People Share Their All-Time Greatest Pro Revenge Stories

Adrian Swancar

I love myself a good revenge story. Although, I can’t say I like committing revenge myself. Too often, I let people “off the hook,” I guess you could say. But there are still certain situations where I’m fully convinced that someone deserves repercussion of some sort for their actions. Some things just don’t fly with me.

And there are some things that really shouldn’t fly with you either. A boss that refuses to pay you until you seek legal action, a dormmate who tries to act sweet to your face but is secretly using your ID to pay for food (and probably expensive shoes too, let’s be honest!) for her and her friends, and a landlord who does absolutely nothing about your black mold situation despite it causing damage to your belongings and triggering health problems – these people are total jerks! You bet that they deserve to face consequences.

Read on to see what people do in the previous-mentioned situations, plus in several other similar circumstances.

17. Scream At Me And My Friend? Your Career Is Done



Back when I was in college, my pathophysiology class had a final project worth 50% of the total grades we could earn, and groups were picked at the beginning of the semester.

This was a massive project that you were expected to start working on at the beginning of the semester, and if you thought you could do it all last minute, you were probably in for a bad time.

It was myself, two other girls who I knew worked hard, and then this one guy that the one girl was crushing on. She HAD to add him to our group because he was cute or something; I have no idea. I call him Idiot every time I tell the story, though, because he truly was an idiot.

The girls were fantastic, and everyone pulled their own weight during this project, with the exception of Idiot.

Idiot never once did any of the group project work.
He ignored all messages through texting/Facebook but would answer the one girl if she was flirting with him. He would only show up to class maybe twice a month if that. He would constantly post photos of himself on vacations in Mexico or the Bahamas. I’m pretty sure he spent more time out of the country than in it.

One week before the project is due, he messages the group asking what pages in the textbook he needed to look through to do his part of the project. We tell him what he needs to do and where to find the information. We laid everything out for him. If we did anything more, we would be better off doing his part of the project ourselves.
Idiot thanks us and then disappears. We all assumed he was doing the work he needed to do, and we were prepared to take a hit on our marks because he didn’t have anything done up until now, so the quality of his work was probably terrible at best.

The project’s due date rolls around, and he’s nowhere to be found and is ignoring all of our desperate messages. We (myself and the two girls) go to the professor and tell her everything that happened, along with screenshots of the literal months worth of conversations where we constantly tried to get Idiot to come to labs with us or the library where we offered to help him do his part.

The professor was not amused.
Immediately, he fired off an email to Idiot and Cc’d the head of the program as well, basically saying that Idiot needs to either do his part and show up to class the next week with it, or he will receive a zero, and the rest of us won’t be affected.

Can you guess what happened?

Idiot was a no-answer and no-show, with no excuses or anything. Professor gave him a fat zero. It turns out that he NEEDED to do this project and do well on it to pass. He bombed every test, and with this failure, he was denied from passing that semester. I’m fairly certain he had to retake that course during the summer, which means he (or more likely his mom) had to s**** out another $1,300 just for that class.

A couple of months later in the college bookstore, Idiot and his mom (I call her Screamer) run into myself and the other girl who didn’t like him, and Screamer just LOSES IT on the girl and me, screaming at us saying we constantly harassed her son, and she was going to make it impossible for myself or the girl to find work. Idiot’s mom worked in the same field that our degrees were for. She sat in the board of directors for the public health alliance for the area, so she was a public figure and a supposedly well-behaved and educated one too.

She was escorted out by security shortly after, but that wasn’t all she had planned. Screamer ended up dragging myself and the girl through every single college meeting they could schedule regarding our (non-existent) negative behavior towards her son, where he claimed he was constantly harassed… yet, with no proof.
It was literal months of this poor girl and I have to change our schedules for school classes/studying, so we DIDN’T have any classes or chance happenings/run-ins with Idiot, as that’s what the college demanded we do.

It made our last year, or two semesters, living **** because we couldn’t be anywhere near Idiot; otherwise, we could face interdisciplinary hearings or worse.

Now, for the revenge:

The security company that handled the contract for the college was also the same company that handled the contract where I used to work. I was extremely close friends with the night shift supervisor (going out for drinks and playing Halo all night with him and his girlfriend sort of close), so one night after I finished work, I asked him for a favor.

On the promise that I wouldn’t tell a soul he helped me, and telling him he’d have another great video to share with his friends, I asked him to let me email the video to my personal email account.

After I told him what had happened and on what day and time it happened, he drove me to the campus. Just after the main building had closed, he and I walked over to his security office where they have all of the recordings that run back to the day the security system was installed.

He brought the video up of Idiot’s mom in the college bookstore, audio and all, of her screaming at myself and my friend.

He recognized Screamer. It turns out, she’s done this before at a different site he patrols and that he was told he had to keep it quiet by his superiors.
I told him he could be as quiet as he wanted, but I was going to get my revenge on her. A quick email later, and I was in possession of the video.

I found out who the rest of the board members were over the course of a few days, and they were all sent an email with the video of Screamer going ape-sh*t in the college bookstore, screaming at an obviously confused guy and a freaked out girl. The audio perfectly captured the moment where she threatened to make it impossible for me or the girl to find any work anywhere within that district, followed by her argument with security as she was escorted out.

