People Share The Time They Got Payback By “Dodging A Bullet”


Sometimes, ta dawning moment comes to us in a flashback when we realized that the one thing we did not find very noteworthy as a child had ballooned and butterflied into something monumental as a fully-fledged adult. Other times, the sharp and sudden moment of awareness of how close we were to death shakes us awake like a dunk of ice-cold water on a hot summer’s day.  Whatever the case, when we eventually find out that we dodged a life-altering bullet (both physical and metaphorical) is something we never forget.

Some of the stories below are about real, live ammunition, and how one lucky person escaped with his life intact. But there are some bullets (the kind disguised as people) that are harder to discover and even more difficult to swerve and avoid. And if you do not double back quick enough, they may just hit their target and change your life forever.

49. This Entire Family Was Saved From Carbon Monoxide Thanks To A Single Facebook Post And A Helpful Message


“The city was doing road construction in front of our place about three years ago. It was annoying, noisy, and covered everything with fine dust.

During this time frame, my son ended up catching some sort of bug (or so we thought) that seemed a lot worse at night. For three nights in a row, he ended up jumping out of bed after throwing up all over the place and having diarrhea. It was awful, we would spend hours just rubbing his back and cleaning him up. I would then put him to bed in the spare bedroom and he would pass out completely exhausted.

After the third night, I went on a cleaning spree and was basically scouring the heck out of everything to get the ‘sick air’ out of the house, when I discovered that the dust from the road construction was coating everything with this grimy, blackish residue that was incredibly hard to remove, or what I thought was road dust.

I was irate enough that I took a picture and posted it on Facebook and was complaining about the construction and asking if anyone else was having the same issues.

A couple of hours later, I get a message from a friend that asked if we had an oil furnace. I thought it was odd but just said that, yes, we do and asked why she asked. She then proceeded to tell me that all her ceiling fans and vents etc. looked exactly like my picture did when her furnace filter got clogged and was not burning off the oil properly, which in turn filled her house with carbon monoxide.

I totally went into preservation mode and packed everyone into the truck and drove around the corner to the fire station.

The firemen came in their trucks with their carbon monoxide detectors and, sure as ****, the basement was highly toxic and was filling the house. My son’s room is directly above the furnace room and when the heat was kicking in at night, he was getting poisoned. We are all lucky to be alive. Especially my boy.

Our landlord installed carbon monoxide detectors two days later after the house aired out and the furnace guy did his repairs. Scary stuff, kids.” Lysdexicant

48. Although She Suffered Through A Divorce, She Realized It Was The Best Thing That Could Have Happened To Her


“I dodged a bullet by not marrying my ex-fiance. I cannot have kids, and I told him that early on, and when he did propose I asked him again, and multiple times thereafter, if he was SURE that he would never change his mind.

I do not want someone marrying me and then resenting me/feeling like they’re missing out. He reassured me time and time again that he did not want kids and never really had.

Five months before our wedding, he broke up with me, with this big story about how he felt like we had been growing apart and he did not have the same feelings anymore and maybe he would want children someday and blah blah blah. I was devastated, of course, and then furious when I found out the real reason – he had been cheating on me and knocked some girl up.

They got married a few months after the baby was born, and then not long after that, she got pregnant again.

Before that baby was born, that ******, that complete and utter piece of dung, contacted me. He had a big long sob story about how he had made a mistake, how his life was sooooo hard, how he did not like being a father, and how I was so much nicer and his wife was such a *****. She was ‘probably a *****’ because she actually needed him to help around the house and with the baby, and get a freaking job instead of sitting on his butt watching YouTube all day… I am not sure why I ever wanted to marry this ****** in the first place, to be honest. Then, as an afterthought, he threw in that he missed me.

I told him to **** off.

He and his first wife have now divorced and he is married to yet another woman who he knocked up by accident. Their kid is a little under a year old and word on the street is that he is still a cheating lazy ******. I am so glad that this **** all happened before we got married instead of after. The broken engagement was brutal but much better than if we had been married.” ferdinandtreflinger

Another User Comments:

“Does he not know how babies are made? How do you accidentally knock two different women up three times? What a moron. Bullet dodged, indeed!” Goatmama1981

47. That Day, Being At The Right Place At The Right Time Meant That Brian Was The Best Wing Man Of All Time


“I worked for a Campus police department while I was in college.

I had been (unsuccessfully) flirting a bit with one of our part-time clerks who was a mother twice over at the age of 22, living in Section 8 housing etc. Not a bad thing in and of itself; I’m just providing some context.

My long time girlfriend had bounced a few months back so I had thrown myself into my work and was advancing quickly in the department. Well, enough that I had a salaried slot on the horizon. Feeling good about things in general, I figured I’d just roll with it when she suddenly started giving me the time of day. We had our first big night of romance coming on a Saturday night when I get a text from my boss.

The text just said, ‘Cancel. Now. I will talk to you later.’

I was not sure what was up but I did just that, called her up on the spot, and said, ‘Sorry, I have a problem with my car, no way I could get it to a shop and out in time for our date.’ (she did not have a car.)

A few hours later, I swing by the police department and he told me what had happened. She had worked earlier in the day and was at the front desk not realizing he was there.  The boss was in the squad room (you can hear conversations upfront from there). He overheard her on her cell talking to one of her girlfriends about how she was ‘going to get paid tonight girl!’ followed by ‘No, I’m only like five weeks, he won’t be able to tell ’cause the dates will be close.’

God Bless You, Brian.

God Bless You.” *********

46. He Not Only Risked Losing His Identity But He Also Narrowly Missed Signing Up For Something He Did not Believe In


“Back when I was young and impressionable, someone stopped me on the street and asked if I’d like to do a free personality test. After enthusiastically filling out the answers to a long list of probing questions, the person who’d approached me asked how old I was. Since I was under 18, they said they’d have to get a parent’s permission to give me my results. They call my mum, who tells them to stick their test up their **** (or words to that effect), then proceeds to give me an extended talking-to about trusting strange people with my personal information.

And that’s how I learned who the church of Scientology was.” crunchymintybiscuit

45. Instead Of Being Behind Bars, He Was Lucky To Leave That Incident Completely Unscathed


“Back in my raving days, in the early 2000s, before it got trendy, I got deep into drug use and subsequently became a small-time dealer. Small-time over the course of a few months rapidly became pretty big time. One night, after re-upping (buying more ***** to sell) I went over to my buddy’s house to play Counter-Strike until the early hours of the morning. On my way home I got pulled over.

I had 2,500 green triangle pills in my trunk.

I pulled out my license and registration, laid it out on my lap before the cop came to my window and proceeded to be as polite as possible.

The cop asked me why my eyes were red and asked if I smoked *****. I said absolutely not (I never liked the green stuff, weird I know) and I told him we were playing Counter-Strike for over 8 hours and that’s probably why.

He ran my license (which was clean), came back to my car, and said, okay drive safely and let me go. I left that scene sh*tting bricks.

Had he looked in my trunk, I would have been arrested and looking at a distribution felony and at least 12-25 years. Not to mention it would have destroyed my life.

I stopped dealing and raving after that.

Today I have a lovely wife, my own home, good health, thriving business, a healthy toddler, and another one on the way.

Talk about bullet dodged. My life and the life of those I love would have been drastically different if it played out the other way. It should have. I am the lucky one.

I lose sleep often thinking about that.” bigjamg

Another User Comments:

“My very first rave I did not know they were going to do more than a basic pat-down for weapons. I stuck my stash in the small pocket in the front jean pocket. Anyways, this middle-aged dude gives me the once over and then says I can go. Right as I start to walk away, he’s like ‘Wait’, then his hand goes right to it.

‘What is this? Pull it out.’

I’m playing the I do not know what it is game.

He goes to call the police who are 15 feet behind him. The other gate lady says ‘No you just throw it away’. He starts raising his voice and they start arguing. The cops look over and I just decide to start walking…right passed the cops who were headed towards us and as soon as I hit the crowd and did a zig-zag dash for my life.

