People Confess To The Biggest Lies They’ve Ever Told

Kristina Flour

One of the biggest life lessons that parents try to teach their kids is to never lie, it’s always best to be honest. My parents used to say that even if something ever went array, and it was my fault, it’s best to confess to my mistake as opposed to lie and try to cover it all up. Speaking the truth may get you into a little bit of trouble but at least you don’t have to keep stretching out a false story-that’s what happens, it starts with a small lie and then you have to lie over and over to make it all plausible.

Not only will you get stuck lying over and over again, but lying is also just attributed to a negative personality trait, no one likes a liar.

You have probably heard, and perhaps practiced at some point, the fact that if a lie can save someone (or little white lies) then it’s not that bad…you can lie to get someone out of trouble. I agree with this wholly, but where do we draw the line? How do we prevent ourselves from going from telling a small, white lie to going into a fully fabricated story that you may have to carry on forever? It’s tough, isn’t it?

Now, in case you need examples of times that people lied to save themselves, someone else, or just to fit into a group of people, check out the stories below! You’ll be surprised to read what some people will do and how they get away with it.

How about the guy who carried on a British accent for a year before deciding he was just going to go back to being “normal” and pretend like he never had an accent? Sounds like a bizarre lie, right? Well, there’s more where that one came from! So, keep reading and get ready to know some of the biggest lies people have ever told.
33. He has an imaginary son


“I got married 4 years ago. There’s this guy at work who’s one of THOSE people. The type that keeps asking you when you are planning on having a baby once you’re married.

Since we didn’t really have much in common, and he heard I got married, that’s the only thing he could come up with to start a conversation. It was just water cooler banter.

I kept telling him, ‘When the time is right,’ but he still kept asking me every time I ran into him. ‘So, any kids on the way?’ ‘Hey, expecting any time soon?’ ‘Any plans on having a baby?’

I got sick of it. One day I just told him, ‘Yes, she’s pregnant, we’re having a boy.’ I figured it would shut him up. I was so wrong.

‘Jacob’ is 2 years-old-now, he started teething, he’s said his first word, he keeps us up at night and he doesn’t exist.

I’ve told my wife about this, and she thinks I’m an idiot. At this point, there’s no looking back.” Anonymous
32. This one saved a life


“When I was 13, me and my friend were walking home from school. We decided to take a shortcut through the football field. Some guy who was hanging around the public toilet came up to us with a knife and told us to give him our money and phones. We were 13 so we didn’t have phones and the only money we had left was our lunch money. He didn’t believe us and tried to search our bags and out of nowhere, I said that we saw a guy bragging about his new phone just near the entrance of the field.

My friend nods his head and the mugger believed us and went to the entrance which was around a corner. As soon as we were out of sight, we sprinted home. That was the day lying saved my life.” Mud5kie 
31. A lie turned him into a Star Wars fan


“I moved to a new department at my old work and one of the guys said, ‘We welcome you on two conditions: You must love Starwars and coffee.’ So, silly me wanting approval from the new team, I immediately became Starwars’ biggest fan and a coffee addict.

It was the hardest two years of my life-drinking something I hated and trying to learn every Starwars character on the weekends.

I was in too deep with the lie and it was at the point where it’ll be too awkward to back out from. I would end up getting all this Starwars merchandise for my birthday and from Secret Santa.

I don’t work there anymore but they still think I’m a diehard fan. My friends now gift me Starwars stuff to give me a hard time.” Njwong1 
30. They swapped cats and the kids never found out


“When one of my kids was about 6, we got a kitten, Fluff. My kid and Fluff loved each other. After about two weeks Fluff died from a genetic disorder.

The kid was spending a few days with his grandparents. We searched the animal shelters until we found a Fluff look-alike. Mission accomplished.

Many years later, the kid is in his early 20’s. One day, while random reliving old times, the kid asks ‘One question has been bothering me. How did Fluff go from female to male?'” BobT21 
29. He never missed his curfew-that’s what mom thought! 


“Back in the days before mobile phones -I know, I’m old -when I was in high school, my folks had a phone in their bedroom, and I had a phone in my room. Same line, of course.