I never received any replies from the board members, so I just waited to see what would happen.
Screamer was voted out from her position the following week after the video was shown during one of the meetings she was attending. She lost her very cushy government job and was last seen working in an old age home according to a mutual friend. I’m not sure what happened to Idiot, but I did hear from the same mutual friend that he never did graduate and works at a call center now.

The girl and I ended up finding full-time work immediately after graduating. Never had an issue there. Oh, and the security guard ended up getting hired by the RCMP, so I guess good things do happen to good people.” PacketOverload

16. Try To Screw Over Your Employee? She’ll Take Over Your Business


“My spouse was the second person hired at a consulting company in a very specialized industry.
In her 15 years with the firm, it grew to a respectable three office (8-10 employees at each location) entity.

She and the owner grew the business on the contacts, expertise, and presentation of my wife to the extent that my wife’s abilities and education were the main reason the new business came through the door.

Over the years, her scope of responsibility grew so that the owner was basically 75% absent and mostly unaware of day to day activity. As he got more and more removed from the business, he would make overtures that he would eventually retire and sell her the business.

He was so dependent on her income-generating that he took out a life insurance policy on her.

I did not involve myself too much, but at a major industry dinner party I attended with her, he introduced my wife to the table as “my girl Friday,” basically a secretary (which was weird).
Over the years, she tried to get an agreement in place to buy the firm, even if it was years away. He always delayed and made promises but never followed through.

I told her, “This guy doesn’t respect you or your contribution. He will never sell you the business because there is no reason to. He can make more money by stringing you along, and essentially: You are the business; why would he sell it to you?”

One day out of the blue, my wife received a raise and bonus (a very minor amount of money) and a contract that included a non-compete, non-disclosure agreement. After reading it, she realized that the owner was trying to lock her down from leaving for another firm.

(She had been getting feelers from other companies.)

To make things even more suspicious, she received a call from a competitor who said they were in the final stages of due diligence, and they wanted to meet her. The ***** ********************was selling the company and didn’t think to tell her or ask if she was interested in buying it. She ignored the agreement, and there were no other agreements in place. She was totally free.

My wife is extremely loyal. She has missed so many special days working for this guy, stuck around when they were wobbly, even skipped paychecks when there were tough financial times.

She was furious, the absolute maddest I’ve ever seen her. We discussed starting her own firm, and I asked, “How much business is contractually obligated to stay there if you leave?” It turned out that most agreements were either handshakes or 30-day at-will.
I also asked, “How many would leave with you?” She said about 75% including her biggest source of revenue who didn’t even know the owner.

In a very short time, my wife took a 3-week vacation. (She had months of unused time.) During which time, she rented an office (in the same building!) and made all the arrangements to set up a new shop.

She agreed to leave any and all company property behind and do her best to give the old company no obvious ammo for litigation. She called her clients and said, “I’m leaving. If you want to look into relocating your account with my new company, you’ll need to quit the old one before we can discuss it.” Most understood the implication.
While she was on vacation, she received a panicked call from her boss, “We lost XYZ company. Do you know anything about it?” She said, “I’m sorry, but I just sent you an email; I’ve resigned.

All my keys and company stuff is on my desk. Buh Bye.”

The new firm took basically 90% of the business and seamlessly transitioned into the same company as it was before but with a new owner. Even most of the office staff would come aboard.

Within a year, her old company closed down except for the small office her old boss ran. She sees him once in a while, and he just scowls at her.” CallMeSwellington

15. Ruin My Sister’s Only Birth Experience? I’ll Convince Your Wife To Name Your Daughter After Her


“Kinda my revenge, kinda my sisters’, both of us really proud.

When I was 14 and my oldest sister, Sara, was 22, we found out that she was pregnant from Paul, her boyfriend of 4 years. They immediately got engaged, and they were really happy. For a time.

Sara had a horrible pregnancy about 16-18 weeks into the “wonder of creating a human life” evaporated within her. She developed hyperemesis (which, if you don’t know, it’s really bad morning sickness), she was constantly in pain, she developed gestational diabetes, and just all-around hated the experience.

Around this time Paul, the then-fiance, started getting sick of the complaining. I believe the argument was, “Your body is built to do this; it can’t be that bad.”

Sara was due around Valentine’s Day, and Paul’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Doe, were very excited, both about the grandkid and the fact that he could be born on a holiday. She was very against that and really, really hoped that her son wouldn’t be born on a holiday, even one as small as Valentine’s day.

(her birthday sometimes falls on Easter, and she hates it) because it might make him feel that “his day” isn’t very much about him.

Well, Mrs. Doe says something like, “Well, if you name him Valentine or Valentino, then that’ll make the day even more special to him!” Again, sister HATED the idea. She thought it was tacky, he’d be bullied for it, and just really didn’t like the name Valentino. Paul loved it but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared.

Fast forward to February, and she was ready to get this over with. Sara had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking, her ***** pressure took unexpected spikes and dips. I look back now, and goodness, do I feel bad for her. She was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine’s day because, again, she didn’t want him born on a holiday. Unfortunately, births happen when they happen, and that baby was going to come on Valentine’s day whether she wanted him to or not.

