People Share Their "Boiling Point" Revenge Story

Have you ever just had "enough?" Have you ever reached that point where you've done everything you can to make it better or find a solution or fix the problem... except your effort goes wasted. You hit a wall and it seems like everything you've tried fails, so now you're angry. You've exhausted all other possible modes and now you've reached the boiling point. Now is the time you have to fight fire with fire to seek justice and make it right – whatever that is! It's these critical moments that shape us and test our character. How do we manage these "boiling" moments? Ask any of these folks and they'll tell you how; a good healthy dose of revenge that was deserved! Read on for people who were pushed to their limit and had no other choice but to act out to get their message across. Is it right? Is it wrong? We can all agree it's no fun being painted into a corner. How would you react if you were in the same situation? Upvote and downvote your fave stories to let us know!

14. Want To Pick On Women? Prepare To Crash And Burn


“A long time ago I worked for a fast food place that has a very noticeable “golden” (bright yellow usually) symbol

I’m a 17-19-year-old male living in a medium-sized town in the UK. (I am now old, relatively, ****, how does that happen?) Also a giant smoker at the time, had dreadlocks and smoked almost every day.

B*tchqueen: a hostile, but shockingly beautiful, and a thoroughly nasty human woman, approx 19-23 ish during all this nonsense.

TheBigMan: a 2nd assistant manager who I got on really well with from day one. He took no *** from ***********, had zero tolerance for B*tchqueen (his usual greeting was something like “Hey B*tchqueen, who are you going to pick on today?”), and if he saw her bullying someone he would just walk in between her and the victim and bend down to stare in her face.

She would walk off and pretend nothing had happened. More than once he stated if BQ were a man she would have been beaten senseless by him by now. He hated violence, but she was really awful! Also, he was a bit of a unit. As in 250lbs of muscle and a gym obsession long before it was cool! Also a fairly big smoker, we used to get high after work a lot with some of the other employees.

AwesomeManager: my store’s 1st assistant manager, who was a wonderful woman who helped me as a human a lot in a huge number of ways. Protecting me from B*tchqueen was only part of it.

Senior Area Manager: who I will call SAM, since all the actual Sam’s I have know have all been good dudes too! Also a great protector from the BS of BQ.

MonsterB*tch: the new store manager and the proximate cause of her own, and BQ’s downfall.

Also, a troll faced harridan who oozed hate and bitterness.

So time to tell the tale of how it panned out.

I had been there a year or so before B*tchqueen was promoted to manager. Until then she was obnoxious but powerless, but somehow, after marrying the store manager she got a promotion (jumping the next two steps up at that) to second assistant manager. Surprising eh?

I had been warned by TheBigMan when I was first hired to never be alone with her as she had a number of young men fired for “groping” her by her Store Manager-BF/Fiancé/Husband (even when the video showed that there was no close contact let alone groping in some of those cases.

I was super careful in this regard.

B*tchqueen started playing games with the schedule against me and a few others she hated. I think she hated me because I got along with most people, and she always hated sociable and non-b*tchy people. Her favourites got the best shifts and the people she hated had our hours cut and shifted about without warning. She would pencil in changes a few minutes before a shift started (I caught her doing it but her store manager husband didn’t want to deal with it) and then send home the one who turned up for their (now given away) shift with a warning.

She would then call up and scream at the one who was off, but now suddenly on shift, for not arriving when they had no idea the shift was changed. It’s sort of genius really, getting two workers B*tchqueen hated in one blow! She did try this crap on me but I just called Awesome Manager and she checked the computer records and sorted it out, she also let B*tchqueen know she was going to be checking the schedule daily and approving all changes, so B*tchqueen had to find a new tactic.

I was a pretty hard worker (it made the time pass quicker for me) and was friends with the AwesomeManager (and TheBigMan), who protected me from B*tchqueens ******* almost all of the time, and would fix things when *** happened while AwesomeManager was off work. I also cultivated a good relationship with our SAM, and he ended up setting up a special store rescue team to sort out failing (franchise usually) stores in the area, placing me in charge of it as the top trainer of the group (B*tchqueen was maybe 7 months into being a manager at this point).

This made me more or less untouchable (as long as I kept my nose clean) and so B*tchqueen went mental. She started on my friends, bullying and abusing them in work, and trying to get them all written up. They told me and I told AwesomeManager, she slapped B*tchqueen down again, metaphorically of course. TheBigMan made some complaints about her treatment of the other staff and she calmed down a little. Until her husband got “promoted” to a different store some distance away.

Later SAM admitted this was an attempt to calm the drama at our store… But how wrong it all went!

Our new store manager was a MonsterB*tch, but good at hiding it to begin with. After a few weeks, AwesomeManager noticed that only young women were getting accepted after interviews, and pointed this out to Me and TheBigMan, and asked us to keep our eyes and ears out for anything dodgy going on. It wasn’t long until it became clear what was happening.

I had made pretty good friend with one of the new hires (I admit it, I was interested and she was hot ), I will call her ShyNSweet, she was a lovely but very sheltered young lady from a nearby village, living in a house share in the town we worked in. She went out with “the girls” a group centered on MonsterB*tch, B*tchqueen and a couple of MonsterB*tch’s “friends” on a Friday, and the next day at work was really distracted. We finished at the same time so I offered ShyNSweet a lift (that is I gave her a ride home in my car for our American friends) and she said yes since we lived pretty close together.

In the car, I asked if she had a fun night (just asking to fill the time, I wasn’t digging at this point) and she replied in a very non-committal way. I remembered her saying she had a great time to B*tchqueen earlier during our shift so I asked her if she was OK. She burst into tears and told me that she had been in the back of a Taxi with MonsterB*tch and one of the “friends” (B*tchqueen was upfront) and MB and the friend had been groping ShyNSweet really hard (she showed me some bruises on her sides and thighs later, she said she had more on her *****) and telling her she had to go back to their house and “experience the real thing.

“I was livid! But I tried to be outwardly calm. I told her that they should be punished, and I would support her, and I knew that SAM, AwesomeManager, and TheBigMan would all have her back. I recommended we go to the police, but she was afraid she would lose her job. I knew she wouldn’t, but couldn’t convince her quickly and I didn’t want to traumatize her further, so I just said whatever she chose I would support, and to call me if she is ever in a similar situation and I will come to get her.

She hugged me for ages crying and we went and had a cup of tea in her house. Her flatmate knew something was up and I encouraged ShyNSweet to tell her too. She did and I left after making them more tea.

I had to do something, but I couldn’t directly involve ShyNSweet, and although I knew SAM, AwesomeManger and TheBigMan would believe me I had no direct evidence of an assault. So what to do?

Well, the first thing was to check where I stood legally, and it turns out the UK is a one-party consent recording jurisdiction. As long as I am in a place with no reasonable expectation of privacy I don’t have to inform anyone I am recording audio or video, at least according to the lawyer I asked who is a friend of my step-father. Work counted as no expectation of privacy, so it was good to record everything.

Of course back then the smallest video cameras were the size of a small shoebox and really expensive, and I was a burger-chucker, so cash was tight. But you could get some reasonably cheap audio recording stuff, that with an ok microphone could be hidden in my shirt. So I started a log of B*tchqueen and MonsterB*tch’s antics in the store, it was nearly 8 months of recordings in total before the fan was struck by feces.

While they didn’t direct much at me anymore I was able to capture multi-minute rants from both of those awful harpies on almost every shift for about six months, in one recording I got B*tchqueen ranting at a co-worker for about 20 mins and then me for another 30 mins or so after I redirected her towards me. They would call workers (almost always men, but any woman who had turned them down got some *** thrown their way too), stupid, useless and worthless, etc, with lots of fun adult words mixed in.

They also got into the habit of threatening everyone they dislike with firing.

I also got a lot of audio from young women about how creepy and ******** inappropriate MonsterB*tch, B*tchqueen and their little gang of “lesbian” managers (most of them were or had dated men, so Bi I guess, but horrible humans regardless of their orientations) were to the women who worked for us. I got several direct statements about female co-workers being abused and told to keep quiet by the abuse gang members on various girls nights out, and a few of them referred to bad things happening at MonsterB*tch’s house when they were too intoxicated to remember everything.

Basically, we had a blackmail and assault gang operating in our midst!

The final attack on me came when I was called into work by AwesomeManager and told I was being investigated for smoking on shift. While I did smoke a lot of the special plant at the time I never went to work under the influence (food you get fired for eating without permission and the munchies don’t mix), and anyway that day in particular the accusation was dated – it was one where I hadn’t had any for a couple of days or been able to sort any out for a smoke after work either.

So I was totally truthful when I was asked about it by AwesomeManager, and she said that because of the bullying she was escalating this to SAM, so she “suspended” me on full pay pending an investigation. The next day SAM called me and asked me to come for a formal interview, as the first part of the information finding process. He also said TheBigMan was on shift and would be happy to be my witness.

