People Admit To Their Most Damaging Pro Revenge Stories

Have you ever been in a situation where you were treated wrong, maybe by a school bully or an egotistic boss, and thought to yourself, I really wish they could feel as awful as I do right now? I know I have, and I've been way too afraid to ever do anything. I'll let people walk all over me and plaster a huge fake smile on my face, but deep inside, I'm boiling with rage. Meanwhile, some people are brave and ruthless. If someone looks at them the wrong way, they'll make sure that person has a miserable day. There's no time for grace or forgiveness – only time for revenge. Read on for some of the most catastrophic revenge plots. Trust me, you won't want to miss out.

19. Try To Screw Me Over? You Won't Just Lose Me As A Customer

“After my wife and I got married last year we decided that we should both get on the same phone plan. We went down to the AT&T store and met with a rep who told us we’d both be on an unlimited plan for $70/mo all-in, including taxes and fees.

I was very specific about getting the all-in price for the service. It seemed like a decent deal, so we signed up. 2 days later I log in to the website and see that there’s already a bill for $139.

I call up a rep to see what’s up and they tell me that between the activation fees, taxes, and surcharges, the bill was correct. I told them what the salesperson told me and they basically told me to pound sand.

I promptly told them I wanted to cancel the service and wanted the $139 waived. They said they could cancel the service but could not/would not waive the bill. They also told me if I canceled immediately my wife and I would lose our phone numbers (which is true).

So I figure since I already have to pay for the month, and I don’t want to lose my phone number I will just get a new carrier and cancel when I’m ready.

So I do my research and find Visible (which is EXCELLENT), and we make the switch. I call back to AT&T and inform them that we have switched carriers and want to cancel the service.

I again ask for a refund. The rep informs me that since I have had the service for 4 days that I am not entitled to a refund. He tells me to read the fine print on the contract, which indeed tells me that I have 3 days to cancel for a full refund.

I’m now fuming because the first CSR that I talked to on day 2 denied me a refund if I canceled.

I ask for the next level of CSR and they send me to a customer care and retention person.

I explain the entire fiasco to him, and how I feel that I have now been lied to twice by AT&T reps (sales rep and first CSR). He is a really cool guy and apologizes and says he’ll take care of it and will completely waive the bill.

I am very thankful and hang up thinking that this is finally resolved.

Fast forward a month and I get an AT&T bill in the mail saying my payment was not received and is now late.

I again pick up the phone and call AT&T. I eventually make my way through 2 CSR reps until I get back to the customer care and retention department. This time I did not have the chill dude, instead, I got a very smarmy woman who said that the bill was due and I’d owe the entire amount.

I asked her to please check the CSR notes and that the last guy told me he would waive the amount. She put me on a 10-minute silent hold and came back and said she’d “escalate” the matter to her supervisor.

She said I should receive an email by the end of the week with a resolution.

Two weeks go by, no response. I call again. This time I get a very nice lady that is sympathetic.

She says she’ll waive the bill. She comes back and tells me that she can’t do anything because the BILL HAS ALREADY BEEN SENT TO COLLECTIONS. She said not to worry and that she’ll send a letter to collections to have them waive the debt.

I ask if this will go on my credit report and she says no, and that they’ll take care of it.

Six months later I get a letter in the mail from Sequium Asset Solutions out of Georgia trying to collect on the $139.

I immediately send them a letter via certified mail demanding that they verify the debt (since it’s obviously bad). I hear nothing for two months, and then I get an alert that I have a negative mark on my credit.

I go in and sure enough Sequium has indicated that the amount is in collections. I immediately write letters to all three bureaus requesting that they remove the remark. A month goes by and every single one of the bureaus removes the mark (thank God).

Another 3 months go by and then I get a letter from Sunrise Credit Services in NY again trying to collect on the debt. This is truly unbelievable because it appears that Sequium couldn’t verify it, so instead of apologizing and waiving the debt, they just sold it off to another collection agency.

I send another certified letter to Sunrise demanding verification. I get nothing in reply. So far they have not attempted to put a mark on my credit.

That’s where this part of the story ends.

Who knows what will happen next? I could file a lawsuit but the filing fee alone would be more than the amount owed. Here’s the thing; I am not cash-strapped. I am blessed enough that I could easily pay the $139 without making a dent in my budget.

I have lost 5x that amount in hours spent on the phone and writing letters. But I am determined to go to the mat with AT&T on principle alone.

This brings us to the revenge stage.

You see, in addition to my day job as an attorney, I am an elected city councilman in my town, and when I was going over our monthly expenses I noticed that we were paying AT&T close to $6,000 A MONTH for our phones, internet, and TV services.

We’re a fairly small town so it was pretty obvious that we were being bent over by these clowns and that we could save a ton by switching. I started working with our City Manager and IT Director on finding other solutions.

We discovered that by switching to various carriers and providers that we could save HALF. I never would’ve looked that closely into our telecom expense had AT&T not jerked me around.

Two weeks ago the resolution to switch was put on our meeting agenda and the council voted to pass it. We decided to completely cut ties with AT&T. Our city is saving a ton of money, getting better service, and with the money we saved from switching we were able to hire another part-time animal shelter employee which we desperately needed.

I highly doubt our city would’ve considered switching if I didn’t make such a stink about it. AT&T will end up losing hundreds of thousands over the coming years because of this.

I hope it was worth it AT&T!!”

18. Don't Pay Your Rent? Get Exposed And Lose Your Job

“My dad had tried his hand at renting out houses, albeit it’s only one house and he had only one renter.

He’s a soft heart, and couldn’t bear to force a family into the streets when rent wasn’t paid.

The renter was his work colleague, and they were acquainted at best. This man would give every excuse in the book when he couldn’t pay his rent, all of them relating to his toddler son.

Medical bills for his son, formula and diapers, birthday gifts, so on and so forth. My dad accepted these excuses, allowing his colleague to delay the payment and never once tried to deduct from the deposit.

6 months later, his renter decided to move out. Turns out the jerk bought himself a nice terrace house out in a good suburban area. He knew my dad was a patient and generous man and decided to take advantage of that.

My dad, in his words, was annoyed but more than that, disappointed. He decided that he’ll stop renting as he figured he would lose more than what he’ll earn. Thus, the house was sold.

A few days later, my dad approached his colleague wanting to know why he’d stiffed him of his rent money. This took place in the middle of the office with everyone still at their cubicles or milling around.

Dad: Colleague. I’ve heard you’ve bought a house. If you had money for the house, why couldn’t you pay for the rent?

Colleague: You know how my son keeps falling sick? Ever since I stayed at that house you rent my son always has fever, always coughing.

Dad: What has that got to do with me or that house?

Colleague: I think I know why. That house is haunted. Got Jin (Genie, malevolent or mischievous) and Shaitan (Devil/Demon).

You’re a new Muslim convert right? Something must have been upset at you for converting. Because of that, my son is suffering.

For context, we Malaysians still hold onto some superstition, though it’s more prevalent in the older generations.

Be it due to culture or religion, superstitious beliefs are still embedded here. A rented house being haunted usually means little to no potential renters, and a sullied reputation.

This ticked my dad off.

At this point, everyone had tuned into this drama being unfolded. Raising his voice, he laid down the truth bomb.

Dad: I stayed in that house for 2 years with my wife and small children.

Nothing happened. You know why your son keeps falling sick? When I went to inspect that house to sell it the whole place reeked of illicit substances. Every room in the house smells like substances.

Your son keeps falling sick because you smoked around him 24/7!

If you have ever been slammed by the truth so hard that it left you speechless, that was essentially what happened. Colleague was stunned. Mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for breath, before turning around and walking away.

My dad, having vented that, left to do his own business. Colleague not denying outright that he didn’t use substances caused the rumor to spread like wildfire, with him ending up needing to do a substance test. Unsurprisingly, he failed that, which led to him being let go.

Now you may think that’s the end. Substance use in Malaysia is seriously frowned upon here, even if you do it recreationally. Not to mention that other job prospects usually looked into your record and reason for resigning from your last job, having been let go due to failing a substance test is an automatic ‘resume-into-the-bin’.

No job means no income. No income means Colleague can’t make the monthly installments for his new house. As my dad found out, it has been auctioned off by Colleague’s bank to another buyer.

As he told me this, my dad never wanted to ruin Colleague’s life like that. He told me he should’ve just kept his mouth shut, that him knowing Colleague was using substances in close proximity to his son was good leverage for Colleague to pay his rent.

It was an ‘in the heat of the moment’ action and such. Dad never pressed to get his 6 months of rent money back. Considered it Halal, meaning in his eyes, Colleague’s debt to him was voided.

I don’t know. Perhaps this was just karma by God for Colleague lying to my dad and stiffing him his rent money. Just needed my dad to be a pawn in His plan to punish Colleague in this life.

