Cops Share Stories Of The Most Clever Criminals They’ve Ever Encountered


When I was a kid, one of my favorite TV shows was “Cops.” Yes, I’m sure there was a lot of stuff on there that maybe I shouldn’t have been watching, but there were some really interesting episodes-people would do some crazy things and run away from the police like it was no one’s business! Let me admit that the most that they would show on TV was a man/woman stealing a car and taking off with it, but once in a while, they would air some pretty high-intensity episodes!

Coming back to people stealing cars and then being chased, I used to watch these pursuits and think, “Why would anyone think of doing that and getting into trouble with the police?” And, although I still don’t know the answer, I do know that there are some other pretty bizarre stories about criminals that police officers have shared. These stories are making me do a double-take while still trying to figure out how some of these things are even possible!?

We’ve all heard cops tell stories about the times they’ve arrested a not-so-intelligent criminal-they’re easy to come by! But, the best stories are the ones police officers tell about the most intelligent of the lot.

These men/women are the ones that put in a ton of effort to carry out the crime, cover all their tracks, and even get away with it (for a period of time at least).

Now, sharing these unbelievable stories doesn’t make it right to commit crimes and be tagged as a “clever criminal.” You should never find yourself in trouble with the authorities. But, these tales are worth reading because it really makes you think about how smart some people out there are.

So, here are 31 stories of the times authorities came into contact with some incredibly clever criminals.

*NOTE: All of these stories involve illegal activity and crimes and we do not encourage you to take part in any criminal activity.

31. He Juked Not One But Two Officers


“I was at a party near the military base where I was stationed.

It was in an apartment, and I was 19 and pretty drunk. Someone called the cops for a noise complaint and someone let them into the apartment, where they quickly realized 2/3rds of the people were underage and drunk. They do a headcount and start lining every one up for tickets.

When I got to officer 1, I told him my wallet was in my coat which was in the back bedroom and asked to grab it. He says yeah, so I go towards the bedroom where I’m stopped by officer 2 who wants to know what I’m doing.

I was supposed to be deploying soon and did NOT want to be the guy who messed up on the weekend.

I did a mental d20 roll, and told officer 2 that officer 1 had checked me and said I’m good to go, I just needed to get my coat from the bedroom. The officer gestures at me, then the bedroom door and officer 1 gives a thumbs up. The officer apologized and told me to go ahead.

As soon as I got in the bedroom I climbed out of the window and ran.” MikeOxbigg

30. They Scammed An Entire Company And No One Knew


“I once handled a case where a manager of a chain restaurant got a call from someone claiming to be with corporate.

She was informed that the other managers were suspected of stealing from the company and the restaurant was being shut down while an investigation was conducted. In the meantime, they need to safeguard the restaurant’s money from the other managers, so she needed to close immediately and take all the money from the safe and tills and wire it to corporate. Failure to do so would result in her being charged if any more money went missing. She did it. Of course, the actual corporate offices of the chain weren’t involved and never received a wire transfer.”  Wolfhound1142

29. He Stole A Car To Take To The DMV For A License


“Although no skill was really involved, I arrested a kid for stealing a car.

He confessed and told me that he’d be straight up with me. He was walking through a parking lot and saw a lady drop her car keys and keep walking. He said that’s her fault for not paying attention, grabbed the keys, and took off in her car.

He lamented that he knew he’d get stopped eventually, but didn’t think we’d stop him so quickly. When I asked if he had a driver’s license he smiled and said he was planning to take the car he stole to the DMV so he could take his driving test. We both had a good laugh at that.

He said I ruined his plans.” 45calhp

28. They Kept Returning Their Purchases At Home Depot


Not a cop, but a cop told me about this. Evidently, there were these two twin brothers, big, tall, muscular fellows. Their scam was ingenious. Both brothers would go into Home Depot separately and each begins shopping, filling up his cart with high-value stuff, each filling up his cart with identical items.

The first brother would go to the cashier and legally pay for his purchases. He’d show his receipt at the door and take his purchases out of the store.

The second brother would hang around the entrance, far enough from the exit not to arouse suspicion.

The first brother would take his car to the entrance and give the receipt to the second brother. The first dude then takes his purchases to load up in their vehicle.

The second brother then takes the cart full of items, plus receipt, back to the returns counter and says he changed his mind and wants his money back. Home Depot would refund the “purchases.”

