5-Year-Old Girl Receives Trip To Dollywood After Performing On Ellen Show

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Classic songs can make their way into any generation’s hearts.

Her Video Captured Ellen’s Attention


5-year-old Violet Burdick gets invited to Hollywood after the staff of The Ellen Show watched her performance of a famous Dolly Parton song.

A Chat With Ellen

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Her segment began with quick chitchat with Ellen Degeneres.

Her Greatest Idol


Little Violet is known to be a big fan of the American singer-songwriter, Dolly Parton.

Her Fangirling Story


Her father, Ryan, told the story of how she began loving Parton because she received books donated by the singer from time-to-time.

She Knows Her By Heart

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You can see the admiration in the little girl’s eyes as she talks about the stories she knows of her favorite singer.

Supporting Her Passion

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Ryan is also a musician so when he noticed his daughter’s interest in Parton’s music, he lovingly supported her by playing the singer’s songs for Violet to sing.

Taking The Stage

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After a short talk, Violet and Ryan went ahead and performed Dolly Parton’s “Jolene”.

A Surprise Gift For Her

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After the father-daughter duo performs, Ellen reveals a gift from Shutterly for Violet – an all-expense-paid trip to Dollywood for the little girl and her family.

Watch the 5-year-old fan perform at The Ellen Show in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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geri 3 years ago
super extra good
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