The revenge was undeniably unplanned, but goodness is it pro to me.”

17. You Want Freebird? You're Gonna Get Freebird

“You know who you are. One of you is at every god darned show.

I used to tour with a band, and we had around 200 concerts a year.

At least 200 times a year, someone would yell “Freebird!” and laugh like they said something clever. I don’t understand why it’s funny, and hearing it every day for thousands of shows… yup, still not at all funny.

So, one day we tried to find out the deal. When the Freebird guy of the day yelled, we invited him on stage to answer a few questions.

“Why do you yell Freebird?”

“Because it’s funny!”

“Why is that funny?”

“…” look of confusion and shame

Ok, so we didn’t get any answers, but we certainly came up with one. Nobody comes up with ridiculous ideas like a group of 20-somethings who spend 15 hours a day in a van together.

First thing we had to do was buy a sampler, this is a small piece of equipment that you can pre-program with any sounds you want and press buttons to trigger them.

They are pretty expensive, the one we bought for the prank was $1200. Side note – we were staying all 5 members in a single hotel room every night and eating nothing but dollar menu garbage and ramen because even if your band is doing good, you’re still broke.

I just want you to understand how ridiculous it was for us to spend a grand on this. As far as I’m concerned, it was worth it ten times over.

The next thing we needed was a folding table with chairs for all of us, some teacups, and a newspaper or two.

We would set these up next to the stage and no one would even notice it was there.

So we found a 16-minute-long version of Freebird and loaded it onto the sampler.

The trap was set. Sure enough, someone yelled “Freebird!” at the next show. This time, our lead singer acted really interested.

“What’s that you say? Freebird? Do you want to hear Freebird?”

The audience cheers loudly.

“So, just to be clear, you want us to stop playing our set and instead play Freebird?”

They cheer again in approval, and now the Freebird guy clearly looks like he’s never been so proud of anything he’s ever done in his life.

We all step to the center of the stage in a very serious-looking huddle. We made it a point to go comically long discussing Freebird, and sometimes we would just talk about movies we liked for a while or make fun of each other’s sisters.

When we felt like it had gone on long enough (and we were terrible about making jokes go way too long) we all nodded and made it clear that we had just agreed to play Freebird.

“All right folks! You asked for it! You’ve got it! Here we go, FREEBIRD!”

While the crowd went absolutely nuts, the singer went to the sampler, and like an old man fumbling to use a remote, he found the button and pressed it as anticlimactic as possible.

Freebird begins to play, and we all put our instruments down and sit around the table. We sip on pretend tea and browse the newspaper quietly. At first everyone thought it was hilarious, but after a few minutes they started to revolt.

Chanting for us to come back and all. We would look at each other in a very confused manner, and shrug it off a few times before the singer would finally go back to the mic.

“What’s going on? You don’t want to listen to this anymore?”


“You want us to play our stuff again?”


“Well, what about that guy who yelled Freebird?”


And then the booing would start for that poor Freebird guy. We did this for an entire tour, and it absolutely never got old. I’d like to think that after that year, tens of thousands of people stopped yelling Freebird at every show they go to.

At least for me, that makes the world a slightly better place.”

16. Try To Cover My Property With Garbage? Time To Unleash The Floodgates

“Before I was born my grandpa had just retired and decided screw it I am going to live in the middle of a mountain that is in the middle of nowhere.

He bought a piece of land far away from any city or village and started building a house. His only neighbors were an old lady and a crazy idiot. After half a year he decided to permanently move in there and started building more and more things to accommodate himself, one of the things he built was a wall around his property and an outdoor toilet (this will be important later on).

During this time his crazy neighbor was trying to sell property, my grandpa offered to buy it from him but the guy declined asking for 10 times more than my grandfather offered. They got into a sort of argument and ended all communication.

Now the crazy jerk was out to get my grandpa. He would call communal services and make police officers and inspectors come on a 2-hour ride for every possible thing he could.

We are talking about stuff like leaving a dog without a leash in a walled-off backyard or having leftover building materials on the road (which my grandpa also built, before that they had fricking dirt road.)

Now my grandpa did not mind. But every time police was involved they had to go over the backyard belonging to the old lady since works were going on and crazy neighbor sealed off a gate connecting his and my grandpa’s property with garbage.

It did not look nice, or smell nice, but my grandpa was busy with other stuff to keep removing it every night, only for the jerk to rebuild it the next morning.

Even though my grandpa did not give a darn, the lady did, and she was on my grandpa’s side. So one day when the officers came she asked a couple of questions to these lovely people.

She then contacts my grandpa. She learned 2 things. First of all since the wall was built on my grandfather’s land, he had all the rights to it, he could destroy it completely if he wanted. Second, filling a gate in the wall with garbage was illegal, but my grandfather did not have the right to build a gate into someone else’s yard without explicit permission either, and pursuing it in court would only end up with having to seal it off.

She informs my grandpa about all of this and soon they hatch a plan. They wait for 2-3 months for heavy autumn rains to start drowning the land, then the old lady files a formal complaint about the smell of the garbage.

My grandpa pleads guilty and signs off a document that legally forces him to destroy the gate and remove the garbage from it. Now the very same day my grandpa signs off on the documents, the biggest storm of the year starts.

It rained for 7 days before inspectors could come to remove the garbage and the gate. Now my grandfather had previously cemented 3 of the 4 drains that were built in the wall. This plus the mountain being steep resulted in the wall acting like a dam for all the water that was coming in.

Almost the entire yard was filled with water, eventually even lifting everything up from the outdoor toilet my grandfather built. His neighbor tried everything he could to stop the inspectors from destroying that garbage-filled gate.

He pleaded and pleaded, but he could do nothing. He did not own the wall, and he was the one making all the communal calls, and the inspectors grew to hate him.

Furthermore, my grandfather had pleaded guilty, meaning that any form of complaint on the decision of the court from a 3rd party was impossible and deemed invalid at this point. After the inspectors removed the gate a small sea of garbage, construction materials and water poured into the yard of the jerk and ended up watching the water destroy his entire yard, all while my grandpa and nice old lady were drinking tea from her balcony.

Today while telling me the story he told me: “I felt like god unleashing the flood upon the sinful world back then.” Which made me chuckle because I know he is an atheist like me.

The aftermath was even better. Needless to say, the guy needed to pay thousands to repair all the water damage and cleaning he had to do, all the while my grandfather’s and old lady’s house were completely untouched by any of it since they were on a lot higher ground.

The best part is that since he admitted he was the one filling the gate with garbage to the inspectors, they made a note of that and some time later he received a written order from the court that he had to repay my grandpa for any property damage because of that.

He ended up going to court, losing (after the old lady testified in my grandfather’s favor), and having to rebuild the gate that was destroyed along with all the court fees.

The guy moved out as soon as he could, and from what the new owner said, he sold it for less than half of what my grandfather offered him.”

15. Wrongly Evict Your Tenants? It'll Come Back To Bite You

“Many years ago, when I worked for a rent-to-own company in a small town, there was a little apartment complex which we made frequent deliveries to, and just as frequently had to repo from.

It had been a motel when it was built, and the owner turned it into apartments by just making doorways in the walls between rooms, putting a kitchen and living room in one and a bedroom in the other.

The place was very run-down and apparently pretty inexpensive, and based on a few things customers said, it seemed that the majority of the tenants moved in there for short times. I figured it was because they were waiting for prefab houses to be financed and delivered, since the vast majority of housing in that town was mobile homes.

Turns out I was wrong, but more on that later.

Between deliveries and pickups, we were visiting this place multiple times per month, but the landlord wouldn’t let us park the truck in the parking lot to do it.

It was a motel parking lot, so there was way more space than the tenants needed and plenty of room for our truck, but the minute we pulled into the lot, the landlord would come running out of the office and yell at us to get the truck off his property.

We were still allowed to deliver and such, we just had to carry the couches and old-style rear-projection big-screen TVs across the gravel lot from a truck parked on the street. It was more than a little annoying.

Then the day came that I was visiting some customers, a young couple, to have them sign an extension because they couldn’t make their payment, and I saw an eviction notice on their door.

I knocked, they answered, and then they, too, saw the notice. They explained that they needed the extension because they were behind on rent, but the eviction was unexpected because they were only two days late.

The notice gave them one week to move out. They signed the extension and I left, a little suspicious because that didn’t seem right to me.

A few days later, I got a call from the couple saying they needed to return the stuff they’d rented because they were being evicted and had to move to a motel.

I told them to wait there, I’d be over in an hour.

My wife had worked in the rental office of our previous apartment complex, so I knew some tenant laws. When I’d checked after getting the extension signed, I found that evictions couldn’t be served with only a week’s notice, they had to give 30 days for the tenants to pay or move out.

If they moved out, the landlord could take any unpaid rent out of their security deposit. This was a small town with lots of mobile homes, so I’m guessing the law was to prevent people from being evicted from rented land on which they had a mobile home they owned, but it applied to apartments, too.

