People Recount Their Defying Moments Of Revenge

24. Try To Ruin My Mental Health? I'll Take What Gives You "Value"
“I didn’t grow up in the best environment. I’ve seen/experienced some crazy things, so of course, I have some wild stories.
My biological mother is quite frankly one of the worst people on the planet. I suffered physical and mental mistreatment from her. She is addicted to substances and is Christian but with a touch of insanity. She believes that she is a saint, yet, she can’t get the Bible right.
For instance, I was originally supposed to be right-handed but because of her deluded belief that that was the devil’s hand, she put a sock on my right hand and forced me to write with the left and would hit my right hand with a metal ruler if I tried to use it.
I’m sure many of you know that the left hand is actually the devil’s hand, ironic really. Luckily, the last time I ever saw her was when I was 10. At 16, 5 years after I had been adopted, she found me on social media and I tried to give her a chance but she barely talked to me and never apologized for anything so I left it at that, we don’t have a relationship.
Fast forward some years, I’ve just turned 20 and I’m making my first big move. I moved several states away from the one state I lived in my entire life, I always desperately wanted to leave because of the constant reminder that she was only 1 hour away from me.
I went to meet my biological father and his side of the family and agreed to work with him, they are amazing people. I got to live in a big city, have a cool trendy but very dangerous job, and party with the rich people on weeknights, I.
was. living. it. up. My dad stood back, let me have fun, and made sure I was safe all while posting me on his social media doing events and showcasing the product I made that he helped me design. You know, being a proud father at the fact that I was interested in his profession and with his help actually made a successful product.
My biological mother was on his social media and saw it all, after almost a year of it I guess she finally lost it. I had no idea she knew where I was or what I was doing because I didn’t have her on any of my social media but that all changed. She found my page and sent me a private message, what I would endure was enough to send me off the rails.
The first message I got was telling me about how much of an ungrateful jerk I was, that I ruined her life and she should have thrown me away when she had the chance, and that I asked for/deserved everything that was done to me in her care.
I, of course, defended myself telling her that she doesn’t know a thing about me, that she couldn’t tell me what I was or wasn’t, and that she was no mother of mine.
Here comes the disturbing part, she accused me of sleeping with my own father.
I was disgusted and I actually felt sick to my stomach having to read something that messed up. And that is when the anger really took over, she never spent a day in prison for the crimes she committed against me (every time she got arrested, she’d rat on her substance cook which resulted in her getting released) and I was out for revenge.
I wanted to take what gave her value and I know this woman better than anyone. She believes that what gives her value is having a man, and I took him from her. Yes, I know it sounds bad but trust me, it’s not what you think.
Let me explain.
Because she messaged me on social media I obviously had access to hers, mine was private just in case she decided to try to re-enter my life. Hers, on the other hand, was wide open and I could do all the snooping I wanted, and that I did.
I no longer had social media but my dad mentioned that he did. So, I did the obvious, get on his account to see if they were friends, they were, more snooping. I found out a few things. 1. She had a significant other that she flaunted and 2.
He has three beautiful little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls. They were all living in my deceased grandfather’s house. Now I couldn’t remember the address so I went to Google Street view, typed in the town, and looked at every church there until I came across the one I knew all too well, directly across the street from my grandpa’s house.
The street view blurred the address on his mailbox but it didn’t blur the church’s so I was able to figure it out. And this is when my plan sets in motion.
I convinced my dad to pretend to be an ‘uncle’ that was ‘worried’ about my ‘mental health’ and of course worried about the safety of those 3 beautiful little girls, which I did truly worry about.
If she could do the things she did to me, her own daughter, who knows what she was doing to those 3 girls that weren’t hers. I had him call the CPS department that handled my case.
Surprisingly after 10 years they still remembered me but more importantly, they remembered my biological mother.
I listened in and whispered in my dad’s ear the entire time. I had him play the ‘uncle’ because I was afraid that if it was me and my dad against her, they would suspect collusion, so ‘worried uncle’ was the perfect 3rd party.
We told them EVERYTHING. Every disgusting message she sent me and I could hear them typing it all into the computer, we also made sure that they knew that I went through a closed adoption and that I get to decide whether or not I’d like a relationship with her, that I do not want that, so she was not only breaking the law by contacting me but she was also doing it in a harassing manner.
After the long talk about the messages, the lady asked my ‘uncle’ if there was anything else she should know about. And this is where I took her man. I made sure my dad told them my grandfather’s address, her partner’s name, and that he has his three little girls living there with her.
We voiced our concerns about the safety of those children, stating ‘she mistreated her own daughter to the point that the state had no choice but to take her one last time, to ensure the little girl’s survival’, and that ‘she isn’t allowed to be around children.’ To which the CPS lady responded, ‘you’re right, she’s not allowed to be around children.
We will be out to that location as soon as possible.’
The next day, all photos of her man and his 3 little girls were deleted from all of her social media accounts. I spent 11 years in the system so I didn’t have to be there to know what happened but just in case you don’t, I’ll tell you how it went.
A social worker showed up at the house, asked to speak to the father, to which they then informed him that his children were at risk living with my bio mom, that she’s not allowed to live with children, and that if he didn’t vacate his children from the property immediately they would be forced to take them into protective custody.
He, like any good father would do, left that day with his children.
The good news is she has not contacted me since, and the best part about it is that I know that she knows, I’m the one that messed it up for her.
I took what gave her ‘value’ and there’s not a thing she can do about it.”
23. I Don't Want To Make YouTube Videos With You Anymore
“I used to make stupid YouTube videos with this girl for fun.
She ended up taking it way too seriously and lost it when I had to cancel our plans to make a video one day.
I decided to stop hanging out with her even after she apologized – trying to escape repeating toxic relationships and whatnot. And this girl was TOXIC. When I canceled our plans she gaslighted me and guilt-tripped me, saying things like, ‘I hang out when I don’t really want to why can’t you just******* up and do one thing for me?!’ I digress.
She kept our YouTube channel.
So I deleted her from social media when I ended our friendship, but I never blocked her. A few months later I deleted all of my social media for a break. A day later she makes a YouTube video trash-talking me, using my real name, calling me a witch and an idiot and a loser for ‘blocking her’ on social media.
I remembered that I still had the password for the Gmail account we used for the channel, so I logged into YouTube, deleted the entire channel, and then for good measure I changed all of the passwords and security questions a bunch of times and then deleted the Gmail account entirely so she couldn’t even recover her YouTube channel.”
22. Bully Kid Got Banned From Riding The School Bus
“When I was a freshman in high school, I rode the school bus with the middle school and high school kids.
We had this one little special snowflake on our bus that year, who just didn’t understand how the bus worked. He would get on the bus and try and sit with the high school kids and would harass the younger kids to try and get our attention.
He would say all sorts of gross and nasty things to the girls on the bus and laugh thinking we would think he was cool. I kept telling this kid it wasn’t cool and the only thing he was doing was ticking us off with his immaturity.
Being a special snowflake he thought he just needed to up his antics.
So one day, I’m sitting on the bus listening to my awesome CD player and trying to forget about the day I had. This kid had other ideas and decided to continue to harass a bunch of young girls on the bus.
The words coming out of his mouth were so over the top and nasty that two of these girls started crying and that’s when I had enough of this kid’s issues. I told him very nicely to stop it or I would make him stop and he wasn’t going to like what I did.
He just smiled and turned around and continued to harass these girls. So I got out of my seat, pushed him over into his seat, and sat down. I got real close to his face and started to tell him off.
He turned his head away from me to ignore what I was telling him. So I grabbed him by his hair (mind you I had winter gloves on at the time) and turned him to face me. I told him that if he ever harassed another kid on the school bus that I would make sure that he didn’t walk home when he got off the bus but would be crawling from the butt whooping that would come his way.
I could tell this kid was a little scared but I don’t think he thought I was serious. I got up out of my seat and told the girls to let me know if he so much as smiled at them wrong, and I went back to my seat.
The next day my parents get a call from the school(s) that there is going to be a meeting with both the middle school and high school principals, the bus driver, the kid and his parents, and my parents.
The special snowflake’s parents wanted me to be suspended for harassing their baby and they weren’t going down without a fight. This is where I decide to get my revenge and take this kid down.
After everyone arrives the meeting gets started and the adults want to hear each kid’s side of the story.