My folks went to bed early.

Like 9 PM early, even on the weekends. If I wasn’t going to make it home in time for the enforced curfew, I’d call from a quiet location. When my mother picked up the phone, I’d say ‘I’ve got it, Mom,’ and she’d hang up and go back to sleep.” notme64523728
28. The parents put up a Photoshopped graduation picture


“I failed my final year at university but couldn’t face the shame of telling my parents. So, I told them I passed. They wanted to go to my graduation ceremony so I faked an illness and said I wouldn’t be able to attend. This was so they wouldn’t book flights.

Then at the last second, I told them I was feeling better and would attend. I got my buddy’s graduation photo and got my face photoshopped into his. I sent this to my folks, where they framed it. 15 years later it’s still on their living room wall.
Obviously, I had to re-take the final year but couldn’t ask my folks for money. So, I just said I was going to stay and look for work whilst I plan my career. I worked my a&% off that summer to save every cent I would need for the upcoming year. Got a bank loan and maxed some credit cards.

My final year was really really tough as I had to work evenings and weekends to pay rent, food, and tuition. I passed though.

I went to my real graduation ceremony and felt really sad I couldn’t tell my parents they could attend as I didn’t want to tell them I lied.” cheap-as-chimps 
27. Granny pretended to be younger than she was


“My granny pretended she was a decade younger than she was for yeeaaarrs. She started pretending she was in her 30s when she met my Grandpa because she was embarrassed to have never been married before (and one previous suitor had dumped her for that).

Fast forward 30 years, and she had to come clean that she was actually 65, not 55 when it was time to claim the pension. Not only that, but she was actually 6 months OLDER than my grandpa.” smashthemacsh 
26. Derick wasn’t Derick after all


“I once had my brother tell this girl I got hit by a bus and died because I wanted to break up with her and had no idea how. She was upset apparently, never called anymore and I never ran into her again. I think the worst part is I don’t even feel bad about it.” Brykeign
25. He just couldn’t leave his wife unimpressed


“My wife and I were in Mexico and we stopped at a convenience store to get some snacks and stuff.

The clerk told her how much it was, in Spanish. My wife looked confused for a moment, so I repeated the total for her in English.

I could tell it made an impression on her. For a long time after, when talking about foreign languages, she would tell people how quickly I pick up on them when traveling. I know this was when she first formed that opinion.

I’ve never told her, but I read the number on the cash register.” junkeee999 
24. They all thought he was on “American Idol”


“I told my English class in grade 9 or 10 that I had tried out for ‘American Idol,’ even though I’m Canadian.

I was home sick the day of the tryouts, so I had a pretty good set up I thought.

One of the guys called me on my s&*$, asked me to bring in my ‘paper number’ the thing that the contestants wear on their shirt to give them an ID number.

My dad used to do bike races, he had a bunch of those things, I cut off the top that said ‘British Columbia Racing’ or something like that and brought that in, the guy was flabbergasted.

My teacher then asked me what song I sang. So I said, ‘I just wanted to get on TV so I sang the Pokemon Theme song!’

The teacher then wanted me to sing it, but I said I was too shy.

No one ever asked me about it again.” sixesand7s 
23. There was a secret level in Super Mario-that’s what they all thought


I think this is a pretty believable story, right? It’s either that, or I’m just gullible.

“I told some people in my elementary school that there was a secret level in Super Mario 64. I was jealous that everyone had a Nintendo 64 and my family couldn’t afford one. So, I not only convinced people that I did have an N64 but also that I had found a secret level that they didn’t know about.” jpterodactyl 
22. He lied to use the bathroom


“I was on a trip with my then girlfriend/now wife to the twin cities.

We are nerdy/history people. We were going to take a tour of a local historical house later that day but had some time to kill. We actually parked in the lot for St. Paul’s Cathedral. I really had to pee so I convinced my wife that the church would likely be open to the public and would have easily accessible bathrooms.
When we walk in the front doors there’s a group of a few dozen people just standing there. They all turn to look at us. I felt like we did something wrong just by being there. Then someone at the head of the group speaks up, ‘Hey, are you here for the tour? We’ve been waiting for you!’