Normally, I’d have considered this none of my business, but everyone in our store hated that landlord and wanted to get back at him, so I printed out the applicable rental law pages from the town’s website and drove over to the apartment complex.

There, I knocked on the door of every one of our customers living there, which was about half of the 20 or so apartments, and gave them a copy of the law. While doing this, I learned that the landlord had been evicting people like that for being even a day late, then keeping their deposits, citing the very law I was giving to my customers, just not the part about 30 days leeway.

He charged rent in advance (you paid for the next month at the end of each month), so people were losing their deposits over being one day late. On top of that, the landlord wouldn’t accept late payments, even if they were before his scheduled eviction time, because he made more by evicting people and moving someone new in, since he kept all their deposits.

I told the couple that had started all this that if I were them, I wouldn’t move out, and I’d contact a lawyer or at least the city housing department and file a complaint.

They were worried because the landlord had said he’d have the sheriff’s department evict them if they didn’t move out in time (there were no local police–small town), but I said that even if the landlord called them, I doubted they’d actually evict them if they cited the law.

That was about all I could do, and I hoped it’d be enough.

It was. The couple came in a few weeks later to pay for their rental furniture and to thank me for all my help, telling me the landlord had just been arrested. They’d filed a complaint, and when the landlord called the sheriff to evict them, it had kicked off an investigation.

I never learned what exactly the charges were, or what happened to the landlord, but the complex ended up under new ownership, and the new manager had no problem with us parking on their property for deliveries.

Also, the number of our repos and deliveries there suddenly dropped, because people were no longer being evicted constantly.

Between that experience and other stories I’ve read online, I never cease to be baffled and annoyed that people don’t know their rights as tenants.

Check your laws, don’t take a landlord’s word for anything, and stand up for yourself!”

14. Steal My Security Deposit? I'll Make Sure Your Staff Doesn't Want To Work For You Anymore

“Around Thanksgiving 2017, my wife’s company offered her a fantastic promotion, which she accepted even though it meant moving across the state by Jan. 1st.

The month of December was insanity – list and sell the house, find a short-term rental that would accept 4 pets, pack, move, etc. A lot of beverages mysteriously disappeared but I got it all done and we moved into our rental house and all was well!

We bought our new home and moved and the rental lease officially ended on April 1. The Property Manager followed the state laws correctly so far and we were told we’d get the $1,800 owed for our security deposit back by May.

Spoiler alert: it never came. I spent the next four months going back and forth with the Property Manager and hearing “It’s coming”, “We never got your paperwork”, blah blah. I got sick of this and got two different lawyers involved and sent them official Demand Letters.

I also filed a formal complaint with the State Division of Real Estate against their license.

The P.M. kept telling the state investigators that they would pay us back but nothing ever happened. I didn’t want to formally sue via our lawyer because he charges $300/hour and it’s all up-front.

I was hesitant to go to small claims court because it’s a $5,000 max in our state and the damages we’re legally owed are 3x the $1,800 deposit, which puts us over that cap – so I’d have to give up on some of the damages we’re legally entitled to seek, eat roughly $500 total in fees, and then go through that whole process for the next year, and assuming we won the judgment, then go through the collection process for another year or two.

An option, one we’d win, but a big pain in my backside.

So this is where the pro-revenge comes in. It was initially petty…say their website is “”. I bought “” for $12 and posted all of my screenshots and info about their theft and nonsense for the world to see, and then I bombed it all over their business social media pages as well as the personal pages for the main partners and their Yelp page.

I got a kick out of it, they took their pages down, petty revenge wins, right?

My little website caused a bigger boom than I anticipated. Basically, this P.M. has two principal agents in charge and a broker.

One of the agents is married to the broker. Beneath them, they have (HAD…heh) 5 realtors. I sent my new website to them all, everywhere I could. Turns out the partner who isn’t married to the broker had NO idea that the broker and his wife were stealing funds from the P.M. company.

Their realtors had no idea, either – two of them quit immediately, and one reached out to me to let me know why she quit and that she was going to a new broker.

But the other principal of the company was mortified. She asked me to leave her name out of it, take the stuff down, etc. and I just politely but coldly replied that hey, your business partners/broker stole from me and I can back everything I’m saying with documents, not my problem.

She promised she’d get things resolved and for the first time in 10 months, the broker started answering my e-mails.

We worked out a deal and they’re now paying us $200/month until December, which will cover the amount owed plus the extra for our legal fees.

The first check came last week (it actually BOUNCED but I made them send me a cashier’s check and they have to send cashier’s checks going forward, so we did get our first installment.)

I’ve also learned that the state investigation has been turned over to the state’s legal department and the broker and his wife will likely lose their license – the state investigator said they had multiple complaints against them but I was the most thorough and had the most documentation against them, so our complaint was a big reason they had the ammo to push it to the legal team.

So all told, my crummy little website ended up costing them 40% of their real estate team, resulted in them removing their business social media listings, pushed the investigation into their license over to a state legal team (still ongoing), and resulted in them having to FINALLY start paying us not only the $1,800 we’re owed but the legal fees I spent on top of it.

Oh, and that bounced check? I made them send me a certified check for $12 to cover the bank fee for that, too.”

13. Slash Everyone's Tires? I'll Make You Pay Up

“For two years I’ve been living in this apartment building.

mainly old people live there, but it’s nice. On the third day, I attached my bicycle (yes, this is in The Netherlands) to the provided iron bars at the front door, and left it there overnight (common, everywhere here).

However, in the morning I find my tires slashed, front and rear. I didn’t really think too much of it, maybe some intoxicated individuals walking around at night and messing things up, but yeah.

Anyway, I fix the bike and just in case, I keep it in my shed. Sometimes I forget and every time, the next day I find it with slashed tires. I’m starting to suspect it must be someone living in my apartment building since it happens more often but still didn’t give it too much attention.

As long as I would park my bike in the shed, everything would be alright.

This however doesn’t apply to visitors staying overnight. So after the millionth (14th) time hearing about slashed tires (also my roommate made the mistake and it happened to him as well) I decided to investigate it.

I narrowed the time of crime being around 0630 in the morning, so for many nights I set my alarm for 5 in the morning, get my bike out of the shed, park it at the front door, and my car next to it with battery packs attached to the dashcam.

I would go back to sleep and wake up again at 7.30 to find my bike messed up. Jackpot!

Unfortunately, my dashcam was a bit crap quality and since this was happening at dusk, it was hard to see what was happening, let alone identify the person doing it.

What I did see was someone coming out of the front door, standing around a bit, and slashing both tires with a screwdriver. The mistake he made was putting the screwdriver back in his own mailbox.

The video was too vague to determine which mailbox it was, so the next day I went ahead and filmed inside suspected mailboxes with my phone until I found the one with a screwdriver in it (I know, not legal, but yeah).

So now I have a house number and a name. Let’s call him F. Slasher of nr 100. I was determined to find out everything about this dude to blackmail the heck out of him, but couldn’t find anything on Google.

Also I couldn’t find anyone with the first name F…

The guy I suspected (retired guy, always walking around for no good reason) was walking around that day. We always say Hi to each other, but nothing else.

I decide to investigate if it is him, so I say ‘ Hey, we always greet each other, but never have been introduced right!? I’m Goose’ and he responds by saying ‘ Nice to meet you, I’m Slasher from number 100.’ I did not confront him now, I wanted to play this outright.

I decided that I would want to make him sweat a bit. To start, I put up flyers in the lift asking all tenants to be aware of vandalism happening at the front door, that people should pay attention.

Quickly I learned that he was frantically removing these flyers from the lift, and I was putting them back 6x a day. This was, initially, to make my planned confrontation have more impact and persuade him to just pay me off.

One effect I didn’t expect was other tenants now contacting me about their bikes being slashed, for over 4 years already! This included scratching cars and more serious stuff. Apparently, some tenants already suspected Slasher years ago and went to confront him back then.

He however denied everything and they couldn’t prove anything. One neighbor, let’s call her N, decided to team up with me to get this guy. I showed her the video I took, agreed that it would never hold up in court because of the bad quality, and set up a new camera.

Slasher was a clever guy though. I suspect he spotted the cameras and didn’t do anything.. until they weren’t there. After many sleepless and fruitless nights, I decided I had to work with what I got.

N already informed the police (knowing they probably wouldn’t do anything but hey) and a couple of days later, I went to his front door. Knowing that he (most likely) committed the more serious things as well, and now having the police involved, me blackmailing him wouldn’t be a clever idea.

I decided to have a recorder on me and not explicitly blackmail him, only insinuate, tactically.

During this talk I told him ‘someone’ has been vandalizing bikes at the front door, and it needs to stop.