Yeah, I’d say I dodged a bullet!” _Moregone

44. From Birth To Adulthood, He Has Been Dodging Bullets His Entire Life


“I was cut out of my mom two months early, intubated for several weeks, and lived my first two months in the NICU. My parents gave me theophylline which is essentially liquid caffeine every few hours to keep my heart going.

I nearly died several times of RSV before age three.

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 15. They still have no idea why, but it was possibly related to the grade one bleed I had shortly after birth.

Then, they found a tumor on my liver at 16. I was diagnosed with cancer. They removed the huge tumor that burst during removal. Two weeks later, the diagnosis is retracted.

Unfortunately by 17, I’m in end-stage liver failure. I have every super rare complication in the book. I had severe HSP and vasculitis and am in an ISO room for a month. They neglected to mention that my aorta could’ve easily burst.

Then came the esophageal varices and transplant listing. I puked up lots of *****.

The second bleed was the worst – if I hadn’t already been in the hospital at the time I would’ve certainly died. I vomited up 2 liters of ***** in one go. They did surgery in my room and I lapsed into a hepatic encephalitis coma for 2 weeks. Usually, at that stage, you’re a goner, and if you survive you’re going to have some brain damage. I woke up with no apparent brain damage, thank God.

I got a transplant from my aunt a few months later. The surgeons actually expected it to fail but decided that if they attempted a living donor transplant first and it failed, then I’d immediately be moved to the top of the list.

After 14 hours of the surgery, it was pronounced a success.

Three days later I woke up. I had a lot of stuff to deal with but ultimately survived.

After the transplant, I had a bunch of complications and some medical ******** that nearly killed me. Like a routine bile duct stenting procedure that resulted in a hemothorax, three chest tubes, and a 3-week hospital stay that also involved several severe allergic reactions. Unfortunately, they found out I’d developed a severe allergy to OmniPaq CT contrast dye and IV iodine. It was weird as I was fine with it pre-transplant. Post-transplant, though, the first cat scan I had sent me into anaphylaxis. Fun times.

Now, six years later, I’m relatively healthy and haven’t had any bouts of rejection, which is amazing! Thanks to my aunt I got to live past 19.

I’m now 25 and am getting married in October.  My whole 25 years of life have been one giant bullet dodge. I’m like freaking Neo.” greffedufois

43. While She Was Unlucky In One Regards, She Should Count Her Stars She Ended Up With Neither Of These Losers


“Three months after a breakup, I come across this guy from my uni who is extraordinarily handsome, funny, smart, and really successful both socially and professionally. We talked, there was a first date, a second date, then regular hangouts. I was overjoyed that my love life was again looking good and was sure we would end up dating. We started being intimate really quick, but there was something off about him. He would ask me a lot of questions about my courses, my internships, where I applied, where my friends did, etc.

He would also ask ‘small’ favors: could you help me with this, that, but to a point that started to seem excessive.

Two weeks later my roommate asked me if we were dating, I told her that yeah, we went on a couple of dates but I didn’t know where it was headed. She told me it was odd because one of her friends went with the same guy on a weekend trip to a vacation house not far, and with two other girls. Apparently a lot of hot hookups with each of the girls took place. She showed me pictures as proof.

I confronted the guy about it he acted surprised and said the pictures were from over a month ago when he was single.

But now, of course, we were exclusive. We continued dating because I was starting to have feelings and believe him.

My roommate moves out, a new one moves in and put up new posters. One night I hear a guy coming in her room and them laughing and having ***. The next day the guy lets slip up that one of his friends has this and this poster in ‘his’ room. I immediately recognize my roommate. I confront him, he acts surprised.

At that time I meet another guy who is far less sketchy. I initially was into him a bit less than the first guy, but eventually settled for him after feeling in my guts that the first guy could not be trusted.

The first guy then proceeded to bully me on social networks and tell everybody I was head over heels for him but he wasn’t into me. That I stalked him, etc. He even posted on my Facebook wall ‘Lol, just please stop following me around I don’t want to date you you creep me out’. He made up stories about me being a crazy stalker and whatnot.

Turns out the guy was just a genius manipulator. He would charm a lot of girls the way he charmed me, then use them for small favors, hot weekend trips, small loans, etc. His social and academic success was mostly due to his outsourcing all assignments to people he knew and using them to get as much information about all opportunities as he could.

I am thankful every day to my current boyfriend that he came into my life as I was starting to fall for that guy. I cannot believe the heartbreak I would have gone through if this had gone on any longer.

The funniest part? After I stopped seeing the guy in question he constantly made scared faces and pretended to run away when he saw me, in line with the ‘crazy stalker’ story. One day I am waiting for an exam in front of a building, and he comes by and makes the same scared face as always. I boil interiorly when a girl comes out of the building and falls into his arms. I suddenly realize why: he was holding a heart-shaped balloon with ‘one year’ written on it.

Guy had a girlfriend during all this time.” lala1978

42. This Relationship Could Have Gone Very Sour Very Quickly


“I broke up with my first boyfriend and had my first rebound (red flag #1). He, my rebound, was also just out of a 5-year relationship (#2) and it was, I found out, extremely abusive (#3). Once I got to know the kid on a romantic level (as we’d been friends for a while) I wanted out. He was way too clingy, easy to become jealous, followed me everywhere, wanted to meet my parents, and at the same time was terrified I’d leave him. I told him ‘This isn’t working for me’ flat out.

At first, he took it ok. We weren’t officially dating, and I told him I just wasn’t feeling it with him.

I also told him he definitely had some issues after his previous relationship and to get help (his ex was extremely controlling, and he was so used to emotional manipulation and abuse that he kept expecting me to be mad at him all the time).

Then he kept texting me that he missed me. That I was the one. Then he started taking my stuff so I would have to talk to him to get it back. We had friends in common, and he wouldn’t go on outings if I wasn’t going, and if I stayed home he found me at my dorm. Then he cornered me in a room and attempted to physically keep me from leaving ‘so we could define the relationship’, so I knocked him down and left (we were the same size, and I warned him several times to move, or I’d make him move).

He somehow found out I was studying with a male classmate a lot and sent me an email wishing me ‘All the happiness with classmates that you couldn’t find with me’ and it had a picture of the two of us studying in the room attached. I told him to eff off and never contact me again. After that, if I saw him in public, he’d suddenly shut down and get mopey like I’d kicked his favorite puppy. Everyone picked up on it, but ignored it. Then he started dating another girl who I hear is also controlling, manipulative and abusive.

We were romantic for less than a week. I’m glad I came to my senses within days. Because it was two months of absolute nonsense.

I think he just wanted someone who would ‘wear the pants’ and drag him by his ear everywhere, and I wanted to date a person, not a talking doll.” [deleted]

41. What This Woman Actually Wanted Was A Life Of Luxury, Not To Be A Stay-At-Home-Mom


“I used to be engaged and made a lot more money than my (then) fiancee. She had a son and we planned on having children together so I was supportive when she talked to me about quitting her job (NYC teacher) to be a stay at home mom. It made a lot of sense.

She ended up quitting her job at the end of the year but a couple of weeks into summer, she offhandedly mentions how she wants to look into hiring a full-time babysitter for her son.

I asked if she was going back to work in the fall but she said no. She just wanted someone to watch her son from roughly when I left for work until I came home. I pointed out the whole point of leaving her job to be a stay at home mom was to do that very thing. I already paid people to clean the home, do the landscaping, and vacuum the pool while I did most of the cooking. It’s not like I expected a whole lot.

We ended up fighting a lot about this over the next couple of weeks until we broke off the engagement and broke up altogether. She’s still friendly with my friend’s wives/girlfriends and I’ve since learned she married a guy who basically works 24/7 to keep her in a life of luxury of shoes and shopping and never working.” [deleted]

40. This Crazy Girl Let Him Know Her Plan Early On And, Thankfully, He Narrowly Escaped It


“I had a girlfriend in my senior year of high school.

She started telling me how she wanted five kids and eventually let me know she was hoping to start as soon as possible. Well, that was not really my plan. I loved this girl, first real love and passionate relationship. But I was still in high school and I had dreams. I did not even have big dreams – I wanted to go to college, get a bachelor’s degree and move back to the city after being stuck in this small town for high school.