They pulled this trick off and on for years before someone caught on. Cops said they probably would have kept on getting away with it for years if they hadn’t hit the same store so often.” still-improving

27. They Built Their Own ATM To Scam Others


“I am a police officer, but the story is actually from my dad who was a lawyer.

He had a couple of guys who had scratch-built an ATM. This would have been back in the ’80s before the days of skimmers and cameras to clone cards, so they built their own ATM and installed it in a wall on a public street in order to collect card details to use later on. I don’t know if it actually dispensed money-I’m guessing it just showed an error message.

He told me that very occasionally he had come across criminals who had worked so hard for their spoils that he felt they had kind of earned them. These guys were his example. He was also confused that two people smart enough to do this chose not to make an honest living.” Reddit User

26. He Used A Tree Branch To Rob ATMs


“When I was a rookie, I got a call at 3:00 AM one night about a holdup alarm going off at an ATM.

I respond and don’t really take the call that seriously at first because I’m thinking, ‘No way a holdup alarm is being triggered at 3 in the morning.’

I get there and start checking the bank when I see a guy walking in the drive-thru. Stupid me strolls over and calmly says, ‘Hey man, come over here and talk to me for a minute.’ He bolts and I take off after him only to realize I left my handheld in my car. I run back and call it in and my partner shows up shortly after. Well, we can’t find the guy and start looking around.

The guy spray painted the ATM camera and the drive-thru camera, which set off the alarm.
About an hour later I see a vehicle without of state tags driving slowly through the drive-thru and after running the plate, he has fictitious tags. We search the vehicle and can find absolutely nothing but a very long tree branch in the back of the SUV. We write him up for fictitious tags and send him on his way, as per my Sgt.

The next day my investigator gets a call from the FBI because they had this guy’s name flagged and saw where we ran him.

He had been hitting ATMs in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee. We were the first department that actually came in contact with him. He would spray paint the cameras or use the tree branch to turn high cameras away. Then. after the alarms go off, he would wait nearby for police to leave. He would then come back and saw the hinges off the ATMs and take the money. He stole approximately $150,000 over a six month period. He was caught a few weeks later by a guy I went to the academy with.” Notacop21

25. He Fooled The Police To Believe The Alarm Was Malfunctioning


“We had a guy who ran one of those ‘we buy your gold’ places.

Typically he did a moderate business but it just wasn’t enough for the lifestyle he wanted. So, he decided to rob a better jewelry store. He found one that sold only high-quality jewelry and was about 300 miles away from his house. He visited them one day and got the name of the safe they used, noted the type of alarm, cameras, etc. then went home and bought the exact same safe.

He spent months planning how to break into the safe without possibly tripping the alarm, but he wasn’t having any luck. He was dedicated that he kept working on it and finally came up with a plan.

He got his brother and another person and they turned off their cell phones at home and drove to the store; they got there in the middle of the night. They climbed onto the roof, cut a hole in the ceiling and purposefully tripped the alarm. They put the ceiling tiles back and laid down on the roof.
The owner and police came. The owner checks out the store, nothing looks wrong, police haven’t seen anyone, so the owner decided his alarm must have malfunctioned. He turns off the alarm, because, hey, he’ll be back here in a couple hours to open, sends the officer away, and he goes home.

The thief, who’s able to hear the system is disabled from his hiding spot, then opens a hole in the ceiling again. They casual-cat drop into the business and basically wipe the place out. Estimates ran around 4-6 million dollars in gold.

They take all the gold home where he starts to slowly mix it in with his regular business. He melts all the gold down to sell, so it’s not like the pieces can be identified. They generate some fake business receipts, but lots of his transactions are cash-based and a small business keeping sloppy records is nothing new.

Meanwhile, the jewelry store owner feels like a complete idiot, and the cops only find one lone cigarette butt inside, no prints, they must have worn gloves.

This police also get a security image from a business outside of a black truck coming and going at the right time, but the license plate is obscured and the thieves are covered up enough that the poor quality camera can’t catch much that’s helpful.
I believe the cigarette came back with a partial match to one of the sidekicks. Now, mind you, a partial DNA match is pretty mediocre evidence at best (even though juries love love love even partial DNA), That gets the police looking in the right direction.

The IRS has noticed our thief doubled his income that year, and then the next year had a slump but somehow managed to buy a whole heaping lot of stuff-with cash that had to be unreported.

