thing?’ And in the most-obviously fake TV-announcer voice I could. I said, ‘Well it’s easy! You just take a lot of beef, and an equal part of lamb meat, and mix it all together!’ Miley’s eyes got wider than I knew eyes could get.

She turned and asked me what I said. Josh simply told her it was made from ‘that’ and pointed to the little lamb on her shirt.

The reason why I regret this revenge choice so much is because, at that moment, I still remember watching her soul crumble.

As horrible as she was, she was still just a kid. Her eyes welled up immediately as she looked at the remains of her plate, then back down at her shirt. That’s when the crying started. And when I say crying, I mean bawling. And when I say bawling, I mean inconsolable.

She cried so loud I remember the teacher being mortified: shaking her by the shoulders and asking her what was wrong. She had no words. Just more tears.

At the time, I hate to admit, I was loving it. But now, all this time later, it still bothers me what I chose to do.

You might think I’m being too hard on myself; after all, she was never in physical danger. But what will always stick with me is the fact that this all happened around lunch. She was whisked off to the office where, as I was leaving at 3 pm, I could still hear her crying.

And she was never the same after that either. Not as mean, sure. But I don’t think I saw her smile even once for the rest of the year. Her family ended up moving away that summer. I’m sure it was unrelated but that just means I never saw her again.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

16. I Slipped On Ice But She's Concerned About Her Pizza


“I used to deliver pizza, and one time I had a delivery to a brownstone house with a small stoop. It was either Christmas or Thanksgiving week and we had snow/ice a couple of days beforehand.

Well, I pull up and there must have been some sort of family gathering at the house who ordered the food because there were a handful of people outside smoking and talking.

When I get out of the car, one of the people on the porch opened the door and yelled into whoever was supposed to come out and pay for the food.

The woman came to the door as I was walking up the sidewalk, I was carrying a 24 cut pie with a couple of bags filled with wings or whatever inside.

I had a decent amount of food in my hands. But as I was walking, I slipped on ice and fell onto the sidewalk while everyone was watching. The massive pizza fell facedown, box open, onto the icy sidewalk to the horror of the hungry onlookers.

I remember being on the ground, in the process of getting up, picking the pizza up off the ground, and hearing this woman screaming at me. She was so mad that I dropped her food. She didn’t offer to help me up, she didn’t ask if I was ok, she didn’t apologize for having ice on her sidewalk, she just flipped out on me.

So now I’m standing there with a mutilated pizza hearing this old woman reem me out in front of her family. I apologized as soon as I fell, but she didn’t care. For at least 20-30 seconds, she went in on me for dropping the pizza.

So I threw the pizza at her feet onto her porch and got into my car and left. I took her chicken wings with me so I had some sort of proof that I didn’t deliver the food and I didn’t get paid for it.

I have a lot of stories from delivering, for some reason, this stuck with me for like ten years now.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

15. Screw Me Over? I'll Do The Same Thing To You

“Last year I started working for a local plumbing company that seemed promising. Would pay top dollar to employees for good old-fashioned labor. So I signed my W-2 and went on my way.

Seems legit, right?

I started out making an hourly wage, was given my own work van, and was offered a work cellphone. However, if you used your personal cellphone, the owner of the company would pay your bill because you’re using your own phone!

How neat is that?

Fast forward a month or two. I was forced to make a commission based on every job and I didn’t have a say in this. But 20% of every job you go to? That’s a lot in plumbing! So I was none the wiser.

Eventually, I found out that my paychecks weren’t having any taxes taken out of them. So I asked my boss:

‘Why am I not having taxes taken out of my check?’

To which he replied: ‘When we switched you to commission, you’re a subcontractor now.

You’re 1099! You’re gonna be making so much bank now, bro.’

Didn’t sign a 1099 form but ok.

As time went on, I started working 90 hour weeks with no break. If my phone was turned off and the office folk tried to reach me and couldn’t, they would take money out of my paycheck.

The phone bill? Never got paid. There would be days when I wouldn’t make a single dime because the boss would mess something up in our system. We also had no heat in our vans and when it got to -14° outside his words to us were ‘Go buy a blanket.

I can’t afford repairs like this right now’ while he is in Florida on a cruise with his whole family. So like anyone else, I just up and quit. Screw that.