I told them that the special snowflake can go first, and I listened and waited to see what he had to say. He goes on this long ramble about how mean and horrible I have been to him since the school year had started and how he feels harassed by me every day and doesn’t feel safe on the same bus as me.
The whole time, my dad is taking notes as the kid is talking, and at one point his parents stopped the kid and asked my dad what he was doing. My dad looks up from his notebook and stared straight into the kid’s father’s eyes and says ‘I need accurate notes for our lawyer,’ then went back to taking notes.
The kid’s father just snorts and says, ‘You forget what your kid has done to mine, I should be the one taking the notes.’ The special snowflake ends his sob story with those special tears and even has this smirk on his face as if he won the war.
After he was done, the adults (not my parents though) looked at me like I was the worse kid they have ever had to deal with and they were ready to throw me out of their school that very moment.
I started by asking the adults in the room when they will be reviewing the video from the school bus. As a side note. The school that year had put cameras in all the new school buses so that in the event of something like this happening there would be documentation and proof.
However what the school didn’t tell the parents was that not all the buses had functioning cameras, it turned out that every 1 out of 3 buses had a camera that was recording while the other 2 buses just had dummy cameras. I had found out the first few weeks of school that our bus only had a dummy camera because our bus driver had never had any problems on her route and she didn’t request her bus to have one.
I had asked her when we first got the bus and I noticed that the camera didn’t have a red light on during the ride. So I knew when the special snowflake and I had our little discussion that there wasn’t going to be a recording.
So after I asked that, the principals had to explain to both sets of parents that the camera was actually a dummy camera and there was no recording. So I went on with my side of the story and advised all the adults that the kid was lying and that I never actually laid my hands on him.
I however admitted to his father and mother that yes I did threaten the kid and that I know I shouldn’t have, but their child was out of control.
The revenge part… I pulled out of my backpack a list that I had started to compile after the officer showed up at my house and the time of the meeting.
I had gone to every person on our school bus and had them write down everything they could remember that this special snowflake had been saying to them since school had started. At the time of the meeting, I had 4 pages of handwritten quotes from all the kids.
I asked the adults in the room if it was okay for me to read off what this kid had been saying to the young girls on the school bus. They of course gave me the go-ahead, and I started to list all the things he was saying.
Each time, I got to a swear word or nasty statement, I would hesitate and ask if it was okay if I said these words out loud. I think I had gotten only 5 or 6 quotes out before the adults told me to stop.
I made everyone in the room so uncomfortable with what this kid had been saying to all the young girls that they couldn’t listen to it anymore. When I looked up the special little snowflake’s father looked like he was ready to have a heart attack, his face was a shade of red I had never seen before.
As I was about to continue to why I did what I did, the father interrupted me. He turns to his son and asked him if any of these things were true that he supposedly said. The kid of course started to stutter and tried to say no. I looked at the principals and the adults, and pulled out my last bit of revenge, yet another list.
I handed it to the middle school principal and advised her that each of those names on the list were kids that were harassed and are willing to come in with their parents to discuss what has been happening on the school bus… At this point, the kid just started bawling his eyes out to the point that snot and tears were running down his face and shirt and he couldn’t talk.
After a few minutes he finally calmed down and his father told him, he had one more chance to tell the truth otherwise things were going to be very serious when they got home. The kid finally looked up from the table and said in the weakest voice, that yes he did say all those things to the girls on the bus.
I swear to this day, the look on his father’s face was worth all the hassle that my parents and I went through. The kid’s father looked like his eyeballs were going to pop out of his head because it was about to explode.
Around this time, the other adults in the room started to apologize to me about how things escalated to this point and how they can’t agree with my actions, but they can understand how it happened. I looked the special snowflake in the eye and asked him to explain to the adults in the room that he had also lied about me putting my hands on him.
Everyone waited for his response and all the kid could say was sorry, I lied about that too. In the end, the special snowflake was so special that Mom and Dad had to drive him to school every day because he was kicked off the bus for the remaining school year.”
21. Just Some People Running Around Because Of An IPod
“My significant other had an iPod for like 3 years. It gets remotely locked one day and she starts getting messages saying it was stolen. Turns out she bought it from a guy who got it from a girl who sold it for substances.
Well, this girl’s dad comes back from deployment and FREAKS out threatening my then 17-year-old partner for stealing this iPod.
Now my SO would have been totally cool with returning it, for her money back, but this guy is seriously irate.
Threatening to show up at her house and everything (the address to which he got by using his apple account because the iPod was still under his account.) He’s acting way overly violent and my SO honestly feared for her safety because this guy was so intense, this went on for about a week before he really started scaring her.
So my SO does some digging and finds out how the iPod eventually ended up in her hands, finds out his daughter sold it for substances because she ran out of her parents’ funds she could steal without being caught.
My SO tries to tell the father this who refuses to believe his daughter is anything but a complete angel.
So they agree that my SO will leave it at a Walmart customer service desk and he will come to pick it up later.
What he picked up was an envelope with an iPod case and a letter in it. The letter told him the actual iPod was out in the parking lot beneath a car and that he should find it before it’s run over.
The iPod was in fact already destroyed and placed behind the tire of an SUV in the Bob Evans next door.”
20. I Quit My Job In A Noisy Fashion
“I worked for a safety agency for over a decade. It was a small organization, nothing fancy, and we rarely saw danger save for the occasional old couple that would park in our empty lot and get it on. If you have ever had to see a wrinkly pair of bodies entwined on a high-resolution camera… you’d understand the danger I had to face… and I digress.
At any rate, when I started with the organization, it was well organized, all files were meticulously kept, the golf carts and cameras were in pristine condition, and everyone was well trained in safety. It was an excellent five years until the Mercy Health care act hit, and all of us ‘temp’ employees (yes I was a temp for a decade), were told that we were only allowed to work 24 hours a week so that the company could avoid paying for health insurance.
I stayed as I had finally decided to finish school, it was still a decent job and decent pay, and was perfect for allowing me time to get my homework done. Two years later, I get my Associates’s degree and started my bachelor’s, and that’s when the new boss was hired for my shift, we will call him Billy Bob.
Billy Bob was a narcissistic, misogynistic, egomaniac. Generally, he hid in his office the entire shift, so I rarely had to interact with him, until one day, I was going through the paperwork, and I found that our new hires had never undergone training that was required by both company policy and an accreditation system that we partnered with.
I had an ‘Oh no!’ moment then began making phone calls to set up the training, apologizing for the oversight (that was not mine as Billy Bob should have done it), and organized the training with the employees. When Billy Bob came back from his lunch break, my heart rate was returning to normal. I informed him, without blaming him mind you, that our new employees needed to go through training.
I took him through what I had done, he nodded at me, patted my head (jerk), and walked away. I thought that was it. Nope.
Two days later I am sitting in HR, being handed an improvement plan for insubordination.
What? Apparently, I had undermined poor Billy Bob and made him look stupid. He looked me dead in the eye and said that my only job was to sit at the front desk and enter the data from the security agents on patrol.
Oh, and take phone calls and answer questions. I.Was.Livid. I took a deep breath, smiled sweetly at the HR lady who knew me well, and said I would not make that mistake again. I immediately put in my two weeks’ notice.
Billy Bob smiled. If he only knew.
The next two weeks were the easiest weeks of my life. I did exactly what Billy Bob told me to do. No other paperwork was filed, all the lost and found that was turned in was sitting in a pile behind me, none of the cameras were calibrated, the annual emergency test was never conducted, the fire alarms were not tested, the broken down golf cart was never fixed, none of the fixes it tickets for maintenance were submitted and all the while, Billy Bob was on vacation.
The day he was back to work was my last day. I decided to leave with an explosion. You see, I was the last employee there who had been given the training on all the systems. Every time I attempted to teach a newcomer (we had huge turnover because of Billy Bob), I would be told that Billy Bob would teach them later.
He never did, because he never let me teach him. I had all the codes for the command center. I knew what key went to what locker. Basically, the moment I left, he would be screwed. So I made it worse.
I set the fire alarm test to go off the minute I was to clock out for the day. I was bouncing with anticipation as my fingers hovered over the clock out button. As soon as the alarms started going off, I hit the button, grabbed my stuff, and headed for the door.
Billy Bob comes tearing from his office shouting at me to turn it off. I shouted back, ‘Sorry! I am officially no longer your employee! Have fun!’ and tossed all the keys on the counter. The look on his face was priceless as I pranced out the door.
I could still hear the alarms in my car a half-mile away. Glorious.”