I have no idea what’s going on but I decide to play along.

‘Yes,’ I respond, ‘sorry we’re late. But do you mind if I use the restroom first?’ They agreed and we got a private, guided tour of the whole cathedral including the crypts below. It ended up being the highlight of the trip. No idea what that group was or if we were supposed to have paid or what.” Otto_Matic82 
21. A lie helped him get out a speeding ticket


People usually tell some very serious stories to the cops to get out of speeding tickets. I know there have been some who have said they’re speeding to get to the hospital to be with a sick loved one-I’m sure you know someone who’s used that one before too! But, one guy thought very quick on his feet and used the resources he had.

Take a read, you’ll be impressed:

“I got pulled over for speeding, 70 on a 45. I spilled my water bottle on my pants before the cop walked up to my car. I told him I was trying to get to the bathroom, and he told me to go.” 13a841 
20. Being late forced him to come up with a very big (and serious) lie


“My first year walking to school alone was the 7th grade and I was late a lot. It got to a point that the teachers told me I would have to do all the day’s chores (putting chairs down in the morning, wiping boards clean, cleaning after lunch, putting away chairs and supplies etc) if I was late again.

Well, the next day I was running late as usual. Being a lazy SOB that I am, I knew I had to do something to get out of doing the daily chores. So, when the teacher asked me why I was late, I thought back on the assembly we had a few weeks prior, on school safety. Then I told the teacher that a strange man pulled up to me when I was coming into school grounds and asked me to come with him to see some puppies.
I honestly thought that would be a good enough excuse and it would be the end of it.

NOPE. School was suspended for the rest of the day, police were called, and my parents were called in. I was interviewed for the entire day, had to describe the man, the car, everything. They ended up hiring a security officer for the grounds because of that incident and put in a few new cameras. We had quarterly school assemblies because of it too.

And it was all for nothing. Because less than a week later I was late again and had to do all the daily chores.” Yoinkie2013 
19. He told his kids he’d be back, that was his biggest lie


It’s never easy for parents to break up a nuclear family and go their own ways.

Everyone wants a safe and healthy family environment, especially when there are kids involved. So, when parents do decide to file for a divorce, the biggest task is to break the news to their kids. As devastating as it may be, it’s important for parents to ease them into the new reality and make their children understand that it is all for the best, and eventually, everyone will be much happier this way. Of course, it’s easier said than done. One parent possibly couldn’t come to terms with breaking the news, or just letting the family know that it was time he moved on.

Here’s their confession:

“My kids still think I’m out buying a pack of smokes.” TransposingJons 
18. His lie helped him through med school


“I took a business class in college to round myself out so to speak (since 99% of my classes were science) and I thought I might like it. I didn’t. So, I made note of the tests and just decided I’d cram before the exams and be fine. I go to the class on one of the days of the exams to hear the professor open with a lecture. Confused, I wondered when the exam was going to begin, however, someone brought up a question that was ‘on last week’s exam’ and I pretty much had my answer.

So, I missed one of the three exams, and I don’t think my method of ‘cram and pray’ was going to net me perfect scores. So while I’m ignoring the lecture, I figured I’d just find a way to ask for extra credit. I approached my professor after class and just said, ‘Hey, I did really poorly on the exam, and I’d like to see if there’s anything I can do for extra credit.’ He laughed and told me not to worry and that I’m sure I’ll do fine. I was adamant-I’m a pre-med student, I’m a bit on the a**l side, and I need this.

He backs down after a bit and says ‘Alright let me see what you got on the exam’ and he checks his grade book. ‘Odd, I don’t have a grade written down for you, what did you get?’ So, now I’m worried, what do I say? I didn’t want it to be too farfetched where I suddenly have a 92 after trying to sweet talk my way to extra credit, so I went with a solid 74 which I felt was pretty low.

The test was out of 80. So, he wrote ’74’ and told me I need to learn to relax a bit.” DualCrescendo
17. He made up a lie about a very notable man in history


I knew this one kid in middle school who said that a Hollywood actress was his cousin.