Initially, he denies everything, until I tell him I have him on video. He wanted to see it (obviously I didn’t show him) and eventually admits that he did do it 1 time (worst possible outcome for me).

I tell him that I need to inform the other tenants about him being a vandalist for their own safety, and will pass my video to the policy. unless of course… I’d be reimbursed for my 23 slashed tires.


He gets angry, says he’d never pay me anything, and told me to get lost. Now I continue to spread the word to the other tenants that it was Slasher all along.

In the meantime, the police decide to pay him a visit the next day (because of the phone call from N, but he thinks it’s because of me). Apparently, Slasher gets scared and admits to having it done maybe 13 times.

He promises to reimburse the damages being done and ‘never do it again.’

So one week later I go to his door to settle all this, now I’m a lot more calm because he already admitted anyway.

No need to carry a voice recorder with me. He opens the door and rages because I’ve been telling everyone about him. Death threats and everything (no recorder) but after calming down agrees to pay the 400 euros.

1 condition though: I’d have to happily greet him every time I see him so there wouldn’t be any awkwardness. Eventually, he paid everyone who requested money, and hasn’t done it anymore. The reason he did it: He thought those crappy old bikes make the entrance look bad.”

12. He Didn't Know What He Had Until It Was Gone

“So my friend has been seeing this girl for 5 years now, since grade 10 in school, they had a small break about 3 years ago and in that small break, his old crush messaged him confessing all her feelings to him, telling him that they should be together etc etc..

and he saw the message and didn’t respond.

Fast forward to last week, my friend was at the mall, and he saw the girl who messaged him, she looked way different, she went from like a 5/10 to a 9/10, he didn’t talk to her but that same night, we were all hanging out and my friend kept pushing him to try and talk to her to see if they can connect or something (keep in mind my friend is still in this 5-year relationship at this point).

He decided to dm her, she responded, he apologized for not responding and she said that she didn’t hold any grudges and she didn’t want him to respond in the first place.

So they kept talking for a week on social media, sometimes the conversation took a flirtatious turn, then it would go back to normal, basically back and forth teasing from both sides, and we asked him to tell her for us all to hang out with her friend (also attractive).

So we went to a bar it was 3 of us and 2 of them, we were talking it was all good, we had a lot of fun, and when we were driving them home they told us that we should go out again next week.

We told them sure, we thought next week we would make our moves.

Fast forward 4 days later, we were supposed to go out on Thursday, he messaged her on Tuesday asking her if they’re still up for going out, at this point she started responding in a really dry manner and not showing interest at all, which is fine, then she blocked him.

We said eh maybe she just didn’t like us/him it’s fine we went on to live our lives. The next day my friend wakes up and finds 50+ messages from his significant other cursing him out and breaking up with him, turns out the girl he messaged started taking screenshots from when he first sent her a message request on social media all highlighted with the times and dates all the way till we dropped them off.

She compiled the screenshots, sent them to his significant other, and told her that this was revenge for him not responding for 3 years. He wanted to marry his significant other but I guess that’s not happening now, point of the story is never ever be unfaithful.”

11. Try To Scam My Coworker? You'll End Up Funding Her Wedding

“When I started working as a lawyer at a large law firm, staff members would often come to me with their legal problems. One day, a quiet young woman from the accounting department came into my office confused about a legal settlement she had gotten.

The woman had been involved in a very minor car accident. She got talked into signing up with a lawyer whom she never even got to meet. Sometime after that, she received a call to come down to the lawyer’s office to sign some papers (that she didn’t understand), was given a check for about $2,000 by some flunkie, and then sent on her way.

I borrowed all of her paperwork and figured out what had happened. My co-worker was a victim of a capper scheme, which is when nonlawyers sign up clients for lawyers in return for a financial kickback.

(This is generally considered to be unethical and possibly illegal.) Because many of these cases are near worthless, the lawyers quickly settle them for cheap and pocket 33% to 40% as their fee.

When I checked the State Bar records, I realized that the lawyer had signed the retainer agreement with my co-worker after he had taken the bar exam but BEFORE he had officially become a lawyer.

In other words, for several months, he had been illegally practicing law without a license.

I was upset. I sent him a demand letter stating that I knew what he did. I bluffed him and said that, if he had been a real lawyer the entire time, he would have handled the case properly and would have gotten a much higher settlement.

I told him that I wanted $5,000 to compensate my co-worker. (It would have been illegal for me to threaten to report him to the State Bar or to the police if he did not pay, but that was the subtext.)

A few days later, I received a telephone call.

Lawyer (in a pleading voice): What do you want? I don’t have any malpractice insurance.

Me (angrily): I don’t want any insurance payout.

I would be just as happy to put you out of business.

The next day, I received my demanded settlement check from the lawyer. I walked the check over to the accounting department and gave it to my co-worker.

The unexpected extra funds came in very handy for her upcoming wedding, to which I was later invited and happily attended.

(It would have been illegal for the lawyer to demand that I not report him to the State Bar or police in return for the check.

Nonetheless, I decided not to report him. I figured that he deserved a second chance and did not want to ruin his life at the start of his legal career.)”

10. Don't Include The Seniors In The Main Show? I'll Shut It All Down

“This happened in high school.

For a little background about me, I was not the most outgoing person back then.

I didn’t like to make waves, just wanted to sail through my four years and avoid as much drama as possible. The only time I really put myself out there was for Drama and Improv Club.

It was my place, and where most of my friends were too.

Improv Club was basically a bunch of us Drama geeks getting together and practicing short-form improv…like Whose Line is It Anyways.

We were led by a cocky, sexist, jerk of a senior. Let’s call him Dean. Dean had been a part of his old school’s Improv Club and decided to bring it to life at our school.

The drama teacher usually sat in the back of the auditorium, grading papers, to “supervise” us while he ran the show. His trusty sidekick (a transfer from Dean’s old school), we will call him Rick, was also there to tell us what to do.

Rick was also a cocky, sexist, jerk, but he was a junior like me.

Dean and Rick clearly favored their close friends in the group. When it came to getting ideas for a skit, if Dean didn’t like the suggestion given, he’d say “I’ll put it in my pocket” meaning he didn’t want to act it out so….tough luck.

You could go up there and have everyone holding their sides laughing, and at the end he’d tell you it was “an ok scene. We’ll work on it,” and list some nonsense things you needed to work on.

He hated the idea of ANYONE being a little better at improv than him. There were several other seniors in our club (Important later), and for the few who weren’t besties with Dean and Rick, they would rip them to shreds with “things they could improve” when in reality all they really needed to was talk a little louder, or stop turning their back to the audience.

The end of the year rolled around and Dean announced that he got the vice principal to give us permission to have an end-of-the-year improv show! We were all excited. Dean and Rick said they would come up with a roster for who would play which improv games.

Dean mentioned that some of us who had a little more to work on would be in the pre-show that got the audience warmed up instead of the actual show. They assured us (and this is important) that seniors would be picked first to be in the show and, that those who were in the pre-show would have opportunities next year to be in the real show.

Fair enough.

The roster came out. I was in the pre-show, whatever! But wait! Three of my friends, who were some of the best in our group, were stuck in the pre-show.

Four of the five seniors in our group were also in the pre-show. The rest of the roster for the real show? All of Dean and Rick’s besties in the club included themselves.

It wasn’t fair. The seniors who got stuck with the pre-show deserved to be in the real show! This was their last year! They didn’t have any opportunities after all this!

Next year they’d be at college and back to square one if they joined an improv troop there.

I was livid. We had dealt long enough with Dean and Rick. Mess with me, forget it.

Mess with my friends and what’s right? Watch out! I pulled Dean aside after that club meeting. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. (For perspective picture a small 5-foot girl ready to punch a lanky 6-foot dude, and you have the scene)

Me: Dean we need to talk about the roster. You need to put the seniors in the real show. It’s not right!

Dean: Well they aren’t quite there yet. They’ll have other opportunities.

Me: Oh don’t pull that nonsense with me. They’ll be gone after this year and won’t get a chance next year. You know that!

Dean: Listen, you’re in the pre-show, is that why you’re all upset?

If you’re really that hung up about it I’ll wiggle you into the real show…



Dean: Yea….or what? You’ll tell (Insert drama teacher’s name)? She approved the roster.

Me: I’ll shut the whole darn show down!

Dean: No you won’t!

Me: WATCH ME! You have until the next club meeting to change this, and if you don’t I’m getting this whole thing shut down.

Dean gave me a smirk that only people who think they are the best get, when really they are just plain terrible.

My friends were scared of me for a day or two after that. They never thought quiet little me would ever get into someone’s face and lay it on them. The next club meeting rolled around, and SURPRISE Dean and Rick didn’t change a darn thing.

So I kept my promise. The next day at school I excused myself from study, and spoke to the vice principal. She was not happy with what she was hearing and immediately pulled Dean and Rick out of their classes to meet with her and me.