I remember waiting out in the waiting room with my dad, brothers, and Paul, who couldn’t stand to be in the delivery room because it was “gross.” I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn’t because he thought my sister was “gross” while giving birth, whereas I had to stay outside because I was “too young” to go in with my mom and my other sister.
Dad went home with the youngest two brothers while the oldest, Zeke, stayed to watch me because I refused to leave.

16 hours after Sara went into labor, my little nephew was officially part of the family on the evening of Valentine’s day.

Unfortunately, Sara was not okay. She had to have an emergency cesarean section, and while doing the operation, they discovered that the back of her uterus (facing her spinal cord) had a very large and very severe (thankfully, non-cancerous) tumor. When I say large, I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus. The doctors were shocked and didn’t understand why nobody had noticed it on an ultrasound.

It accounted for her severe back pain and ***** pressure issues.
The doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy. This meant that my nephew would be Sara’s only child.

Now, while Sara was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby-related to make sure his son was okay. In my 14-year-old self’s memory, I remember him being suitably distraught, but I didn’t really pay him much mind and spent my time in the waiting room with my mother and my other sister.

Zeke, however, wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay. He found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own looking (in my brother’s words) “like he had not a single worry in his mind.” Zeke asked why Paul didn’t wait for Sara to fill out the paperwork as she should have been put of surgery within the hour, and Paul said that he just wanted her to get her rest and heal.
That checked out with Zeke, as he was 16 and didn’t know any better at the time.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking… “No, he wouldn’t. He knows how much she hates that name. And still, she’d need to sign the paperwork too!” My fellow peoples, I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sara’s signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over. My sweet nephew, that was born on Valentine’s day, was named “Valentino” on his first official birth certificate.

I still to this day don’t know why Paul and his family were so insistent about the name.

He had even picked out a different one with my sister! And before you ask, no, he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were “witnesses” to her signing the papers, even though they only got there at the last minute.
So, Sara dumped him and got her son’s name changed a month later. She was willing to do split custody with him because that’s her son’s father, and she wants the kid to know him, but Paul vanished, and she never heard anything back, which seemed weirdly out of character to us until a mutual friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures 6 months later.

Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she got pregnant. Sara was livid, but there wasn’t much she could do, so she filed for child support and continued to live her best life.

6 years later… This is where the revenge starts, my friends. So, Sara has been a single mother for the past 6 years and has been amazing at it.
At this point in my career, I’ve been a hairdresser for about 8 months at our local GreatClips.

I’m working one day, and who is seated before me? Jane, Paul’s wife, herself. I take her back for a trim, and she clearly has no idea who I am. That adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn’t know a thing. She has no idea about Sara, that she was the other woman, or that Paul actually has a kid that he’s been (infrequently) paying child support for. She’s in the dark on it all.

I told myself not to be a** and treat her like a normal customer, which I did. Now, at this point, Jane was heavily pregnant, so a lot of our conversation was about that.
She loved being pregnant, but it was hard. Her husband was so unsympathetic (big shocker), and she was due in 10 weeks, and they still hadn’t picked out a name for their baby girl.

Ladies and gentlepeoples, this was my chance.

I asked what kind of name she was looking for, and she said, “I want something unique and unusual but not ridiculous like Brayntleigheigh” (you know the ones I’m talking about), and Paul had suggested so many already, and she didn’t like ANY of them.

So, I, the conniving little weasel I am, said, “What about Sara?”

My sister’s name isn’t actually “Sara;” she was named after an older family member that passed not long after she was born, but there was no female equivalent for his name, so our parents created one.
It’s a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for.

She loved it, she stuck by it, and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that was their daughter’s name.

Now Paul, has a daughter with his ex’s name to remind him every day about her (and to also remind him to pay his **** child support).

Little nephew is 10-years-old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father, though we do still sometimes call him Val as a family nickname. He likes it but doesn’t want to bring it to school, so it’s staying a family nickname. Sara pretends to hate when we call him that, in a joking way, as long as he likes it she doesn’t have a problem with it.

And she’s seeing a new guy who’s really great and like a father to Val. :)” AngelGuideIndi

14. Think You Can Rip Out Mailboxes? Enjoy Damage To Your Truck And Federal Prison


“So, way back in the day (mid 90s or so), my family lived in a log cabin on 10 acres of land in a rural area 10 minutes or so out of town. It wasn’t totally the sticks, but you could definitely hear banjo music in the background sometimes.

At the end of our nearly 1/4 mile long driveway was one of those roads that were also technically a “state highway.” In the AM, I’d trudge down to wait for the bus, and when I got home, I’d grab the mail and carry it back.

Then one Monday morning when I went out, I noticed the mailbox was gone. On closer inspection, it looked like it had just been ripped out of the ground.

My dad was obviously not pleased. He went to talk with the county Sherrif, who happened to live a mile down the road. It turns out, it had been happening up and down the road for months… Someone was tossing a chain over mailboxes and yanking them out with their vehicle. He suspected it was a guy down the road with his great, big, lifted 4wd truck but couldn’t prove anything.