But she wanted five kids, move to the forest and live off the land. There is a part of me that saw some appeal to it, but I knew that was for later in life. Well, as soon as our plans surfaced and were different from each other, the relationship just started going downhill.

She actually tried lying to me once, telling me she was pregnant. Hearing that I felt like a little kid being told he was having a kid and I just stared back. I had no idea what to say and she got angry as that was not the reaction she was hoping for.

Three days later, she lets it on she lied to me. After that, we had lots of fights, and finally, she thought I was cheating on her. I was not, and I tried to get her back, but she avoided me, had her family and friends turn me away, and I did not talk to her for three whole months. I finally talked to her, she was already pregnant after meeting a new guy.

It worked out for the best, for me at least. She and her new guy and broke up after a year and had major custody battles. Fifteen years later, I have an awesome wife and a perfect three-year-old with another on the way. I dodged a bullet.”  K-Zoro

39. Getting In Trouble With The Law And Her Parents Was Probably The Best Thing That Could Have Happened


“My 13-year-old self and my friend (15) decided to hitchhike to a local street where people hung out and cruised cars up and down because I was spending the night at her house and her parents were out of town. (In retrospect, holy heck, was I stupid).

Bullet 1: Refused ride from a creepy guy who would only take one of us, not both.

Bullet 2: Got arrested on my third sip of an adult beverage provided by a random middle-aged man who decided to try to get two young girls drunk before we went with him “to a party.”

Yeah, I spent the night in juvie and got in a buttload of trouble with my parents. But, I did not get assaulted or murdered so yay stupid teenaged me.” XinaRoo

38. From Start To Finish, This Wild Journey Is Good Enough To Be Written In Award-Winning Novels


“As with most bullet dodges, mine begins with someone I dated for a short while. I met this woman, who I’ll refer to ‘Court Restrained *****’, when I was standing in line at Starbucks with my support/service dog. We hit it off and I had a lot of fun being near her, but my dog was a little timid and distant, not overly so but just enough.

I thought his lack of interest was due to him being tired…hindsight is a *****. So, we began to date for a little while and we had some fun going to movies and some dinner dates.

A few months after the first meetup, I had to go find a new dog sitter for me to hire when I go off to important appointments. So, I tried the local pet store, but they were busy with their food sale (the sale which saved my life, the life of my family and any living entity within six miles). So, I had to go to the local animal shelter, because that’s usually where people drop off their names and numbers to dog sitters and the like.

I get to talking with the nice animal control lady at the desk and begin to show her my dog’s pictures.

Right off the bat, her face went sour and said, ‘Sir I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.’

I asked why of course, and she stated, ‘Sir, I know that’s not your dog, it’s the dog of the flower shop down the street.’ I insist she has to be mistaken, and then she pulls up the conversation the shelter had with her…complete with pictures I never posted anywhere…and were only on my phone. I begin to tell her something is wrong, and ask who the flower shop lady is and why she has pictures of my dog.

Well, this did not sit right with her, because she was fed a story about how the dog in the picture was suffering from cancer and the shop owner couldn’t afford to put him down at the vet (the shelter is a kill shelter, very nice place with a comfortable room for those who can’t afford to pay for euthanasia).

This did not sit right with ME, I asked that I be allowed to prove that the dog was mine, she allowed it and I began showing her pictures of my dog, at my house, with me., including a few videos of him sleeping and having puppy bubble yips.

At this point she fell into a dark, dark, dark stare at the Facebook page. She began to say that she was going to find the flower shop lady and drag her to ****** gate so as to be sure Satan delivers on punishment. The thing is, the flower shop lady made an appointment for a time when I would be at my appointment the first day…the day where I asked my then-girlfriend to watch him.

At that point, the wheels clicked and I began to breathe heavily as I was fighting the urge to kill everyone in the area. The only way she could have gotten those pictures was by taking them from my phone directly.

She intended to kill my dog, no matter how people would slice it…I’m emotionally unstable enough to kill human beings, be they children or elderly should my dog be murdered or unjustly killed…there would be no discrimination, all humans are dead at that point.

I brought my dog to my mother’s house, so she could watch him for a while, My dad was also there with his big gun because he loves dogs, and my dog almost as much as I do.

I go to confront my then-girlfriend and it went swimmingly. She did not even try to hide it once I brought it up and presented the evidence. She went into this whole…strangely denial tone where she discussed what we were going to be doing with the rest of our lives, how many kids and what I had to do to prepare for it. She was so stuck in this ignorance that she did not catch onto the fact that I had dumped her the minute I presented the evidence. She said my dog was not part of her plan, and that he had to go, she spoke of how I had to cut ties with my family members and only pay heed to one of her family members.

Well, I was out the door at that point and was feeling really REALLY good…..until the lights flashed ( bullet number two). I had been pulled over by a police officer, or so I thought. I went through this whole charade without any word, he demanded I get out of the car…I looked at his uniform, looked at my side view mirror…and said no. This is where the fun began because I was refusing entirely and he was starting to get more irate, trying to force my door open which he couldn’t. Then he began to smash my window with his ‘nightstick’ and tried to pry my door open with said nightstick. The moment he pulled his gun out, he was shot two times in the leg by the REAL police.

He had been impersonating police in my area for quite some time (delusional want-to-be cop and dumb, too), and I as it turned out was the unlucky jerk who got caught this time. The police explained to me what was happening and I went to the station to fill out a report, file for the damages etc. It turns out he had a police scanner in his car and my new ex-girlfriend called in a stolen car…my car…by an armed and dangerous person. He took off to ‘handle me, so when the police found my car, and saw the beating on the windshields, they (at first) thought it was another officer handling a dangerous criminal. Except then they realized who it was.

In the end, I was exonerated. All parties arrested and court-ordered to stay the **** away from me and my family.” Lockerd

37. She Felt Guilty For Years Later, But Then Realized She Probably Escaped A Kidnapping


“So, I was an adorable little 5-year-old girl, in a bad neighborhood, playing in the front yard along with her equally adorable 7-year-old brother. A car slowly pulled up with the window rolled down. The driver called out, saying something I couldn’t hear.

I stopped playing and walked to the edge or the lawn so I could hear him better. The man asked me where some street was. I was not exactly sure, but I pointed to the street sign at the corner and said something like, ‘I do not know, I think it’s over there’.

The guy put his hand to his ear and said. ‘What?’

I just kind of stood there and pointed, repeating the same thing. Then, the guy put his hand out and motioned for me to come up to the car, saying, ‘I can’t hear you, come here.’

I felt really bad because this poor guy needed directions but I just stood there and pointed to the street sign again hoping he’d see the street name. The guy looked annoyed or disappointed and drove away. Later on, I saw him at least once, driving slowly past us, staring at me. I thought he must be still looking for the street, and he’s mad that I did not help him.

I’ve literally felt bad about that for years, being one of the random memories that kept me up at night, beating myself up for not knowing how to help him find the stupid street.

It was only until sometime this year I realized that the guy was almost definitely trying to kidnap me.” kaitastrophes

36. This man Survived A Carjacking And A Shootout All In One Night


“Literal dodging of bullets:

I made it through an attempted carjacking when I was 22. This guy comes out of the shadows at around 3:00 AM, as I was walking my date to her car in front of my apartment, which faced a busy street.

He was wearing a dark hoodie, but what I really noticed as he rushed up to me was the giant, shiny, .45 he had pulled out of his hoodie’s front pocket thing, that he almost immediately had pointed straight at my head. He demanded my car keys and my wallet.

About that same time, as I tried to stall as much as I could, a car turned onto the street, and we were both lit up by that car’s headlights, and we both turned our heads toward it.

Probably statistically really stupid for me to do, but I used that chance to throw my car keys up in the air as hard as I could, then tried to wrestle the gun out of his hands.

We both went down on the concrete, and the gun did come out of his hands, but it only landed like a foot or two from him, and he quickly went to grab it.

By then, I had already started running as fast as I could down the street and did not stop for about a quarter-mile.

But he did unload that gun completely, shooting non-stop at me as I ran away. Luckily, he was a terrible shot, because I did not get hit once.