They were shocked to see me sitting there. At one point Dean tried to flip it back onto me.

Dean: Ma’am I think this is just about her being upset that she is in the pre-show.

This is all just a misunderstanding.

But she saw through his nonsense.

VP: Gentlemen I expect a new show roster on my desk by the end of the week, with all the seniors included in the show.

Now if you don’t agree with that, we’ll just have to cancel it. And if I find out this is happening again, I will have to shut down the whole club!

They agreed and we were dismissed from her office. They weren’t too happy with me, but in an attempt to suck up they asked if I wanted to be included in the real show on the new roster.

I smiled and said “You can actually take my name completely off the roster. Now that this has been all sorted out, I want nothing to do with this show!”

Dean seemed a little upset that after all the trouble I went to I didn’t even want to be in the show.

Just to put the icing on the cake, I didn’t even show up to the last few club meetings. When asked I didn’t hold back the truth. I would not be going back to improv while Dean was in charge.

The next year Rick took over Dean’s position, and when it came time for the end of the year show, he made sure to do what was right.”

9. Fire Me After Making Me Fire Everyone? I'll Make It Real Difficult To Hire Someone New

“Working as a student for a start-up was my big goal. So I applied to as many positions as I could find. One accepted me into an HR position where I would work 15 hours a week for a decent sum of money.

The start-up had about 30 employees, half of them student workers.

The HR department in the company was more of a two-man show. My senior manager (also responsible for marketing) and a recent graduate from college.

I came in to monitor Social Media related job applications.

Already in the second week it started to become apparent that the company was in financial trouble at that time. Senior management reacted by deciding to lay off 10/15 permanent employees and filling those positions with more student staff.

When it came to telling all employees that they would get fired my senior manager decided to be sick for two weeks straight and the college graduate and I had to do the talks.

It was heartbreaking since many of the full-time employees were sacrificing pay for as long as they had been with the company to see it grow. Many cried, one even threw a chair out of the window.

After the firing was done, the senior manager came back and actually fired me and college graduate as well because “of the bad reputation we got firing everyone”. He said we should work until the end of the next week to put out ads for new student workers.

First, we both plotted to not come back the Monday after. But then we actually did. With a plan for revenge on the table. We worked all week overtime and got as many ads out as we could.

Since student jobs were rare and this one was well paid we got many (and I mean really a lot) applications.

We looked for 8 positions from different fields and we got exactly 167 applications by the end of the week.

Now normally we would sort them and throw most of them out. But this time we decided it would be much funnier to have all of the people applying come for a job interview.

We scheduled it so that each interviewee would come 30 minutes apart and filled almost two weeks full of constant interviews by the Friday we had to leave without letting our manager know.

We then deleted all our conversations about invitations in our emails leaving no trace of the chaos about to rain onto the company.

I was not in the company the next week but my remaining contacts said it was pure chaos.

The company desperately needed to fill 8 positions so our senior manager actually went into all of the interviews on Monday and Tuesday, then realized most applicants were not good (he apparently liked one but that one was annoyed because our manager was in such a bad mood that he said he will not take the job).

On Wednesday we actually scheduled 20 people to come 45 minutes before office hours and by the time the senior manager arrived in the office they were all already annoyed and when he ordered them all to go home they actually started a small riot.

The company couldn’t operate on that day.

Thursday there was an interview with our owner with a local TV station. The interview was set in a public area and we told everyone to go there with the note “please be aware that we will tape the interview”.

10 people interrupted the interview that was not able to be aired later that day.

The week after the constant flow of applicants coming in made the owner actually close the company on Wednesday for the rest of the week.

Oh well, should not have recruited me just to fire most of their staff and then let me go.”

8. Never Start A Business If You Don't Know How To Run One

“I’m not saying I’m overly proud of this, but after almost a decade of keeping it to myself, I feel the need to tell someone.

I was 20 years old and on summer break from college.

My hometown is very small, and there aren’t a lot of jobs to go around. Somehow, I managed to land a job at this little Cafe that had just opened. At the time, it had been open for three weeks.

The owner of the cafe was actually a former waitress at a restaurant in our hometown. She was middle-aged, divorced, and had NO business sense. She opened the cafe because she’d gotten fired from her waitress job…and had one of those “I’ll show them” mentalities.

She thought her little cafe would steal all the business from the restaurant.


Within an HOUR of my first day, I knew something wasn’t right. I did NOT have my food handlers certificate, and she immediately threw me into the kitchen to start making food.

She vaguely gestured at some ‘recipes’ pinned to the back wall. There were no gloves or hairnets provided…or even hand soap (she told me to just use a little dish soap on my hands).

The kitchen was filthy too. The whole place smelled like dirty water and feet.

The whole shift she alternated between telling me her life story and chewing me out for not psychically knowing what she wanted. I got no breaks, and she was breathing down my neck the whole time.

Then there was ‘the incident’. A man came in DEMANDING money. From what I could overhear, it sounded like he did some under-the-table stuff for her (painting, little repairs) and she had stiffed him on the bill.

An argument ensued, and she flat-out refused to give him any money, and told him to “come back next week”. She then realized I saw the whole thing and told me I could go home for the day.

She fired me the next morning with no explanation. I don’t know for sure, but I think it had something to do with me seeing something I wasn’t supposed to. She told me to “come back next week” for my pay.

I came back next week like she said, and (to the surprise of no one) she didn’t have my money (for ONE day of work). I went in there twice a day for TWO WEEKS until she finally (under) paid me.

On my way out the door, I noticed her MASSIVE pile of receipts by the till. I casually asked how business was going. The nutcase starts CRYING and says she has no idea because she hasn’t even counted the till yet and has no idea what she is doing.

So I offered to help her ‘balance her books’.

(a quick side note, I took a finance class in grade 12, so I had a BASIC understanding of what I was doing)

She was REALLY deep in debt, and operating at a loss each day.

Did I tell her this? No. Instead I showed her how to ‘calculate things’ which completely omitted addressing her debts and bills. She got REALLY excited by this, and asked if I could balance her books for her all the time.

Ummmm…, I’m not an accountant. I’m just a college kid who half remembers a course I took a few years ago and am messing with you.

After wrestling with it for a few weeks, I submitted an anonymous tip to the authorities.

The health inspector shut her down IMMEDIATELY. I also heard a rumor that she was being investigated for ‘cooking her books’ and ‘tax evasion’ and ‘not paying her contractors’.

I can’t take full credit (because she really was dirty and not paying people), but I like to think I assisted karma in finding her.

PS: I saw her walking up the street a few years later when I was home for a visit. She looked me dead in the eye and gave me the finger.

I laughed.”

7. Be Inappropriate To Me And Everyone Else? I'll Make Sure You Get Fired

“So, I work out with a personal trainer twice a week. The gym he works out of is one of those specialty gyms, where people who train for major competitions like Iron Man and/or bodybuilding/powerlifting spend hours at a time, doing things that appear physically impossible to weak little me.

It’s a great place, everyone is positive and motivated, and there’s no pickup culture.

Unfortunately, they recently hired a temporary ‘nutritionist’ – a large, smelly, hairy, leering creeper named Frank.

Frank is a strange mishmash of neckbeard and health nut.

He guzzles Muscle Milk and is always eating a Lenny & Larry’s Complete Cookie. (There are two in a package, and one is a meal replacement for someone like me. According to the other trainers, Frank eats three to four packages during the 8-hour workday.) He is unshaven, unkempt, and smelly.

Sour milk and duck butter smelly.

The first time I was so unfortunate as to interact with Frank, he was walking around the gym getting in the way. Remember, he’s a “nutritionist” – he has absolutely no place on the gym floor.

I noticed him when he got close enough to me for me to smell him. I was doing squat presses. He approached from behind me and leered hard at my backside. I stopped my exercise and stared at him in the mirror until he made eye contact and scuttled away.

I mentioned it to my trainer, Danny, who grimaced and apologized. “He’s brand new here and so far he’s not making a great impression.”

The second time I saw Frank, the owner of the gym, Henry, (who is a really lovely man) introduced me to him and recommended his services as a nutritionist. “This here is Frank, he’s our dietitian while Melissa (usual on-site nutritionist) is on maternity leave.

Have you had a consultation with him yet?”

I replied that I had not and that I was happy with the diet plan Melissa had drawn up for me. Frank interrupted.

“I’m sure it could use some updating.

Men generally understand the ins and outs of how bodies work on a much more in-depth level.”

Henry looked startled.

“Uh, Frank, that’s not at all correct. We’ve got people here who have made some hugely impressive strides towards their fitness goals, men AND women.

Melissa is a very educated woman and a fantastic dietitian; we’re lucky to have her.”

Frank looked unconvinced and busied himself scribbling his contact info on a business card, which he handed to me.

“Hit me up.” He winked. I stared. “… If you need to update your diet plan.”