19. Dad Taught Us What His Father Taught Him Before
“This happened way back in 1983, but I remember it clearly. My Foster Brother and I worked for the first two months of summer vacation on painting the house. It wasn’t a big house, but the paint was mixed with linseed oil, and it took three coats, so we were busy for most of the summer getting the job done.
We were getting paid for the job, which we felt was a bonus, but most of the funds we made were going to pay for college tuition and supplies, so only about ten percent of what we earned went directly to our pockets.
When the job was finished and the calculations made of our wages, we happily accepted our 200 dollars in pay and began making plans immediately on how to spend it.
There was a bar in town that had a menu of about a dozen specialty drinks that we frequented, and for years we had talked about going there and having one drink of everything on the menu.
We had the funds, and we had the inclination, so we called a friend of ours to drive and got dressed in our bar finery to go and have one of everything on the menu of this bar. Since the menu listed the wines, beers, and specialty drinks, there were going to be fourteen or fifteen drinks consumed over an eight-hour period with plenty of snacks in between.
The drinking went as to be expected. We got there in time for Double Bubble, and we fought our way through the drinks – glass of wine, a bottle of beer, Long Island Iced Tea, and so on. We drank, we ordered burgers and fries, and then all kinds of appetizers.
We weren’t trying to harm ourselves or even trying to bruise our livers. We just wanted to have this last bash before college began.
When the bar announced the last call, we had finished the menu. We had the bar staff sign two menus for us so that we would have them to help us recall one day that we were young and stupid and full of life.
Our friend drove us to his place because, in his opinion, we were too wasted and too loud to go home. He put in a videotape of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and I think I passed out right around the time the apes learned to use bones as weapons.
My foster brother and I woke up around 6 AM and snapped into sobriety rather quickly. We had to be home in less than half an hour to avoid getting caught skipping out on curfew. There was a pot of coffee in the kitchen, and we each chugged a cup and went to the car, congratulating ourselves on avoiding the wrath of our Foster Father for being out all night.
We got home, parked the car, and (in our opinion) quietly let ourselves in the house. We went to sleep, planning on being there until the noon hour, giving ourselves time to recuperate from our drinking adventure.
Here’s where the pro revenge comes to play.
At 8 AM, the door flew open to the bedroom, and Foster Father slammed a couple of pots together to get our attention. I had no idea how he knew we were out so late, or how he knew that we’d been drinking, but the gleam in his eye and the smile on his lips made it abundantly clear that he knew everything.
‘Alright! I’ve made you breakfast, and then I have one more little job for you boys to do,’ he shouted, and he had to know that his volume was killing us.
We were still dressed in the clothes we’d worn to the bar last night, so while brother went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and splash some water on his face, I pulled out some of my work clothes, wondering what job there was to do.
Brother came back, and I went to the bathroom, cursing my bloodshot eyes and the fur on my tongue. Finally, we could no longer avoid going downstairs, so we went, ready to face whatever awaited us.
We walked into the kitchen to find two places set for breakfast – two fried eggs, greasy hash browns, cream of wheat, and undercooked bacon.
Because Foster Father had grown up in the Great Depression, he had a rule at his house that everything put on the table in front of you was to be eaten. I hate cream of wheat, and brother despises greasy food, but we managed to choke it down with a tall glass of orange juice.
‘Breakfast done? Good, I’ll take care of those plates. Follow me.’ Foster Father walked to the back deck, where there were two chainsaws sitting on the picnic table. Brother and I stopped dead in our tracks. Foster Father said, ‘I don’t like the looks of that tree, and the tree service can’t make it here for a month.
You two can cut it down and then cut it for firewood.’ He was smiling. I have no idea what my face looked like. Brother’s face looked ashen and crestfallen.
The tree was about twenty-five feet high, and we tied the higher branches off to lower them safely to the ground after they were cut.
The first time we started our chainsaws, I asked brother to cut my head off, and even though I promised to cut his head off after he had cut off mine, he wouldn’t do it. It took us about five hours to lower the tree to the ground, and another five or so to cut it into firewood with axes.
We drank a lot of orange juice that day, and occasionally, Foster Father would come to sit on the back deck and shout out suggestions as to how to stack the wood, or what wood was acceptable for kindling and what needed to be disposed of, or just general comments about how nice it was that the temperature hadn’t broken 100 degrees that day.
We got paid for our time, and while we went to a bar that night, I didn’t drink anywhere near the amount I had the night before, and not the amount I usually drank.
It was only about thirty years later that Foster Father told me that his father had done something very similar to him and his brother back in his youthful days.
He just told me that he hoped I would be able to pass it on to a child someday.
My kid had to change the cat litter after a breakfast of undercooked French Toast. It doesn’t sound like much until you know that we have seven cats and seven litter boxes.
He didn’t drink for a week.”
18. Two-Timer Says Goodbye To His Girl And His Social Life
“This took place when I was 15-16 years old.
I had met this guy at a Christian youth gathering thing in the summer, where we were both serving as worship leaders in the band. We’ll call him Z.
It really was love at first sight for Z and me, and we were constantly together.
We rehearsed the music together, we performed together, and just spent all of our free time together. You get the picture.
The gathering ends, and Z and I start going out towards the end of July. And everything was peachy-keen, up until the next February, when I noticed that things were, well, different.
So being that we were both teens, we were both in high school. But we did not go to the same high school, and our circle was mostly contained within the church. This is important later.
So, February was when it starts getting chaotic.
Z was canceling plans on me more often, making more excuses, not posting anything about me on social media anymore, and just acting… different. He was also super secretive about his school life, and he had never introduced me to any of his friends at school.
And this was because, in February, Z started going out with this other girl who went to his school! And because he kept so much of his school life to himself, I didn’t find out about this until MUCH later.
So now it’s June, and I’m really sad at this point. Z didn’t include me in his birthday plans, he almost never talked to me unless I initiated it first, and I was super fed up. So, I decided to do some investigating.
I started by going through his social media and checking his followers. I was just scrolling and scrolling, and scrolling, until I saw a familiar face, with an unfamiliar face as the profile picture. The profile pic was of a girl, we’ll call P, and Z, kissing.
My. Heart. Started. Pounding.
I tap on her profile, and I was absolutely mortified. There were dozens of pictures on P’s profile of her and Z, doing all sorts of coupley-things, kissing, going out, etc. I checked some of the posts, the captions were stuff about how much she loved him, he would comment something just as sappy back, and HE.
Heartbroken and fed up, I just simply screenshot a couple of the posts, send them to him, and block him on everything. I spent the next week or so crying, removing everything that reminded me of him from my life, and planning.
And oh, did I plan.
Now, I’m NOT a person who normally starts drama, but two-time me after we were together for 11 months? You deserve the drama.
I started by gathering up evidence of Z and I’s relationship, screenshots of texts, pictures, and videos of us together.
Because after all, he didn’t just lie to me, he was lying to her as well by continuing to stay with me. So I gather my arsenal, find P’s account, and send alllllll of the evidence to her, along with a text that was apologizing for the news.
And it. Was. Glorious.
Now of course I felt extremely sorry for the girl, as she was kinda in the same situation that I was in, and she had no idea that I existed, or that this was going on.
I just kept comforting her and saying that it was gonna be okay. P then asks for my number which I give her, and we end up talking on the phone for 2 hours, crying together as she breaks up with him over text.
She was sending me a live-screenshot feed of what he was responding to, and he was basically begging for her to stay as she told him to go screw himself. I wish that I could’ve seen it unfold in person.
We talked for a while, both super annoyed, and discovered how Z would use a lot of the same things on P and me. Like calling us the same pet names, using certain romantic gestures, and having the same songs and/or movies that reminded him of us.
It felt super awful to discover that. But, this just added fuel to the revenge to come.
So because of this situation, I planned to make P my new best friend. And best friends, we were. We started hanging out all the time, posting pictures of us together constantly, really making sure to rub it in Z’s face.
And lucky for me, P and Z happened to be in the same friend group before and during the time they were going out.
So through P, I got to know allllll of Z’s friends and casually told every single one of them about what he did to me.
I didn’t make up anything preposterous, I just told the story of how Z lied, as is. Also, P happened to be a pretty popular girl at their school, so my story didn’t just reach Z’s friends, but their.
Entire. School. And the results were amazing.
I managed to turn every single one of Z’s friends against him, and I didn’t just inform them on how much of a piece of trash Z was, I actually befriended them all myself, me taking Z’s place in the friend group.