He would never mention her name, wouldn’t bring in any picture proof, and never seemed to live the perks of being a celebrity’s family member. Although many of us didn’t believe him, there were some kids who followed along with this story and took his word for it. He carried his story through the three years in middle school. Then he moved schools and we never found out if he was lying or was that really the truth. I wonder the same for this person, did people really believe him, or is he still trying to make his lie seem like the truth?

“I told people that Gandhi was my great grandfather.

True story.” Soopsmojo 
16. He moved and had no job, his parents thought he was all set


There was once a movie I watched about a young man who moves cities, away from home and joins the mafia. But, because he never wanted to disappoint his parents he lies to them and says that he’s a doctor. His parents are so proud of their son, but eventually, they come around to visit him in his new city and find out that he’s not a doctor at all. They find out that he really doesn’t have a legitimate job. This next story makes me think of what these parents would think if they ever found out about their kid’s lie.

“I left the country and moved to another location without any plan about what’s to come. I told my family at home that my office would send me over there. Nope.” JaSamSamzy 
15. He said he was gay so he can make friends


“I told people at work that I was gay.

I was a very attractive young man in my twenties. I work in scientific research and women in my field tend to be very self-conscious. They hate good-looking men simply because it made them feel inadequate. I was never overly confident. I kept to myself, but they would make up rumors about me and talk s&^* about me all the time, no matter how nice I was to them.

So, I came out as gay. Not to them, but I made sure I told someone who I knew would spread that information. And all of a sudden my relationship with the women in the workplace improved immensely. They said good morning to me, invited me to lunches, and did work-related favors for me.
I’ve left that place now, but some people moved to where I work now, although in other departments. Still, I’m pretty sure gossip still spread from those departments. One gay co-worker tries to signal to me that he knows, but I ignore it. I think it frustrates him.

I compartmentalize my life, so playing the closeted gay worker is no trouble for me. I never discuss my personal life with anyone at work. And women treat me very well.” Reddit User
14. He lied about breaking up with his girlfriend


This one isn’t new, I think it’s actually quite common. Parents don’t always like your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other, and when this happens they try to separate the two of you. Would you listen, tell them straight out that you’re going to continue in this relationship, or do what this guy did?

“My parents made me break up with a girl in high school (after dating her for 9 months); needless to say, I didn’t.

We managed to go on regular dates, see each other at least three times a week outside of school, etc. until we broke up, 22 months after the original parental decree.” mcathen 
13. He lied about being Canadian for 2.5 years


“I moved around a lot as a kid, never staying in a school for longer than 7 months. I decided to start making up stories at each new school I went to, for s&*ts and giggles, y’know?

At my last middle school (last semester of 8th grade), I told everyone I was half Canadian and spoke in a Canadian ‘accent’ to make my story more believable.

What I didn’t know is that I’d end up staying in that town for my first two years of high school as well. I kept up the charade as long as I could. It all unraveled after a sleepover when one of my friends asked my mother why she moved from Canada. You could say she was confused.” itsapirateslifeforme 
12. A bachelor’s degree based on plagiarism


Everyone wants to graduate from university/college with flying colors. But, this is quite the risk to take when you’re days away from getting a degree, wouldn’t you agree?

“My professor emailed me saying she was missing 3 of my essay grades.

I never wrote them, so I forged the ends of the papers, threw in a couple of sources, and photoshopped her ‘grades’ onto them. This allowed me to graduate with a bachelor’s 3 days later.” imadelies 
11. He was British for a year


I’ve always wanted a British accent, there’s something so unique about it. But, would I fake one? Nope! Would this guy? Yup, and he did. But, things just got really weird towards the end of this story, so all of a sudden, I don’t know how to feel about this:

“Just spent my first year in college with a fake British accent.

Practiced it a whole lot the year before and everyone believed me. Halfway through my first semester next year I’m gonna suddenly switch back to my regular accent and pretend it never happened.” coldevil123 
10. They lied for someone’s safety


I don’t think anyone would consider this a lie that would harm someone else-even if it means lying to the nurses and doctors. It helped someone out, that’s all that matters.