I looked at Frank. I looked at Henry, who looked vaguely troubled. I threw the card into the trash can and walked back into the gym.

After my next session, I was in the women’s locker room when one of the female trainers, Ashley, stormed in and started ranting.


“… Hi, Ashley.

I’m good, thanks! How are you?”

“Seriously, OP?”

“Ok, so not good?”

“Do you know that guy Frank?”

“The ‘nutritionist’? Yes, he’s a creep.”

“I was doing paperwork in the office and this jerk just spent ten minutes negging me, whining that none of the girls here would give him the time of day, and complaining that nobody liked his diet plans and kept asking when Melissa would be back.

I was ignoring him so I thought he’d finally gotten the message when he stopped talking, but then he started playing some kind of weird anime on his phone! When I turned around to yell at him he just said, ‘Oops, forgot to turn down the volume!’ and SMILED at me!”

“That’s disgusting … did you tell Henry?”

“Henry is on vacation for two weeks. I wrote the entire incident out and emailed it to him but holy cow. I’m so grossed out right now!”

Ashley stormed off to shower. I finished packing up my bag, grabbed my cell phone, and walked out of the locker room.

Absorbed in my emails, I didn’t see, and therefore collided with, Frank.

He responded by falling into me, and putting both his arms around me “to catch himself”.

“Whoaaa! Haha, that was almost bad!”

I felt the same way I do when I know there’s a spider on me, except worse.

I shoved him away force**lly. He stumbled backward.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing, putting your hands on me?” I shouted.

The gym went silent. Everyone was staring. Frank turned white, then red.

“Ease up, it was just an accident… Jeez. Relax. Overreact, much?”

Danny materialized next to me.

“I think it’s best if you stay out of the gym and away from the locker room doors from this point on, Frank.”

“Uhm, I work here too. I can go where I please.”

“You’re the ‘nutritionist’.” Danny used air quotes. My **ry was interrupted briefly by the desire to giggle. “There is no need for you to be on the gym floor.

Go back to your office. When someone wants you, they’ll come to you.”

Danny is not a tall man, but he’s very confident and commands a lot of respect. Frank looked uncertain before glaring at him, spitting out something unintelligible about “lunkheads”, and stomping away.

I told Danny I was really, really uncomfortable around Frank. He apologized and said he would speak to Henry when he returned.

Frank was quiet for a while. Everyone eagerly awaited Henry’s return.

The women in the gym studiously avoided interacting with him. The atmosphere was uncomfortable.

Last Friday, I realized I had a message in my “other” inbox on social media. It was from Frank.

The idiot didn’t even bother making a fake account.

F: Heyyy

F: U there? ahaha

F: just saw u this morning, wats up?

Me: Do you know how incredibly inappropriate it is to look up/contact clients from your job on social media unsolicited?

F: lol social media is for everyone sweetie.

Me: My social media isn’t, which is why it’s private. Don’t contact me again.

F: oh come on y are you such an uptight jerk haha we could be friends

Me: Absolutely not. I would rather associate with a wart.

F: god all the women at this gym are such princesses

Me: Leave me alone.

F: come on girl I’m a really nice guy

F: you just have to give me a chance and I’ll show u

F: (sends an unsolicited picture)

Me: Has Henry seen this? Contact me again and this whole conversation goes to everyone on your friend’s list, including your mother.

(link to his mother’s social media page).

I blocked him, screenshotted the entire conversation, wrote up a detailed list of the times Frank had made me incredibly uncomfortable (including the one Henry was witness to), attached the screenshots, and sent it to the gym, cc’ing Danny.

Danny called me.

“I am so incredibly sorry, OP. That is not the norm here, I promise.”

“I have no problem with you or anyone else at the gym, Danny. Don’t fret.

I just wanted Henry to be aware that he’s talking to clients like this.”

“Okay, I understand. I absolutely support you calling him out like this; I can’t apologize enough.”

Henry came back Monday.

My session with Danny was Tuesday. He looked like the cat that got the canary. While he tortured the life out of me, he told me the news.

Frank had been off since Monday, to return Wednesday.

Therefore he had no clue that Henry had come back to an inbox full of complaints about Frank. Complaints ranging from general discomfort to harassment. Screenshots of conversations like mine, some of which indicating he had pilfered phone numbers and emails from company records to contact people.

Ashley’s report of his inappropriate behavior. Even a few demands for gym dues to be refunded because people absolutely would not be returning.

People were not having it. And all these emails were after almost every one of his trainers had come to him with some kind of concern regarding our bearded boy, Frank.

Now, Henry is a darling man. He’s an old cowboy, the size of a fridge, and missing three fingers on his left hand. He’s got the biggest smile for everyone and a handlebar mustache to rival Sam Elliott’s.

He’s an absolute teddy bear… until you upset him.

Danny reported that Henry had lost. his. temper. There were fountains of expletives. There was a hurricane of profanity. One or two décor items in the office were broken.

The outburst was epic. But nobody thought to record it on the sly, so I have no idea how epic it truly was. Henry then calmed down, booted everyone out of the office, and supposedly set to work smoothing things over with the clients who were intent on leaving.

I left after attempting to switch my Thursday session to Wednesday, so I could potentially watch the fireworks. No dice.

This morning, I got to the gym and was relieved to see it still standing.

I found Danny, he gave me snippets of the story between sets pushing the sled. I hate that sled.

Frank had strolled in for his shift, clueless as anything. Ashley and two other trainers were speaking with Henry, who was manning the front desk.

Henry smiled widely at Frank and invited him into the gym for a “team meeting”. Frank suspected nothing and came willingly.

Henry gathered everyone to the center of the gym and proceeded to loudly and publicly list every single one of Frank’s offenses.

Most of them started with, “THIS jerk – ” and ended with “giving ME and MY BUSINESS a bad reputation”.

Danny said that Frank was white as a sheet. Then he turned red, and redder, and redder.

Some people were actually becoming concerned that he’d have a stroke. By the end of Henry’s speech, Frank was nearly purple. He turned to Frank, who he had not looked at once for his entire delivery, and said, “Now get out of my gym, you are FIRED. I will tell EVERY GYM OWNER AND CONTACT I KNOW that you’re a disgusting piece of work.”

Frank fled.

Needless to say, the gym is back to its positive, motivational, and comfortable self again.”

6. Two-Time Me With My Best Friend? I Hope You Like Horse Meat

“About 6-7 years ago, while I was still a mere student, a friend of mine ended things with his significant other in the most well-thought way I’ve ever seen with my own eyes (or rather heard with my ears for the climax, but still).

Let’s start with a little backstory.

They met each other during high school and got together a year before this story, and they were a really nice couple for a long time.

He, let’s call him John, was the kind of guy who was fairly handsome, a good student, and on top of that one of the nicest people in our class. She, Jane (I’m so inspired!), was objectively beautiful, long brown hair, nice silhouette from horse riding almost her entire life, she even had her own horse (that she got as a colt/filly years ago).

She was pretty nice if you were her friend, even if she could be a little mean from time to time, but she was way worse with those she didn’t see as friends (so almost half of the class, that was comically almost divided in 2 even physically by how we sat in the classroom).

John’s best friend, Jim (also fake but let’s keep the J string going) was also in our class, and he also had a crush on Jane during high school because she was hard to miss and pretty popular, but she chose John and that was the end of it for him, he had significant others too after that, everything was fine.

But during our second year of BTS (French diploma after high school), Jane’s behavior drifted more and more toward the naggy and not as pleasant side she rarely showed before, all the while becoming a little bit more flirty with guys (especially Jim, who she knew had a crush on her in high school).

Not often, and never when John could see, but she liked the attention you can get when you don’t turn down guys who hit on you immediately (like at a night club for example).

It never got really far, and even if we told John she was less nice to be around than before, he still loved her so it didn’t bother him too much, but he did try to calm her a little bit after we talked about that.

Then during Christmas holidays, which they each spent with their respective family like they did every year, Jane and Jim went to a party together (which wasn’t that unusual since they were both among the frequent partygoer in our class) since they lived in the same town and it was hosted by a common friend from high school.

John couldn’t come because he was catching up with his cousins he didn’t see for months that evening. I don’t have a lot of details, but Jane and Jim got very intoxicated during that evening, and all the flirting ended up with her pulling him into a room where they were intimate.

When he realized what happened (the next morning after sobering up), Jim was mortified and drove all the way to John’s house to tell him what happened, that he was so sorry, he would never have done that sober, yadda yadda yadda… He even told John to hit him if he wanted to, and he wouldn’t fight back (because even if John wasn’t a slob, Jim was almost a head taller than him, and really strong too).

Fortunately, their friendship went back to elementary school, and John knew he was telling the truth, especially since he was a little bit more careful with how Jane acted after some of us talked about her, and he saw that she could get a bit too flirty with him.

It did take some time for him to get over it, but they are still friends to this day (as far as I know).