So I went down and sat in the crew room waiting for SAM with TheBigMan. SAM stuck his head around the door and said “Deny everything to do with the green plant!” and winked. He stepped out again and then opened the door with a serious face and asked myself and TheBigMan to come through to the back office. We went through a few questions and I answered everything truthfully (pretty sure SAM thought I was smoking that day but gave no **** about the special plant) and the interview ended with SAM reinstating me, paying me for the previous day and the interview day and giving me another store to fix for two weeks to get me away from B*tchqueen and the pack of harpies.

When I was back from the failing store, but not working that Monday, I got a call from ShyNSweet. MB and BQ had told her she had to come to their “Girls only” house party that Friday (it was going to be a BBQ and probably a lot of touching drunk girls by hostile lesbians). The gang had been telling all the attractive girls to go to the party or “think about finding a new job if you can’t be a team player”.

(MB, BQ, and another horror worked at our store, the other 3 worked at a nearby store)

And that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back! I had those awful b********!

I had organized the audio files into groups by person and topic, I had over 10 hours of insults and abuse recorded and I had nearly another 10 hours of staff telling me how they had been abused by BQ, MB and their pack of assaulters.

I called SAM and told him I had to speak to him that day, he agreed and we met at a competitor’s store at lunchtime where I sat him down in front of my awful (at the time super cutting edge lol) laptop and had him listen to bits of the assault allegations first.

He started shaking with rage after about 30 seconds, stopped it, and told me to go to the police.

I then started on the abusing rants messages and he listened to bits of a bunch of them and asked for copies of those files.

I had already burned them to CD so I handed them over and went to the police station.

I asked for a female police officer and had her listen to the abuse allegations. She took a CD copy of those and told me to be quiet while they investigated. I said fine, but that this Friday the assault gang would have a number of under 18’s at an alcohol-fuelled “bang”  party. She asked for and got the address and details.

I passed on the names of all the women who I knew for sure had been attacked in the past too, since the police wanted to contact them to confirm things, the police here never give out witness information so I was safe from retaliation.

The next Thursday I was on a late shift, so I arrived around 15:15 and when I got there the store was shut but the staff was inside. I got let in and told what had happened.

MonsterB*tch and B*tchqueen had been on day shifts and were apparently non-stop talking about how great their girls only party would be, how any girl who had a boyfriend would dump him after spending the night with them, and how any women who didn’t attend were basically traitors to womankind. After about 6 hours of this, and at around 14:00 6 police officers come into the store and arrest MonsterB*tch and B*tchQueen on suspicion of ****** assault, blackmail, extortion, and assault.

They were both removed in handcuffs and SAM was there just after the police to shut them out of the computers and officially suspend them. When I arrived they were just getting set to re-open so we got back to work.

Later I got more info on the case, my best friend’s older brother was in the police force locally and he kept us updated. MB’s house was raided, the police found lots of videos of what was clearly assaults on drunk and non-consenting women.

They got lots of text message evidence for planning ****** assaults and talking about how to control young female employees to get them to have nonconsensual relations with them. They also had lots of threatening messages to victims to be quiet or face revenge/loss of job etc. All their victims were under 20, with most being 16-18. But the deepest *** up for them came from this evidence, and I had no idea when I got this all in motion.

MonsterB*tch had picked up a young woman from a club a few months earlier. This young lady was up for hooking up with MB, BQ, and another friend, while a fourth one filmed it. But the young lady was 15 and just looked over 18 with makeup etc. That just made everything worse for them.

MB, BQ and all the other managers who were involved were fired after the arrests/charges.

They were all charged with a number of things, but the courts back then were even more lenient to female ****** offenders than they are now, so none of them saw prison.

But they were all banned from working with children, or in an environment where children will be present, and the ones who were married/in a relationship were all divorced/broken up inside a year. Because of the UK laws at the time they were also not named publicly.

I know B*tchqueen never really recovered or grew past this, I see her now and again if I visit my mother, and she is still beautiful, but so clearly broken it’s almost sad.

ShyNSweet was my girlfriend for a year or so a few years later, we parted on good terms as she was off to study overseas.

AwesomeManager went on to be a store manager, and then a Pro **********, which wasn’t a real surprise to me 😉 She was/is a fun lady

TheBigMan, went on to run an IT dept in a large company, still a top bloke!

And I ended up in a field I love, being paid actual money to more or less mess about all day, and that is doing my job!”

13. Break Into My Art Studio And Destroy My Project? Nuh Uh


“I’m an art student, I live with my parents while I’m in college to cut living expenses.

A couple of years ago my dad had a security system installed that came with two cameras to set up. One pointed at the side door and driveway. One pointed at the street by the front door. So you can see the cars. It has an app we all installed on our phones that gives us alerts

I also have this shed I asked my parents if I could use it for most of my art as it gets messy. I would always clean up after myself but paint still stains the carpet and if I had to smell that tangerine floor cleaner one more time I was gonna barf. I fixed it up a bit, still looks crappy but it’s mine. took about two weeks to set up.

We also have a problem with people going through cars….a lot…like ridiculously so.

I have a crap ford tempo that I never kept anything important in so I didn’t care.

The incident:

As I said I have an art shed and I’m a student of the visual communication program in my local college. My professor had given us our term assignment which was basic but fun. Pick a piece that was in the textbook and either write a 10-page essay on it or do recreation with a two-page blurb of how you copied the techniques yada, yada.

I was stoked because van Gogh was covered in there and I wanted to do a piece called “cafe terrace” it’s a gorgeous piece. And I put a lot of time and effort into this thing…and smoked a lot of green stuff while doing it haha.

But one night my phone gives me an alert from the security system while I’m at a small party (get together? ) and I see a blurry image of the three teens running past my side door.

I think it’s odd but I wasn’t home to check it out immediately.

When I get home from being driven by a friend from a party I get back to see my car door ajar and i roll my eyes because it’s annoying but not new. But then I remember the alert on my phone and went to check around the house. Check the shed last because there’s a lock on it, it’ll be fine right?

I live in Canada who is gonna break into my shed ha..hahaha

When I get to my shed it’s trashed. Lock on the ground. The material I hung up to over the ceiling was ripped and burned. All works of art I put on the walls were ripped down. My paint was everywhere and my pastels were stomped on. They even broke my **c***g little sh*tty stool I nicknamed Hermit.

But the worse was my term project was destroyed, cut apart, and then repeatedly smashed. My 9mm glass beaker bong that I got as a present.

Two weeks before I had turned that **c***g project in.

I was livid.

The revenge:

I was able to get a weeks extension as I emailed my professor and sent him photos including the security alert and contacted the police about the destruction of property (still can’t get over them looking at my shattered bong and me just whipping out my green card to be safe)

Clean up was a couple of days and I did manage to turn my project in on time without the extension by just not going to sleep.

The first one was better but hey.

I was still p*ssed tho. I kept thinking of ways on how to catch them or lure them in and scare the crap out of them. So…I left the change (loonies and twoonies stuff they would go for) and fives in my car’s console. Left my doors unlocked and at the front of the house. I turned on that camera (as it had been off for a while because it would go off a lot) And I kept a bat in the shed and the side door.

No guarantee that’s it’ll be the same idiots but I keep hoping. A few people picked my car but it wasn’t those turds so I waved it off.

A month later and a Few days after my final exams I’m in the shed at 2 am and sketching something when the alert goes off. It’s the front camera and I see three familiar-looking blurs ransacking my car. I grab the bat and before I set out I hear them coming towards my shed. I flick the string of lights off and I let them get closer before I jump out with a bat in hand.

One of them screams so loud before they book it and I run after them to scare them away. I’m bad a running and fully expect them to outpace me

But one of them cut across my front lawn and slipped on wet grass. He biffs it and I catch up to him and grab him by the back of his hoodie with the bat threatening him




“MATTHEW” his name was not Matthew


The dude throws it’s and I let go of him to retrieve it and he runs off. whatever.

I pocketed my fives plus what I’m assuming was another 40 bucks of stolen money. Took a look at his wallet and his high school id with his real name was there. Facebooked his mom and told him what happened and emailed the school as well, mentioning I was a previous student there and that I was “devastated” that this how the school teaches children.


The mom turned up at my door with another mom and an older dude and the three turdlings. They had to apologize to me in person.

Isn’t that nice?

(also think my prof gave me a few more points than I deserved on the piece I submitted just because of what happened. Bless your soul Clint. That painting was **** but you gave me 82/100 anyway)”

12. Fire Me Then Half Re-Hire Me To Do The Dirty Work? See Ya, Lady!


“So I used to live in Deutschland, and upon returning to fair Blighty (the UK) I began looking for work. Being a simple man of simple needs, I quickly found employment in the marketing department for a medium-sized industrial manufacturer. It was a little below my experience level and qualifications but I take what I can get because I am a simple man.

At the final interview, I mentioned it would be top banana if I could arrive five minutes early and leave five minutes early on most days, so I could catch my train.

With a smile, my new boss (hereafter referred to as Mentirosa) said of course – it’s only five minutes and I’d still be working the full eight hours! Sin problemas, Anpassungburo, and welcome aboard!