It usually happened on Saturday and Sunday nights with people finding out in the morning.

Also, it seems the nicer the mailbox, the bigger a target, and many had been hit multiple times.
People had tried digging deeper, using more durable wood, etc. The guy just took it as a challenge and ripped them out again… It was soft, sandy ground, and his truck was a monster.

Well, Dad said, “CHALLENGE ****** ACCEPTED.”

A little bit about my father: he’s a steelworker with an engineering background and graduate degree.

He’s built like a bear with forearms the size of my fricking legs. Most people looking at him would never think this monster of a man is also brilliant, but he is. He’s the calm, cool type that never almost never loses his temper, but wrong him, and God help you.

So, Dad goes to Lowes and buys the fanciest, prettiest mailbox they sell. He then proceeds to install it on top of an 8ft long cylinder of 3″ diameter HARDENED TOOL STEEL.

But he wasn’t done there. After digging down with post holers and dropping it in, he then filled it in with quickset concrete.

To really sell it, he then used some strips of 1/2″ wood to cover the steel core of his now-indestructible mailbox of doom. He primed and painted it, so it looked like a standard 4″ post. And even had my mom decorate it with flowers and such. He wanted it to be as tempting of a target as possible.

It didn’t even take a week. I went out for school in the morning and found the mailbox right where it should be. Attached to it was 30 feet of chain and an entire hitch assembly. It ripped right off the truck’s frame and sheared the bolts.
It was marvelous to behold.

The sheriff gets called over DIES LAUGHING when he sees it. He went to the house of the guy that was suspected and sure enough verified the damage to his truck matched! Fun fact: ****** with a mailbox is a FEDERAL CRIME, as in, you go to federal prison, not those cushy state places.

Dad was unofficially rewarded by the Sheriff’s Dept with a few cases of hops and some venison. And after that, every deputy in town would flash him a thumbs-up whenever they saw him.” aCertainTechnician

13. Feel Free To Copy My Work, But Don’t Cry To Me When You Fail


“I don’t have a problem with helping classmates. I really don’t.

I even tutored several classmates during my final semester of undergrad because they needed help.
They all ended up passing their classes with my assistance.

This story comes from a particularly tough Business Information Systems class during my undergraduate education. The students in this class were mostly nontechnical business majors, so this new material wasn’t at all similar to anything we’d learned in other classes. Needless to say, most of the students were struggling, including me.

I still had a 4.0 in college at this point (though, I finished with a 3.99), and I was willing to put in the max effort to keep my stellar GPA.

I started studying hard. I made my own Quizlet sets, I read the book every night, I finished assignments a week early, and I did outside research. After grinding it out in this class for about a month, I was working on an assignment in a room designated for quiet homework time, and that’s where our story begins.
Several other students from my class were there and working on the same assignment I was on. Judging by the sighs of exasperation, the irritated whispers, and requests for help, they weren’t having much success.

Having studied relentlessly for a month, I was having an easier time of it. As I got up to go get some water from the fountain in the hall, a classmate asked for my help. I told him I could do that, and I’d be right back.

I returned a few minutes later to find what I can only describe as a bunch of busy bees happily working away. This was strange since they were hopelessly stuck 2 minutes before, but whatever.

My classmate tells me he figured it out without me.
Now, I’m not an idiot, so I know the 5 people in this room probably copied my work off my computer when I went to get water. Scumbag move number one.

But as it turns out, no one in the class needed help the next day or the day after. Whoever in the study room had stolen my work had forwarded it to most of the class. Scumbag move number two.

I don’t mind being helpful, but I hate being used, so I made a plan to get back at the people who had stolen my work.

It didn’t take long to organize my plan and carry it out. Here’s how it went:

I changed an answer on the next assignment by multiplying by -1.
$1,500 became -$1,500 on this question

The next week, I left my computer in the same place as before and went to get water, just like I had done the week before. 75% of the people in my class of 40 people put -$1,500 as the answer to question 3, which was definitely incorrect.

I began studying relentlessly for the midterm.

Our professor had said he wouldn’t adjust the weight of the test (something like YourScore/50 on a test with 60 points available, so your score of 40 becomes 80% instead of 67%) if anyone scored particularly well. This class was difficult, and no one was expecting anyone to score over 75%, so all my classmates figured the weight of the test would be adjusted.
My plan was to “wreck the curve” (even though it’s not a curve) and deny everyone the adjusted weight by producing a sufficiently high score.

I recruited a classmate who hadn’t stolen my work to study with. Together, we aimed to score high enough that our professor couldn’t adjust the weight of the midterm.

Here’s how it all played out:

No one who copied me realized the answer was incorrect. Every last one of those idiots submitted the wrong answer to question 3.

This next part surprised me, but my classmates began insisting the class was unfair, too difficult, or rigged and launched these complaints at our professor. One day after class, I had the following exchange since I was the last student out of the classroom:

Professor: OP, do you think this class is too hard?

Me: Honestly, this class is hard, but if people spent as much time studying as they did complaining, they’d be fine.

They really need to just get to work.

Professor: I thought the same.