New Year’s Eve was the next time he saw Jane and he asked her about what happened at that party, but she freaked out and asked him “how he could believe she would do something behind his back, and she wasn’t a woman of loose morals.

That Jim drooled over her since high school, and HE tried to take advantage of her while she was intoxicated but only got a kiss …” Not even with a moment of hesitation.

He acted like he believed her and apologized, spent a nice evening, and started plotting his revenge.

They started seeing each other at the end of last January, so their anniversary was coming up and this is when he would do it.

He had a key to her apartment so while she was out all afternoon preparing for the evening, he really made the place look fantastic. She came home to a trail of rose petals leading to a table lit only by a few candles, while soft music was playing.

John really liked to cook, and as expected, the dinner was amazing, with a handmade salad of different vegetables cut into balls, and glazed in oil (honestly I ate with him once, his dishes look like those of a 4 stars restaurant), and the main plate: a nice juicy steak.

After a few bites, he asked her how it was, and when she told him she loved it, he said “See? I told you you would love Random Horse Name N°42 even in your plate”.

She wasn’t a vegetarian, but she took the “I like horses as family, not as meals” sentence literally with her horse.

She dropped her fork and became white as a ghost, before springing to her feet, running for the bathroom while frantically screaming incoherent noises since she was already beginning to vomit the meat she just ate.

Sadly for her, he had duct-taped the lid of the toilets shut and put the braid Jane used to tie in Random Horse Name N°42’s mane on the seat. She just broke down crying, curled up on the floor where the vomit was slowly dripping from the seat, repeating “Random Horse Name N°42, you jerk, my poor Random Horse Name N°42 …”

He calmly finished his horse steak, then picked up his things, told her he knew she was unfaithful since the day after it happened, that they were ending things, and “Oh, happy anniversary”.

Then left.

The meat was of course NOT her horse, he was angry at her but he isn’t a psychopath, even if it WAS horse meat (which is pretty good, at least for my taste), but the braid was indeed the real thing (but hair grow back).

It took her half a week to realize Random Horse Name N°42 was fine since she remained locked up in her apartment for days, when a friend called her to ask why she wasn’t here riding with them one afternoon.”

5. Take My Mug Without Permission? Get Burned

“I worked for a major regional airline as an aircraft maintenance engineer in their heavy maintenance base. Being located in a regional centre we had a relatively tight-knit workforce. We were all a big family.

But as families go there were some personalities that just did not get along. Others that just did stupid stuff without thinking.

In the breakroom above the sink there was a board with hooks on it for us to hang mugs if we had them.

I decided to bring in a mug from home. Just your standard plain blue coloured mug. I would hang it on the same hook every time as others had done with their own personal mugs.

A couple of years pass and the company purchased some mugs and glassware for the breakroom and meeting room. Management asked us not to leave any cups or mugs in the sink or on any of the benches.

Coincidentally, the mugs they bought were the very same type and colour as my mug, so I thought the safest thing to do was write my name on my mug so it would not get confused by the cleaners as one of the company’s.

I took a black marker and wrote my name on the bottom.

Not long after this on one particular day I went in for smoko and went to get my mug for some tea only to find it missing from the hook.

After a brief search I found it out in the hangar on a bench. I took it back, cleaned it up and thought not much more of it.

A few days later it happened again.

This time it was left in the sink. Whatever. Wash. Use. Put it back on the hook like always. This pattern of my specific mug being used by someone and left in random places.

This had to stop.

I tried writing my name in big letters on the outside of the mug. It still would go walkabout. I would leave a post-it note IN the mug saying not to use it.

I would find it sitting in the sink half full of cold coffee. I got the label maker and made a large dayglow orange sticker with my name on it with biohazard symbols as a bit of a joke.

This time it completely disappeared. This was frustrating for me and amusing to my shift crew.

I had just about enough and decided to end this game of cat-and-mug.

Anyone who works in Aviation maintenance knows that most large aircraft use a hydraulic fluid called Skydrol.

To explain, this synthetic oil supposedly is safe to use and handle but in reality is not nice stuff. If you were to get some on your hands you would experience a slight warming sensation leading to a mild sting.

Any cuts or breaks in the skin of your hands or fingers would almost instantly sting with contact with this fluid. Softer skin (armpits) was even more sensitive. If you got this stuff in your eyes it was an agony that simply water would take minutes to abate.

With this being said, the MSDS listed no toxicity or adverse effects short or long-term. “Minor discomfort with skin contact” was the only detrimental effect listed.

After consulting the MSDS to confirm this fluid was non-toxic I decided to bring in another mug from home and leave it on my hook as usual, but this time with a little surprise smeared strategically around the rim.

The trap was set. Sure enough, the next day I came in to work to find my mug missing again. No one owned up. It was a bit of an anti-climax, but Mug number 3 did not go missing again.

A few months went by and we were having some beers with the other shift crews. I was chatting with this bloke who was known for being extremely laid-back, but also for having multiple used mugs on his toolbox.

I told him about the problem I was having with my mug going missing all the time and he told me that someone must have spiked a mug on him for no reason.

I asked what it was. He said he wanted a cup of coffee and took a mug out of the breakroom. After a few sips, he wondered what the weird taste was that quickly led to his lips feeling like they were on fire.

He said he dropped the mug in his haste to get to the bathroom to try and wash his face. Washing with water simply spread the burning sensation further around his face.

He said that he never took another mug from the breakroom again.

I told him it was me and we both had a laugh. He took it like a champ and never ‘borrowed’ anyone’s mug ever again.”

4. Refuse To Obey The Rules? Get The Boot

“These events took place over 15 years ago at the large rail car repair shop where I worked. I was in a different department from all of these folks so I was an observer rather than a participant.

The shop got a new head boss and this guy was a total jerk. The slightest infraction of the rules would earn the guilty party a three-day suspension from work. A good example of this would be coming back from lunch a few minutes late which was all too easy to do since the sandwich shop across the street was always very busy with long lines.

Obeying the rules did not apply to the boss, though. It was soon noticed that he was frequently off the property for no legitimate reason. Also, the stock clerk let it be known that he was ordering all sorts of construction material through the company that was of no use in the shop.

Some of the mechanics took to tailing him around with a camera. What they discovered and documented was this jerk was using the materials ordered through the company stock system for projects on his outside business.

He was let go (no surprise there) after two decades on the job with complete loss of his pension. Actually, the company was lenient. It declined to prosecute.

Now for his number two man who was an even bigger jerk and, having seen what happened to his boss, was twice as stupid.

There was a company-wide policy against working on private vehicles on company property even when one was off the clock. Since we were all mechanics the temptation was very great. Some people were discovered doing so and were punished. This idiot went beyond working on his own vehicle.

He set up a word-of-mouth auto repair shop on the property. Like boss number one he acquired his tools and repair parts through the company stock system. Everybody in the building knew it.

Now, our payroll clerk’s wife was in the last stages of terminal cancer and the clerk had to take frequent sick days (he had plenty banked up so he wasn’t ripping off the company) to care for her.

He was harassed unmercifully, forced to stay late, and forced to do jobs outside his classification. That was the last straw. Time for payback.

Same result. The mechanics documented everything on paper and with photographs.

When company investigators showed up they discovered a cargo container crammed full of heavy machine tools and auto parts all of which had been ordered through the company stock system. He was fired too.”

3. Extend Your Driveway Onto My Property? I'll Wait Until You Sell To Get Revenge

“Note: In the province of Ontario the only legal and recognized land surveyor is an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS).

Your brother-in-law who “knows how to work a transit” just isn’t qualified.

I moved from the Toronto area back up north in 2007. In 2008 we bought a home on a 4-acre forested lot from the original owner.

Through conversations with the original owner, I remembered him muttering something about how the neighbor to the north had their driveway awful close to the property line.

I thought no more about it until later that fall.

Our neighbor’s house was built slab on grade and the builder must have messed up or not properly installed any drainage for the gravel pad. Every time it rained they had water into their ground floor – an inconvenience to say the least.

But, not my problem. That is until the neighbor rented an excavator and had a deep ditch dug all along our side of his driveway, dumping all of the rocks and spoil from the excavation onto our property.

We also lost a number of trees, all mature black maple sugar bush trees.

I was getting concerned. We had problems with a jerk neighbor in Toronto and ended up having to get a survey and put up a fence.

I wasn’t going to lose any sleep worrying about it this time – call for a surveyor and get this over with.

It turns out the OLS firm I called was the one who surveyed the development when it was built 10 years earlier.

They had no trouble mapping out how and where the neighbor’s driveway for over 100 feet now arced up to 12 feet onto our property – never mind the rocks and dirt in the bush beyond that.

I sent a registered letter with a copy of the survey and a polite letter to our neighbor. With registered you have to sign to pick it up. They received it but did not respond.