When I left, I asked for my checks (I was owed 3 of them for the weeks I worked) but my boss wasn’t ready to give them up yet.

‘You screwed me over, and now I’m going to screw you over.’ He said when I asked why he wasn’t going to pay me. I offered multiple times for him to just meet me so this wouldn’t have to go any further.

He refused.

I asked around what I should do. The responses led me to LARA (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs) to file a wage claim to get my funds. But on top of that, I filed a report with them stating the company doesn’t pull permits (which is required to do) when replacing people’s plumbing.

So they sent over an investigator to check these claims out.

I then went to the IRS to find out about this whole tax ordeal. I filed the proper paperwork to have the IRS check and see if I was misclassified as a 1099 employee when I should have been a W-2 employee since they weren’t taking taxes out.

SURE ENOUGH, I was wrongfully not getting taxes taken out of my checks. So the IRS sent an investigator of their own.

Now at this point, I see on my phone that I still have their email address linked to my Google account. So I do some snooping.

It turns out they haven’t paid city taxes in over 6 years and that the office manager (a woman who has verbally abused me time and time again) collects disability through the state but still collects a 1.5k paycheck from the company every week. You can bet I sent that in with the IRS.

Screenshots are included in my email.

This is how it all unfolded.

I have a friend that still works (or rather worked for them at the time) and he told me about the investigators coming in. LARA fined them upwards of $50,000 for failing to produce the proper permits for work that was performed. They also paid me what the company owed me WITH INTEREST since I waited over a month for those checks.

On top of all of this, the IRS made them pay for my taxes at the end of the year, took away the office manager’s disability, audited them because they haven’t paid city taxes, and fined them for each employee they did this to.

At this time as well, all of his fleet vans broke due to wear and tear. This resulted in the company closing.

When he asked me why I did all of this my response was simply:

‘You screwed me over, so I screwed you over.'”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

14. Teacher's Pets Got Kicked Out


“When my friends and I were young (middle school or elementary age) there was this pair of sisters in our class. They were the epitome of a teacher’s pet – helped because their mother was the assistant teacher – and whenever the teachers would leave they would snitch on everyone.

Sometimes if they didn’t like you they would make stuff up and you would get in trouble still.

My friends and I were quite annoying so we obviously got blamed for things that we didn’t do. No matter what we did we were never believed in our innocence.

So we did the logical thing of talking to every other student in the class and they shared our opinion of how much we all didn’t like these girls. EVERYBODY was fed up with their nonsense. So we wrote a paper stating the trashy things these girls were doing and how everyone didn’t like them and so on.

We then got about 90% of our classmates to sign this paper. Then we gave it to the principal.

I’m not 100% sure what happened next. But I do remember the principal coming into our class after recess and she began to ask if this paper was true and so forth and everyone who signed it agreed. A few days later these girls were kicked out of school (or maybe they left due to humiliation/parents decided to pull them from the school).

Their mother was still the assistant teacher and she was crying about the whole thing and she was saying things about how we are horrible and how could we lie about her angels.

I felt a bit bad but I was quite happy that those girls were no longer there because they were mean and massive liars.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

13. Co-Worker's Monitor Wouldn't Turn On For 6 Hours


“Used to work with people who were tech-illiterate and one woman talked on her personal cell all day, while a coworker and I on her time did all the work. We talked to all the bosses etc and nothing was going to happen, she was in the in-crowd.

So one day I turned off her middle monitor (we used 3) just so it’d be blank and that’d show her!… 11hr days are rough with someone who could help but was too lazy, I wanted a petty victory.

The next day I kid you not, 4 people were at her desk trying to get it to work (she started an HOUR before me), I chuckled and took my seat and got to work because it needed to get done by lunch.

I finish our presentation, get it all set up before lunch and they are still at her desk, it’s been 6hrs at this point. I figured there must be something big they are doing, I’ll help.

I walk over and the middle monitor is STILL off.

They are talking with our in-house IT department and were at the point they replaced the cord and were going to order a NEW monitor. At this point, I asked if it was turned on, they look at each other then at me. ‘Of course, it is.’ This is when I reach over and turn on the monitor and boom, it turns on and displays correctly…

I was so disappointed, proud but disappointed.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

12. Workmate Gets Stressed With The Project


“We were working on a year-long project to make employee manuals for the US branches. About 15 different HR people from across the country were on the project, the lead was in Miami, FL. We met via conference call once a week with on-site meetings every few months.

