Dancing Grannies Crack Up The Audience With Their Moves

YouTube, Scott Reece

Grannies have a unique way of making us laugh with their corny and outdated jokes, but this video will definitely give you a good laugh and it doesn’t involve any knock-knock joke.

Vacations With Grandparents


Most children love spending time with their grandparents because aside from the unlimited food, we cannot deny that our grannies make good company too.

9 Grannies On Stage

YouTube, Scott Reece

We’re not sure what the event is, but one that involves 9 old people performing on stage is something you definitely have to watch if you’re up for a good laugh.

For Entertainment Purposes


At first, the stage is lined up with empty chairs as if building up the tension and letting the audience guess what the next performance will be.

Walkers, Canes, And Wheelchair

YouTube, Scott Reece

After a short while, in comes a group of “grannies” either assisted by walkers and canes or riding a wheelchair.

The Beat Drops

YouTube, Scott Reece

When “Let’s Get It Started In Here” by The Black Eyed Peas begins to play, the audience immediately knows that the grannies are up to something.

Their Remix

YouTube, Scott Reece

The old people on stage start stepping up in pairs as their jam transitions to “Low” by Flo Rida. With that, the grandmas who were slowly walking just minutes ago are now “going low” in front of everyone.

The Audience Is Buying It


As the grandmas show off their dance moves, the whole auditorium gets filled with laughter from the audience who seems to be having a great time watching the grannies “break it down”.

Last But Not Least

YouTube, Scott Reece

After impressing the crowd with their sick moves, a few more pairs come up next until the final pair, the one with the grandma in the wheelchair, concludes the performance with her subtle hands and feet movements while being pushed by her partner.

Watch the 9 grannies fill the auditorium with laughter in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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