When I later shared what happened with my friends, they pretty much all told me I should’ve just handed over the keys, but this guy had crazy, ************ eyes, and there’s no telling what would’ve happened if I’d have simply complied. I still think he would’ve shot me anyway if I’d done that. I got extremely lucky that night.” yourbrotherrex

35. He Took Her Bad Manners As A Sign And Ran For The Hills


” I once took a girl online out to dinner at a nicer place in our town. She was horrible to the server and actually got us kicked out because she called the manager a ****.

After that we were walking out and she wanted me to go back to her place to ‘watch a movie’, which I refused and went home.

Two months later I was reading the paper and saw her in the police blotter for assaulting her boyfriend with a golf club.” godbullseye

Another User Comments:

“Good thing she did not ask you to go clubbing with her, then.” Regalingual

34. She Got A Once-In-A-Lifetime Gut Feeling And Did not Ignore It


“I once went on a date with this guy who used the entire conversation to try and figure out how much I would be missed.

The hairs on the back of my neck were tingling for the only time in my life as he asked me about every friend, family member, co-worker, roommate- how often I saw them, how long I would go between texting and calling.

When I asked him what he did for a living, he told me he was a ghostwriter, and liked to do all his work at home, which was in the middle of nowhere- like he talked so happily about no neighbours. So, in my mind, I was thinking thoughts like ‘no one could hear me scream’, ‘Works from home, perfect for when you have a prisoner’ etc…

Needless to say I suddenly had five overprotective older brothers who were PI’s and cops.” fangedfluff

Another User Comments:

“A quick tip for young women out there I learned about from my older sister:

When going on a first date with a guy text a picture of his license plate or driver’s license to a friend. My sister went to an all-girls college and put a notebook at the dorm’s front desk where girls could write down the plate number of the guy were leaving with.

And many times she marched outside and wrote it down herself if the guy did not want to recite it. (Student parking was out back, no one but the guys would be parked out front because there only two visitor spots. So pretty easy to find the ONLY car outside and write down the plate number).

I’m a guy and I wouldn’t object to a girl making sure someone knew who the near-stranger she was taking off with is. I’ve got no reason to worry that a date’s friend knows my name, what I drive, and that we are currently together.

And as reciprocal insurance, guys can take a photo (doesn’t metadata record a timestamp and gps location?) of the girl safe back home when we part ways.

Fair’s only fair.

Or if we do not part ways…she can send a text to the same friend saying everything worked out great.

We have too many ways our phones can track us to not turn that to our own advantages.” ZarquonsFlatTire

33. Thanks To Her Intervention, This Boy Got A New Lease On Life


“Not me, but I had a hand in it.

I knew this guy in high school peripherally. He was in the ‘cool crowd’ of rocker-type guys, and I was a nerd. A new girl arrived at our school from another town and she and I became friends and a few months later she started dating him. At first, she seemed cool, and we would talk about everything. At one point, however, she starts talking about how she has been hooking up with her ex-boyfriend behind cool guy’s back.

Just before the end of the school year, she tells me she is pregnant and that she knows it belongs to her ex-boyfriend. She is laughing and really proud of herself because cool guy is going to ‘do the right thing’, withdraw his college application and go work at the local gas station to support her and the baby. Her ex, the father of the baby, is kind of a loser so she thinks it’s the best thing even that she can have *** him while making cool guy support her. I did not really know this guy that well, but I got his phone number from an acquaintance of mine who knew it.

The cool guy knew I was friends with his girlfriend but was still pretty surprised to hear from me.

I told him all about her ploy, and said, ‘Get a paternity test, it isn’t yours.’ This guy was incredibly stoic, but after a sizeable pause, he just broke down crying for a few minutes, then thanked me. They broke up, and cool guy went to college and made something of his life.” qxrhg

Another User Comments:

“That must’ve sucked hardcore for him to deal with, but I’m glad you had the guts to do it. It would’ve been even worse to find out years later.” duckyreadsit 

32. This Situation Could Have Ended In Disappearance Or Death, But Luck Was On This Little Boy’s Side…


“When I was seven, I got lost in Spain without my family. I had been lost for about 5 hours, really late at night and had been going down some dark alleyways and car parks.

I started asking random strangers if they spoke English, but there were only middle-aged men walking around alone. One guy did not speak English, but gave me a cuddle (a hug) and took me back to his house around the corner. At this point, I’m crying my eyes out and just appreciated the help and kindness. When I got to his house it turned out he had a family and the son was learning English in school. He got out his school workbook and asked me my name, then they took me to the police station. My parents picked me up about 10 minutes later as they were driving around in a police car.

That man could have been anyone, and I could have been kidnapped and never seen again.

Not your ordinary bullet dodge.” firuzef 

Another User Comments:

“There’s a lot of paranoia now about kidnappings and worse because tv and internet lets us learn of terrible cases all around the world, but I’m certain the people who would do this would massively outnumber those who’d do anything terrible. Maybe a lot would just walk on and say not my problem, but there are lots of decent people out there who’d take the time to help. The world isn’t as bleak as it’s made out to be.” [deleted] 

31. By Listening To her Instincts, She Narrowly Missed A Terrifying Date with Death


“Before my wife and I met, she had a single date with someone. The date went fine but she found him to be overbearing, (he pulled his ***** out for her to touch as an example) so they did not go out again.

They remained friendly until two weeks later when he murdered his next date and set her on fire. He is now in prison for those who may want to know.

Actually, he shot and killed her in front of her kids and then set her house on fire. ” capta1n_sarcasm

30. If He Had Given In To his Hormones, His Life May Have Been Completely Different Than It Is Today


“Two girls I grew up with became my tightly knit-friend group. We were the misfit goths in school. None of our parents paid attention to what we were doing and we had total freedom at an extremely young age.

One had anorexia, the other had a crummy home life. These were their defining plights so that’s how I’m going to define them here, but I was also pretty messed up myself at that time.

I had a crush on a crummy home life girl. We had been getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the one with anorexia threw herself at me like in some very not subtle ways. Honestly, it was really hard to turn down the offer at the moment. I mean, she literally coaxed me into her bed when I had been sleeping in her mom’s living room. Messed up home life girl was in a sleeping bag on her bedroom floor.

The anorexic girl really was not someone I was interested in and messed up home life was staying the night as well IN THE SAME ROOM on the floor so nothing happened. I just kind of slunk off awkwardly after probably at best like a small over the shirt fondle and saying I was not feeling well.

I just was not into her and even though I was hormone-crazed, it felt wrong. I resisted the call of the siren and went back to the couch.

To put into context how hard it was to turn this down I would have lost my virginity that night.

Instead, I pursued the girl with the messed-up home life.

The one with anorexia threw the biggest most dramatic fit I’ve ever seen in my entire life including threatening ******* several times. Like, no one has ever topped it and someone, later on, had a breakdown in front of me where they ended up committed against their will.

Turns out the anorexic girl was just hanging out with my now-wife because she wanted to have someone worse off than her around.

She was a mean girl. I am pretty sure the anorexic girl did not even like me in the least bit, she just did not want the other girl to get attention. She was trying to mess up my chances with the sad home life girl to keep her under her skinny thumb.

Good thing I kept it in my pants because, one, that night the girl I liked was actually awake listening to me turn down the anorexic one. And, two, she liked me back. A lot…

We started dating. We were each other’s first everything. I helped her emotionally survive her messed up home life and somehow miraculously the messed-up environment started fixing itself (her mom got the treatment or something).

The more we were together the happier we were. We both started volunteering and working on making our city a better place. We started saving money to move out together. We did everything we could to be better for ourselves and each other.

I ended up marrying this girl. We’ve been together for 19 years. I have one of the happier marriages in this world and that would not have happened if I had hooked with the crazy anorexic chick when she threw herself at/on me.

I do not know where the other girl is these days. I rarely think about her unless I’m thinking about how I dodged a bullet.” *******************

Another User Comments:

“This is one of the most weirdly terrifying comments I’ve ever read.