It was extremely frustrating for the lead because people weren’t really taking it seriously and she had to do a lot of the work. The manual wasn’t standardized though, much of it was custom for each location because states have varying employment laws, so we each had to do our part.

About 3 weeks before the completion date, end of the year, we have a rough draft of the completed manual and everyone is supposed to have their custom parts finished and submitted so legal can look it over. One woman, fairly new to the company, had literally not asked a single question the entire year.

Now, all of the sudden, she’s asking about everything multiple times. Like she’s not understanding basic concepts that we’ve been discussing for a year. For example, the company is getting rid of sick leave and holidays so (all) time off is PTO.

Each location is allowed to make the conversion from the old system however works for them. After multiple acquisitions as well as the aforementioned differences in state law, there’s no point trying to standardize. She can’t grasp the basic details of this new procedure.

This woman, let’s call her GS, starts asking how she should implement the plan, what if a new person has been hired with a promise of certain holidays, what if a holiday comes up and a new person doesn’t have enough PTO saved up yet, how should we handle verbal and written warnings, how do we convert existing punishments into the new system, and asks each question multiple times frantically with all kinds of crazy hypotheticals a couple of times a week.

All of us are getting sick and tired of the panic mode and her not once taking the time to ask these things over the past year. Some of the questions are actually decent, but it’s Christmas season and the lead is getting frustrated trying to find answers, or telling her to figure it out herself, and barely biting her tongue from snapping on this woman.

The lead definitely values people that can take the lead and solve things themselves and this hand-holding is driving her nuts. GS literally asks on a conference call ‘You mean nobody else has these questions!?!’ No, GS, they already figured most of this out over the past year.

‘Then I guess I’m just an idiot then!?!?’ Then the lead has to reassure her hurt fee-fees. It’s just immature nonsense back to front. (TBH, we weren’t great at participation, but we didn’t unload like this).

So the whole thing gets submitted and we hear it was another month or more of GS calling corporate and the lead to get all kinds of attention with lack of understanding and new situations that she just couldn’t handle.

Then word comes down of another project, this time it’s a recruitment standardization initiative (edge-of-your-seat excitement I know). Not one of us will touch it after that disaster, so nobody is left to take it over except, you guessed it, GS herself. The big bosses figure it’s a low-key chance for her to redeem herself.

The very first meeting happens to be on-site at corporate HQ. At the end of the meeting, she asks if there are any questions. We all look at each other, one HR mgr from Michigan pipes up with a proud, happy ‘Nope! No questions here!’ We grin knowingly and the rest of us also decline to ask anything.

This goes on all.year.long. Not one of us asks a single question the whole time, just get off the phone and get to our work.

She does a halfway decent job on the project, not great, not bad. Never once acknowledges what a pain she was though.

She just muddles through. The end of the year rolls around, there are about three weeks left and, again, we just need to submit some local customized sections, and we ALL unload on her. We all have multiple questions each phone call, we ask for extra clarification, hypotheticals, you name it.

I honestly had to mute the call sometimes to stifle my giggling. She literally gets the national VP of HR involved because she can’t handle the stress of answering these questions. She has no courage to try to answer them herself so she passes almost everything to the big boss to handle.

She gets so stressed that she starts taking days off, the project falls behind, and within a month of the new year, she leaves the company. We weren’t sorry to see her go.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

11. He Realized That Traitors Never Really Win


“Had a big group of friends from 13-18, when we were 17, one of them stole my significant other.

To be fair, he legitimately knew we were going out. He knew I’d find out. Said to my face he didn’t care. ‘Tough luck, mate.’

It was her fault as well, of course. She’d been leading him on.

So from that point on, our group of friends just cut this guy out of our circle.

We stopped inviting him to stuff, if he tried to hang out, we told him to get lost. Mates that had been friends with him since Primary School just ignored him.

Initially, I was super proud of this show of solidarity from my bros. My best mate was actually going out with my now ex’s best mate, and he split up with her because of her attitude about the whole thing, trying to defend her friend to him, and make him hang out with them as a foursome.