He bought: a Land Rover, some sports car, a 400k house, a 30k pool-all with cash that was unaccounted for.

A check of cell phone records had one of the cell phones pinging about an hour away from the crime scene in the middle of the night that night (because one of them turned his phone on and called his wife to tell her he was out with said guys, but at a bar). And the truck he had was the same type of truck that showed up at the scene.

It was a lot of little things, but it was enough altogether to make a pretty decent case and a jury convicted him at trial.” Jurellai

24. He Was The Smartest Dealer In Town


“This guy in high school, we’ll call him Luis, was a known drug dealer.

He didn’t make it a secret. Everyone bought weed and harder stuff off of him. The cops constantly pulled him over to search him, and whenever a drug-related thing happened at school he was often the first kid they pulled into the principal’s office. But they would never catch him with any *****.

The principal used to turn all of his possessions inside out on a weekly basis. Apparently, schools can do that, but cops can’t. They regularly cut locks off his gym locker and his regular locker in hopes of finding his stash, but they never found it.

One time there was a rumor going around that his stash was stored in a locker not assigned to anyone, which prompted the administration to search every single locker in the school.

I remember we had to stand in the hallway and unlock it so the principal could have a look inside. They definitely caught people with ***** but not Luis. Turns out he started that rumor.
Drug dogs were a regular occurrence. Once a month they brought them into the school, and they were present at every sports game.

Luis was one of the only, if not the sole supplier for the whole school. The administration had no idea what to do. They would catch kids with weed and the kids would flat out say ‘I bought this from Luis.’ Luis would encourage them to say it.

They would th*en fli*p Lui*s’ *** inside out, cops would search his car, and he consented to all of it, and laughed when they found nothing.

This was probably close to 15 years ago now. The Vice Principal loves to tell the story about how they eventually ‘caught’ him. The VP’s younger son asked for these shoes for Christmas that had a secret compartment in them. Light bulbs go off in his head. The first day back after the holiday break, he calls the school’s DARE officer and pulls Luis out of class. They bring him into the office and flip all of his *** out on the table.

Then the VP tells him to take his shoes off. Turns out his hunch was right. He had hidden compartments in his shoes.
But, there were no ***** in there. I guess Luis is laughing his a*% off at this point. This was pre-everyone owning a cell phone. Luis has the audacity to explain that he hasn’t seen any of his classmates for 3 weeks, he had not taken any orders yet. Had the VP waited a day, he would have caught him.

From what I can recall, he had been arrested a few times on [other] small charges, cleaned his act up, had two kids, got married, and is now GM of the most profitable Taco Bell on the East coast.” Reddit User

23. He Ran Away From Prison And His Plan Was Clever


“One of the guys I know escaped from a new prison by climbing the fence.

He was always great at climbing things, he would get to the tops of pine trees no trouble.

When he was running from the police helicopter he hid underneath a shed with haybales inside it. This gave off a heat signal so they couldn’t pick up where he was.

He walked/ran the same loop, this was to make the dog handlers think the dog had got onto a false positive.

He was found hiding in someone’s cupboard eating their food about two weeks after escaping from prison.” Mekicku

22. The Manager Helped Them Steal An ATM


“I locked up a guy a few years ago and he had an unusual crime on his criminal history: theft of an ATM.

I asked him about it and he told me he was with 4 others and they all turned up at a local bank in overalls with a large truck. They asked for the manager and told him: ‘We’re here to repair the ATM.’ The manager helped them load the ATM on to the truck (full of cash) and they drove away.

He got snapped when his girlfriend got mad and turned him in.” psilad

21. He Was Drinking And Driving But Didn’t Get Caught


“A friend of my father’s messed up royally a few years back. He was driving home drunk and hit a parked car about 2 blocks away from home.

Not a good situation, right? He didn’t freak out. Just got out and walked the rest of the way home. Woke up a couple of hours later and reported his car missing. Police showed up a few hours later saying the thieves didn’t get far, but his car was wrecked.

He thanked them for finding it and ‘got information’ about where it was. It was a small town at the time and no one suspected a thing. Got off completely free.” curtis080609

20. He Made Half A Million Dollars Through A Door-to-Door Scam


“The suspect would go door-to-door saying he was with Publishers Clearing House.