In that one moment, your life could have changed drastically. Hindsight is really fascinating. I’m happy for you and the life you have managed to form for yourself though.” NotLaurenceFishburne

29. When Someone Tells You To Sit Down In A Warzone, Listen – It May Just Save Your Life


“I don’t know if it’s a dodge a bullet moment but it felt like I did. I was in Afghanistan a few years ago, having a smoke late at night with our local cultural advisor (LCA) and a bullet whistled right over our heads for my very first t*ime. I look*ed at our *LCA and a*sked him *what the *** that was. He took another drag from his smoke, unfazed, he said with a thick Pashtun accent, ‘You ****** idiot, that was a bullet.

You should sit down with me before you get your headshot off by the next round.’

And well, what can I say, my LCA saved my life because as soon as I did sit my butt down on the Afghanistan dirt, another bullet came whistling by.

Thank you Bilal!” I_like_PnutButter

Another User Comments:

“On one of my deployments, I got tasked with running a cord through the gaps in some razor wire on top of a fence to make it so things couldn’t get stuck in it (which is another long and very stupid story filled with Majors and bright idea fairies).

So, I was about 25-feet in the air in a cherry picker when the local sh*tbags picked that time to fire some Katyusha rockets at our base.

So… I’m up there for a good five minutes hearing these fast-roaring screams from what sounded like right above me while I tried to make myself as small as possible on this ****** elevated and open platform right out there in the open. I’m lucky I did not poop my pants. And thankfully, the rockets totally missed and overshot the entire compound.” [deleted]

28. If It Weren’t For A Slight Inconvenience, This Trip To The Theatres Could Have Ended Very Differently


“The night of the Aurora theatre shooting in Colorado, some friends and I had planned to go to the Aurora movie theatre for Batman, as we are all huge batman fans. One of my friends convinced us to go to a different theatre that was closer to her since she couldn’t get a ride.

A couple of people we were supposed to meet up with in Aurora were in the theatre but luckily got out unharmed. I guess that’s a bullet dodged.” Elite_Spartan10

27. He Did not Recognize Crazy Off The Bat But Was Glad When He  Saw Her True Colours


“I was talking to this girl at a party and I was really into her. I have some obscure interests and she was the first attractive girl I’d ever met with the same interests. Well, my brother swooped in and charmed her way more than my awkward self could hope to. I was angry at first that he stole her, but got over it after she lied about birth control, got pregnant, and tried to convince him to marry her.

The thing is, I’m a lot more ‘go with the flow’ than my brother is. If I had knocked her up and she told me we needed to get married, there’s a good chance I would’ve done it. Then I’d be stuck with a person who I’ve learned is absolutely crazy.

Also, the moment he refused to marry her she got an abortion. She did not care about the baby, she just wanted to lock some poor sucker down.” [deleted]

Another User Comments:

“I’ve wondered many times if that recently happened to my brother… He (maybe him) knocked up a chick with a previous accidental child, with mental health and drug problems up the wazoo. Not working, totally taking advantage of my brother’s innocent giving nature, just an all-around skeevy situation.

I met her and she’s got problems…but she’s not stupid.

Fast-forward after him making it very clear that he would do anything for a baby if it was his, but he was not interested in maintaining a relationship with someone who was using and not taking steps to get clean and function healthily and would take custody if necessary.

And then she decided to have an abortion… I dunno, sounds too something, I’m not sure what. Convenient, maybe. Like this guy is clearly not going to be her ticket so try again on the next sucker. Because what single mom tells a guy she is barely dating to forego a condom when she’s not on birth control without an ulterior motive?

For the next girl he dated, he asked the rest of us to vet because in his own words he ‘clearly makes stupid impulsive dating decisions.'” yellowjellocello

26. This Girl Narrowly Missed Being Nothing But A Murderer’s Fling For The Rest Of Her Life


“I dated this guy briefly in college. He got into a horse-riding accident early on in the relationship, where the horse fell on him. The accident broke his ankle, pelvis and hip. Apparently, had a prior addiction to pain pills I was completely oblivious to.

He quickly relapsed and turned into a crazy, pill-popping psycho. I tried sticking it out and helping him. I did my best and I couldn’t handle it. When I told him I was done with the relationship, he proceeded to call me the worst names in the world. Then, he begged me to forgive him and then tried asking me to come to hang out after he had called me the biggest wh*re in town.


He then started doing ***** and has been involved in a hit and run accident. The guy he hit died, my ex moved the body, fled the scene, and dumped his truck in a parking lot that had a surveillance camera in it. He did get caught for it. Talk about bullet dodged. I’ve had some pretty terrible relationships apparently.” kendrawrrr

25. After Having Such A Close Brush With Death, This Teenager Had Better Count His Blessings


“I am not sure if this counts, since I was still injured, but I narrowly avoided being killed in a car accident. I was preparing to turn left from my residential street onto a highway and did not see a car coming. I was T-boned, but the other driver ended up hitting at exactly the right spot on the front of my car so that it took the majority of the impact.

I ended up with bad whiplash, a fractured shoulder blade and some spectacular bruises, but if I had been going even slightly faster or the other driver had been going even slightly slower, he would’ve hit my door and I would have been killed on impact. I was 17 at the time.” _ser_kay_

Another User Comments:

“You’re still alive, so I would say bullet dodged.” DarthRegoria

24. When He Felt That It Was Too Good To Be True, He Sealed Another Young Man’s Fate


“I was a senior in high school and a pair of twin girls with obvious behavioral issues got pretty aggressive with me to have intercourse with them both. They lived a block away so we rode the same school bus. I was getting a weird vibe and definitely had a ‘this is too good to be true’ feeling from it.

Every day on the bus ride home from school they tried to convince me to come over to their place. They were super trashy white chubby girls and I just did not know how to handle it, so I basically avoided them until I got a car and started driving home instead of using the bus.

Eventually, after a month or so of stupid flirting and stalking, one of them got one of the other kids on the bus to hook up with them. He got them both pregnant, one with twins. They lied and said they were on the pill. Both of them wanted him to marry him, and it got really bitter and nasty between the two girls. Their parents kicked them out (he was black and their parents weren’t very happy) and then the dude had to bail on his college plans to support three kids and pay two women for child support at 18.

They all got heavy into ***** and are in and out of jail.” *******************

Another User Comments:

“You did not dodge a bullet you dodged a firing squad.” Andress1129

23. This Short But Cautionary Tale Reminds Us To Always Be On the Lookout, Even If Its For Unidentified Flying Objects


“When I was back in high school, I was walking near the field when they were practicing their discus throw.

One of the discuses was wrongly thrown and was headed for my head. A friend who at that time was walking towards me saw this and yelled for me to duck.

The discus went past my head and landed behind me. Then I realized that I could’ve died if my friend had not warned me.
Imagine a 2 KG flying disk lands right on your forehead.” whothiztho

22. Fate Had Mercy On Her and Saved This Girl’s Life From This Man’s Terrible Dark Secrets That Would Imprison Him For Years


“I went on a date once with the photographer from my cousin’s wedding.

I was in the wedding party so we spent much of the day chatting, he was good looking and amicable so I figured why not.

We went for coffee and it was perfectly pleasant. We chatted about the usual stuff and he told me more about his upcoming photo tour of Europe. Nothing unusual, but nothing special either. I got an awkward one-armed hug at the end and he said we’d get in touch when he was back, which was about 4 months’ time. Four months came and went and I just let it go. It had been pleasant but tepid and I guess I kind of forgot about it.

Jump ahead a few years and I’m browsing the news and I see a familiar face.

The photographer. Who is now in jail for an unprecedented collection of unique underage naughty pictures. That he made. More of which, authorities guessed, was on the hard drive with military-level encryption they’d seized that police still couldn’t crack years later. That photography tour of Europe? Yeaaah, he was in Thailand.” 18005467777

21. If He Were A Couple Of Inches Over, He Would Not Have Survived The Crash


“I had my police car pulled over off the side of this rural road, with the emergency lights on. I had stopped because there was a man splayed out in the middle of the asphalt. As it turns out, he was super drunk and decided to take a nap during his walk home. I had just helped him to his feet and placed him in the back of the car to drive him home when I hear an engine revving hard.