So, the first summer back from Uni, we’re all 19-20. We see him in a local pub. I don’t know what to do, decide to try and be cool about it, and go up to say hi. He tells me to get lost. I guess he blames me for all his friends cutting him out of his life.

I don’t get the chance to explain that I in no way asked them to do that, they just did what they saw as the right thing.

Two weeks later, we’re in the same pub, and I see his younger sister. She’s 17 now, very, very attractive.

I start a conversation with her about her brother, and how I feel bad about what we did. She says that it did really hurt him, but he’s got some new friends now (mostly from Uni) and is still with my ex, despite a long-distance relationship over the Uni semesters.

He won’t talk to any of us old friends though, which I think is a genuine shame – he’s known some of the guys since we were five.

One drink leads to another with this girl, and we end up back at her house. Her parents are away, her brother is staying at my ex’s flat (she has her own flat – didn’t go to Uni, got a job), so empty house.

We end up hooking up. The next morning, her bro calls round just as I’m leaving. The look on his face as he works out what’s happened. He goes from utter despair to absolutely mental in about half a second.

Eventually, I just had to leave.

His sister finally managed to explain to him that it was nothing to do with ‘revenge’ or anything and that I was genuinely sorry for how we treated him. I don’t know if she told him the whole conversation we had about how I’d feel bad as I didn’t want to upset him anymore, and she convinced me to come back to hers by saying she was her own woman, could make her own decisions, and he wasn’t due to be home at any time.

If he hadn’t have randomly turned up, I hope he’d have never known.

He still won’t accept my friend request though.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark

10. I Left My Trashy Department Hanging


“My current job is not all that great, small company cronies and all that. But what makes it truly crap is the management and ownership attitude.

We are treated like throwaway items, not people. We’ve had a fair amount of people let go recently, most of them for cost-cutting reasons. When some of these terminated employees pointed out that the holiday season is a bad time for planned reductions, they literally got told ‘not my problem, that’s your problem.’

When we are forced to perform jobs without adequate equipment, funds, parts, etc.

‘Not my problem, make it work.’

‘Lie to the customer if you need to, it’s your issue, not mine.’

I’m the last surviving member of my department. I’m doing the jobs of three people, just to keep operations running.

I’m by no means vital to company survival, but there will be pain if my workshop sits idle.

I’m turning in my final timesheet today, without notice. My new job starts next week. I think it’s petty revenge, but that’s ok.

Not my problem, right?

Update: For those asking, I worked my whole shift instead of leaving an hour early. While I don’t like my employer, I liked my fellow employees, so I made sure the person most likely to be forced to fill in for me was set up as best as I could manage.

One manager had a definite ‘oh shoot’ look as I told him, but he was the only decent manager we have, he even wished me luck. The other didn’t seem to give a darn and promptly ignored me until I left the office after I turned in my company gear.

No goodbye, no reaction, just went back to tapping on the phone like I wasn’t there.

I’m home, adult beverage in hand. While I’m happy to be rid of such a soul-crushing job, I will miss a fair number of my coworkers, they are great people stuck in a crap job.

But I’m going to enjoy an extended weekend before starting the new gig. Better pay, better benefits, and I will be able to see some new places.”

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9. We Trashed The Jerk's Volkswagen

“Over a decade ago, when I was a teenager, we used to have bonfires out in a secret spot in the woods.

One night we went out there and another group we didn’t know also came through. They seemed nice and were doing their own thing most of the night—it was a big open space, so our groups stayed mostly separate. We brought two 30-racks for about 6 people, so we obviously didn’t end up finishing all of it.

We got up and left at around 1 am, while the other group was still there.

We get out of the woods and into our car, only to immediately see three of the guys from the group emerge from the woods. They blocked our car off and demanded we give them our beer or they’ll ‘kick our butts’.

The driver laughs in the guy’s face, drops into gear, and peels out toward them, they jump out of the way, we get away laughing and yelling insults at the idiots.

Well, we’re teenagers with chips on our shoulders, and somebody has wronged us. So, we went back and smashed out every window and headlight on the main guy’s decked-out VW Jetta.

We later found out that he was friends with a few mutual acquaintances. He told them about the incident at a party (conveniently leaving out the fact that they attempted to rob us) and said it cost them upwards of $2000 because they had no insurance.