Me: (deciding spur of the moment my next move) I also happen to know that most of the class incorrectly copied my work on the last assignment. Question 3 should be a net income of $1,500, not a net loss of $1,500. I put down the wrong answer initially, everyone copied me, and then I changed the answer later. I think you can reasonably conclude that anyone with -$1,500 as the answer cheated off of my incorrect work.

Professor: I figured they all copied, but I didn’t know you were the source. Anyway, thanks for your candor and your dedication to the class.

I didn’t cheat, so I don’t know what happened to those who did, but depending on the class, they would either get a zero for the assignment or a plagiarism citation, so they got one of those.
Fast forward to test day, and I’m ready to go. I know since most of the students are business majors, they need 70% to pass the class because it’s a required course.

Hurting them on the midterm will go a long way in helping drop their grades. I take the test, I’m the first one done, and I leave feeling pretty sure I’ve done enough to deny the class the exam weight adjustment.

A week later, we get our exams back. Tests are distributed all around me with scores on the top in red ink. 68, 71, 70, 66, 75, 67, and these are the smart students! Someone at the end of my row takes a test from our professor and lets out a sigh as he begins passing a test down my row.

It stops on my desk.

93%. I’ve won.

Some idiot in the front of the class: So, is there going to be a curve?

Professor: Nope!

Me: What was the high score?

Professor: 93%!

The average score for the exam was 71, so a good number of people didn’t get a “passing” score. Maybe they made up for it on the final and passed, but I don’t care.

I got mine.” Mikerue7

12. Call The Cops On Me? Lose Your Job


“I first got to college my freshman year and met the dorm leader (RA at most schools).

Like most colleges, the dorm leader was the upperclassman that lived in the dorms and monitored the freshman halls. My dorm leader’s name was Julio (fake name, by the way), and at first, he seemed like a nice dude that minded his own business.
He talked about how he would stay out of everyone’s business if we would stay out of his. Also, he tried to be the “cool dorm leader” and always mentioned to me about how he drank tons of alcohol his freshman year in the dorms.

He gave off the impression he really didn’t care if we ever drank in our dorm rooms but to just keep it on the low if we did. I really didn’t drink much at all, but I appreciated the fact he seemed pretty normal and didn’t try to rat on kids.

During the last week of October of my freshman year of college, I had one of the hardest weeks of my academic career. I was a biochemistry major taking some pretty tough classes and had three exams that week.

At the end of the week, a friend I had recently made down the hall invited me to his dorm room to watch an upcoming NBA game. As we were watching the game, he had a bottle of vodka and gave some to the guys in the dorm. Being a naive and stupid freshman kid just trying to make some friends, I took one shot of vodka and continued to watch the game.

As we’re watching the game, one of the guys in the dorm spills a bottle of soda and rushes to the bathroom to grab some paper towels.

As he walks out of the dorm room, Julio walked by and noticed the bottle of vodka. He laughed and said something of the sorts of, “I remember when I was a freshman.
Haha – just try and keep it down.” We thanked him and told him to have a good night – it seemed like a normal conversation and nothing out of the ordinary.

30 minutes later, we hear a knock on the door, and two policemen showed up with breathalyzers. They told us they had received a complaint from Julio about underage drinking and a party being thrown in the dorm room.

Remember, it was three guys watching a Lakers game on a Thursday night at 8pm…

I ended up getting a Minor in Consumption charge for blowing a .02, had to do twenty hours community service, a reflection journal, and appear to the judicial affairs center at my college about my supposed drinking problem.
I’m not blaming the officer for giving me a ticket, but I was pretty upset that Julio, who always talked about getting sh*tfaced freshman year in the dorm, called the police right after he essentially gave us the OK for the night.

A few weeks later, I see Julio and straight-up asked him why he decided to rat me out. Specifically, I asked why he didn’t just tell me to head back to my dorm if he had a problem with the alcohol instead of calling the police right after our conversation. He responds word for word with, “You made a decision and had to suffer the consequences of that decision.”

After that incident, I never really talked to him, but he always tried to be buddy-buddy when he saw me in the hallway.

Anyway, I eventually leave the dorms and move off campus for my sophomore year. I had decided to rush a fraternity my freshman year and ended up meeting some really nice guys. I have never been the fraternity type, but I went to a smaller college where fraternities are a lot different than most places.

During the second semester of my sophomore year, my fraternity was taking a new pledge class. One day, I received a text from Julio saying, “One of the guys pledging your fraternity has been caught dealing alcohol to another freshman in the dorms.

I thought I would let you know.” Turns out, Julio was the dorm leader for a freshman pledging my fraternity and ratted him out to judicial affairs as well.
Thinking the term “dealing alcohol” was the lamest/funniest thing I have ever heard, I sent that to our fraternity GroupMe, and everyone laughed about it.

About a week later, that kid pledging our fraternity came up to me asking about the message I received from Julio. Essentially, a pretty similar thing happened to him like what happened to me.

Julio found out he had given another kid in the dorm a bottle of grapes and reported it to the police. This kid ended up getting a Minor in Possession and had to speak with judicial affairs…. This is where the story gets hilarious.

In his meeting with judicial affairs, the kid pledging our fraternity told the Judicial Affairs guy that his dorm leader (Julio was now a senior at this point) had texted me about the charges pending against him.
Apparently, it’s a huge violation to discuss pending charges against a freshman in your dorm to a third party.