He would tell people they were one of several finalists. He then explained he would need their name, date of birth, and social security number to verify who they were. After that, he would ask what hours they weren’t home so they could ensure if the victim won the prize, they would be home. Naturally, he would break into their homes when they weren’t home and steal all their valuables. To top it off, he would steal their identity and open a bunch of credit card/payday loans in their names. After over 50 cases, I finally caught the guy. He made off with over a half-million dollars in 3 months before he was caught.” Exsoulja

19. He Superglued Peoples’ Hands To The Wall


“Not a cop, nor the criminal, but in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Australia, my (now deceased) uncle went on a string of armed robberies where he would run into a store with a gun, then shove the attendant against the wall and superglue their hands to the wall before stealing the money in the cash register.

He had no intention of using the gun, and it was actually never loaded. He just thought it would be funny to glue people to the wall and steal their stuff.” SquiddyTheMouse

18. He Threw His Keys Into The Woods To Avoid Another DUI


“I saw this one on one of those police chase shows. Police dashcam showed the car in front of him was swerving all over the road in the middle of the night. He followed him for a while, then flipped on the lights to pull him over. Guy pulls over, and before the cop can do anything, he turns off the car, gets out, throws his keys into the woods, cracks open a brand new bottle of vodka, and chugs the whole thing down.

Cut to the interview of the actual criminal with his voice and face obscured. He said he had already had multiple DUIs and had become something of an expert on drunk driving laws. He took advantage of a loophole wherein the cop didn’t have time to see if he was actually drunk behind the wheel of the car. Chugging the vodka right there would immediately have an effect on any sobriety testing. He hadn’t opened the vodka in the car, so no open container infraction. And, he made sure his keys were most definitely out of reach, so there was no way that he could be ‘operating a vehicle under the influence.’ Didn’t know whether or not to be impressed or disgusted with his drunken ingenuity.” TheGriesy

17. They Stole Gas at $0.01/gallon


“Not a police officer, but a police dispatcher here.

We had a theft from a gas station recently. The thieves arrived after closing time with a large tank on a trailer pulled by a large truck. They proceeded to hack into the gas pump by an unknown method and change the price to $0.01 per gallon and steal 1000 gallons of gas. I’m impressed.” qc013330

16. They Brought Their Own Cash Register To Work


“A friend of mine owned a bar in a very large city and they had a very busy Thursday night mostly due to the 3 young bartenders who brought in a raucous crowd. Somehow though, the end of the night till never added up to how busy the bar was, which they knew due to headcount and inventory.

It got so bad they even hired a private investigator to watch them and find the skim.

When the PI gave his report he said he could not find anything wrong with what they were doing in terms of buybacks or stealing from the registers. He did mention that they seemed to hit the middle register more often than the two registers on the outside. That was the ah-ha moment for my buddy as the bar only had two registers.

It turns out they were bringing their own register in a hockey bag and walking out with it at the end of the night.

Instead of turning them into the police, because they were so young and we all did knuckleheaded things at that age, plus they really crushed it on Thursdays, they confronted them about it and let them work it off. My buddy eventually opened another bar partnering with two of them and it was very successful.” Reddit User

15. He Made Up A Fake Story And The Cops Fell For It


“My partner and I responded to a burglary call at a house late one night. When we got there we heard the back fence rattle and knew someone jumped the fence to flee.

We set up a perimeter and ended up catching the burglar with the stolen goods. As I put him in the backseat of the squad car he began throwing up. He drank a bottle of whiskey while stealing the things from the house, and after running from us, the liquor didn’t sit well. I rolled the window down so he could puke on the outside of the car instead of the inside.

We drove back to the house to complete the report and he told me there was another person with him inside the house and he knew where the suspect was.

He motioned to a house two blocks away that had a garage door partially opened. He said his friend went inside and was hiding in there. I told my rookie partner to stay by the squad car while me and a few others checked the house.
I made it to the garage and realized nobody was in there and immediately heard tires squealing and a car speeding off. I ran back to the house knowing what happened before I got there. The burglar in my backseat was now the car thief in the front seat driving my squad car away from the scene.