All of us became best friends, leaving Z to be exiled all alone for the rest of his high school career.
During that following school year, all of us would go to all sorts of their school’s events, have a blast, and by the lucky chance we saw Z show up, watch the shameful and sad look on his face as I partied with all of his old friends.
All of us are still close to this day.”
17. This Is Why You Shouldn't Mess With Dentists
“My dad was in dental studies at the time and his thesis director was a rugby prop forward (this will be important later).
So one night, my dad went to go out with his friends, and on the way back one racketeer stole his phone and wallet.
My dad was shocked as it was the first time that had happened to him but he eventually got on with his life.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later my dad was working in the university hospital and, what a surprise, the racketeer was here to get a tooth fixed. My dad was livid!
He went to get his thesis director (let’s call him Prop) and explained the whole story. Prop, like a mama bear told him that he was going to take care of that and that he should call the police.
This is where the fun begins.
Prop went to see the racketeer and quickly asked what tooth was in pain and proceeded to give some very rough cares: – He gave him anesthesia (just for the gesture cause he actually didn’t inject enough for it to have any effect) – Without waiting he stuck his huge fingers in the racketeer’s mouth (I bet that he couldn’t have closed his mouth even if he tried) and pulled his tooth like it was a beer cap.
The racketeer screamed so hard the whole hospital could have heard him. When he was done the conversation went like this:
R: Why did you do that
P: Remember him? (Prop was pointing at my dad who was watching the whole thing)
The racketeer (if he could) got even more livid.
P: Now you’re going to wait for the cops!
The cops took the racketeer and my dad got the sweetest revenge. The racketeer didn’t press charges against Prop cause technically he did all the medical procedures he had to and as these cares are always a little bit painful the racketeer couldn’t anything about it!”
16. Homophobic Teacher's Assistant Lost Her Job
“Had a homophobic Teacher’s Assistant. One day my friend and I are messing around (We had been close, not love each other close but calling each other love and darling was a normal greeting) When messing around she sneered at us and said ‘That’s not right, men shouldn’t be like that to each other, God doesn’t condone it.’ or something to that effect, can’t remember the exact words.
Well, my friend happened to be gay and offended, I happened to be fairly camp and wanted to make a joke out of it to try and defuse the situation. Only this treatment continued and we got treated like dog poop by this person.
So we did the logical thing, we made posters and created a Gay Club, handed out leaflets, and put the posters everywhere. When we handed her our leaflet she was in front of a lot of people, and simply refused to come.
We found it really funny because screw this jerk. Then the principal came around because he was interested in the club and the leaflet. Oh and because there was a clause written in small writing that said ‘We reserve the right to tell homophobic people to shut up.’
We explained the situation to him and he warned us that he would look into it. End of the week we found out that this TA had not only been fired but barred from working in any school again. My Teacher, as it turns out was batting for the other side, and had already reported this behavior to the principal in the past, they just needed more proof.
I felt really bad over the weekend, I made a woman lose her job and her profession. Then on Monday, I came in and EVERY. SINGLE. TEACHER. had a copy of my leaflet and was laughing their butts off, so the regret slowly wore off.”
15. He Owed Me A $600 Apology
“A couple of days ago I went out to the store to get something I needed. I was checking on my phone exactly what it was I needed to get when I heard a slam that I knew came from my car.
I looked to the side and saw some older guy and his door embedded into mine, I opened my window and he said ‘I hit your door.’ Gave me a shrug of the shoulders and proceeded to get in his car.
I yelled for him to wait so I can assess the damage as the hit felt pretty significant. As I expected, there was a scratch dug into the paint down to the metal and scratched beyond that as if he had pushed it further after the initial hit, as well as a big dent to go with it.
I noticed he was driving off so I ran out to him and signaled him to roll the window down.
Me- Hey man that was a pretty significant hit and you’re just driving off without even an apology or anything.
Jerk- It’s just a scratch, it’s nothing.
Me- No it’s not, the paint came off down to the metal and it’s a pretty big dent.
Jerk- You were parked too close to me.
Me- The heck I was!
I am parked perfectly within the lines, look!
Jerk- Well so am I!!
Me- Then you had no excuse to hit it!!! You know what? Give me your insurance info.
Jerk proceeds to slam on the gas and leave. I manage to snap a picture of his plates.
I called the sheriff’s department as we do a lot of work for them and know everyone at the department well, but unfortunately, they told me they could not do absolutely anything because it was just a door ding, and could not provide me any info from his tags.
We live in a tiny town, so I go into the store and ask for his name. I get his first name. From his first name, I was able to find his social media, not a lot of people named Jerk in my town.
From his social media, I found we had mutual friends. From those mutual friends, I found out where he lived. From where he lived and his name I found his phone number online. I found out everything there is to know about this guy.
His family, where he likes to hang out on Saturdays, where and who he works for, what kind of beer he drinks, literally everything except what he wears to bed. From his tags, I got the VIN online.
I messaged him to give him a chance to do the right thing.
That went over as I expected.
It was Friday night so I could not call anywhere to get more info, so I message him. To make it short he kept saying ‘meet me in the morning if it’s so important,’ and making fun of me saying how his car door has a red mark and how I can do whatever I want and he’ll get away with it.
Come Monday I called the local DMV as my investigations said they can give me the name of his insurance company and nothing else with the info I had.
I was right.
I called in the claim yesterday, and I got the email with the estimate totaling almost $600.
Here is the kicker.
I work at a body shop and could have fixed it myself for free, not even a dime.
The only reason I went through with it was sweet revenge.
Thanks for messing up and being a bad person causing me to get some much-needed money, dummy.”
Another User Comments:
“Good. I hate jerks like that – they think they can get away with anything.
A few months ago, I was parked at a Walgreens, waiting for my wife to grab a couple of things. I always park perfectly between the lines, because you know, courtesy.
This old bag of a witch pulled her brand new SUV slightly OVER the line on my passenger side, and I was in my car. She then proceeded to SLAM her door into my passenger side door to get out.
I opened my window and yelled at her, ‘What are you doing? Jesus!’
She looked at my car (it’s ten years old, and not exactly in pristine condition after years of people slamming their doors into it. I live in a city where there are jerks that do that on a regular basis, but I never had one blatantly doing while I’m sitting in the car until this witch) and scoffed. ‘Oh, it’s fine.
Not a big deal!’
I lost my mind right there. I stepped out of the car and tore into her, pointing that she parked over the line and it was beyond rude to slam her door into my car.
She laughed and walked away. What the heck? What if I was another dude who was willing to snap her in half? She was lucky I’m not the violent type.
So I looked around for any surveillance cameras. There were none.
Okay. Just as that old bag waddled into the store, my wife came out. I quickly slammed my passenger door into her driver’s side several times and left a deep dent, then drove off quickly once my wife got in the car.
Witch, you don’t get to be entitled and get away with it, especially when it’s someone whose car already is scratched and dented and has nothing to lose. I hope you enjoyed paying to get that deep dent fixed. And I never got caught, so there.” kyabupaks
14. Insult My Partner And Don't Pay Your Bills? Hope You Like Fish
“So this happened a few years ago when I was just finishing my second year of university. I had an international student for a housemate who was a member of a load of different societies, we both worked to help pay for things.
The way the bills worked was they sent me funds every month and I’d pay the bills.
For about 3 or 4 months before the end of term, HM (housemate) was trying to save up for a field trip to Tanzania, so he was working all sorts of overtime, he went there for like 2 months and didn’t actually pay me anything at all from April – July.
I was working overtime whenever I could get it, but I was also going out a lot, in hindsight, I probably could have been more careful with my spending but If I wasn’t being screwed left, right and center I would have been okay.
He kept promising to pay his bills but every time I asked for the money, he didn’t have it. It was annoying as the bills had to be paid, so I just paid them, he promised to give me the funds later on.
In total, he owed me about £300-400.
Around this time our previous landlord sold the house to LL (the new landlord), who was foreign and had very little idea of how UK tenancy law works. He would show up at the house at random times throughout the day to organize viewings, often showing up at 10 pm or later without any notice.
When he tried to get the tenancy agreement switched over he required another deposit, that I didn’t have as I hadn’t received my deposit back from the old landlord yet (I got the full amount) as well as having to pay my housemate’s bills on top of my own, and basically going out too much.
I didn’t feel bad about spending so much on nights out, I worked a lot on top of studying so I earned the right.