“My friend had tried to kill himself and was staying in a mental hospital. He had told me that I was the only reason he was still alive. His family convinced the hospital staff that I was related to them so that I could visit him during his stay.” BiPolarBear94 
9. He lied about farting being a felony


“I am a lawyer. I was working for a consulting firm and had an overly flatulent coworker.

The issue was that he was, admittedly, lactose intolerant. He would, however, get a McDonald’s shake or carton of milk every morning before work. He would giggle like a little girl and crop dust everyone. Sometimes just walk up, bend over and let one go right next to a seated coworker.

Being fed up with him literally farting in my face, I told him that if he continued that I would perform a citizens arrest and charge him with felony assault. He said that wasn’t possible so I told him that it was. That his ‘f*******s’ were making an unwanted touching of my body, that touch was intentional by him and the distress it was causing was enough to raise it to the level of a felony.

Still doubting it, I told him that for a citizens arrest all I need is to be a witness to the felonious action and swear out a statement when I take him to the police station. I warn him that I will do it if he farts on, near, or around anyone in the office anymore.
It lasted about a year before someone finally broke it to him that I was lying. He came back and called me out and started his farting antics again. This time I told him fine, you figured out my lie. But believe this, if you fart on me again, I won’t have you arrested, but I will punch you in the face.

I then went to HR and told them everything including my threat to hit him. He transferred to a new office a few weeks later.” MotorCityMe 
8. He had never read the book but said he never saw the movie


“7th Grade English, we have a project to pick any long novel, read it and do an oral book report to the class with a Q&A. I pick ‘The Shining,’ and had I given it a shot I would have realized it’s a page-turner, but to 7th grade me it just looks like a long book that is not as fun as video games.

The teacher set aside a few minutes of each class for us to just sit and read our book. Leading up to the deadline, she sees that I haven’t read very much, and keeps badgering me that I need to be reading more at home. I keep assuring her that I’m a fast reader, I’ll catch up quickly, I’ll get it done, etc.
Cut to the day before my presentation: I have read nothing. I, of course, rent the movie instead. I watch it TWICE just to be sure.

I do my presentation, being as vague about the plot as I can get away with, and throw in some BS about my opinions on Stephen King’s writing style that I looked up on the internet.

I take questions from my classmates, no problem.
But the teacher appears skeptical this whole time. I mean, there is a very popular movie based on this book, and I was not on pace to have any chance at finishing this thing-it doesn’t take a genius to be suspicious. And I know we have to end by letting HER ask a question, so I’m a little worried. Finally, I ask her for her question.

Teacher: ‘I was wondering if you could tell us some of the major differences between the book and the movie.’

F%^$! My heart sinks for just a moment, and then I come up with it:

‘I’m sorry, I don’t know…..I never saw the movie.’

I am terrible at thinking on my feet, so I’m proud of that moment.” Orange_Kid 
7. They don’t know his real age and now it’s too late


“There is a social circle I am in that all think I am 4 years older than I am.

It originated as a way for underage me to get a drink in a bar, and well I never exposed the truth. So now a couple of dozen friends and even a couple short-lived girlfriends all think that I am exactly 4 years older than I am.

I have been to birthdays, engagement parties, and even a wedding with these people. I still regularly go out to get drinks with this group. We play some sports together, we watch a lot of movies, we have good times and bad.
But my life has this big 4-year gap in it that, through years of stories and questions, has become a false period.

Effectively, I took two parts of my life and expanded them to make the dates add up. I lived in Brazil before college, but to this group that was three years instead of one. And I lived in New Zealand after college, but again, one year becomes three. False dates for graduations and different steps in life have been a little hard to keep track of, but I manage.

Honestly, I only don’t tell them because of how long it has been. Plenty of these people are younger than I claim to be, but I fear the awkwardness of exposing a lie they have believed for years.” goodnt-guy 
6. 0-100 real quick!


“One of my teachers in 8th grade gave me a 0 for a project I didn’t turn in.