My first day comes and I ride the choo-choo all the way to my new workplace, eager to begin. I quickly learn that the lunchroom is pure stank, senior staff put their name instead of mine on any trade article I get published, and that our job mostly consists of extorting money from our own sales staff, but that’s life.

I am a simple man and so I set about my labors, glad to earn a crust.

What really flogged my noggin, however, is La Mentirosa calling me into her office on my second day and telling me I can’t leave early again because it is unprofessional. I remind her of the conversation we had in which she said, with her mouth, the words ‘it will be no problem for you to arrive and leave five minutes early.’ She smirks and replies ‘maybe I said that, but is that written in your contract?’

Touché, you big ol’ Mentirosa, touché. I shrug and get on with life because that’s life, but of course, I start looking for other work. By making me stay the five minutes, La Mentirosa makes me miss my train and turns my two hours daily commute into a four hour one. Nyet друг, I do not want this. I am a simple man and need my downtime.

About two weeks later, the company goes on a firing spree.

One of those people fired is me because I have been quite openly looking for other work. I am given two weeks notice and smugly told I am not good enough for this place, and that I will never work in the area again because of La Mentirosas ‘contacts’. As she Snapchats this news to the rest of the team (I joke not) I reflect that she is probably right, as I am a simple man.

Among the other victims of the purge is the regional sales manager for Germany. This is more important to the company than my meaningless departure since the company also decided to end the contract with their biggest German distributor and so suddenly a huge part of the company’s core market is not active and they have no salesman to find them a new distributor! Management panics until La Mentirosa remembers that her despised marketing bandit is a fluent German speaker, and so the fun begins.

She asks me to step up to the plate. “Be a buddy ol’ pal, I didn’t mean it when I said you’d never work in this town again!”

I am a simple man, so rather than point out that I am not being paid anywhere near what I could earn as a translator, rather than remind them that they have just fired me and I am not their friend anymore, rather than asking “is it written in my contract?” and then smirking like an obnoxious dingwall on a high horse made of d****e, I instead swallow my pride and agree to help out.

It is here that the twin revenge, named Inadequacy and Abandonment, make their entrance.

Firstly, Inadequacy. During every conversation, I mention my job title; Advertising Assistant. When the friendly Teutons politely ask why a lowly assistant is negotiating this kind of deal, I simply explain that the regional manager was let go and there is no formal replacement. This is entirely true, but is also a huge red flag for any serious company, especially well-established German manufacturing firms, and combined with the temporary uncertainty regarding Brexit (which had been announced only a few days prior) was enough to kill any interest they had in becoming our next distributor.

Secondly, Abandonment. As I am a simple man I forgot to tell La Mentirosa that I had already received, and accepted another job offer. She was thrilled at the praises she was getting from management for finding a stopgap solution to the catastrophic damage they had done themselves, and she asked me if I could actually stay on with the company until they secured a new distributor, since I obviously had nothing better to do with my time, being fired and all.

I assured her there were no hard feelings over my firing, and that I would stay to help as long as I could.

On the day I was originally due to leave, I held my calls, drew up a summary of where we stood (it was effectively a sad emoji followed by a poop emoji), handed it to La Mentirosa, and explained I was leaving to enjoy a week of holiday followed by starting a new job in a different field.

She sputtered. She couldn’t believe it! She thought I would stay longer to help clean up the mess! They still had no distributor and no sales manager for Germany! They were hemorrhaging money! She called me out, reminding me that I had said I would stay, but I am a simple man and so my only reply was; ‘Maybe I said that but is that written in my contract?’

PS – the company survived, La Mentirosa ended up being let go, and I spent several fantastic years at the new job so didn’t ruin my career.”

11. Can't Keep Down The Noise? K, We'll Turn It Up Too


“Flashback to 2014… or so

I moved out on my own in 2013 and moved into an old house converted into a 2 floor apartment, directly across from my future in-laws.

The downstairs neighbors were loud. BLARING music at all hours (yes, all of the hours), wouldn’t cut the grass or take out the trash on our shared schedule. Crappy neighbors, but never bothered me directly. The guy was pretty chill when sober and would turn the music down a little when I texted him. He was okay until his girlfriend moved in. Now add shouting matches to the mix, and all of the sudden my requests to turn down the music make him turn it up.

I can barely walk on my super-thin floor without her banging on the ceiling with a broom.

I was okay since I am a heavy sleeper and can sleep through anything. My wife moved in, and I quickly found out that she is quite the opposite. Fan on turned at a certain angle in the doorway of the bathroom, door closed halfway, blackout curtains with them taped to the wall so zero light comes through, zero sounds other than the fan, you get the idea.

I told her that we can’t expect them to remain silent when she’s ready for bed, we need to be reasonable, but the wall rattling music needs to stop during the night. She hated it during the day, but I told her there’s nothing we can do then, so she would go to her parent’s house a lot during the day.

I talked to neighbor-guy, he said “yeah man that’s cool” but it turns out the girlfriend wasn’t having it and his attitude then changed to “yeah well it’s our house so you can go F yourself if you think you can tell us what to do and you can move out if you don’t like it.”

Something definitely had to change once she was pregnant, and then the baby came.

So I did the only thing I could do. I fought fire with fire and maliciously complied with the law to the T. I could only report them for noise after 11:00 PM. I now forget the morning hour when the noise could start, but I believe it was 9:00 AM.

My dad has these huge old concert speakers in his garage. Professional grade, black leather-bound, 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, and a pretty nice, vintage stereo/amp.

He has two, but my apartment was so small I sadly only had room for one. We replaced our coffee table with this thing, laid face down onto our thin, office carpet.

Tired of his crap tunes, I tested this Geneva Convention-breaking device when they weren’t home.

Holy cow.

I had to take everything down from tables, counters, and shelves because they would shake off. I prepared audio files to feed the stereo. I was giddy like a kid with a new Christmas toy.

I turned it on when I left for work and got my wife up to send her to her parents. I came home from work and hung out at her parents until it was close to bedtime.

They resisted for 3 days.

On day 2, I found a pile of manure on my doorstep, but it didn’t faze me.

I cycled between sine/saw/square waves in clashing chords, marching music (Washington Post March on loop), preaching clips (they weren’t just atheist, but outspoken anti-Christian, so it was a must), the most stupid songs you could think of (Captain Planet theme song, Chicken dance, etc).

This poor old house rattled in ways I didn’t think possible. The vibrations from the sine wave would make your vision blur.

I eventually got a text from him that read “sorry man you can stop now.”

I did not.

He needed a few more days to let it sink in. Plus I had so much fun putting it together. They complained to the police and the landlord. There was nothing they could do since I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

I didn’t even hear music during the time of peace to follow. It was so quiet.

They would build up their courage and try again every few weeks when I wasn’t home, but my wife was. I then showed her how to tame the beast so she could let it loose while I was away.

I had to give them a spanking every now and then, but they learned. They were so happy when we moved out.”

10. Want To Take It Personally? Prepare To Suffer The Consequences


“This story was told to me about ten years ago, by the guy my dad worked for who also happened to be a Texas state representative. We’ll call him D.

D is a pretty simple guy, he has an (exorbitantly rich, daddy’s money) wife who is an extraordinarily kind woman, despite her ‘birthright.’ This will be important later. One day, D tries to pass some basic legislature that will p*ss off the restaurant lobbyists a little bit, but in the end benefit the safety and health of the entire state.

One lobbyist, in particular, takes great issue with this. He seems to take this *** personally. Any speaking event or public appearance D makes, this guy is there, heckling and booing. One day, D tries to talk calmly to the guy one on one to see what his problem is, and the guy just loses it. He insults D’s father in law, wife, young kids, and basically anyone he’s ever known. D takes a minute to process the guy’s rant and shakes his head, patting the guy on the shoulder and walking off.

Here’s where the revenge comes in. Almost as soon as he’s back in his office, D starts writing the most *******, hilarious legislature to *** with the restaurant lobby. Stuff like ‘all ingredients in a menu item must be displayed on the menu in double spaced, 12 point font’ or ‘no more than 10 designated parking spaces per restaurant.’ This sets the lobby off, and they have to work their ***** off to keep this stuff out of Congress.

Eventually, another lobbyist asks D why he hates their lobby so much. D calmly replies ‘I don’t hate your lobby, I hate (******** name).’ Needless to say, his entire lobby turns against him, fires him, and he can never be a lobbyist again.”

9. Our Neighbor Put Us Through A Living Nightmare So We Bought His House For Nothing


“Around 8 years ago, my parents and sister had moved out to the log cabin that we built as a family for 6+ years. They live on a secluded lake and bought 10 acres for themselves and to the north, another couple bought the 5 acre plot right next to us. We were the only two neighbors next to each other for 1.8 miles. At first, the couple was friendly and had no problems at all. After around 6 months of them living there and building their new home, my parents bought 144 acres to the north of them.