I closed the car door, and straightened up, just in time to have my car smashed out from in front of me by a pickup truck. I felt the truck’s side mirror clip my body armor. The driver was drunk, and had decided to go looking for his drunk friend – that friend was the guy I just picked up.

The guy in the back seat survived the impact, because those old Crown Victorias had massive trunks. The driver went to the hospital, and in the coming months, he pleads guilty to impaired driving. I remember the collision analysis showed that the guy hit my car at 145 km/h. It was a wild night, and I still have major hangups when I have to stop my police car on roadways.” TheSwimja 

Another User Comments:

“Something similar happened to my dad.

He was a police officer when radar speed detection came out. He pulled over a guy and the guy wanted to see what the radar system looked like. The guy got out of his car, stepped up on the curb and my dad followed. Just as my dad was between his police car and the pulled-over car, a drunk driver hit the back end of the police car, pinning my dad between the two cars and crushing his legs.” Processtour

20. This Student Thought His Teacher Was Helpful But In Reality? He Was A Creep


“There was a new teacher started at my high school at the start of the year that integrated just fine.

Students were assigned a pair of teachers to pay special attention to their academic needs.

He was one of mine. Because of this, he knew I had a tense relationship with my parents. Because of the occasional sensitive material we covered in his English class, which I also took, he knew I had a telling sensitivity to ****** violence. As a teacher, he knew I was a troubled kid with a shaky support network.

He gave me off-base but evidently well-intentioned advice about managing my controlling parents worked with me and my other overseeing teacher to try and make school less nightmarish for me, and overall seemed like a warm, engaging guy. He gave some people the willies, but I felt fine around him.

Then, in the middle of the week (maybe a few months?) into the year, he doesn’t show up.

We’re told he’s not employed here anymore and no official details.

As you maybe guessed it turned out he had an alleged history of ******** abusing students at past jobs. I dunno how it’d been handled that they were able to find this out without him having tripped any of the flags I assume exist in the screening for potential teachers, but I guess better late than never? I do not think the school ever got, like, prosecuted for screwing up or whatever, so I guess it was an understandable miss.

But yeah, that would have been pretty freaking awful. I got lucky, me and any other kids he might’ve been charming.” [deleted]

19. On That Fateful Day, Bumping Into A Rock Was Actually A Godsend


“I had a type of bone cancer (Ewing’s sarcoma) when I was 10.

It usually shows up in the bone itself, which usually makes one lose whichever limb the bone is in. Mine, fortunately, started in the surrounding flesh and was working its way towards the bone. The tumor grew so fast that I only realized it when I bumped my leg against a rock that I should not have hit (the tumor was about the size of a softball). Because of finding it like this, we got to it early enough that it could be removed before it reached the bone. I still got nine months of chemo to make sure it was all removed though.

I kept my leg, although I have a large scar on the outside of my left leg above the knee running to mid-thigh, and a large dip in the same area.

Also have some kidney damage relating to the type of chemo they gave me, although things are looking up there. This May I was 6 years cancer-free, and I would’ve lost my leg if we would’ve caught it any later.” zdschade

18. While He Did not Dodge A Bullet, He Certainly Did Miss A Car Accident


“Saying ‘bullet ****** dodged’ really downplays the seriousness of this situation.

When I was in my early 20’s I went out to the bar with some friends one night. My friend was the designated driver and I was drinking. I had a very solid buzz going on when I bumped into someone I knew from high school who was clearly flirting with me. I ended up leaving my friends and catching a cab back to her apartment.

The next morning, I found out my friend who was supposed to be the designated driver actually got drunk and proceeded to get behind the wheel. He ended up getting into an accident and, while no one had any critical injuries, there were a few broken bones, etc. I could have very easily have been in that car.

Instead, I ended up hooking up with my now wife. Talk about fate. ” SuddenlyBoris

17. After Landing In A Terribly Inconvenient Location, He Fueled Up And Left Just As Fast As He Had Landed


“I ran out of fuel once. Normally, that wouldn’t be so bad…but I was flying a Cessna 152 over the Mojave Desert at the time. It’s really not a bad glider.

I had to land on the highway. The landing went perfectly. The CHP pilot (with whom I was in communication during my unpowered descent) landed at the nearby airport and brought me 10 gallons of AvGas. I climbed on the wing and dumped it in. The CHP blocked off both ends of the road for use as a runway and I took off into the sunset.” randyfromm

Another User Comments:

“That is both terrifying and an awesome testament to your skills.” VandelayOfficial

16. When Your Coworkers Suddenly Go Missing, Some Questions Were Bound To Be Raised


“I went on one date with a girl I worked with. She was cute, but there were some red flags. Some obvious, and others not so much. She had been in jail and had an ankle monitor that was probably the biggest red flag.

Other than that, she just seemed a little off. Things fizzled easily enough between us, no harm done and we did not even do anything to make life at work awkward.

Then a coworker starts dating her and before long, both of them weren’t working there anymore for unrelated reasons. We end up finding out later she murdered the guy. She stabbed him like 20 – 30 times in the back with a kitchen knife. It was very sad, he was a good guy and definitely did not deserve to go out like that. I learned this all secondhand from mutual friends after I had lost contact with him.”  Fugaciouslee

15. Making Adult Decisions Spared This Girl The Trouble Of Potentially Accepting Someone She Was not Ready For Yet


“My family had lived in Dallas for my formative years but around 20 they packed up and moved back to San Antonio, where I was born, to be closer to family.

Initially, I followed them and transferred colleges, but after almost two years of unhappiness, it became apparent that this was not a good fit for me and I wanted to move back to Dallas. Being incredibly close to my family, it was a difficult choice, but one I knew I needed to make.

Flash forward a few months, I’m back in Dallas in a small studio apartment and re-enrolled in my original university. Having lived with a loud boisterous family for 22 years means the silence of living alone is… unsettling. I watch *** and the City on repeat for background noise until I literally kill the DVD player and have to replace it. I start reconnecting with friends I had not seen in a few years, including my first love and boyfriend.

He is elated I’m back and puts the moves on hard to get me to agree to date him again. I have a really fond place for him in my heart, and I’m not opposed but I needed time to get adjusted to being independent and living alone. He’s understanding and patient for about two weeks before he tells me if I won’t date him, then he has another girl interested. A little annoyed at the tactic but supportive none the less I tell him he should do what makes him happy. I then hear nothing from him for about six months.

Our birthdays are a few days apart, and when I call him for our yearly birthday call, he says he’s been meaning to talk with me – that he’s going to be a daddy.

The girl he dated, he got pregnant and now he’s getting married and starting a family. I asked if he loved her and he said no, but he was stupid so he had to make it right.

I got off the call, and thanked the stars that my little barely adult brain was smart enough to prioritize myself and well being above being pressured to do something I was not ready for – to take the easy road and find comfort in an old love while doing some uncomfortable growing up.

His story worked out though: he’s still married to her with a second kid and they are going strong.” cinthebigd

14. Narrowly Missing Death Was Not Only Lucky, But It Also Helped Helping Future Vaccine Research


“My wife worked in meningitis research along with several Ph.D.

students. One of the students phoned her professor late one night – ‘I’m feeling really unwell, the light really hurts’. He puts the phone down on her.

Ten minutes later, he literally breaks her front door down, grabs her from the bed, carries her over his shoulder to his car – then drives at breakneck speed, and again carries her into the emergency department bellowing that he needs the duty consultant NOW.

The upshot was that she did indeed have meningitis, she spent 10 days in ICU, she came out the other side with no obvious lasting damage.

There was an unexpected plus side to things. Because she was a student in the Meningo research area, she used to have ***** taken to act as negative control serum.

While she was ill, the lab was monitoring her *****, and afterwards, they had ‘pre’ and ‘post’ serum from her. This proved invaluable in future vaccine research and led to several more projects resulting in other students getting their doctorates.” GrumpyOik

13. If It Weren’t For A Vigilant Stranger, This Kid Would Have Been Roadkill


“I was walking back from work at 11:00 pm (I work close to home) and I go to cross the road because neither of the two cars behind me had their turning signal on. Halfway through, the guy in the second car yells ‘HEY KID!’ at me. I back up a bit and the first car takes the sharpest left turn I had ever seen. When I saw the driver’s face he looked completely dead or emotionless.