I told her I did it and handed it in. She said that she felt bad that she lost my work and that I wasn’t getting credit for all of the efforts I put into the assignment, so she gave me 100 for a project I never did. I’m a goody two shoes, so the fact that I did that AND got away with it still blows my mind to this day.” LimeLizardz 
5. Going to bingo meant seeing a therapist


“A couple of years ago I started seeing a therapist I didn’t want my parents to know about. I was 18 so I didn’t need them to sign on, and I paid out of pocket with money from a part-time job I had.

My brother and I shared a car but since he was at college, out of town, it was effectively mine, and I used it to get to my therapist’s office.

I went to my appointments at the same time every week and told my mom that I was going out with some friends for bingo night at a local pizza parlor. Since I actually did have a history of going out to play board games with friends this didn’t raise any suspicion.
One day, about a month into this, I walk out of my appointment to see my mom’s car parked next to mine.

I think, ‘it’s over now I gotta tell her’ and walk over. She’s standing by her car when I walk over, I’m not sure if she saw me come out of the building but I think she must have.

She said something to the effect of ‘what are you doing here?’ I said something like ‘uh’ and she goes: ‘Did you come out here to be alone?’ So I just went with it; put on a sheepish face and said something like ‘yeah, pretty much.’ She says: ‘Yeah I come out here too when I need to cry sometimes.’ I didn’t know what to say to that so I gave her a hug, drove off to run some other errands, then went home.

She never brought it up again, and I continued seeing that therapist for 7 months. I have no idea how my mom didn’t pick up on it then, writing this I wonder if maybe she did and just didn’t want to confront me about it or something. But then again, I doubt it, my mom can be pretty oblivious. Still, for those 8 months, no one knew I was seeing anyone or (from what I know) suspected anything.” Reddit User  
4. There was never a pet dog, but they didn’t know that


“I was 20 when I got my first internship. I was eating lunch when everyone in the office started talking about their pets.

Someone asked me if I had a pet and I reflexively answered yes. No idea why my brain panicked and did that, but it’s weird to say ‘yeah I have a dog. I mean…no I don’t.’ So, I just went with it. Turns out, there are a lot of pictures of cute puppies on the internet and it makes a great excuse to leave early when Chester has an appointment with the vet.” YungEngineer95 
3. The snow day was all a lie


Who doesn’t love a snow day?! We lived for snow days when we were in elementary school, and it didn’t change as we got older.

So, this Reddit User would be very much appreciated back in the day. Don’t you think so?

“Our local news station announces school closings for snow and ice. Apparently, they believe anyone who emails them. I was the ‘principal’ of ten or so different schools and ended up getting like 4,000 kids outta school one day.” TheConflictPigeon 
2. The lie that won everyone’s hearts


“I was interviewing for a bunch of exclusive private high schools. During one of my interviews, the lady asked what worldly current events I cared about. I f&^**&% froze and couldn’t think of any news story at all. I paused and just said ‘the war,’ and BURST out crying uncontrollably because I had nothing else to say on the matter except ‘it sucks.’ So, I am crying and the lady goes: ‘Oh no! Sweetheart, do you know someone overseas?’ And I just nodded and she apologized profusely.

When it came time for my parents to join us in the interview, she told my parents she was sorry about our family member fighting in Iraq. They just looked at her and nodded, didn’t say anything, had no idea what she was talking about.

Anyways, this woman fell in love with me and said I was such a uniquely compassionate 13-year-old. She ended up calling our house the night we were supposed to tell them if I would attend or not. I felt bad, but I ended up somewhere else.” 2timechampion  
1. That fake Master’s degree went a really long way


“I lied and got a job by saying I had a Master’s degree.

After we changed which group we belonged to at work, my new manager brought me into his office and said that I was on the wrong pay grade. He then proceeded to tell HR to give me more money. I got a 17% pay rise.

For the months between him speaking to me and getting my pay rise my heart sank every time he looked mad at his computer (which he regularly does). I felt bad because he was a really good manager. Just so you all know-I don’t work there anymore, haven’t for years. I am now a house-husband.” Anonymous  
What is one of the biggest lies you’ve ever told? Would you dare to share? Also, which one of the stories above is your favorite? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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