Our revenge was definitely way out of proportion, but I still don’t really feel bad. That guy was trash.”

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8. I Peed In My Roommate's Annoying Partner's Shampoo

“Had an ex-roommate whose significant other over time just started living at our house & refused to chip in on rent & utilities… even after multiple conversations about how it would be more beneficial to split things between us all (there were 3 of us living there before she started being a leach).

Each month the utility bills went up (which really annoyed me because they were in my name).

The house had one garage but a double-wide driveway, my roommates & I had it planned out who parked where according to who left for work at such & such times, the partner started parking in my space leaving me to park in the street & throwing off the parking arrangements.

She also ruined a few pots and pans my mother had given to me by using metal utensils & then leaving them in the sink to get rusty.

After a while, she stopped socializing & sequestered herself in his room all the time & we got mice because she was keeping food in the bedroom.

The thing that really pushed me over the edge though was when I discovered she had been using my cosmetics when she had her own. Ended up getting pink eye because she just wouldn’t stop using my makeup, even after I removed it all from the bathroom.

My petty revenge was peeing in her shampoo. Not a little squirt either, I made sure to get nice & dehydrated & filled a solo cup then poured it into her bulk-sized shampoo bottle & shook it up. This happened years ago & it still gets me riled up like nothing else.

No regrets.”

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7. High School Bully Got Snitched To Her Parents


“My family switched towns after my father got a promotion at his job before I started 2nd grade. I was a very small and quiet kid, which made me prone to bullying. A few days after I moved to a school near my new house, this kid (whom we will call Amy for the sake of her and her family’s privacy) and her friends started picking on me for being vulnerable.

I tried reporting her to the teacher and principal, but since her mother was a teacher at said school and had a good relationship with the rest of the staff, no one did anything about it.

The bullying kept going on until we reached middle school, after I became friends with some people from the grade above mine (this detail will be relevant to the story later), so she would only pick on me during class (when I was alone).

After my dear friends finished 8th grade and switched schools (we didn’t have grades 9-12 in this school), the situation got much worse: she would report me to teachers and the principal, accusing me of things she had done (since she was the popular and friendly kid, people usually backed her story), would try to pick fights with me then claim I had assaulted her, would verbally insult me during class and sometimes would even follow me back home while yelling some hurtful stuff.

I was done with her but unfortunately couldn’t do anything about it.

After I switched schools I instantly fit in with some random kids in my new class and I finally was happy to go to school. I was extremely relieved to finally get rid of her.

I was later informed by one of my older friends from my former school (let’s call her Maria) that Amy now studies in the same school as her and did not remember her from the old school at all. Lovely! Maria had become friendly with Amy and her new friends and had exchanged numbers, socials, and Snapchat accounts with them.

After some time, they kind of lost touch but would still say ‘hi’ to each other occasionally. Meanwhile, Maria and I started gathering evidence on her. After a while, we discovered she had been going out with a girl from her grade and would post pictures of them kissing, smoking, skipping class together, going to parties, and getting hammered. Let me remind you all that my city (and most of my country too) is very conservative and her family went to the same church as mine (both our families are devout Catholics).

I knew that exposing this type of information would ruin her reputation at church as the ‘exemplary Christian girl who is incapable of doing any wrong’.

When we had enough evidence on her (roughly the middle of the school year), Maria messaged her parents on social media pretending to be a concerned friend of Amy’s and then proceeded to send every.

single. proof. They thanked her and said their daughter would face the consequences of her acts. I have no idea what exactly happened to her afterward. My parents said she had moved with her uncle to the countryside but never mentioned the reason and Maria says her friends haven’t heard from her either.

I feel slightly bad for her. But after years of being bullied by her, I’m glad she got what she deserved.”

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6. We Sent Our Wasted Friend Straight To The Wolves


“Junior year in high school, we had gathered at a friend’s house to play some D&D. Someone had brought a 2 liter Coca-Cola bottle that had been filled with tequila.

We had mostly ignored the booze and focused more on the game. All, but one of us, had kept our drinking reasonable.

One guy had decided to get completely sloshed. He was stumbling around, being obnoxious, and making lots of rackets (friend’s mom was in her room) and then he started puking.