I tried to explain to the landlord that I couldn’t just come up with that kind of money.
On top of everything else, the academic year was winding down so all of my colleagues who were also students had lots of free time, and it was difficult to get a lot of overtime, I explained that I would have to wait to get my old deposit back before signing the new agreement (apparently you had to pay when you signed), which he agreed to.
During this time he started letting the spare rooms out to his employees, and lo and behold he decided he wanted me out, giving me 10 days to vacate the property (Illegal, but whatever). My HM was friendly with the landlord (thanks to having enough funds, thanks to having rich parents to pay the deposit straight away, they would pay for anything directly related to housing like rent and deposits and I think a little bit to live on, but he had to work for anything else.)
On a side note, the house was a state, we had an archaic heating system that pumped heated air through vents in the house and you had to punch the boiler to get it to actually turn on, the bathroom door handle was broken so you would often get locked in, (The same thing happened in my bedroom early on in my tenancy when everyone else was out and I had to kick the door down to get out, which I reluctantly paid for) really dangerous stuff like that.
I asked my housemate to give me the funds for the final bill as I was moving out, and he hit the roof, he called me and my significant other fat, told us we were dirty, etc, told me he was never going to give me the funds.
He went ballistic.
On top of this, I had the utility companies breathing down my neck, as I said at this point in the year overtime was hard to get and I was only contracted to work 8 hours a week.
On top of this most students went home during the summer break but I didn’t have contact with my parents so had no choice but to stay in the house over summer, meaning things were pretty tight, to say the least (I worked in a cheap clothing store, in a town with several universities, so when 95% of students went home over summer the overtime would really dry up.)
The atmosphere inside the house was extremely frosty for the last week or so of my tenancy, with HM and LL both acting like a pair of entitled witches. I decided I wanted to get some revenge.
On my way home from work I bought 3 whole fish from the reduced section at the local supermarket, as well as a couple of tins of sardines (in spring water for extra rot), and decided to get to work.
I think I spent about £2 in total. I put fish in all sorts of places:
- Outside HM’s bedroom window
- In the loft hatch
- Underneath the fridge
- Hidden in the back of a cupboard, inside an old disused bread bin.
- On top of a kitchen cupboard
- Screwed the grill off the heating vent in my room and chucked one in there.
I tried to get them to spread fairly evenly throughout the house so as to create a nice even stench.
And to top it off I unscrewed the dryer door switch, HM broke it because he used to kick the door closed and I ordered a new one from amazon months ago, I had no use for it but screw him, it was mine.
I still have it somewhere.
The day I vacated the house I was gathering up my stuff from the kitchen when I decided to see how the fish was getting on, so I simply opened the cupboard door.
Sweet Jesus how it stank.
It was eye-watering bad, I could feel it in my throat.
I quickly closed the cupboard door and opened the back door and windows to get rid of the smell so I wouldn’t be prematurely rumbled, finished packing, and got out.
I never found out what happened or whether they even found all of the fish, I would assume that within another couple of days the house would have been absolutely stinking, but without any sort of formal tenancy agreement or contact details LL couldn’t chase me up for it, his bad.
I hope it was expensive to fix.
I like to think that every time they found a fish they would think they had solved the problem of the awful smell, only to have it remain and slowly get worse. HM only ever contacted me in relation to the dryer door, I told him to go screw himself.
I had to pay some of the leftover bills myself, but the electric company were the only ones willing to chase him up for the funds, so he had to pay that too!”
13. Refuse To Pay The Full Amount? I'll Let The System Know
“I was working as a retail sales rep for Comcast. One day this guy and his wife come in requesting to switch service to her name so they can get better pricing. I look up the location and they’ve been switching back and forth for the past 6 years.
Not a problem. As a rep, I’m not allowed to explicitly tell customers to do this, but if they ask I can’t deny them.
So I go over the procedure with him. In order to do the switch, the old account has to be closed clean.
That means the equipment needs to be returned and the final balance paid. Normally I’ll let the equipment slide as long as they return it within a week, but the final bill needs to be paid before the switch. There are no exceptions.
He throws a fit. The bill is about $200 but he’s disputing half of it. ‘I’ll pay you $100 and that’s it.’ Yeah no, this is not a negotiation. $200 or no switch, you can dispute the transaction later. I explain to him that this is our policy for account switches and if I do what he’s asking I’ll get in a lot of trouble.
I outright tell him ‘You’re asking me to do something that will get me fired.’ He doesn’t care, he insists I take the $100. Finally, after 15 minutes more of wasting my time he gives up and yells ‘Fine! I’ll call in and put it under my son Robert’s name’.
The dude came back a few days later tail between his legs, with a bunch of DVRs (The old heavy ones) and paid the bill in full to restart service.”
12. Threaten Me? Get Fired And Lose Your Visa
“When I was 18 months old (a year and a half old), I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. It’s a hard disease to live with, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, except for people who make those stupid ‘I’m gonna get diabetes if I eat another cupcake,’ comments, and similar stuff to that (plus those stupid jokes, too.
I hate those with a passion). Because then they wouldn’t joke about it, or make those smart remarks.
When I was 11, I started sixth grade with an insulin pump. It did wonders for my b***d sugar and me! And, I was also diagnosed with celiac disease during the summer, so it kinda got all screwy when I started the gluten-free diet, and I went from a child’s medium to a women’s extra-large in shirts in a little over four months.
I was growing tall and fast because of the diet, and my pump was there, able to keep my b***d sugar levels from rising and falling way too often. All of my teachers knew of my diabetes, so I got exemptions and special privileges because of it (this is important).
In seventh grade, my school introduced this thing called ‘alternates.’ If your teacher, for that period, would be absent, they would leave the work they wanted you to do out on a chair in the hallway, while you and three other students went to a completely different classroom to sit in and do the work needed. And it was never the same teacher you had to go to, either.
I remember my first class alternate was with the choir teacher, my third and fourth-period alternate was with the 8th-grade math teacher, and so on for all seven periods of the day. They didn’t fix that problem until the next year, but we’re focusing on 7th grade.
And yes, even my alternate teachers were told about my diabetes, and they were lectured that if I wasn’t allowed the special privileges that come with being a Certified Dummy Diabetic, then they can and will be put on Adult Suspension (a punishment less harsh for the alternate teachers because they’re not my regular teachers).
Which is just suspended from working for a few days, with no pay, I think.
My last period of the day was in social studies. The teacher was more likely absent than there, because of a lot of familial issues she was dealing with at the time, so I, and two other students, would take our assigned work and go to the French class.
The French teacher (who I will call The Witch, from now on) was an… engaging teacher. She was loud and funny and got her class to genuinely enjoy the lessons and what was taught, but she was also strict with rules.
And she was an enforcer with the ‘no phone,’ rule. If she saw an outline of a phone in someone’s pocket, she took it and held it until after class, and gave it back then.
So at the end of the day, after being all sweaty from gym class, climbing up two flights of stairs, only to find my teacher was absent, I grab the work and go to my locker (I was only one of a select few students who got a locker at my middle school, but that’s not important) to grab my Social Studies textbook and hurridly walk down two flights of stairs, yet and again, and through the hot March Sun to the area where the French classroom was.
I was on autopilot mode.
My pump has a setting where it can vibrate if it alarms, but if you don’t silence the alarm after a while, or if the problem it was facing wasn’t fixed, it would audibly beep.
And I usually kept my pump sites in my thigh/stomach, so my pump would stay in my pocket at school. But I couldn’t really feel the vibration if it was going off, so if I thought it was vibrating, I’d check it to make sure what it was vibrating for, even if I wasn’t sure if it did vibrate.
So on autopilot mode, I didn’t feel my pump vibrating in my pocket, until the middle of the class. I don’t remember the alert, but I think it was because the battery was low? I don’t really remember.
Completely forgetting to press the button that acknowledges the alert, I raise my hand to ask if I could go to the nurse.
The Witch says sure, just sign out first (it’s to keep track of who enters and exits the rooms because of past restriction problems), and I can go. I get up, and in the middle of signing out, my pump audibly alerts me, and I nearly pooped myself, because it genuinely scared me.
I silence it, hoping to get out of the classroom without The Witch noticing, but wooo boy, did she notice.
Witch: What was that noise?
Me, a dumb kid who had undiagnosed anxiety at the time, and couldn’t speak louder than Volume level 2, also holding my pump in hand as I silenced the alarm: Oh, it was my pump.