The judicial affairs guy told him that if he could prove Julio was discussing this charge with a third party (aka me), he would receive severe sanctions. Basically, if I sent that text to the judicial affairs people, Julio would be in a sh*tload of trouble…so I sent the text that night to the judicial affairs people.

After that, I didn’t hear anything about what happened to Julio and had honestly forgotten about it. However, nearing the end of the school year in my sophomore year, I saw Julio at the dining hall, and he came up to speak to me.

He tells me a story about how he knows I was the one the ratted him to judicial affairs, how he ended up getting fired from his dorm leader position, lost the scholarship money his dorm leader job provided him, and overall how sh*tty his life has been since he got fired.
After going through his entire sob story he asked me, “Why did you do that? This could have been handled completely differently. I didn’t have to get fired, and I could have kept my scholarship money.”

I look at him dead in the eye for what seemed like 30 seconds and say, “Julio, you made a decision and had to suffer the consequences of that decision.'”

Another User Comments:

“I can imagine what kind of guy Julio is.

He’s not really popular, so he’s trying hard to look cool using his seniority and position. His stories about him drinking as a freshman was one of his ways to make him look cool. It could’ve been a true story, but it’s just probably him drinking alone, and no one knows.
The fact that he ratted people for drinking and used the term ‘dealing alcohol’ really shows that he’s not a popular guy, probably just a loser who wants to look cool in front of his underclassmen” icevanillatte

11. Cheat On Him? He’ll Leave You With Massive Debt


How did she seriously think he was obligated at all to pay off her car?

“So, this isn’t my story.

It happened to a friend of a friend, so the exact details are difficult to get, but this is what I was told. For ease of story and to hide identities, the names I will use are Jack and Jill.

Bit of back story, Jack and Jill had been going out for nearly 5 years by the point of this story.
A year prior, Jill lost her job due to the company she worked for being liquidated. Money got tight for Jill, so Jack offered to help by covering her car payments (monthly installment, road tax, insurance, and fuel), so she could put the money she got towards rent and utilities until she got a new job and was financially stable.

Jack had a fairly decent job, so it wasn’t a strain on his income.

A year goes by, and Jill is still unemployed but not through rejections. She got lazy and just spent all day doing nothing around her house whilst Jack was at work.

One day, Jack gets off work early and decides to surprise Jill on the way back home, but as he is approaching her house, he sees another car in her driveway.
He parks on the street and sneaks up to the house and looks through the window to see Jill with another man.

Jack was p*ssed, but he didn’t burst in there; he walked away, got into his car, and drove off.

When Jack got home, he did a little digging and found out who the guy was through Facebook and found she had been having an affair for half a year with this guy. He was now really p*ssed off and wanted revenge, and he knew the best way to do it.

This is where the revenge comes in. Jill loved her car, even though she barely used it, so what Jack did was stop all the payments that were going out of his bank account and put them onto her account as the car was in her name.

It was easy to do. As the payments had only just gone out, he had to wait for the end of the month for his revenge to unfold.

The end of the month comes, and Jill’s bank card is declined at the shops, so she calls the bank up to find out what is going on, and they tell her she has gone overdrawn because of the car payments going out of her account. Jill phoned Jack and asked why the payment is coming out of her accounts and not his.

Jack coldly replied, “’cause know you cheated on me, and I’m not gonna pay for my ex-girlfriend’s car” and hung up.

Fallout of the revenge, she tried to get Jack to pay for the car and even got lawsuits involved, but as she was the sole owner of the car, it was declared he had no legal responsibility to pay for her car.
As she couldn’t afford her road tax or insurance, she couldn’t drive the car, and eventually, she got so far behind in the payments that the car was repossessed.

To help pay the debt, she had to get a minimum wage job, and now takes the bus to and from work.” Deadlock1989

10. Cheating Ex Says Bye To His Car And Hello To Double Child Support


“First, the child support….

So, I was with my ex-husband for about 10 years. When I first met him, he knocked up his previous girlfriend before meeting me, basically kind of ghosted her (now reflecting back on what happened), convinced me it was her keeping him away from his kid and that he was just the poor victim in all of it.

She had taken him to court, got child support for ~$324 a month for a while then tried to take him back to get it increased ’cause she thought he was working and making more, but it backfired, and it got reduced to $112 a month. It stayed like that for about 6-7 years, and he actually got behind a couple of times just paying this because he’d lose a job here or there.

One of the many ways he convinced me to move out of my home state to his was by telling me that there’s more jobs in his home state and that the cost of living is cheaper… Come 2018, I decided to leave him because he wasn’t putting in the effort to find a job that would support both of us while I went to nursing school.

I had been working the same full-time federal government job and doing school part-time our entire relationship supporting us while he went to school for medical billing and coding and didn’t do anything with it once he was done. His excuse was, “They’re outsourcing these jobs to India…” He bounced from one job to another for one reason or another.

Once it came time for me to actually finally apply to a nursing program, I told him he needed to finally step up.