Naturally, everyone there jumped in their squad cars and the search was on for the stolen squad car. We found the squad car about 20 minutes later abandoned behind a house where a civilian was reporting their car stolen. The civilian left their car running to warm up and the suspect stole that car to get away.
About an hour later, the suspect was seen joyriding around where the burglary happened and the chase was on! There were approximately 20 different units chasing this suspect throughout the city until the suspect finally crashed and was taken into custody. He is now serving 19 years in federal prison due to the fact he was a convicted felon and, when he stole the squad car, he also removed several guns I had inside the car and was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

I was mad and embarrassed at the time but I have to hand it to him for outwitting us. He later told us he was double jointed and knew he could slip the handcuffs off and get them around to the front of his body. He said he made the story up of the second suspect in order to get us away from the car so he could use it to get away.” KrakenGoon

14. He Made $1,000 Selling Fake Parking Tickets


Hey, just because it’s clever, and because this guy got away with it, it doesn’t make it right. That’s for sure!

“This past Halloween parade in West Hollywood, some dude started charging 25 for parking in an abandoned building lot.

When the cops noticed, they tried to give chase but he vanished into the crowd of thousands. The guy probably made off with a little over a $1,000.00 judging by the cars on the lot.” warrenc27

13. They Stole Household Appliances While The Employees Were Watching


“When I was young I worked in the docks (the receiving/ delivery) at David Jones. Every Wednesday we would receive a couple of trucks dropping off the store’s white goods (washers, fridges, dryers, dishwashers and such).

On one of these Wednesdays, we were super busy due to being short-staffed and no one was really watching the dock.
A couple of guys turn up in a delivery truck wearing grey overalls and carrying a couple of clipboards.

They jump up onto the dock and while one is checking the goods and making a mark on his clipboard, the other dude would load them onto the truck. This went on for about 30 minutes all the while me and the other bloke working just thought they were sorting out their deliveries.

Totally oblivious until a couple of days later, when the Whitegoods manager kicked a stink about customer orders not being delivered, that we realized what went down.

Probably lost $20K-$30K worth of gear. Needless to say, they beefed up their security on the dock.” Miodle

12. He Stole Gasoline Without Anyone Knowing


We hear about theft stories all the time, but this one has to take the cake for the most creative way of stealing anything and for getting away with it for so long.

I actually wonder how that’s possible, given that gas stations and these reservoirs should have some sort of heightened security system. Scary!

“Here in Detroit, this guy designed a minivan that was equipped with six crude barrels and a pump. He used this vehicle to extract gasoline from the underground reservoir at the gas stations. He did this for well over a decade.” Reddit User

11. He Hid Tic Tacs In His Kidney


I can’t begin to imagine the following: A) How painful would it have been to have open up that wound and stuff it with Tic Tacs (if he could actually feel the pain); B) How disgusting would have it been to take those containers out?

“I once detained a man for shoplifting and found 17 packs of Tic Tacs he had stuffed inside a stitched-up wound around his kidney.

He was off his face in ***** so he didn’t feel it but Jesus it was disgusting.” Reddit User

10. They Were Running ***** While Impersonating Paramedics


I seriously don’t understand how long people think they can get away with something like this. They would get caught one way or another.

“A few years ago in south Texas, some *****mugglers bought a few ambulances and would run ***** across Texas with their emergency lights and sirens on. No one in their right mind would stop an ambulance responding to an emergency. They only got caught when they tried to squeeze out a partner and he squealed.” Sindoni

9. He Filed A False Report And Got Away With Drinking And Driving


“I know a guy who was stopped by police while driving home late after having some drinks.

Cop comes up and takes his license and registration and walks back to his car. The guy called 911 and reported gunshots fired at a bar about a mile or two away. Cop runs back to the window and throws the license back and tears off to go to the scene of the ‘shooting.’ Guy got away with it once and then a second time the cop was smart and busted him later for filing a false report. Still avoided the DUI I suppose.” arl138

8. He Kept Breaking Into Safes And They Couldn’t Catch Him


“When I was an officer we had a guy hitting businesses in the area on an irregular basis.

This guy was very much a criminal like you see in the movies.

He would scope out businesses for an unknown amount of time. When it was time for him to rob them he’d pick a weak point of entry on the roof or an exterior wall. The man would break in through the roof or an exterior wall and repel into the business wearing a mask, body armor, a large backpack with a heavy-duty drill and a firearm on his hip. He always planned it so he repelled or entered in the immediate area of the safe and drilled into the safe to steal its contents.

He’d then gather all of his stuff and take off having stolen the contents of the safe. We were always a few minutes off from catching him. I left the department a short time later. I have no idea if he was caught. It was never on the news.