I’m sorry, it won’t ha-
Witch: If I had half a mind, I’d rip that thing right from your hands, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it until it is dust.
Me, shocked, but not really bothered: Okay.
And so I leave the room, go to the nurse, fix my pump (she has spare batteries, extra pump supplies, extra insulin, glucagon, and snacks in case of emergencies), and come back within ten minutes.
What The Witch had said really sunk in, and I realized, ‘Holy cow, did this lady just threaten me?’ So I wrote a note asking if my friend (we had the same last period alternate, thank god) heard the same thing as I did, and she wrote back saying, yeah, she did.
She even got it on record, too.
Since our Social Studies teacher has a habit of not slowing down or stopping her lessons when she’s there, my friend always sneakily turns her phone on right before she enters the room, and records the entire lesson so she can go back and fill out the stuff she misses in her notes.
I guess in our hurry to get to The Witch’s classroom, she forgot to stop the recording, so she was accidentally recording the French lesson.
I didn’t really know what to do with this information, until ten minutes later, I’m in my mom’s car at dismissal, and I tell her what happens.
My mom slammed on the breaks, reversed back into the parking lot, parked her car, and dragged me inside the school. We get to the front office, and everyone knew my mom, and they could tell she was angry, even though she was keeping a pretty neutral face.
I didn’t even get to tell her that my friend had the interaction recorded until after my mom threatened to do something Court related to the principal if she didn’t do something to punish The Witch. Then we had to wait an hour and a half until after the bus dropped my friend off at her house (she had to take the bus that day because her mom was working and her dad couldn’t pick her up, and she was also the last stop for her bus), for my friend to get a ride back to school to show the principal the proof.
I didn’t even want to tell the principal about this. I just told my mom, because I thought she would give me some advice on how to deal with the situation. My mom was the one who originally wanted revenge on The Witch, for, inherently, threatening my life.
(We couldn’t afford regular needles, and we definitely couldn’t have afforded the long-acting insulin that I would have needed to take at night and in the morning if The Witch had, in fact, stomped on my pump until it was dust like she said she would have).
My mom threatened to sue the school when she found the punishment that my principal would give The Witch unfit. My principal asked what she could do to prevent that, and my mom told her to fire The Witch. My principal said she would fire her the following Monday.
She lied.
The Witch searches for me during lunch, and legit tells me ‘I’m sorry that you couldn’t understand that I was joking.’
She was not joking when she said she’d smash my pump to pieces. She was serious when she said it, angry even, to the point that when she said the threat, she was red-faced. She wasn’t joking, so she’s lying through her half-meant apology.
I don’t even say anything, I’m too stunned because The Witch is still here. Not fired.
I go to the bathroom immediately after the interaction, and call my mom with my phone. She’s livid, but I begged her not to come to school, to not sue, and to not show herself again, because I got it.
She, obviously, reluctantly agrees, and she doesn’t come to school.
The last week of March, the Social Studies teacher quits abruptly, causing her students to have to go to alternates for a week as the principal searched for a new teacher to hire.
So, I have to spend a week in The Witch’s classroom. No biggy. I planned on making her life miserable while I’m stuck there anyway.
If I unscrewed the cap on my pump, that keeps the insulin cartridge inside of it, it will alarm.
Something I can do easily, and sneakily. I also took my pump off of vibrate and put it on the loudest setting it would let me.
So, I caused my pump to alarm multiple times in her classroom. She would get so angry every time her teaching was interrupted, but she couldn’t do anything because she was already on thin ice with me.
Of course, her students suffered, but that was a small price to pay for the ultimate revenge on this woman. I didn’t even want to get her in trouble in the first place, but for her to come up to me, unannounced, and call me stupid?
Yeah, no. Only I get to call myself a dumb witch.
Her classroom is outside, and when the bell rings for the end of the day, students pour out of the doors and have to pass by her classroom door in order to get to the buses, and so do the teachers who oversee the bus stuff.
So, on the third day of this, right as I walk out the door, The Witch tries to grab me by the arm and forces me to turn to face her so she can chew my butt out. But, what she really does, is she ends up ripping my insulin site out of my arm (one that I had just put in during lunch because some dumb idiot accidentally ripped it out of my other arm during lunch).
She doesn’t realize she ripped the site out of my arm as she grabs me until I start to scream. First of all, she ripped off a ton of tape that kept it inside of me, and second of all, this was back when I was using the actual metal needle pump sites, so as she gripped my arm, she dug the needle through my skin, before it fell out once it reached my elbow.
I keep my sites, when they’re on my arms, up closer to my shoulders, where I have more fat so it doesn’t hurt when I have to put it on.
She dug the needle down from my shoulder to my elbow.
It HURT. There was b***d everywhere because although the needles are kinda small, THEY STILL HAVE TO GO INSIDE OF MY SKIN!!!
The vice-principal (a man whose only complaint I have of, is that he almost gave me detention for forgetting to tuck in my shirt and wear a belt with our uniform on the last day of middle school), had just passed as this happened, so he saw the whole thing.
I was screaming and crying, clutching my arm, The Witch stood in shock as she just… watched me. My best friend was trying to help me, all the students had stopped and were now watching me as the VP instructed one of the teachers to bring The Witch to the front office as he picked me up and carried me to the nurse’s office as he called 911.
The nurse had wrapped my arm up as best as she could before the paramedics arrived. I was rushed to the ER because I apparently needed stitches? Because it was a long, singular, cut, I guess? It wasn’t that deep, so I guess got them to ensure that it would heal properly?
I can’t really remember, because my mom didn’t arrive at the hospital until after I was given some Good Stuff and given stitches.
The Witch was immediately fired as soon as she reached the front office.
I was approached by police because apparently, it looked like she did it on purpose, but I didn’t want to press any charges on her, much to my mother’s disagreement.
That wasn’t my plan on how to get her fired/get her to quit. I wanted to annoy her, make it harder for her to teach, to the point where it gets so bad, that the only peace she’d get was by quitting.
I was unable to write for the last two months of school, unable to carry my own backpack, unable to be a part of my band’s end of the year concert (we worked on some extremely fast-paced piece that was really troubling me, and I had practiced it so much that I memorized it, but all that practice went to waste I guess), I have trouble raising my arm and carrying heavy things, even after physical therapy.
It’s also really hard for me to insert sites now because the needles make me have panic attacks and I even vomited a few times, because all I could remember as I got that pain of inserting a site, was the feeling of it dripping down my arm.
A few years later, in my Sophomore year, after I went into DKA (long story short, a site needle somehow got kinked while in my leg, and my pump was unable to deliver insulin properly, so I almost died), I was given this cool new site that only uses a needle to insert the tubing inside of my arm (like an IV needle uses an actual needle to insert a plastic needle inside of your arm, and then removes the real needle), so I haven’t had needle-related infusion site problems in a while.
Last week, I ran into the principal, and I was finally able to find out what happened to The Witch.
Since she was fired, she lost her visa, and she was forced to go back to France.”
11. Disown Your Two Kids? Get Ready For A Divorce
“I am gay (25 yrs) and have been with my partner for 3 years (also 25) and he’s great. I also like most of his family. It includes him, the oldest, his sister (will be important later), and 2 other kids.
I really like his family. Except for one person: the dad. When I first met my SO’s parents, I was incredibly confused. His mom was one of the kindest people I’ve met while his dad is just awful.
He disowned his first son when he came out at 18, leaving him to the streets. When I met the father, he made it clear that he despised me for ‘allowing his son to continue the path of sin.’ I was completely appalled
Fast forward to May of last year. My man tells me that his sister is pregnant at 18 and just like with himself, the father disowned his own daughter because she got pregnant and ‘has followed a path of sin he cannot forgive.’
She was devastated as her baby daddy just left and she had nowhere to go. I was earning a good amount and while I haven’t had my partner move in with me just yet (it’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just financially beneficial) I decided to let her stay with me at least until we got everything sorted out.
She wants to not abort the baby so we start looking for whoever would be willing to take the baby. Our search began in June and later that month, we found someone that was willing to take the baby. It was my partner’s mom.
I questioned her, especially considering the fact that the father would hate taking care of a child ‘born from sin.’ She told me it wouldn’t be a problem.
Apparently ‘wouldn’t be a problem’ means divorce! She had gotten sick of her husband who apparently lashed out at the presence of a gay son and pregnant daughter with drinking and violence.