He told me he would but never said what he was doing. He would come home from work and complain about the work and the people he worked with. He was eventually fired from that job because his boss said he worked way too slow, and he was delaying orders going out for the company.
We also had a bit of a dead bedroom so that also pushed me to want to leave him.

I finally decided to leave, and the ex moved in an ex-roommate a couple of months later.

She had lived with us previously because she found out her first husband had cheated on her. We had decided to help her get on her feet, and she met her second husband, then moved out.

Why is this important? Because 4 months after I left, I found emails with nudes of this ex-roommate that my ex was forwarding to a secret email account that I had no clue about. They had been a lot more friendly than I had realized for over 4+ years.

The ex-roommate, who was currently living in our marital home, was separate from her second husband because my ex “didn’t like him in the house.” (Granted I didn’t like him either ’cause he was a sleaze bag who was also cheating on her, but I digress.)

My ex even got friendly with his ex-wife (I was wife #2) and a 3rd person I didn’t recognize.
Then I found out my ex knocked up the roommate two months after being “official.”

I didn’t get to confront my ex or her with this, other than me writing an email and attaching the photos I now had.

I had to do something else.

So, I reached out to my ex’s girlfriend who he had his first child with. He’s made no effort to be in his kid’s life (a source of fights for us here and there), and I tried a few times over the years of reaching out to her and establishing a relationship between them. My mom has a bigger relationship with a kid that she has no relation to than my piece of *** ex. I told her I left him, that he was making way more money at his job, and that she should file to have it looked at.

She did and got it increased to $264 a month.

Now for the repo of the car:

After I left, he decided to buy a brand new Chevy Equinox for over $32k, (I have access to his Credit Karma account, so that’s how I know.) He works commission-based sales selling furniture, TVs, and appliances. He doesn’t bring home much. He actually opened a credit card through his work, bought $5k worth of stuff to furnish the house, then let it go to collections… He used my contact info, and they called me trying to collect on it.

The payments on that new car were about $634 a month. He made two payments then stopped.

Now we had bought a house together before I left, and he finally agreed to sell our marital home after getting behind on the payments and not doing what he needed to keep it.
We had over 60% equity in the house. He decided to use his half of the sale to buy a smaller house outright instead of paying off his debt. His logic has always been, “If I don’t have a house payment, the other bills are affordable.” This was part of the reasoning he used to bully me into buying our previous house…

Either way, I found out his new address, called the company that originated the loan, and updated them with his current information.

So, hopefully they’ll be picking up their car any day now.” FantasyCrochet

9. Withhold My Pay? No More Business For You


“I worked at a small local spa company. There were only about 6 workers there. I worked there for a year and a half and only met the owner once but talked to them on the phone a lot.
She was batsh*t crazy, but that’s beside the point.

Anyways, I got hired because my friend’s mom (Pam) was the manager, and someone had quit in the middle of their shift, so they needed someone fast.

I worked really well there and learned very fast. I was very good at the job to the point where after a couple of months, they sent new hires to be trained by me. (Turnover here was bad.)

Despite this, I didn’t get a raise or anything. It wasn’t a big deal, but it would’ve been nice. Anyways, I was always a “closer.” There would be a list of things I had to do after we closed like vacuum and dust and such.

Janitorial things.

As the months go by, Pam begins to pick apart things.
A string was left on the rug, the candy bowls weren’t filled (even though they weren’t even half gone), etc. – nothing too big, but they made it seem like I liked their mother.

Slowly, things started to get worse. Eventually, I was being told that I was not cleaning rooms that I know for a fact I had. Now, I admit that once in a while, I would forget to clean something, but I was getting yelled at for things I knew for a fact I cleaned.

My other problem was that when my coworkers would forget the same exact things, she wouldn’t yell at them but would just say “try to remember” or something along those lines.

Eventually, Pam got other coworkers to lie so that she could report me to the owner.
Many days, I came right from school and would be wearing jeans. Pam left right when I got there, so after I clocked in and counted the drawer, I would go and change into my work pants and shoes.

Well, it turns out other coworkers would lie and tell her I never changed.

After this, I began taking pictures and time-stamping them. This worked for a little while, but then my coworkers would say I changed back into jeans after that picture. And when it came to cleaning, she would say I didn’t clean it well enough, etc.

All of these would get turned into the owner, but she wouldn’t fire me because they were so desperate for people, and no one wanted to work there.

(I wonder why.)

Eventually, I quit because I had a job for the summer that gave me many more hours. In my summer job, I made the same amount of money in 7 weeks that I made in a year at the last place. Right after I left, I learned why Pam wanted me gone so bad. Pam hired her son (my ex-friend) because he was too lazy to work a job where he couldn’t sit around all day. That made me mad but even worse they wouldn’t give me my last payment.

(We were paid in cash.)

I sent multiple emails and text messages to Pam and the owner that reminded them that I needed it. When those went unanswered, I then threatened legal action.
Being a high schooler, I don’t believe they thought I would do anything. How wrong they were.

Well, there were many reasons I was mad about this, and so I decided I’d document every single thing about it that place. These include:

– 8+ hour work-day with no breaks or a lunch (both of which are required in my state)
– Rats in the basement
– Ant infestation
– Fake security cameras
– Allowing underage drinking
– Pam faking the amount of money we had to pay her son and daughter for “under the table work”
– Child labor – Pam’s daughter was not old enough to work
– Not fixing things like building framework, mold, etc.