This means that his property is sandwiched between our two properties. And since the only way we could get to our land is to cross his strip of land due to easement laws. He had no problem at first, but one day the trail we use to get to our land to the north has covered that trail with large logs, branches, yellow tape, and a no trespassing sign. My dad went to go ask what was going on.

The owner (we’ll call him John) came up to my dad and I and demanded that we give him a 20 yard wide and 400-yard long piece of our property to the north of him. He said wanted to cut down some of the trees to the north of him to make sure none of them fell on his house (This is a thickly wooded area). So of course my dad said no, and that he wouldn’t even sell this small portion of land that he requested to be “given to him for free”.

(We will find out at the end of the story as to why he wanted this small strip of land so badly).

This is where a 5-year *** storm started. Before I mention all the bat *** crazy things he had done to use over the years, I want to point out that he is a born fraud and took a settlement from the railroad company he worked for due to a “back injury” that would leave him “disabled for life” (not true at all).

We found out that he sues everyone that gets in his way because his oldest daughter is a lawyer and works the system.

Here is a small list of the *** he has pulled mainly towards my parents (along with others). He had gotten away with everything for 5 years because his daughter tells him how to stay in the clear. Also, he was on his fifth marriage (so not the most likable guy).

• He slashed the tires of our two four-wheelers so we could drive them to our land to the north, on two occasions.

• He shot out and/or slashed the tires of our vehicles when we were gone or in the middle of the night (we put up some cameras, but were not clear enough to prove it was him.

• (Don’t ****** threaten my dog’s life) My golden retriever (Bailey) is outside most of the day, and John’s dog is also named Bailey. The two dogs loved to play together, but John did not like that. He said he would shoot my dog in the stomach if he ever went on his property again.

After that, weeks later he would start to yell out “Bailey” to lure our dog onto his property. He grabbed my dog by the collar and put a pistol to his head and said he’d kill my dog if he ever came on his property again or played with his dog. We put up an underground electric fence so she wouldn’t go over there anymore, even though John would always try to lure her into his yard.

• On several occasions he would golf balls into our windows and blame it on me, since I was a golfer. Once again everything he did, we could not prove it in court.

• When his house was being built, he went through 3 different contractors, because John was threatening to sue every contractor for every little thing and all 3 contractors left him.

• When he was getting his driveway poured, he offered to help the contractor (and once again he was pulling another scam).

Where I live, if someone starts helping a contractor with work, there is a weird law that states that a contractor would need to pay John for his work he helped with. This went to court and he got his $10,000 driveway for free, plus took him for another $15,000 grand for some other *******.

• We too were in the process of finishing up my parent’s house and he stole very specific wood from our place to use in his house, (Juniper, diamond willow, thick pine for window bucks, a couple of thousand dollars worth of wood).

Once again we did not have enough evidence for a search warrant.

• During thanksgiving dinner several years ago, our house started on fire due to the stonemason cutting corners and using cheap/wrong parts for our fireplace. Firefighters from 5 cities were dispatched because we live in the country. Due to the number of fire trucks that were coming and going, John took his truck and parked it sideways on a strip of road that was tight so that the firefighters coming and going could not get through.

He stated that we “were ruining their thanksgiving due to the commotion of our house burning down and fire truck sirens. The next fire truck that showed up used the force within their rights to plow his truck off the road. John tried to sue us and the fire department for the damage to his truck, but it never even made it to court, because the fire department had the right to do so.

What I listed above only scratched the surface.

There is so much more *** he did to my family that my mom and sister wanted to move because they were afraid of what he might do next.

This is where all of the pieces started to fall in place to take him down. The spring after our house burnt down, there was a storm and two trees from our property fell onto John’s lawn and he called demanding that we remove the trees. We had no equipment at this time told him we couldn’t get to that immediately.

So what John did was cut down a 20 x 40-yard area of trees to drag the trees to our property to the north of him. The letter he set the pile of wood on fire and burnt down 20+ more trees and 20 acres of prairie grass, one of the trees that burn down to the north was inhabited by a bald eagle. We could confirm the cutting down of 24 trees to drag the fallen trees that were in his yard, but couldn’t prove the fire that was started to burn those sawed up trees.

When I saw that he had cut down a number of our trees on our property to the north of him, I took detailed photos of all the cut-down trees and marked the type of tree and how thick the trunks were. Turns out that in my state there is a monetary value to those trees and he was screwed. However, when I was marking the trees he cut down, I realized I didn’t know where the true property line was.

A few weeks later I found the prints to where the property line was and… he built his house, 5,000 sq ft garage, and underground propane tank a few feet onto our property. So now we found out why he wanted that land so bad before we would figure it out. Now during this time, John had put his house up for sale and put a $120,000 markup on what the actual market price was. We found out why he was doing this because he and a friend had gambled a lot of their savings on buying the property around a lake and they were selling no lots.

He was bleeding money.

We were finally able to put a lien on his house and that was his only lifeline to get cash to make their land payments. To make the rest of this story go by faster, I’ll skip to the part where we ended up buying his house. We told him to put the price back down to market value, and then my father said that we could either settle the price of the trees (out of court) that he cut down of ours and he agreed to settle that in the price of the house.

My dad also identified the stolen wood and we could trace it back to the same unique wood in our house, we would sue him for that too or he could drop the price for stealing our materials. Lastly, because John was such an *******, my dad used the leverage of the lien we had on his house to drop the value even more (John was bleeding money and was desperate for anything).

So in the end my parents bought his house for 28% of its market value.

John’s 4th wife would end up leaving him a year later, he filed for bankruptcy, lost his land development area since he was upside down on the payments, and now lives in a cheap studio apartment alone.

8. Try To Pull Quick One? I See Your Slick Move And I'll Follow You Down


“A couple of years back I was on my local buy/sell app (henceforth named EbayButSmaller) looking for a new phone. Came across a few good deals, but none worth mentioning. Then, I saw this seller advertising the phone model I wanted, who was willing to do a trade-in for any older model and at a price range, I could afford.

Bingo, I (foolishly) thought.

I contacted the seller and arranged a meetup. (Due to the shady reputation of sellers on EbayButSmaller, meetups are 100% recommended) I make contact with this skinny-looking teen, Brad. He takes a look at my phone, charger, all the usual checks. Once done he passes me this box sealed with scotch tape. I don’t sense anything amiss at this point (my mistake) and trust this guy. After all, nothing can go wrong at a meetup right?

At this point of time, two strange goons turn up and hang around nearby. I don’t really notice them but they do set off slight alarms in my head, due to the fact that they were ****** staring in my direction constantly. I jokingly asked Brad, ‘these your goons?’ and Brad just shrugs and laughs nervously. By this point, I should have sensed something was wrong but I’m an idiot. after I make the remainder of the payment ($200 of my dollars) Brad says a hurried goodbye and scurries off with Goons One and Two.

What the ***! I open the box of my supposedly new phone to find out its a reconditioned fake set. By this time Brad and his goons have left and are supposedly nowhere to be seen. By this point, I’m seething with hellfire, and by the grace of the gods, I spot the three of them hurriedly getting into a taxi a few meters away from our meeting spot. (Idiots do as idiots please I guess) Unluckily for them, I rode my motorbike over, and within five minutes, I had committed to memory the taxi’s plates and was following behind them.

Waited for them to stop, got out, and confronted the three stooges.

Me: “Hey *******, how about returning my phone and money and we walk away as though nothing happened?”

Brad: “Wha-how did you find us? “(he’s scared sh*tless at this point; really is a skinny dude, and I’m packing 176 pounds of muscle and military training.)

Now Goons One and Two try and square up to me for their poor friend Brad. Unfortunately, they’re just as small as he is and not exactly trained to take down a dude twice their size.

I calmly repeat my request, only to be met by false bravado and a whole lotta cuss words. By now a considerable crowd has gathered around us. I spot what I think to be my phone box in a white plastic bag that Goon Two is holding, and promptly pluck it out of his hands. Goon One tries one more time to rush me but reconsiders once I start to move towards him. Word of advice: bikers use their helmets as a weapon.

I give them all the one-finger salute, and ride off. But the story doesn’t end here, no. Upon checking the contents of the box I realized I only managed to retrieve my phone charger (bummer). Brad must have the rest of my valuables on his person. No matter. I count my losses and move on. Now here is where the story gets interesting and a bit sleuth-y. I have a friend we shall call Z.

Z actually was working as an intern at EbayButSmaller, and when I texted him about the incident immediately after, told me to meet him at the nearest police station. Once there, we actually sat down with the coppers and trawled through Facebook until we found all three of the crooks. Seriously, all I needed was to provide Z with a username and he did the rest. We got full names, addresses, even the schools they went to.

So we gave everything to the police, not expecting anything to come out of the investigation.

Well, we were wrong. A day after I got a call from one of the investigating officers, telling me that based on the information we supplied, managed to track down and arrest all but one of the three idiots. (Goon One got the tip-off and managed to get away, but got caught on drug charges later. Another story.) He then passes me back my old phone but told me any cash would have to be collected after investigations concluded.