She was the breadwinner of the family which meant the dad was screwed at the sight of a divorce. The case began in August and ended in October with the mom getting full custody of almost everything. The father was completely screwed and I haven’t heard from him recently.
When I talked to the mom a few weeks after the divorce, she told me that the situation with the sister made everything clear and that when it came to my partner’s ex-communication, she was too stressed with a job opportunity and couldn’t defend him.
She and all 4 of her kids were so glad the father had finally left their lives. Speaking of kids, the sister gave birth to her son on January 15th. His middle name is after my surname in honor of my assistance to both the mother of the child and the family as a whole.
He is great and I check in on him every now and then. His current guardian is going to allow the child to contact his biological mother when he’s older.”
10. Classmate Lost His Mind To A Phone Call About A Turtle
“So, back in junior high, one dude (for the sake of the story we’ll call him Werner) was in the same math class as me and was a continuous jerk to everyone, but often to me especially. After some months I decided I had had enough.
I went to a really active turtle/tortoise online forum and in the subsection, for buying and selling the animals/equipment I posted a message that went something like this:
‘Hi, I am looking to start my turtle hobby, I need everything to start and a turtle, maybe several. My budget is pretty big and I am willing to buy a whole terrarium as well.
I am best reached by phone on mon-Fri between 12-4 pm. Kind regards, -Werner (Werner’s mobile number)’
Basically, I expected him to get a few calls during school hours and get his mobile confiscated a couple of times, but what followed was an absolute onslaught of people trying to sell their turtles and equipment to him.
His phone was ringing constantly during the afternoon and he started to get more and more irate with this. Often started screaming to the people trying to sell their stuff to him.
Then finally one math class, he gets a call.
It’s about a turtle. He completely flips out and smashes his phone and goes completely mental. The teacher can’t get him to calm down and he shoves the teacher. This leads him to get kicked out of the course, mandatory therapy in anger management and he had to repeat the grade.
Because of the math course.
Sure he was a jerk, but he didn’t deserve to lose a year out of his life due to that. To this day, he has no idea how the phone calls started…”
9. Think I'm Going To Catch You? Yeah Right
“In 3rd grade, I was a very skinny girl, probably the skinniest in my class. But it wasn’t abnormal, it fit my frame.
There was a rude chunky girl that picked on me and a few others constantly. She even got me sent to the guidance counselor to have a meeting with the principal because she spread a rumor that I had an eating disorder.
Which was NOT TRUE. I just happened to be a small girl.
Anyways, so we got paired up in P.E. for some trust exercises… to this day, I don’t know why they put the biggest and smallest girls together for this… but we did the thing where you fall back and they catch you.
I went first, she caught me, all was well. But then it was my turn to catch her, and as she was falling back I pretended to try and catch her but totally dropped her. She screamed and started crying immediately.
I instantly yelled, ‘I’m sorry! I couldn’t catch you, I’m not strong enough!’ or something along those lines. Turns out she broke her tailbone and fractured her wrist from the fall… oops.”
8. Crazy Witch Got Fired From 7 Jobs
“So this happened when I was younger (around 11/12), but I learned about all of it only a couple of months ago.
My mom had just finished makeup school (Yes, that’s a thing) and opened a small home business in addition to her regular job. The business involved giving clients manicures, pedicures, waxing, and hairstyling. We lived in a small town (around 5000 people).
It was like 3 months after my mom first opened her business. The business was going well and she had pretty pleasant clients, up until then. Anyways, this woman, let’s call her CW, short for crazy witch, was someone my family knew for a long time.
Not that they were particularly close with her, but they did know her husband. One day, she scheduled an appointment with my mom for her daughter (there was a party or something) who was my ex-classmate. So she came over, my mom did her nails and her hair.
She was very satisfied with it. no complaints, just compliments. The procedure was around 300 shekels, and CW paid. Fast forward to the next day: CW calls my mom FURIOUS and demands she gives her back her money since the hair and nails fell apart and ruined her daughter’s evening (Which was a lie since there were a bunch of photos on social media for that event that showed CW’s daughter, with everything intact).
My mom decided not to argue with her and just gave her the money back. When she met up with CW to give her the funds, CW went something like: ‘I’m going to sue you for damage to my daughter’s morale!
You’ll be paying me for a very long time.’
Finances were tough back then, and my mom knew that hiring a lawyer wasn’t a possibility, so she broke down. She went to cry to my grandma.
Now, my grandma is known for being very hardcore.
She’s the type of woman who would yell at her own mother who treated her like garbage when she was younger. When my mom cried to my grandma, obviously my grandma was having none of it. She went like: ‘no one dares to touch my offspring.
I’ll go for that witch!’ (In Russian).
Here comes the revenge.
Before the actual revenge, my grandmother decided to do what any responsible adult would do: She yelled at CW, called her all the bad names in the dictionary, and demanded she returns the funds to my mom.
CW, of course, refused.
That’s where things went down.
First, she let EVERYBODY know what kind of person CW was. She was like: ‘she fooled a single mother with kids out of funds and caused her a lot of emotional distress.’ Since my grandmother had a high standing status in the community, everybody sided with her and would give CW death stares when she passed by, going as far as calling her a witch and stuff when she passed by.
CW found out my grandmother was the one responsible for that and went to confront her. My grandma went like: ‘give my daughter her funds back’ and she refused to pay up. My grandma proceeded to yell at her and call her names again.
CW sent her husband to talk to my grandma, but once again, my grandmother went like: ‘give my daughter her funds back.’ Her husband is kind of a chicken, so he quickly backed down.
That night my grandmother also trespassed into their backyard and ruined all their crops.
She made sure everything was ruined, down to the last lemon tree.
After ruining her status in the community and CW still refusing to pay up, my grandmother was very furious. She wanted to cause even more chaos, and one day she found the perfect opportunity.
She went to the local deli and saw CW working there, which was perfect. Now, even though my grandmother is hardcore, she knows how to suck up to people and sweet-talk them, which is why she has a high standing status.
After my grandma saw CW, she went straight to her boss. She came up with some stuff how CW has cancer and she is touching the food and she will spread it to other people (I know it’s nonsense, but still, and FYI, she didn’t actually have cancer), and that until CW was fired, she, along with other regular customers, would stop shopping there.
CW was quickly fired after that.
Next up, my grandma went to her regular spa where she knew a lot of people and saw CW working there, working as a receptionist. She went to her boss again and complained how CW has cancer and stuff, and demand she be fired. CW was fired once again.
The same pattern continued on and on. First, it was a local clothing store, then it was a pet store, gas station, and another type of store.
Her latest job is a job at the gallery. When she saw my grandma approaching the store, she ran to the door to open it to my grandma, almost bowing, and said as politely as she could: ‘Welcome ‘grandma’, how are you doing today?’
My grandma is currently planning how to get her fired from this one.
I don’t know any news that happened for the last couple of months, but I do know this: Whenever she sees CW on the street, she makes sure to call her all the bad words in the book up until this day.”
7. My Middle School Bully Ended Up Changing My Car Oil
“In middle school, I had a bully/tormentor we’ll call Chuck.
Chuck was about 2 years older than everyone because he’d been held back twice. Chuck was a monster. Huge kid (especially since he was an 8th grader in 6th grade), and regularly tortured half the class. He picked on me most often out of the group, but everyone despised him.
One day, after he grabbed me by the backpack and threw me against the lockers, I came home upset. My dad said, ‘Don’t worry about him. Guys like that will be changing your car’s oil one day.’
Fast forward a month or so, and we’re in art class. The teacher leaves the room and Chuck starts laying into me and threatening to beat me up. I’d had enough so replied with something like ‘Fine, Chuck.
I don’t care. Beat me up. No one here will laugh at me because you’re bigger than all of us. You can beat up anyone in the room. Who cares. Do it. No one will give a crap.”
At this point, the class started having my back and laughing. Yelling insults at him. Still remember him looking panicked and saying ‘shut up, I’m sick of you talking. You’re stupid!’ Since I had the support of the mob, I leaned into it and started telling him he was stupid, his parents hated him, he’d been held back twice because he was so stupid, etc.
Chuck was visibly shaking and about to start crying at this point. He had no power and the whole class was suddenly against him. So I went for the boom – ‘Don’t care you can beat us up, Chuck.
You’ll be changing my oil one day.’
After repeating my dad’s line, I realized I messed up. Chuck was about to beat me up… thankfully the teacher walked back into the room a few seconds later, saw the commotion about to start, and sent him to the other side of the room.