Best we ever saw of him was some surveillance footage of him repelling through the ceiling and drilling into the safe. He was good and always knew exactly where the safes were located in the businesses. It was both impressive and frightening. It would not have ended well if we’d ever managed to catch him in the act.” Ncsululu

7. He Was Drunk, Got Into An Accident, And Still Walked Away Scot-Free


“My dad told me of a story where a well-known lawyer in our community was out drinking heavily.

He was driving home and wrecked his car. One-car accident. He went across the street where there was a bar and got a drink. When the cops showed up, he said, ‘Yeah I got in a wreck and was so shook I came across the street and got a drink to calm down.’

They couldn’t prove he was drinking and driving, obviously.

Genius. Don’t drink and drive kids.” Reddit User

6. He Was So Good, The Authorities Complimented Him


A student in Germany once had a weed farm in his apartment that was such a good construction job that the police testified in court that it was ‘really well done.’ The judge then complimented the guy that he ‘sold quality products for a fair price’ and the prosecutors even stated: ‘If Cannabis becomes legal in Germany, he will be the man for the job.’ He still had to pay a few thousand euros as a penalty (but he earned about one thousand per month, so it’s fair).” Reddit User

5. The Cops Helped Him Steal Paintings


“My dad almost got caught stealing expensive paintings midday, 30 years ago.

He was taking them off the wall, loading them in his car. Two cops came up, and one grabbed his arm. ‘What do you think you’re doing?!’ ‘What does it look likeI’mm doing? I’m loading these up to put new ones up.’ The cops looked at each other with suspicion, and he feared he was about to be bagged. So he turned and said, ‘Well, are you two just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help me?!’ The cops went in and grabbed all the paintings and loaded them in his car with him. He dropped them off about ten years later anonymously but kept one.

It’s hanging in a friend’s house.” MethadonePretty89

4. He Got His Insurance Moments Before The Cop Stopped Him


“I’m behind a vehicle, trying to run the plate. Our system is being slow this day so my computer takes about 15 seconds to return the info to me. By then the vehicle had ducked into a grocery store and I had passed it.

The info returns as no insurance on the vehicle. Great, easy ticket. We’re near a lot of private property so I more than likely won’t have to impound the vehicle as I can have him park the car and return later. I flip around and see the vehicle parked at the grocery store, which is private property so I can’t exactly make a traffic stop.

The guy never leaves his vehicle. I’m pretty well out of site and am just watching the vehicle. About 5 minutes later the guy starts leaving the parking lot. I pull up behind him just waiting for his tires to leave the private property.

As soon as his tires hit the city streets, I lit him up. I tell him there’s no insurance on the vehicle. The driver’s smug and tells me to call and check.

I call the insurance company and they verify that he JUST made a payment (while he was in the parking lot) and his policy is now active.

I still could have ticketed him, but I let it slide. He played me, and I thought it was hilarious. GG Mr. No Insurance Man, well played.” ScroticS 

3. He Said He Saw Nothing


“After a traffic stop, one officer was determined to get a drug bust. He literally combed the car’s carpet and found some traces of *********.

The officer then confronts the driver. He holds out his hand with the weed scraps and says, ‘You know what this is?’

Suspect, who’s in cuffs says, ‘What? That’s nothing.’

The officer holds it closer to the suspect’s face, ‘Nothing?’

The suspect just blows on the weed scraps and the cop’s hand is now empty.

‘I don’t see anything.’

The senior officer holding the suspect had to stop the other officer from going postal. The senior officer later tells the junior officer that being stupid and proud is how suspects go free.” urbanek2525

2. They Couldn’t Catch Him So He Turned Himself In


“This bank robber wouldn’t come into a bank flashing a gun around but would simply slide the teller a note that read something like ‘Give me all the money.’ The teller would do it and the guy would walk out without making a scene. The news couldn’t blast it on the media because it wasn’t that interesting.

He did it 8 times and never in the same area. Eventually, he felt guilty and turned himself in.” Reddit User

1. He Convinced Everyone To Give Him Their Cash


“A guy rented a security guard outfit and stood by the night drop at a bank over the weekend. He told all the business coming to do drops that the dropbox was broken and he was taking the deposits. He gave them a receipt and wrote down his badge ID etc. and had no issues. All these businesses just handed over their deposits. It was at a bank near a busy mall during the holidays so they were extra large.

He never got caught.” kkllbv

What did you think of some of the smartest criminals police officers have come across? Surprised? Shocked? Impressed? A bit of it all? We don’t blame you! Got any of your own? Tell us everything

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