Now I thought it was good enough for me, 200 bucks weren’t exactly my life’s savings so I was more than willing to write it off. Que two days later, and Brad actually texts me begging me to drop the case against him. I told him I would consider it if he wired me my money back.

Once I’m sure the 200 is safely back in my account, I texted him the following, “Shouldn’t trust everybody you meet online, buddy,” and block him.

Last I heard he’s in reformative training with his two best buddies.”

7. Interfere With Everyone Else's Life But Can't See How You're Messing Up Your Own? It Doesn't Work That Way


“So this whole debacle started in my freshman year of college. I went to a religious college so there were a lot of really strict rules regarding curfew and punishments for not going to the mandatory worships, this comes into play later. Background on me: I am not a physically imposing young lady, just under 5 ft and 100 lbs soaking wet and wearing cinderblock shoes. At this time I had been recently dumped and so I was starting college practically alone as my ex and I were set to go to the same university but he dropped out to join military school.

Before we start let’s denote some names:

Me: is me, of course, Andy: is my dear boyfriend (now fiancé) Jess: one of my Best friends and roommate after the first quarter And finally the antagonist of the tale: Sam. At the start of this we were all 18 we are all 24-25 now.

As this was a religious School, we had a sort of camp out in a week or two before classes started, it was meant to be a getting to know you kind of thing, and so we had things called “family groups”, I was a little freaked out, but in the group, there was one loud, overly friendly girl named Sam.

Sam was the same ethnicity as me and so we quickly bonded over a shared ethnic background and how similar we were, she had a boyfriend in the army and I lamented my single status and how my ex basically ditched me for the navy. She seemed perfect, sympathetic, social, and fun. I warmed up to our family group with the help of my new best friend. We had a great weekend and got to know others in the group, including Jess.

Jess was more quiet and disinterested, with a classic case of resting **** face but eventually, she warmed up to me and I to her. Sam didn’t really like them but you wouldn’t know it unless she told you.

The first sign of something off with her was during dinner, I was sitting with Jess and her friend from high school Andy. He and I really hit it off, but as my heart was still freshly broken I kept some boundaries up but agreed to go watch a movie when we got back from the trip.

Immediately Sam pulled up a chair and was all over him, asking about his past, how he and Jess met, what he thought about her outfit, and on and on. I was a little miffed but just ate my burrito. For the rest of the trip Andy and I were hardly apart and Sam got more and more passive-aggressive with me, bringing up my ex and how I was moving on too quickly. I believed her and canceled my “date” with Andy, and said that I didn’t want him to just be a rebound.

He was understanding and chill with just being friends which was a blessing for me, but seemingly not good enough for Sam. After the trip was over I decided to show them around the city since I was a local student. While the others put their stuff in their rooms Sam asked me to stay behind because she had to “confess” something to me. She started spewing some bs about how Andy had cornered her outside the cabin and was being a pervert and telling her how beautiful she was so on and so forth.

I was skeptical and made it known, but her response was just “just looking out for ya girly.” By then the others came back and I just decided to ignore what she said and have a good time in the city. This was incident 1.

A couple of weeks go by, Andy, Jess, and I became a little squad of sorts because all our schedules matched up, whereas finding time to hang out with Sam was more than difficult.

This all came to a head when Jess and Andy planned a little trip to the local Benihana place and didn’t invite Sam. She found out via social media and flew off the handle. I had gone home for the weekend and when I came back on Monday I was greeted with drama, tears, and accusations. The gist of the situation is, the group didn’t invite Sam because she is vegetarian and has a lot of allergies, so it would be dangerous to even step foot in the Benihana, and in retaliation, Sam took her “best friends” aka random girls from the dorm, horseback riding and posted a photo with the caption “better than Benihana.” (Incident 2)

Once again this is what I came back to and so things were pretty frosty. I asked for some backstory and apparently, it was work friends who invited Andy and Jess so it wasn’t even their place to invite someone else, and it wasn’t like she would be able to eat anything at the Benihana anyways so they literally didn’t even think they were being rude. According to Sam, they were purposefully excluding her and that no one likes her and that this was just like it was in high school.

She didn’t have very many friends and we were just becoming privy to why exactly that was.

Incident 3 was a friendship bracelet. She ordered these semi-expensive bracelets for me and Jess but mysteriously Jess’s broke in the mail and the replacement would “totally come any day now”. Jess pretended not to be hurt but it obviously stung when she would fawn over our bracelets and how we are such great friends. Spoiler the bracelet never came.

Now I was still trying to smooth things over but it kept getting worse and worse, if I was hanging out with Andy or jess she wouldn’t speak to me, but would only talk *** when we were alone. During all of this Andy and I kept getting closer and eventually started seeing each other but the low-key cause of the whole situation with Sam and we didn’t want to set her off. I know we were spineless back then.

Now for the catalyst for the revenge. She was a wanna-be YouTuber and wanted to do a holiday video. Andy is a film major but he doesn’t want anything to do with her after all her lies and petty behavior. But then she made an offer we couldn’t refuse, “I’ll give you $200 and pay for food” and for what should’ve been an hour or two of filming we were sold. I was set to manage the site since that’s my personality is “get it done”, and he was in charge of filming.

He worked so hard on it ya’ll, he storyboarded, he made a script for her, he got all his equipment together. I was so proud of him. I contacted the diner where we were filming and got everything together and we were set.

Filming Day arrives and we get our hair and makeup done for the “actors” and “actresses” and we all get to the diner an hour before, at her insistence, and set up.

She says she’ll be 30 minutes late and so we decide to eat after shooting some B-roll. Guess how long it took her and her “entourage” to arrive? 2 whole hours. We finally get filming and if you are counting we have been at the diner for 4 hours, pre-filming. We spend another 2 hours filming and we have to take after pics in our outfits and everything. Did she pay for our food? Nope. And she tells Andy “You got a big payday coming, you deserve more than 200 for today.” He’s happy cause he wanted to take me out for a nice date for the holiday but spoiler again, she didn’t pay up.

So a week or two goes by and it gets closer and closer to holiday and we already turned over all the footage we are just waiting for payment. Then came the excuses, “I don’t trust zelle,” “I’m waiting for my auntie to pay me.”, “my aunts in the Caribbean right now and she doesn’t trust zelle either.” We kept hounding her for the money and the holiday came and went, she posted the video and stopped answering texts.

Since we all lived together I confronted her and more excuses than she said to give her two more weeks.

During those two weeks, she told everyone who would listen that she already paid us and that we were terrible people to try and extort her for more. Now at this point in the year, we are fed up with her, and Andy is ready to write the 200 off, he b******** to his smoking buddies and the they get our side of the story out to the relatively small school, and pretty soon she doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

She gets nasty, texting me all this bs about how Andy is cheating on me and that I deserve better and screenshots of their conversations where he supposedly tells her how he’d rather not be committed. Now we had some commitment issues in the beginning, on both sides, but she tried to present these texts as recent, not stuff from months ago. The final straw was when she called me stupid and naive for staying in the relationship despite him being a greedy man wh*re.

Now I was going scorched earth, for some background on Sam. She was a chronic cheater, like get drunk at a party and give a guy a ******* cheater, then go out the next weekend and do it again. She was also married, she and her husband got married right out of high school, which is typical of army guys in my experience. The ink wasn’t even dry on the marriage certificate, less than a year when she burned us.

But I was someone she chose to confide in since she thought I was too stupid to see through her after all the *** she put us through. So I gathered evidence, all the cheated, the videos of her doing *** at parties, sexts with various guys, the drinking binges, and her ***-talking her loving army boyfriend. I gathered all of this information for more than a year, I felt horrible for the guy but I needed a file that would **** her to legal ****.

D-day arrived when about a year and a half after I met her she told me that she thought her husband was cheating as when he was deployed she found a video on his phone of him and his buddy dancing on some girls in a club. Sam was livid, she was cursing and swearing she would take him for every cent in court for cheating on her. Never mind that she was blowing guys for fun every other weekend.

I asked her if she had proof, and she said that proof doesn’t matter, they always believe the hurt wife.

I complied with all of my evidence and wrote a very long apology letter for waiting this long, and sent it anonymously. Sam didn’t return to school the next year and I kinda lost track of her. I got reminded when my fiancé showed me that terrible video we did for her, I confessed what I did and we social media stalked her accounts.

She now posts a lot of “single and loving it” memes and she has a few vlogs talking about fake friends and how simple living is the best. I guess that’s a consequence of losing her luxurious “rich girl” lifestyle that her husband’s family provided for her. Looking at her ex-husband’s page he has a beautiful wife and a baby on the way, looking way happier than I’d ever see him.”

6. Sling Mud At Me For Years? I'll Push Your Buttons Until You Fire Me


“I worked for this small business IT Consulting firm for seven years. Owned and operated by a person we will call D**k.

First two years things were fine. Occasionally this guy would take things a little too far, he was just passionate about his opinion and always had to be right, so I’d always give him that.