Fast forward about 7-8 years. I was in my sophomore year of college and came home for the weekend. Took my car to the Jiffy Lube for an oil change. Everything was normal, but then Chuck walks into the lobby holding my car’s air filter.
‘Sir, this is pretty caked with dirt, do you want a new one?’
I don’t think Chuck recognized me, but I realized he was literally the tech changing my oil. Seeing him as beaten down as he was, working in a hot oil change shop in early summer made me feel horrible inside.”
6. Change The Contract? I'll Take The Toilet Paper Rolls
“When my ex and I broke up, we were living together, but my name was not on the lease. I had paid for that month, and we agreed I would move out after that. I had known that our relationship was on its way out so I wasn’t all that torn up about the breakup at first.
She went out of town until I moved out of the apartment. During that time I kept hanging out with people I had met thru her, which apparently infuriated her to the point every time I would go hang out with that group of people, I would receive a text saying, ‘did you have fun with blah and blah.’ This progressed to her telling me that I wasn’t allowed to hang out with those people and that if I was going to hang out with ‘her’ friends, I had to at least respond to all her text messages (I would only respond if it was about our place).
This went on for about two weeks until she found out I had started to hang out with another girl that went to her school and she told me that regardless of the fact I had paid for the month I had a week to get out of the apartment.
I protested, but lost that argument to her counter-argument of, ‘she broke girl code, you hurt me, contracts change.’
When it finally came time for me to move out, and for her to come to town, I decided to be petty and take the toilet paper rolls out of the bathroom and made sure to not leave any at the house for her and her family.”
5. Don't Pay Me Back? Get Bullied
“During middle school, my best friend and I at the time were playing poker or some other card game involving gambling. There was some sort of disagreement and I was certain that he owed me a certain amount. He felt like he didn’t owe me anything.
At some point, I was told by someone else that he was not going to pay me because I was a jerk. I got mad and because I had known him well for years I knew a lot of stuff about him.
I started to use this info to turn everyone against him. This in turn made it a popularity contest which I ‘won’. Mainly because I was the bigger jerk and had no problem spilling everything I knew about him to all I knew with some added stuff to further humiliate him.
In the end, he was bullied by most people he used to consider friends. I later found out that he needed some therapy during those times. Always went straight home after school, which was not typical behavior for him or most kids in my country during middle school.
Especially for him because like me, he was part of the ‘popular’ kids.
Years later I apologized to him and we became friends again. Our lives are headed in different directions, but we still see each other every now and then.
This is pretty much the only thing I regret in my life. A feud over a few euros turned my friend’s life into misery for a couple of years. I’m just glad he pulled through, but even though he forgave me, I don’t think I can ever forgive myself.”
4. Awful Friend's Family Found Out The Truth About Her Relationship
“I was friends with this girl since we were 11. She was kind of awful, but I still hung out with her. She’d try to embarrass me in front of our friends and was always trying to tell me what to eat and what to wear… it was weird.
When we were in our mid-twenties, she finally found a guy suitable for her and her family (rich, same religion, rich, etc…) and got engaged. I don’t know why, but she really wanted to swing even though her fiance didn’t really want to do it.
But he went along with it.
It was a disaster. She got hers, he didn’t get his. They fought. She still insisted on seeing the other dude to swing with him. It was just a mess.
Anyway, one day we got into this huge fight because she didn’t approve of my new partner and whatever.
I was so fed up with her that I told my mom (who happened to be very good friends with her mom) about the swinging, knowing my mom would tell her mom.
It just spiraled out of control and everyone in her family found out.
Her fiance, who was such a nice dude, was so embarrassed and I guess I just didn’t think about how it would affect him. I still feel bad for that guy. I really hope he got a prenup.”
Another User Comments:
“Wait! He didn’t actually go through with marrying her after that, did he?” Kristeninmyskin
“He sure did. They have 2 kids now. I have no idea what their life is like because I distanced myself from them to where we don’t speak anymore.” DontHateMasticate
3. I Dropped An Offensive Joke About The Guy At The Snack Bar
“So once at a party, the guy working the grill at the snack bar across the street from us, who I don’t know all that well but often joke around with, stood in the center of the room and announced that he got a new job.
And I immediately quipped from the back of the room, ‘You flipping burgers at BK now?’
And the whole room exploded with laughter. I felt like a jerk immediately. I didn’t expect that reaction. It wasn’t even that funny.
It was bad enough that I interrupted his moment, but I just expected him to laugh and shoot a joke back my way as usual. I still cringe when I think about it and how his face dropped after waiting around uncomfortably for the whole thing to die down.
He was a cool guy. I apologized and everything afterward. But we never joked anymore, and he started avoiding me not too long after. I still feel bad about that.”
Another User Comments:
“Good joke, bad timing/crowd. Humor is tricky, when you say something like that in front of a bunch of people it can come off as disrespectful instead of humorous.
I’ll bet if you had said it just in front of him he wouldn’t have been as insulted. I have a buddy who I joke with like this, I can’t imagine either one of us getting upset over such a harmless joke even in a large room but I can certainly see most people getting upset.
If you apologized then the problem is his, not yours. Humor is tricky and he should realize that you weren’t trying to be disrespectful you were just trying to get a laugh from him.” TinyManufacturer
2. Evil Lady Finds Nasty Groundhog In Her Car
“Once lived in an apartment with my best friend, not a really nice place but the price was right. So our neighbor on one side was a middle-aged lady with 2 sons. Let’s say 13 and 16 years old.
These boys were gothy and kind of weird, but they seemed to be good kids. They were always outside sitting on our shared steps. After we had been there for a while we figured out why. Their mother was absolutely terrible to these boys.
Through our thin walls, we could hear the daily verbal mistreated, constant yelling, and name-calling. As a result, we hated this lady. She was a terrible person. We would occasionally let the boys come in and play video games or hang out for a few minutes if it was raining or cold so they didn’t have to go home.
Anyway, one night my friend and I get wasted and somehow find a nasty groundhog. This evil lady’s car happened to be unlocked. It was some ugly 80’s 4 door. We made use of the groundhog and shoved its nasty parts under her driver’s seat.
It was like the middle of summer. You can imagine the stench that must have come from that car… so the car did not move for 3 or 4 days. Then one day it is gone and we never saw it again.
We didn’t put much thought into our plan and unfortunately, a few days later we heard the lady blaming one of the kids for the car. She didn’t say a lot about it and of course, the kids didn’t know a thing about it.
This was years ago and I’m not proud of what we did, but that’s not to say that evil witch didn’t deserve it!”
1. I Hid My Friend's Camera Then Gave It Back Eventually
“I used to be ‘best friends’ with this girl that whenever she met someone she’d practically forget about me as she’d literally ignore me like I didn’t exist. Anywho, we went together on a trip and met a group of girls, and she obviously chose them over me and hung out with them all day, acting like they all were best friends or something, but as soon as they weren’t around anymore she instantly started talking trash about them.
One day she went to hang out with them as usual and she forgot some camera at our hotel room (she kept bragging about it because it was pretty expensive and had wifi… I don’t know, who cares) and when I saw it on the bed I decided to hide it somewhere.
An important detail I forgot to mention is that we were sharing our room with two other girls we didn’t know well. They seemed nice though, but she hated them and kept telling me that they were ‘low class’ and looked like thieves or something.
(pretty sure she was just mad because one of the first days we were trying swimsuits and I got complimented by them. She on the other hand got told that she looked weird because ‘her legs were skinny but she had a big belly.’)
Anywho, when she got back she obviously realized her camera was gone and started freaking out. I pretended to help her look around for it and just when I was about to tell her that I hid it as a joke the other girls came in the room and she immediately turned around and started yelling at them.
She kept screaming that she knew they were thieves from the very first moment she saw them and that she wanted her camera back. Obviously, the other girls called her a snob and she stormed off and demanded we get other roommates because she refused to ‘stay with poor low-class people that steal.’
Anyway, everything escalated quickly so when everyone was gone I grabbed the camera and put it somewhere else she could find easily. The next day she had her camera back but the atmosphere in the room was really heavy since everyone hated each other except for me.
My ‘best friend’ thanked me for staying with her, unlike her new friends who decided to go party instead of helping her look for a camera and hung out with me the rest of the trip.
This happened like 6 years ago.
Never ever told her the truth, not even when I stopped hanging out with her.”