We took him outside, but he kept coming back into the house and throwing up on the carpet.

We had finally had enough of him and decided to take him home. We loaded him into the back of my friend’s pickup and took him to his house.

It was late and his parents were asleep. We opened the door and pushed him in. We could see him kinda stumbling across the living room, through the front window. One of my friends was like ‘You know what? Screw him’ and started ringing the doorbell and pounding on the front door.

Our wasted friend stopped and faced us, with a look of absolute horror on his face.

We all hopped in the pickup bed and sped off. As we were driving away, we could see lights coming on all over his house.

16 years old, super wasted, and wearing vomit-covered clothes… his parents were less than happy.

We didn’t see him for a looooong time.

We probably should’ve just gone outside with him, locked the door, and stayed with him until he had settled down and sobered up a little. I kinda felt sorry for him after his parents had gotten through with him.”

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5. Drink-Stealer Drinks Weird Sauce Mixture


“Many years ago while I was in high school, I would go off campus to lunch daily and return with a soda to class. A kid in my class seemed to think it was funny to swipe my drink when I wasn’t looking. Well, that got old after a while.

I’m normally a soda drinker but switched up my habits and started drinking orange crush to put a plan in action. After my new soda habit had clearly been established I went home one evening and loaded a water bottle with water and a healthy amount of Dave’s Insanity Sauce to get the coloring approximately right.

The next day I loaded my soda cup with the mixture on my return. The kid did not swipe it right away as usual; however, I had an oral report and there was an open seat at the front of the class right next to him.

Perfect. I go up to do my report and place the cup at the open seat. Sure enough, shortly after I start he reaches for the cup. I’m dying inside but trying to keep a straight face and keep going. Kid starts slurping furiously from the cup and his reaction is delayed a few seconds.

He screams, falls out of his chair, and starts rolling around on the floor. The whole class is staring in disbelief, I’m busting up laughing. Good times.”

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4. Mess With My Car? Now Yours Smells Like Garbage


“Friends of mine decided to prank me while I was at my trashy fast-food job. They filled my car up completely with balloons and stuck lady’s sanitary pads all over each of my car windows.

It was a little funny to me until they refused to help clean it up and just laughed at me. Because it was a hot summer day, the pads must have partially melted and even when removed left some sort of opaque residue on my windows so that you could barely see out of.

So, I found out whose idea it was to mess with my car, and a buddy and I spent an hour or so driving around on country roads looking for the nastiest roadkill we could find. We eventually found a dead raccoon that must have been there for a few days and used a shovel to put it in a garbage bag.

It was so rancid that we had to hold both the bag and the shovel outside of the window while we drove back. Every time we had to stop, the smell would waft into the car and make us gag.

We drove to my friend’s house, poked holes in the bag, and hid it on the floor behind the driver’s seat with the idea that he would find it later that day.

That would have been enough punishment, but my friend didn’t use his car for two days while it sat in the driveway in direct sunlight.

By the time he got to the car, it smelled so bad that it was almost impossible to drive. It is still the worst thing I’ve ever smelled in my life.

It took a month after cleaning and airing out before it didn’t constantly reek and another month for it to not randomly lightly smell like a hot dead animal.

I felt pretty bad about it being so awful for so long, but nobody ever messed with anyone else’s car after that.”

0 points (0 votes)

3. Jerk Schoolmate Caught His Mom And Ex On The Couch

“So I had this bully for most of my school career, from elementary to high school graduation, though it really took around jr high.

This jerk, let’s call him Humphrey cuz it sounds funny, was one of the worst kids in school. he would pick on people, steal from lockers, and go around being inappropriate to guys. Humphrey was gay and used that to get out of any situation where people tried to fight back.

He would just start yelling stuff like ‘You can’t treat me like that just because I’m gay!’ at the top of his lungs anytime anyone tried to call him out on anything. Given that this was the early 2000s, anything that was seen as gay bashing meant that the teachers instantly got onto the assumed guilty kid.

Now, I was a quiet and artsy kind of kid in high school and liked to draw stuff. More than once, he tried to get me to draw him inappropriate stuff, and I’m sad to say I did on a few occasions to shut him up.