I don’t have to agree but I saw his need and left it at that.

What I started to discover however is the turnover for the company is a couple of years and I began to realize why. The Boss (D**k), picks one worker and makes it his life’s work to make that person as miserable as possible. I’m guessing the reason, ego purposes?

For months I’d hear him shouting all the time at this one guy.

The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. Till finally I said to him, “what the h**l man? He’s always giving you a hard time here lately, what did you do?”

He didn’t seem to know. He confided in me right there the level of h**l he’s in and some of the things D**k has said or done.

I couldn’t believe some of the details he shared on what D**k both said and did. I felt things were embellished because people just don’t do some of the things he said. I would realize much later he was telling the truth as crazy as it sounded.

A few months later he finally found another job and left. I talk to him a couple of times a year and he always said it was the best choice in his life he ever made.

D**k’s sights then narrowed on to me. I can take a lot. So for the next five years, I took it. He would insult me pretty much every day, each day more and more colorful. I didn’t really care or take it home with me so it wasn’t a problem for me, for D**k I would learn it was.

Unrelated, five years in, I put in my notice because he asked me to get a couple of certifications and if I did he would take care of me.

Once I did what was requested he backed out of the agreement and played coy. Once he received my notice a couple of months later, he called me up within a minute, begged me to stay. It’s important to note he only asked for two certifications, I not only obtained those but an additional fourteen on top of that. Each time he would tell me, “Great job, you will be well taken care of.” He lied 16 times in total on this matter.

He matched the offer and increased my salary up another 15k. Not looking forward to starting a new job I decided to stay.

What I learned is I was a fool to do that and money isn’t everything. Go where you’ll be the happiest. Best life advice I can give after this experience.

He left me alone for a couple of months after that, he wasn’t in the office much either. Then a day struck his fancy to start things up again only he ran out of material. My work is solid and he had no opportunity to criticize that.

The only method he had was bashing his ego and sarcasm around but he realized it had no impact on me. Here is a brief snippet of any given day of what it’s like to be selected as his target. He would communicate a problem he was having in length. Let’s say he complained about his cell phone. After he finished his story you would provide a helpful suggestion or advice from your experience. In turn, he would ask with an entitled and sarcastic tone if you were an expert on the matter and wanted to see those credentials.

I learn fast, just never speak unless spoken too. Any comment or insult he made I would respond without emotion and just say ok.

Because D**k wasn’t able to get a rise out of me the old-fashioned way he decided to create fictional content for a new direction.

Our small company would go out to eat as a whole, or just order in on Fridays. I ate half my sandwich and wrapped the remaining to take home.

He saw me with leftover food and claimed that I was taking home dinner on his dime. Any time there was any leftover, even a single French fry he’d be there with a magnifying glass for inspection to find any conceivable way to yell.

So on Fridays, I started packing my lunch, I’d order a beverage and a side. I’d finish the beverage and the side. Then eat what I brought, if I didn’t finish it he had no opportunity.

You could see his look of disappointment when he would scan my plate.

This went on a couple of weeks, he had no opportunity and couldn’t complain. He realized he failed again. So then he came up with the next item.

The Bathroom. I actually did a little research on and couldn’t find anything legally I could do. But anytime anyone would use the restroom he would blame me for the smell. Instead of hello when passing in the highway he would say “Did you use spray” or “Did you light a match” as hateful as he could, but that was his normal. It went much deeper than this, more than I care to share.

But I honestly believe D**k has a fetish on this topic which is why I looked in to it legally. It was just always on his mind and a little too important to him, let’s just leave the rest unsaid.

I must have visually tipped him off I didn’t approve of this because he never got bored with it. However, I did at least get him to stop asking if I used the spray.

Anytime I used the bathroom, even to take a p*ss I’d use the entire can of air freshener. This wasn’t an easy task as I’d have to mask my face to empty that entire thing. Takes a while surprisingly to empty an entire can in a session. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the “spray” and D**k was buying a new can. Took about five weeks but I think he figured it out spending so much on the spray, he stuck to just asking about matches after that.

He even provided them in the bathroom.

One day we were out with a client. The current topic at this moment was “What is your favorite meal? My answer was “hot wings, I could eat those every day!” D**k jumps in, his comment “Just think how bad the bathroom would smell.” Most at the table wouldn’t get the context and direction of that comment, but I knew. He did this in front of a client, in public, while people are eating.

I almost walked out. Then I remembered he drove and it’s a long way back. Plus D**k is over 60, what kind of person knocks out a senior? I had to chant that in my mind to keep control. I never get p*ssed but after years this was the last straw! I seriously pleaded with myself all day not to do it because I’d go to jail and he would win.

During this time period, he also started playing with my money.

Behind 4-5 months with reimbursement, a week late on paychecks, stuff like that. You ask where it’s out, he says “next week” you explain he already said that last week, then he’d play coy.

I finished out the day without reacting somehow. Took everything I had but I’m not going to allow this to be unanswered. That was dangerous and too close. If he wants trouble, I’ll give it to him! I will get even in a lawful way, somehow.

Then the idea came to me that night, did my research and the odds were in my favor that it could work. I’m just going to mirror him until he fires me. When he fires me he will have to pay half my current salary of 65k until I get a new job. You know what? I can live perfectly fine on 32.5k. Why not make him pay out of his pocket 32.5k for everything he had said and done?

He would have to pay this over the course of six months or until I found a new job. So my goal was to make him pay me $32,500 to be exact over 6 months as restitution for what he said at that table.

I read up on all the rules in my state for Unemployment. Each state is different. But basically, to qualify for it, it can’t be your fault if you were fired. So If I stood there and told him where to put it, that’s a no go.

However, if I was laid off I would qualify.

So I hit him where it hurt first, his favorite thing in the world is meetings. Because he loves to hear himself talk and take you to step by step through his thought process with a noble tone congratulating himself for his thinking and why his way is the best way. So I started speaking up and illustrated a more efficient way that cost less.

He would argue, sometimes red in the face mad.

Especially if others in the meeting liked my idea. He knew he was wrong but he would dismiss them and demand it be done his way.

I then started talking about him within earshot on purpose. I’d say things like “Make sure you perform that D***s way, takes longer but it’s better than him releasing the Kraken.” It would make everyone laugh, but it wasn’t a direct insult.

Trust me when I say this guy has a massive ego and I was counting on this for p*ssing him off.

I laid it on thick, in time it took its toll. I knew it did because of what came next.

His retaliation was the kitchen sink, he had nothing so he started accusing me of things, then playing coy when it came to reviewing the details or facts. He would put words in my mouth, I’d state he was wrong and then he would tell me I was. All he was doing was opening the door so he could play a revengeful sarcasm game.

I know it’s a game so I decided to take his new toy away from him by just going along with whatever it is he said. Which further made him mad because what he was doing had no effect on me.

Fast forward six months, yes I’m STILL working here. But were only receiving a couple of calls a day which are fifteen minutes each. This was due to D****s bad business discussions.

While I took delight knowing he was hemorrhaging money for months, I was hoping for a lay off to execute my plan.

Nothing. I have to make him want to fire me, it’s the only way. I have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control.

So I turned up the heat. I was asked to travel to a client by the 2nd in command. I said “I’m sorry man, I haven’t received reimbursement in six months for travel expenses and I just had my work cell phone service turned off.

With the way business is right now things aren’t looking good, I’d be stupid to take on more expenses, and I’m owed over two thousand dollars as it is. Once that’s paid in full I’d be more than happy to continue on a week to week bases after reimbursements”.

That day Dick had a meeting with me and set up a payment plan to pay the money back. After three weeks it would be paid.

So I said to Dick “understood, after three weeks I’ll be on the road again, cool” just making sure he understood because he wanted to play games and not pay the amount in full Dick is now going to pay me my salary for three weeks to do nothing until the reimbursement fee is paid.

Guy has several million-dollar houses, goes on vacations has a boat, etc. Out of all the things I’ve done so far, this had made the most significant impact.

Because I out whit him at his own game, it embarrassed him in the eyes of others. Why? Because the second of command was instructed to drive me anywhere I was needed. So I had my own personal Taxi driver for the few calls we had over the next two weeks. Two weeks he paid two people, me and the admin to drive and watch me work. I was friends with the admin and he knew exactly what I was doing and he loved every second of it.

Then in the third week, three days until the final payment, it happens. D**k enters my office and gives me the filmier demeaning dog wave gesture to follow him without speaking. We sit down and he asks me what the problem is?

I told him the problem is he needs a new hobby. In one hand you have someone sitting here that busted his a*s for the last seven years, in the other your need to bash someone’s face in the dirt with your ego.

The problem with me is I won’t conform and provide both.

He asked for some examples. I said you know what I’m talking about and even if I did review them you’d play coy. He then played coy about being coy, I laughed.

After a pause, he said if you feel that way why didn’t you speak to me about it? I reminded him that I did twice and both times you humiliated me for it and said “this is I.T!” What the I.T Career that I’ve done the last twenty years had to do with his ego I’ll never know.