I waited a month and then sent another registered letter. That one wasn’t picked up and was returned to me.

Yeah, that should work – if I don’t receive the letter everything will just go away.

In way of explanation, the neighbor was a successful local businessman and in smaller communities some of them tend to think that they’re a bit special, and can make their own rules.

I learned from the jerk neighbor in Toronto that there’s not much point in trying to discuss things personally. We have a system – let’s use it. The next letter that’s sent to them is from our real estate law firm – they know the right language to use and how to get someone’s attention.

Surprise! That one not only gets picked up but we receive a letter from their lawyer. They freely admit that they’re at fault and will make everything right.

Except they don’t.

They don’t do anything – for the next three years. Absolutely nothing.

I started receiving expert advice from some of my friends.

“OP, you should fix it at your own cost and then sue them for that amount!” “Uh, well, what if they claim they could have fixed it a lot cheaper, or I did a bunch of things that weren’t needed.”

“OP, you should charge them for all the trees they cut down and make them replace them!” “Yeah, but we do live in the forest and trees aren’t really hard to find.

In fact, we cut down trees that get too big too close to the house – it’s not like we’re in the big city.”

I decide to do nothing. After the angst and sleepless nights with the jerks in Toronto I decide to just wait it out.

After all, they’ve admitted fault through their lawyer, it’s not like they can wiggle out of that one or change their minds.

I learn that the neighbor’s wife hates living in the forest and would much rather have a schmancy house in town.

And with the water problem that has never been resolved it just isn’t as much fun as they had thought it would be.

Four years later – what I was waiting for.

A realtor’s For Sale sign in front of their house. I stop and take a picture of the sign so that I have the phone number of the listing agent.

I call them as soon as I get to work.

“Hi, this is OP, I see you’re listing a property at XXX. You may not be aware of this, but your client is trespassing on my property.”

Of course, the neighbor can’t pretend this isn’t true and now we have to clean up the mess to our satisfaction before the property can be sold.

Oh my! The five-yard dump trucks ran for close to three weeks. They hauled load after load after load of topsoil. It had to be dumped, spread out, and compacted.

The gravel driveway had to be dug up and pulled back to the property line, and all that filled in as well.

At the end it was all seeded with the understanding that it will eventually go back to being forest.

“OP, is it OK now?” “Not quite yet, it looks like there’s still a lot of work to do.”

All the weeping tile, rocks, and piles of dirt were removed as well – not a job easily done and very time-consuming.

Don’t get mad. Wait, then get even.”

2. Don't Think You Can Disrespect My Grandparents And Get Away With It

“A while back my grandparents who have lived in the same house for decades got new neighbors. It was a wife and husband with 2 kids and they seemed fairly nice, the husband spoke to my grandfather a few times when they were outside and seemed genuine, he said he was a correctional officer so his hours were strange and he may be coming and going at odd hours depending on the schedule.

A few months later they went on vacation and asked my grandfather to watch their house for them to make sure no one was lurking around or breaking in. A few days into their vacation my grandfather heard their dog whining in the backyard so he looked over their fence and found the dog tied up on about a 6-foot lead with no water around.

He couldn’t get into the yard so he called animal control who came and took the dog. When the neighbors got home the husband went ballistic, he hit my grandparent’s door so hard they thought it was going to break.

He got in my grandfather’s face and called him every ugly word he could come up with and told him he if ever caught him outside on his own he’d make him pay for making them lose their dog.

It only escalated from there, in the middle of the night someone took the large community dumpster from the back alley and threw it over the fence into my grandparent’s pool. The kids threw eggs from their backyard all over my grandparent’s back patio and house.

Someone threw a grapefruit through my grandparent’s window. The police were called every time but said we couldn’t prove who was doing it and they weren’t caught in the act so there was nothing they could do.

I had enough and I started making calls up the ladder with the correctional institution. I spoke to the warden at his facility and I was told he would look into the issue, a few days later he showed up again at my grandparent’s house while I was there going off again and this time threatening harm to my grandfather again to teach me a lesson about trying to mess with his life.

I went out the door to confront him and he walked off and told me he wasn’t going to hit me because he’d lose his job and I wasn’t worth it but proceeded to continue screaming and threatening me and my grandfather as he walked back to his house.

This time though I was ready for this jerk and I was recording everything from the moment he started slamming on the door. I called and spoke to the warden again and told him I had video evidence of the threats and this guy’s just general volatile nature.

A week later 2 guys showed up at my grandparent’s house and said they worked for the Associate Director of Corrections. They sat down for over an hour with my grandparents and wanted to know every detail of events that has happened so they were told everything from the dog to the vandalism to the threats.

I came over and showed them the video I had taken and we showed them copies of the police reports we had filed.

Apparently this guy had an issue with his temper among other things and was here because he had been told to take a transfer or be terminated from his previous facility so they had transferred here.

He ended up losing his job and his house was foreclosed on, my grandparents were given an order of protection, we never saw them again they left in the middle of the night not long after we met with the director people.

Forget that jerk, his rude wife who swore at my grandfather and always glared at him, and their two disrespectful kids (17 and 14) who I know had a lot to do with the vandalism that was happening to my grandparent’s house.

Thankfully all is well since they left and they have since gotten new neighbors who are wonderful people and own a local restaurant. They have even brought food over to my grandparents a few times and are excellent neighbors.”

1. Make Up Lies Because You're Jealous Of My Success? You'll End Up With Nothing

“I’m a business owner in another country with very strict libel laws. If you say something bad about someone it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, they can sue you. It’s the law in my country and people get sued for it a lot.

Just to say an example, if you’re a man and you are being unfaithful to your wife and I tell your boss “this man is being unfaithful to his wife” and your boss fires you, you can sue me because you lost your job because I told your boss.

Even though it is true that you are being unfaithful to your wife. Stupid law I think, if not true I understand but if true? Why illegal? Anyway, my country is not perfect.

So I own a bar, and my bar is very successful. I try and take care of my customers and I’m always at my bar making sure my staff are doing a good job.

I also always have events and parties. This I think helps my bar be successful.

So not too long ago I moved my bar to a better location and shortly after the bar owner across the street started to threaten me.

She said I was telling people she had illegal people work for her, she said I told people she was engaging in inappropriate activities. She said I saying she was ripping people off.

I didn’t know any of this, I don’t even know her. I am busy, I got a bar, I got a family, and I got a normal job too.

Then one day she sends me a message and says I need to pay her $25,000 or she will sue me.

I need to pay the $25,000 because it is less than what the court would make me pay. I’m angry, I don’t know why I need to pay $25,000 for something I didn’t do.

I think she was just mad at my success.

My partner who is American told me I should speak to a lawyer, it was very stressful. I just want to do business and live a happy life I don’t want a fight over stupid stuff.

But after a few weeks of her texting me demanding I pay her, I go to a lawyer.

Lawyer told me that I can sue her for blackmail and she can sue me for saying bad things about her.

I told my lawyer “I didn’t say good or bad things about her, I don’t even know her.” Lawyer says then that’s fine because she will have to prove I said bad things about her and if I didn’t say anything bad about her, then she can’t win.

But I can prove she tried to blackmail me. If she wants funds out of me for saying bad things about her she needs to sue me, not blackmail me.

So I sue her.

It took a long time… a very long time. Over one year in fact lots of paperwork, back and forth, waiting, very stressful. I was pulling out my hair I’m just glad my boys keep me happy and focused. And then the day comes we go in front of the Judge.

Judge said that she can’t prove I said anything bad about her, and since she can’t prove I said anything bad she gets nothing. Judge then told me that I need to get paperwork showing how much I pay my lawyer.

I was smart and I brought it with me. My lawyer was very expensive. Judge then asked how much my business made. I told Judge and I also brought proof.

Judge then ordered her to pay 10% of my whole year’s income because she was trying to blackmail me and that is not ok.

10% was a lot of money, a lot more than $25,000. She had to sell her bar to pay me.

I was so happy, but you see she had a problem…she couldn’t sell her bar.

No one wanted to buy it because many people say my bar put her bar out of business so why do they want to buy it? When they give her a price, it is a very low price not enough to pay me or give her enough money to do something else.

So I told her, let’s make a deal: you give me your bar and we say everything is even. She said that’s too much money so I promise to pay her a little bit every month as “rent” and she agreed because she had no choice.

So I bought her bar. I got it for a very good price because she had to pay me and she had no money. In my country if a judge tells you that you have to pay something and you can’t pay it then one day they will send you to jail.

So I took her bar and turned it into a restaurant which is also doing good. Now I have a good bar, a good restaurant and I’m happy again.

It was a very stressful 18~ months, I didn’t want to fight her, and I don’t know why she tried to fight me.

I think she was just mad. She was always mad and mean which is why I think no one liked her.”

You definitely don't want to be on their bad side. (Note: Some stories have been shortened and modified for our audiences)