I couldn’t even see his eyes but that is probably just a trick of the light.

The second guy pulls up I thank him for not letting me become a pancake. He explains that he thinks that guy was completely drunk. I thought it made sense at the time but whenever I look back I do not think he was drunk. I saw his face and he seemed more dead than intoxicated…”  Dyslxeian

Another User Comments

“I have seen this face on an old woman who hit me with her car. I was jogging across a highway at a green pedestrian crossing, and the last car I pass suddenly pulls out as I’m in front of it. I put my hand out on the bonnet and jump up at the same time avoiding being hit and ending up kinda on the bonnet, I look at the woman in this moment and she has no emotion, she’s looking right through me.

She breaks through, I’m unharmed so I slide off her car, onto my feet, and keep running.

If I did not explain it well she was sitting at a red light, my friend was also jogging in front of me so I did not leap out with no warning.” pupperonis

12. A Doctor’s Error Actually Saved This Man Potentially Thousands Upon Thousand of Dollars


“So, in 2006 I was losing weight so that I could finally afford health insurance. I figured out that if I lost 60 pounds, a $5,000 deductible plan would be roughly $100 per month cheaper.

In 2007, I’ve lost the weight and I get insurance on Feb 1 and go to get my first checkup in a long while. Everything comes back clean.

On March 15, I go home and my dad (a physician) doesn’t like the look of me and takes me to get some scans.

As it turns out, the weight I lost was due to cancer and the previous doctor had messed up and not run the right tests, consequently missing cancer.

But because he had screwed up and given me a clean bill of health, the insurance company couldn’t claim that the cancer was a pre-existing condition despite my having insurance for less than 90 days.

The cancer is now all gone, but I did not get stuck with a half a million-dollar hospital bill because of a doctor who screwed up.” Bn_scarpia

Another User Comments:

“It’s scary to think what might’ve happened if the insurance company claimed it was a pre-existing condition.

That *** sucks and I hate the fact that insurance companies used to be able to just flat out refuse to help you just because you had something before you got insurance. I hope it never comes back.” [deleted] 

11. This Bride-To-Be Figured Out Her Fiancee’s True Self Just In The Nick Of Time


“This just happened… My ex-fiance of six years and I were set to be married this October. Two weeks ago, I found out he’s not only had an on and off again with a married woman who has two kids for the past 10 years, but he’s also been soliciting older married women off of Craigslist for the last three years.

Yes, I kicked him out immediately and yes I got tested; thank God everything came out all negative.

I also came to find out he’s got six secret credit cards and is in immense debt. Yes, I’m an idiot and clearly not as intuitive as I believed myself to be. But god d*mn, bullet ****** dodged.” ferretsarerad

10. When Red Flags Started Popping Up, She Listened And Dodged A Huge Bullet


“I dated this guy for about five months. He was charming and sweet. He said he had just moved into town which was why he did not have many friends other than family members.

Well, some red flags started popping up and he was starting to become overprotective and extremely jealous. He also invited me on a boat trip with him and his brother. Then, when I went, he told me that the boat was to spread his mother’s ashes because she had just died.

I had no idea she died and I had no idea this was the plan for the float. I ended things with him after this and then found out a week later (from his cousin who I ran into at a bar) that he had been in jail for three years previous to our relationship for domestic assault of his then-girlfriend and 2-year-old daughter. All of this I had ZERO idea about. He lied our entire 5-month relationship.

BULLET. DODGED.” FancySauce1818

9. When This Employee Read The Fine Print, There Were Enough Signs To Decline The Offer Altogether


“Well, just recently I had a job offer which never felt right in my gut. After the initial excitement of actually getting an offer wore off, I had was feeling kind of ‘meh’ towards the position, but figured I could do it for a year or two since it would potentially allow for a better quality of life.

However, when reading the contract, so many warning bells went off in my head.

My husband works in employment/labor law so I had him review things. The first words out of his mouth last night were ‘do not sign that contract as it is.’ I’m not kidding when I say my husband crossed out entire paragraphs and scribbled ‘NO’ in the margins. Some highlights include (keep in mind, I work in K- 12 education not some extremely secretive, cutthroat industry):

One: a one-year no-compete clause for any tangentially related position in the entire county (which, keep in mind, has the largest school district), plus 60 days written notice if I were to leave (not crazy at first, but good luck getting a new job over the summer, which is when most schools post positions).

Two: If I decided not to return after signing a contract, I’d have to reimburse all insurance benefits starting from July 1, 2017

I am not sure if these are standard in other industries, but I’ve never seen anything like this as a teacher. Basically, it would make it close to impossible to leave this job and I could potentially be messed up in so many ways if I did. If this was what was in the contract, what could the work environment be like?

I just sent off my ‘thanks but no thanks’ email to the director. With the school year quickly approaching, looks like I’ll be back at my current employer.” hello_penn

8. Although He Did not Completely Escape Scott-Free, He Dodged Getting Shot Full-On By A Missus Crazy


“I almost slept with a crazy girl in college.

I was pretty into her and ready to go at it, but had I responsibilities and a final the next day…so I did not bite. Instead, I kissed her good night and went back to my dorm. There, I studied for the next four hours.

My RA calls me and tells me there’s a girl down in the lobby looking for me. I go down to find her…with a 37-page love letter (front and back) she had written about my kiss. She proceeded to hang outside my dorm room for the next four months. I had to start crawling out my window to get to class and eventually ended up dropping out and moving to another state to avoid her.

Flash forward to when Myspace came around and she sent me a message telling me she reads everything I post on there even though she was not on my friend’s list.

That was seven years after I had moved to another state.” Hallgaar

7. Moving Out Was The Best Decision This Tenant Ever Made And Potentially Saved Her Life


“Due to a series of unfortunate events, I moved five times within a year period. The worst living situation was with a roommate I met on craigslist. She had an immaculate apartment and seemed nice, so I moved in. We had another roommate, a paranoid ********** who loved conspiracy theories and tattooing. He had aggression issues and would regularly fly off the handle.

Fast forward three months, and I was starting to go insane. Girl roommate ended up being absolutely insane and a control freak. She would routinely get home from work and verbally assault me for hours, usually for causes unknown.

On 4/20, the house next door started blaring Sublime. Our windows were only about a foot from each other and we’re always open because my roommate smoked in the house. When I say blaring, I mean I could hear it from my bedroom, feel the bass throbbing, and could not escape from the constant assault of Sublime.

Whatever, let them have fun. I tried to ignore it, but on day seven I was starting to lose my sanity. He had the same album on repeat, for twenty-four hours a day. I yelled through the window a few times and asked him to turn it down. He responded by screaming through the window that he was going to kill me.

So, I sent my paranoid roommate over to talk to him.

The guy refused to open the door, and instead turned up the music even louder. I called the cops, who couldn’t get the guy to open up. A few hours later, he came to the window and told me he was going to kill me and that he knew I was the one who called the cops. This freaked me out, so I told my roommates and downstairs neighbour. Instead of comforting me, they told me it was my fault for calling the cops.

After 21 days, I moved out while my roommate was at work. All I left was a note that said ‘the keys are in the mailbox.’

Two weeks later, I got a message on Facebook from my downstairs neighbour. The guy came to our front door at 9:00 pm, started pounding on it, and then attempted to stab said neighbour.

Thankfully, the guy wrestled the knife out of his hand and called the cops. He was sent to jail.

I’m so glad I did not get stabbed by Crazy Sublime Neighbor.” redheaddomination

6.  This Girl’s Sixth Sense Knew Something Was Up, but She Only Realized What It Was Years Later


“When I was about 16, I visited my dad for Christmas. We were at a neighbourhood New Year’s Eve party, and I got cornered by this old guy. We’re talking in his 70s. My mum worked with elderly people so I was pretty used to chatting with them and it was not until the conversation got intense that I got uncomfortable. He was watching me really closely and talking about tickling yourself to cure ticklishness (what the heck?) and trying to get me to do it.