He responded with I’m behind the times, my work has been poor and out of the kindness of his heart, he gave me a raise after I demanded it. I responded with Ok.

Then he finally said what I wanted to hear “I want to call it quits.”

I remained professional and communicated I’m sorry things didn’t work out and spent the next two hours reviewing stuff with co-workers on how to handle certain things.

I shook his hand with a smile and left without saying anything negative. The fruit of my labor will do the talking for me shortly.

In route on the way home, I called family members to tell them the good news. Everyone was so happy for me. It finally happened.

When I arrived home I promptly adjusted the dates on the unemployment forms I had filled out already in wait and submitted them. I called the state and confirmed everything was documented on my end accurately and now it’s the waiting game.

My plan wasn’t realized until my boss received the letter in the mail about a week later stating he’s going to have shell out my Salary for the next six months or until I found a job.

Panicked at this point he realized what I set him up for. So He claimed he fired me for poor work performance. The state said, ok prove it. In this state, it’s the employers’ burden to prove it.

My record had no blemishes and he couldn’t use a client because a number of people at any given client would vouch for me and the truth as they all liked me and appreciated my work.

Realizing the **** storm he’s in now I’m told from the admin friend he was on the phone with them quite a while twisting and turning the fake stories out. Bottom line, the state needed to see documented verbal and written warnings, signed so he couldn’t fake them.

He called his lawyer and his lawyer told him he’s screwed.

Later my boss told co-workers he felt bad for me that I couldn’t find work and he decided to give unemployment to me to save the face of his ego. That made official that his ego was effected, he didn’t want anyone to know the truth. At this point he realized I got the better of him when I fought back and I won, big!

In a last-ditch effort, he lied about how much I made. The state sent me paperwork stating this fact and asked me to prove my salary. So I gave them copies of checks and pay stubs for the last six months. After that things went easy, he was flagged for lying which made the reaming steps effortless the state rep told me.

For the reason I was terminated I said “D**k the owner made some poor business discussions that impacted the company losing business and clients.

He let me go as a business discussion, in his shoes I’d of done the same and understand.”

I wrote it that way for a reason. But D**k didn’t realize why. I knew what his reaction would be. The state saw a down to earth guy that was honest and understanding on paper. Then they saw D**ks predicted response of being a d**k, most likely yelling and of course lying. I had no doubt that would seal the deal simply on the evaluation on a character before the facts even entered into it.

His reaction being, his ego had to take it up the a*s. Once for failing as a businessman, another for me saying so on state paperwork, and lastly accepting that I got the better of him and all this time I have been coaxing him to make this move.

The only thing left to do is pay me, every single week. And his money goes to the state first then the state sends it to me, so he can’t play games with my money or the state is coming after him.

Over the next six months, I took that time to enjoy myself, pursue hobbies, and lived life to the fullest on his dime as a reward for his comment. Once the letter came to renew unemployment, D**k would no longer have to pay or only a parentage I forget, the important thing to know is taxpayers would have to pay after six months, not D**k. So I declined the renewal. Three weeks later I had a new job.

It was either that or knock him out during that lunch, It wasn’t easy, took work but I’m proud of the way I handled it. I feel vindicated, it’s pretty rare the world is balanced, evil often wins. But not this time. This time it cost D**k, 32,500 dollars to be exact. All in all, I can say 10/10 would do it again.

Due to his age, I can’t imagine that it would be a humbling experience at this point.

But it was for me, money isn’t everything, there is only one thing of true value, your happiness. A year later, I’m very happy now, I enjoy my new job and my new boss. I discovered myself again, who I really am. The goofy friendly guy, my light is no longer dimmed by a dark presence and I can be myself without punishment.”

5. She Was An Awful Friend So I Pretended Like I Didn't Know Her In The Interview


“Six years ago I asked a new friend I made who was down on her luck to move in with me (let’s call her Michelle).

Within the first week, I knew I had made a HUGE mistake. If I went into detail of all the f*cked up *** she’s done we would be here forever.

The worst thing she did was secretly hook up with my son’s father (let’s call him John) and carried on this relationship with him while also turning him against me. My son’s father and I are best friends. So this was devastating to me. The last straw for me was when Michelle wrecked my car.

She took my car without permission. We had an agreement that she could take my car prior but because she was taking it when I needed it or refusing to take me to work so she could use it I told her I had enough. A few days later she took my keys and totaled my car.

I knew my son’s father and Michelle were hooking up. I didn’t NEED any more confirmation but when my son’s father offered to pay for everything.

I just rolled my eyes. He’s very rich and thinks throwing money at everything helps.

Anyway, I finally got the courage to kick Michelle out. For the next year, she would taunt me about being with my son’s father John. I didn’t care at this point but it just made me angry that she felt the need to taunt me. After a few years, I didn’t hear much about their relationship. He eventually moved on from her and so did I.

John and I rebuilt our friendship and have been doing great! Now a little background on Michelle and me. She’s a drug addict. I found this out later. She has 3 kids which she did not raise and basically lived a pretty sad life. My life wasn’t great either. I didn’t do ***** but I struggled, although I was working hard to get my life together. Although my son’s father comes from money and has helped a lot it’s not like he can just take care of me forever.

Michelle could easily get her life together. She came from an affluent family and managed to gain sympathy from my son’s father who could help her. She’s a leach and very manipulative. So don’t feel too bad about her situation.

Especially me. I have climbed out of that hole I felt I was in. I got a great job/career, I have a wonderful fiancé and I own a beautiful home. Life is good. Michelle was a distant memory.

That was until I came across an application for a job at my company a few months ago. I normally don’t deal with the application process. I have the final say on who gets hired but before I do, applicants have to go through at least 2 interviews before you get to me.

I just happened to be looking at applications and noticed Michelle’s name. I didn’t say anything to sway HR but her application looked promising and I knew she could get a call.

I told myself she probably wouldn’t get that far and put it in the back of my mind.

Two weeks later I am told that I have a round of interviews with applicants. One of them was Michelle. I didn’t have revenge or a plan set up. A part of me expected her to look like *** and feel bad for her and hire her. Do the “right thing.” I was impressed when Michelle came in and look pretty good but gained about 50lbs.

She saw me and she didn’t even flinch! I was literally white the ***** left my body. She sees me and throws herself in the chair. I wanted to act professionally and asked her the first question acting like I didn’t notice her ***y attitude. She rolls her eyes at me and scoffs but answers in an annoyed tone. I wanted to say forget it but I kept going. I didn’t break. I stayed upbeat and positive.

She must have realized that maybe I didn’t recognize her or that maybe she had even a small chance of actually getting the job.

So she sits up and composes herself. She starts to answer the questions professionally. In the end, I smile at her. I tell her that I felt like she could be a good fit. I had to interview other people but that I would stay in touch. I extend my hand to shake hers.

She reluctantly shakes my hand and looks dumbfounded. She must have felt that maybe she really had a shot.

She later contacts our offices to follow up with HR. We weren’t quite yet at a decision but when we were I personally emailed Michelle myself telling her unfortunately we would not be asking her to join our company. She honestly impressed HR and if I wasn’t in the position I was in she would have likely been hired. I just knew there was no way we could work together and have a harmonious environment.

Also *** HER!!!

She emails me back and says “*** you. Why couldn’t you be a ****** adult and move on? At least I got to be with your son’s father longer than you ever were.” Honestly bringing him up made me feel sad. Like if that is the only insult you have then I feel bad for you.

I decided to email her back from my personal email and replied. “At least I have a job.”

4. Dump Your Trash And Pretend You Didn't Do It? Better Be Smoother Criminal Next Time


“So my last job I worked at a construction company that had a fairly large yard/land as well as a warehouse. In the yard were many old storage trailers probably around 30-40, just old semi-trailers that were old and not really roadworthy anymore so they are/were used to store customer’s building materials/machinery to be delivered on the job.

So there is a fairly long dirt road out to the very back portion of the yard that isn’t visible from the shop or warehouse, we mostly just keep our oldest and worst trailers out there before we get around bringing them to the junkyard, but some of them are still used by customers and have equipment in them.

One day in mid-March I was instructed to head back there to check in a trailer for one of our customers. Now, this was after a really snowy winter so there was still a lot of dirty piles of snow everywhere and things like that, and more or less we had no reason to go back there during the winter as snow removal was so hard to stay on top of any way I hadn’t been back there in a few months.

So when I get back there I’m pretty p*ssed when I see about 10 large black household trash bags in a big pile thrown underneath one of the trailers, this is a lot of ****** trash like a month’s worth for a family of 5 or so. At this point raccoons or some other wildlife had gotten to them so they were pretty ripped apart and thrown about as well. Aw p*ss what an ******, I’m pretty heated and I go back to the warehouse to get some stuff to clean it up gloves a shovel and a big bin to scoop it in so I can grab it with the forklift.