He would then show it off to his significant other saying he drew it. The guy was almost as big a jerk as Humphrey, so he would always laugh it up when he saw the bullying going down. But the thing that made me forever HATE Humphrey was the time he stole my clothes when I was changing after the gym, tossed them up onto the school roof, then shoved me into the girls’ locker room in my undergarments.

Though this didn’t turn out so bad, since most of the girls were fully clothed and they could hear Humphrey laughing his butt off.

So, after graduation, I moved out of state and thought I’d never have to deal with Humphrey again. But, the house I was renting with some friends ended up burning down after 4 years, so I had to move back in with my parents for a while.

I eventually got a job as a driver for a food delivery app, which I absolutely love cuz I like driving around by myself and listening to the radio. One of my regular customers ended up being Humphrey’s mother, and I would see her maybe 3 or 4 times a week.

This meant that I got to know her pretty well, to the point I would occasionally help her with stuff around the house if my shift was almost over. (I know where you think this is going, but you’re wrong). And this is what finally led me to the revenge.

One day, I was delivering to Humphrey’s mom’s house and the jerk himself answered the door. And he hadn’t changed at all except he was losing his hair a bit. His mom, not noticing he was being a jerk, invited me in for a bit.

Since my shift was almost over, and I didn’t want to stay anywhere near Humphrey, I was going to say no. But, she got out that she needed help setting up something on her computer, and apparently her son was useless with them.

It turned out, what she wanted help with was setting up an account for an online mingling service.

Her husband had been gone for 10 years and she wanted to start looking for some fun. Not a relationship, just an ongoing fling. I helped her set it up, talking a bit louder than normal about all the things she could add to attract men, which made Humphrey cringe.

But the best part was, as I was helping her, I found something that made the little devil on my shoulder start laughing his tiny red butt off. The school bully’s old partner was on the site looking for men AND women to have discrete meetings with.

When the mother went to the bathroom, I sent him a request, including hot photos and the promise of a sure thing.

Well, a few weeks later, as I’m delivering her usual order, I notice that there’s a strange car in the driveway.

And who should I see walking around when she cracked the door to grab her food? The Ex, in all his glory. I was tempted to ask if I could come and join in since I’m bi, but my shift had just started.

Later, I heard from her that Humphrey had come over unexpectedly later that day, claiming that she had sent him a text saying she needed help with her car.

The ex was still there, and they had been… entangled on the living room couch when Humphrey came in, so he got an eyeful. She said she had never sent any text, and they ended up screaming at each other before he stormed out vowing to never come there again.

I wonder who could have sent him the text? Oh yeah, it was me.

From what I’ve heard, Humphrey got arrested that same night for getting totally wasted and breaking into his Ex’s old house, which he hasn’t lived in for years.

Just a cherry on top as far as I’m concerned.”

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2. The Glitter Stayed In The Car For Years


“Northern United States. Snow on the ground. The dead of winter. Coworker at the local shop is a consistent jerk. Said coworker also goes out for frequent smoke breaks and, rather than standing in the cold outside the back door, likes to sit in their car.

So one day, a different co-worker of mine comes into the shop with a cardboard box in their hands and a gigantic grin on their face. Long story short they have purchased two pounds, now think about this 2 pounds, of glitter. It came in several small clear plastic bags all within the cardboard box they were carrying.

I’m sure I’m just remembering it this way, but I swear at one point somebody said ‘I have a plan’.

Said co-worker with the gigantic grin manages to slip outside into the parking lot during the shift. They come back with an empty box.

Fast forward to lunchtime.

Said jerk coworker goes out to their car for a smoke. It hasn’t been snowing, but it’s cold enough that you can see your breath. So they get in their car and as the door closes, the engine comes to life. At my other coworker’s insistence, several of us have gathered by the break room window to observe this occasion.

What happened next I can only describe as a literal screaming snow globe. With the howling that came out of that car, as all of the glitter came shooting out of the dashboard air vents, were filled with surprise, panic, denial, and eventually anger. For about 3 seconds the front windshield of their car looked very similar to the effect of stirring metallic paint, only vertical and multicolored.

Years… No exaggeration. No joke. Years later, they would come into the shop and, I am told as I no longer work there, from time to time you can see a piece of glitter stuck to their backside, or their hair, their hands, their boots, pretty much anything that would have come in contact with the interior of that car.