It was uncomfortable but I was a very passive teenager and not comfortable speaking up. Thankfully, my stepmother came along and got me away. The old guy lived behind my dad and stepmother though, and I was sleeping in their camper van outside. With the curtains open, I could see his house and backyard, so I was pretty uncomfortable sleeping outside that night.

Anyway, I went home a couple of weeks later and did not think much more about it. When I was chatting with my dad a few years later, he mentioned that the old guy had died. I made some appropriately sad noises, but he then followed up with, ‘It turns out that he was wanted in a city a few hours away for ******** harassing and raping a teenage girl.’

Instant chills all up and down my spine and arms.

Old man was definitely creepy.” the_procrastinata

5. This Drug Addict Had A Close Call With The Police Which Could Have Put him In The Slammer


“I am a recovering drug addict. A month or two before I got clean, I had just copped two bundles and stopped at a gas station on the way back to throw a couple bucks in the gas tank. When I was walking in a cop pulled in and parked but did not get out. When I walked back out and started pumping, one or two more cops rolled up and just sat there. I wasted as much time as I could but they wouldn’t budge. Finally I said ‘*** it’ and got in and started driving. They INSTANTLY flipped on their blues and got behind me in the parking lot.

I was like, welp, I’m done for. He came up and asked for license, registration, and proof on insurance. The only thing I had was my license as all the others were expired because of my drug use. I was like ‘I have my license but I do not have-‘ and he cut me off and said, ‘Insurance or registration? Yeah, we know, we’ve been looking for you for a while.’ which was super confusing. I was just waiting for them to pull some shady nonsense like call the K9 or something if I refused to comply with a search. They never did though. My car was towed and I was stranded in mid-January in the PA winter. I called my buddy and told him I would throw him a bag if he picked me up.

He obliged.

The second one happened THE DAY AFTER I got clean. So I broke down to my mom and she helped me get help by going to a suboxone doctor (this is all another story), but what I found out is the day I went to my sub doctor, the day after I stopped doing *****, all my friends I used to hang out with on the regular got stung.

We all used to meet up at my friend’s house and drive to the local Walmart or McDonalds and the dealer used to meet us there. Sounds normal, right? Well, it was always like 8-10 of us junkies just taking up parking spaces waiting for the dope man. As it turns out, the day I did not go is the day the police swarmed all the cars after the dealer got there.

All my friends went to jail/prison and my dealer got 25 years as he was caught with a gun and 400 bags of ***** – his second offense.

I feel like I dodged a bullet in both of those situations, let alone not using anymore. 6 years clean September 26th.” PinsNNeedles

4. By Some Miracle, His Fall Merely Hurt Him Mildly Instead Of Severely Injuring Or Killing Him


“I told this to my dental hygienist recently and she thought it was funny, so here you go.

My friend owned this camp in the mountains. When it was not in session, he brought a bunch of friends up to hang out.

So, it’s very late at night and he goes to get some people at the front entrance and leaves me and another friend alone.

We decide to do the zip line over this pond. As my friend is explaining to me, ‘You’re going to feel a yank after you jump off.’ I just tell him. ‘Just go and I’ll see what you’re talking about.’ He goes and it looks awesome.

Now, keep in mind, it’s pitch black outside. So, I ready myself and jump. I feel the little hitch he was talking about…but something isn’t right. As I conclude that something indeed isn’t right, it feels like I get hit with a pickup truck in the back. I was falling about 25 feet without even knowing and landed perfectly on my back in about one and a half feet of water (the rope snapped). Any other rotation would’ve left me severely injured or dead.

My friend thought I died but I got up and met him around the corner. My back looked like I had been shot point-blank with about 50 paintballs. Other than that, I was fine.” Dude_Who_Cares 

3. He Saw The Signs And Walked Away Before Something Terrible Happened To Him


“I was dating a woman pretty seriously. She wanted to get married within the next year or so; I had always intended to wait (with anyone, not just her) until my late 20s at least. That, in itself, was not an issue.

Her dad worked for a military contractor and wanted me to work for his buddy in a DOD lab in Pennsylvania. We’re from Michigan. Also not an issue in itself, although I had and have zero qualifications or desire to work in the military.

The issue was that she was really abusive, and had repeatedly told me the details of how she would murder me and hide the body. She had an aunt who was a judge elsewhere in the state and was confident that she even though ‘they’ll never find [my] body’, she would get off scot-free. Sometimes it was not murder, sometimes it was *******… she would tell me the full details of her ******* plan and how it would be my fault if she died. Or sometimes it was full-on murder-*******. But it was always, always my fault. Comply or one of us (or both of us) dies. There were quite a few occasions in which she actively and seriously endangered my life, and/or her own.

And I was so far in over my head in believing her spin on things that I believed I would be killed unless I just let her do her thing in secret.

We broke up years ago, but I am absolutely certain that I would be dead if I had moved to Pennsylvania. If I’d taken the DOD job I would be d-e-d. She had already isolated me from my family and friends, and that added distance and lack of support network would only have made things worse.

She died earlier this year., by taking her own life, unfortunately. I bear no malice against her — I had hoped that she was doing better, and though I never wanted to see her again, she was still a human being.

But I am very thankful that I dodged that bullet (or, much more likely, knife).” puppehplicity

2. He Pushed His Luck By Climbing, But Thankfully It Had Not Completely Run Out When He Fell


“When I was about ten, I was in Cub Scouts, and also suffering from sports-related head trauma, which I received via a baseball to the head about two years prior. My injuries led to seizures, which put a damper on what I was allowed to do in Scouts.

One summer, after day camp, my scout den and I went to my den leader’s house. We youths decided to play in the back yard, where there was a perfect climbing tree. I knew I was not allowed to climb trees, but everybody looked like they were having such a good time up there, so I eventually joined.

I woke up several minutes later in my den leader’s arms. I, of course, had a seizure in the tree and fell eighteen feet to the ground. The real bullet that was dodged, though, was in my landing. Right where I hit the ground was a log, which had been cut into three pieces. One was moved, and as luck would have it, it was the middle one. I fit into its spot like a puzzle piece, and if I had fallen just a foot or inch to the right or left, I would have punctured a lung, been paralyzed, or died. But miraculously, I walked away with only a broken arm.

Coincidentally, that was the last seizure I ever had, and I’m proud to say that I’ve made a complete recovery.

I had my Eagle Court of Honor yesterday and I’m going to college in just a few weeks.” ThisIsNotACryForHelp

1. Cheating On Him Was Probably The Best Thing She Could Have Done For Him


“I was newly 19, a bit awkward and a girl I liked really, really liked me back. It was great, I thought.

About two weeks in, it was her 18th birthday and we celebrated at her home. Her Christian mum and Hindu father were both present among other family and her friends. At this point it had already been established that they liked me, however, they said that I was not allowed to stay around, for obvious reasons. I thought it was fair, as it was still early days into the ‘relationship’ (we still hadn’t hooked up yet).

A week later, we did have ***, after which she started crying. I was, obviously, surprised.

My first (joking) thought was, ‘I can’t have been that bad.’ I asked what was wrong and she admitted to me that she had ‘cheated’ on me with someone who did end up staying round her place on her birthday.

I was obviously upset and just asked her to get out of my bed and then I walked her home in mostly silence (not the nicest area, so I did not feel comfortable with her walking back by herself despite how mad I was with her). I then got home and was lost in thought about what was going on when she called.

Me: ‘Hello?’

Her: ‘Hey, I think we should break up.’

Me: ‘Ummm.. okay.’

And I hung up.

She then phoned back and said…

Her: ‘Aren’t you going to fight to keep me?!?!?!’

I laughed and hung up. She did sort of stalk me a little for the following two or three weeks, but then it all died down.

Now it’s been almost 6 years. I’ve moved on easily and she has messed up over multiple people since. Some of whom I did know and were really nice people who had their lives ruined by her. Even though I did have a crummy month after the event due to the stalking, I definitely dodged a bullet based on what I’ve heard she’s done to other people since.” dude2dudette

Were some of these stories uncannily similar to an experience in your life? How did your bullet-dodging story unfold, and when did you realize how it altered your life? Let us know in the comment section below!

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