About a minute into scooping it up I’m p*ssed because it’s under a trailer so I have to bend down and basically crouch and it’s extra difficult/awkward to shovel. A light goes on and I’m thinking any ******* this dumb with this much trash certainly has thrown away some mail in this time period.

Within 30 seconds I find three pieces of mail with his name and address on it. I call the non-emergency police line and tell them someone has been dumping trash.

Within a minute a cop shows up and we have a chat of I can approach this short of driving to the dude’s address and spreading this *** all over his lawn (what my petty revenge idea was haha) So the cop is the man and actually goes to the address, finds out the guy moved, went to the post office finds his new address and confronts him about it. Of course, the guy denies it with some story about how it must’ve been his landlord after he moved out and the cop basically asked him if he’d rather just clean it up or try to tell that story to a judge.

So now that I knew he was going to be back to clean it up I threw all the trash back under the trailer and ripped the bags up a little more so it was a bit more gross and unmanageable.

The absolute best part was that the time he went back in the evening was torrentially down pouring with thunder lightning! absolutely raining buckets hahaha so he got to clean up his mess while me and two other officers watched him inside our nice warm dry vehicles while he got DUMPED on in very cold, very heavy rain haha KARMA ****!”

3. No More Underage House Parties After My Dad Is Through With You


“So my dad is an old amateur radio guy (ham operator) and when I was about 13-14, my family was living in a ***y duplex while our new house was being built.

We had decent neighbors on the other half of the duplex, but every time they went away for the weekend (often), their 18-year-old son would host these huge parties, and did not give 2 **** about noise complaints. We would call the cops, they could come, turn it down, but the music would get turned up right away when they left.

One night it was getting especially out of hand, and the cops never came to deal with it.

Late into the night, my dad gets up, pulls an old radio of his out of the storage closet(all his gear was packed up since he didn’t have the room for it or his 60-foot antenna tower in this little ***hole duplex). He pulls about 20 feet of unshielded wire off a roll and starts running it out the back of his radio, along the wall, up about 5 feet, back down, across the wall some more, up again, and back down…

…he knew where the tower speakers were located on the other side of the wall from having coffee the neighbors.

He keys up the mic and we could hear the click come through the wall. He then shouts “TURN THAT *** DOWN!” Into the mic, and it came back through the wall louder than I could hear his voice while standing next to him, and about half of “down” is replaced with a loud “whump” noise followed by silence.

Cooked the amplifier for their stereo. Skipped right past any protection circuits inside it.

My dad had an ear to ear grin before we had ********* son pounding on our door. My dad opened the door and this kid starts throwing punches immediately. Called the cops again now with an assault report and suddenly they show up in minutes. My dad didn’t press charges, but the cops made him apologize, and when his parents got home they made their son pay for the stereo.

That was the last party he ever had.”

2. Mr. BMW Denies He Keyed The Car But Karma Always Comes Back Around


“There was an IT business with limited parking for employees and contractors, in a gentrified area that was now bustling with nightlife and new money. Because parking was so scarce, the IT business had put up multiple signage and even installed cameras to let people know that parking was not allowed there without prior permission. Those who do so are often towed away very quickly. Most people get the message straight away but some unfortunate people refuse to read the signs.

Enter D*******g in his BMW. Mr. D*******g parked in the no-parking zone and promptly left for an extended period, plenty of time for the tow truck to sneak away with his vehicle. Now when this happens you simply call the number already on the signs and pay a fee to get your car out, because it happens so darn often the fee is considerably lower than getting your car towed in other areas.

The IT business does NOT make a cent from having cars towed, they don’t care to allow parking at any time day or night because of the nature of the business.

Mr. D*******g doesn’t care, he rings the tow company and demands his car back, and then promptly keys an employee’s car after kicking the defenseless vehicle. Little did he know, that while his vehicle was illegally parked, surveillance cameras captured the make, model, and license plate of his vehicle, along with his crime in the act.

The IT company sent the footage to the police, who later visited the man at his home. The man completely denied everything, saying it wasn’t him in the video and the police ended up dropping the charges. Our hapless employee was stuck with damages to his vehicle without any more recourse, or so he thought.

As Mr. D*******g was preparing for the next level in his burgeoning career, his potential employers revealed a video had surfaced detailing his exploits.

The employers decided they did not wish to hire a man who would so wantonly destroy private property, disregard posted warnings, and vehemently denies the allegations despite being presented with overwhelmingly damning evidence.

D*******g then contacts the IT company pleading with them to remove the video, to which they comply.. IF he agrees to fully pay for the damages to the employee’s vehicle AND provide a written apology. He refuses at first, but realizing he will be stuck without future economic prospects he eventually relents.”

1. He Robbed Us Of Our Good Time So We Returned The Favor


“So some backstory; this took place over 10 years ago, during the summer break of my freshman year of college. My friend had asked me to come to stay with her at her family home in the southern US, and so I flew out there to visit for a couple of weeks.

At that time she and I were both casual smokers of the green plant, so the first order of business upon arriving was finding some good stuff.

As it turns out, my friend had no connections in the area. Frustrated, we turned to her 15-year-old niece (who lived there year-round and who also occasionally partook in the same activity) to see if she could put us in touch with a “guy.”. Now, I know we should have expected things to go wrong relying on the network of a high school student, but at the time I was only a year out of high school myself and this idea seemed viable, if not ideal.

Anyway, enter our victim, let’s call him Joe. A fifteen-year-old from my friend’s niece’s year, he’s “our guy.” Niece gives Joe a call, he agrees over the phone to sell us some for 50 bucks, and we arrange a meeting spot for the drop. Some hours later, Joe’s car pulls up, and he and a friend are in the front seats kind of smirking and avoiding eye contact with us. This unsettled me, but my friend and I put it down to boys being boys.

We hand Joe the money, and Joe hands my friend a crumpled paper towel and speeds off. At this point, I’m very suspicious, (a paper towel? Really?) but we open the paper towel and confirm our fears: it’s empty.

My friend and I are enraged. Niece tries to help by calling Joe, but Joe is luxuriating in his success and smugly tells niece that he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

His friend is just laughing in the background of the call. What Joe doesn’t know, is that he just made a terrible decision, and his life about to go very, very wrong.

A week goes by and my friend and I have given up on appealing to Joe’s sense of reason, and calling the police is out of the question because at the time, the stuff was was illegal. We called him many more times and tried everything from sweet-talking to begging to threats, but Joe was not interested in returning our money.

We decide to take a look at his Facebook, and inspiration struck. You see Joe had at some point thought it would be a good idea to make his Facebook profile picture an image of himself with a Cheech and Chong sized special roll (and making a truly stupid looking “gangsta” face), and my friend and I immediately decide to help him with his budding business. We couldn’t help him with his customer satisfaction ratings, but we could at least take care of PR and marketing, so we mocked him up a beautiful pro-bono flyer that reads, “Looking for some good stuff?

Call me, Joe Shmoe, for seriously dank product at prices so good it’s almost a steal! 555-555-5555.” And of course, we put Joe’s Facebook picture in pride of place above the text. We print out 50 of them.

We decide that he needs a different marketing approach when it comes to his younger demographic, and we use some project board and fun block letters to handcraft him two kid-friendly posters with gentler wording and a more playful color pallet.

I felt like we made solid design choices, and that we were ready to push forward with our marketing strategy.

We wait until our last night in town before flying north to stay at my place for the remainder of the break. At 2am-ish we pack our marketing materials and bike over to the local middle school. Now if you’re from a colder climate like I am, you may be surprised to learn that some schools in the south have an entirely open hallway system.

As in, classrooms housed in buildings, connected by open-air bridges and stairs. This worked out perfectly for us. We climbed the gate and plastered every surface we could find with Joe’s ads. Every pole, every window, every stairwell, every landing, and door on both floors.

Next, we biked over to the elementary school, and put up our kid-friendly ads in view of the recess/play area.

We both fly back north the next day and think no more on Joe Shmoe until my friend receives a call from her niece a few days later.

Apparently, our flyers had not been too well received by the local middle school administration. Poor Joe was called before the school deans to answer for them, and he and his mother were forced to attend a disciplinary hearing. Though Joe denied all charges, the picture on the flyer clearly showed Joe dipping into his own stock, and the provided number was registered to his mother. As such, Joe was suspended and escorted from the school by local police, in front of a captivated audience of his peers.

His home was searched, and three special plants were confiscated from the premises. Apparently, in some strange domino effect of justice, Joe’s very public fall from high school coolness lead to his girlfriend leaving him for his best friend, according to niece, who had a front-row seat for the fallout. Poor Joe had been suspended and made into a spectacle, he lost his business, lost his status, lost his plants, and lost his girl and best friend, and was forced to do some sort of community service for the summer instead of stealing from other would-be customers as he had assumably planned.

But I’d like to think Joe learned a valuable lesson about the importance of good customer service that week. Oh, and about stealing from people who have access to damaging information about your life.”

It's not fun getting pushed and having your limits tested. Hopefully you haven't had reached a boiling point of anger or revenge. But if you have let us know! Or upvote and downvote your favorite stories.