Several of my friends still will not let said co-worker drive them anywhere, as they’re afraid to get fairy dust from the car.”

0 points (0 votes)

1. Abuse Your Employees? Lose Them Little By Little

“I used to work at an adult novelty store. When I quit, my partner managed to get a job there through me talking him up to the boss.

The hours are awful, pay is more awful but we needed the funds. And it can be interesting. But all the people are gossiping, always making drama.

This is his revenge and what led to it.

So lemme set the characters real quick there’s me, my partner, we will call him Mark, our full-time manager we will call her Kate who had a crush on Mark, her boss RM who is super strict about cleanliness and worked maybe once every 3 weeks at our location, and 2 coworkers C1 and C2.

So C1 is a fat, ‘forgetful’ and lazy kinda worker. She’s short, HUGE, and likes to flirt with customers for tips we can’t even accept. C1 introduced me to Mark, who I love. But only because she wanted to sleep with us both. When she was told no, things went sour.

Great at selling things, but only because she lies. A ‘this pee water can make you fly’ kinda sales. She works like 1 or 2 days a week.

C2 had been at the store for years. Works 4 days a week, more than the part-time she should. Was a little slack on her job and cleaning but she knew what needed to get done and what could wait a day.

Consistent and nice, though not a pretty woman. She got a lot of hours and was basically an assistant manager. Had been there longer than Kate the manager, and was Kate’s ‘favorite’. Even offered her own store a few times.

Around this time, I, the only person who did any real cleaning or work in the place, left the job for something way better and Mark got in as a new employee.

After he was hired. Kate, the boss, did as little training as possible because she was too busy flirting with him. She delayed teaching him things or just shoved a task on him without saying how to do it… I got a lot of calls from Mark about how to do this or that because of it.

But he never gets in trouble if he gets things wrong because she liked him. A lot.

Well, he figures stuff out, gets my help, and review time comes along for the store. They failed. Poor cleaning, everything misplaced, customers are leaving bad reviews, complaint after complaint.

So RM needs someone to blame, but it can’t be Kate or C2 they’ve been here too long. And even though C1 has write-ups in a mile-long list, for… constant complaints from Mark about harassment, customers about being overcharged or lied to, about her stealing, just not doing her basic job, or letting her family members steal.

But Mark’s the new guy, the only thing that changed. (When I was there we passed because I worked my butt off to clean and be kind and work well with people.) So he is in hot water. They say ‘oh we need to write EVERYONE up about this.’ Then only write him up, and ‘EVERYONE needs to do more’ then only add to his task list. Well, he gets tired of it and decides, let’s mess with them.

Kate realizes she doesn’t have a chance because he mentions me a lot. And she gets a little spiteful.

He sets up a nicer job. Then, collects all the little texts from C1 – all the harassment, all the times she confessed to doing both illegal and/or other firable things.

And most notably, she made fun of C2’s looks, comparing her to ugly photos of disfigured animals. And he shows it all, to everyone.

C2 freaks out. She is hurt, she never liked C1 but put it aside for work. But now she is absolutely hurt, because well, those were not nice photos or words about C2’s looks…

When Mark shows Kate and RM they laugh and say, ‘so? Who cares?’ So Marks talks about how they begged last week for a reason to fire C1, and how now they have 50 reasons. But they laugh it off – not wanting to hire new people or train saying ‘we can’t fire her for being a little mean’.

So Mark leaves one little revenge seed, tells C2, ‘if they really liked you – they’d fire her for that.’ And leaves his notice.

The place now is short-handed since Mark left and Kate’s struggling enough to ask if I can cover a shift or two (Nope).

Two days later, C2 says she wants justice. That it was crossing the line. And Kate laughs her off again. So C2 slammed down her 2 weeks notice right there.

Now Kate is REALLY flustered.

She begs. But it’s too late. She has to have C1 covering nearly all week.

C1 does a horrible job, the store is getting worse and worse, they can’t hire anyone because C1 creeps ‘em all out.

Recently we heard that both Kate and RM can’t take any vacation because of how badly the store needs coverage. They still call Mark and me weekly to see if we can cover.

But we are happy to watch em sink with margaritas and C1 telling us everything.”

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