– Allowing temperatures to go above and below the legal limit (on bad days, it was above 100 or below 50 inside)
– Drug use
– Pam giving themselves a raise (even though they already made more than everyone else there)
– Selling client information
– Pam compiling clients for another worker to take with them to a new company (usually not illegal but the way they went about it was.
– Not doing anything about harassment
– Not paying workers – There’d be days where we didn’t have enough money in the drawer, and the owner and/or Pam would be too lazy to go to the bank, so they would just straight up not pay us.

Not only these, but prior to me leaving, I recorded some of the verbal abuse from Pam. Believe it or not, I even got them to admit to making false writeups on me.

There was more, but I can’t remember what else right now.

Anyways, I compiled all of this and sent it in an email to OSHA. *** went down.

In the end, both Pam and the owner were served with some hefty fines, and Pam is even facing jail time right now for fraud.

The owner had to shut down their business and sell it. I don’t know if the owner is facing any jail time.

I also emailed every spa within 50 miles, so the owner, Pam, and some coworkers have been blacklisted from working within an hour of where we’re located.

I never did receive my last payment. It wasn’t worth going to court over, but what came out of it was so much better.” Seongmi26

8. Hope You Like Suspension, Should Have Never Committed Identity Theft


Two-faced for sure.

“So, this happened my second-semester of dorming at my college campus.

I had met my roommate at orientation and could kind of already tell she was going to be a pain in my a**. And I was right about that.
I had planned on moving rooms to be closer to some friends the next semester.

But, let me get to the story that led to my revenge. On our campus, you had to pay for meals using your student ID which had a certain amount of money on it each semester. You could also use an app that you put your name and ID info into, and it makes it easier to pay.

But, the name and ID must match for it to work (which will be important later).

Any funds from the fall semester would roll over into the spring. But, then at the end of Spring, it would just expire. Because of this, and because I only ate once or twice a day, I had a ton saved up on my card.
My roommate, on the other hand, did not. So, I offered to pay for some of her meals from time to time in trade of her picking up the food for us, which involved her using my card twice in person, and then she’d return it.

Then, one day, I noticed on my app that my card was being charged even when I was not ordering food. And not just a meal, like a meal for several people. This meant that whoever was ordering (I wonder who) either had to have stolen my ID card (which I had in my pocket when I got the charge) or was impersonating my info in the app, which are both big no-nos on my campus.
I was quick to put two and two together and was pretty p*ssed.

I was initially going to confront her on it. But I decided to formulate a plan instead.

That day, I went and ordered a second ID card for $25 to use for later as it took a couple of weeks to get the new one. I let her charge several things to my card over a good two weeks for her and her friends. And she wasn’t very good at hiding it either as they would come to our dorm and eat while I’d just screenshot and send emails to the support team of the app about the charges (knowing nothing would get done until I contacted someone in person).

And one day, it got even better as you can buy groceries with the card off-campus as well. She decided to pay for booze with my card. Which doesn’t get pinged as an issue on my card due to me being over 21, but she was only 19. Not sure how she got it, but it was just the thing to finally act on my plan.

I put my best sad face on and contacted the head of campus living and head of my dorm about the charges on my account.

I dropped some hints that it could be my roommate and mentioned I got a new ID and asked what I should do. I was told to order a new card, and once I got it, to deactivate my current ID and use the new one for purchases now, making my old ID have a balance of $0 and also to ping if someone uses it to buy anything.
They also told me they would be visiting my dorm to discuss the issue with my roommate.

I accepted that and waited.

They sent the confirmation email that they would be visiting, and I just decided to add more fuel to the fire. My roommate was groaning about not having the funds for food in front of me in our dorm. I told her I really couldn’t help her as I was running low on funds, and she kind of just laughed it off and left the room to probably go use my old ID.

I deactivated my first card right after she left, and surprise surprise, she used my info to pay – except when she tried to pay for her and her friends this time, it was declined, and it pinged that my ID was used.

Campus security was called, and she was escorted back to our dorm, pretty much perfect timing for our meeting with campus living. She was scared sh*tless when they came to the dorm to talk and look through her stuff.

On her phone, still logged into the app was my ID information and name. And in her dorm closet was a half-full bottle of cheap vodka. And on my phone was a screenshot of said unauthorized vodka purchase.

In the end, she was forced to pay me back all the funds she used (in cash), reported for underage drinking which automatically suspends you from campus living for at least a year, and would have on her record that she performed identity theft, which I also could have charged her for out of school.

In the end, I got to have my own dorm for the remainder of that semester and even part of the semester after because it wasn’t put as an available room for new dormers. I did get all my money back (from her parents) who were so embarrassed and apologized profusely. And when she did eventually come back to campus, no one wanted to dorm with her because they knew she had stolen her roommate’s ID. I think in the end she rented off-campus.” Mi-zun

7. Refuse To Work On Our Group Project And Use Me? Redo The Whole Schoolyear


We all have a dislike for these types of people.

“During the final trimester of my last year in high school, we had to do a group project that needed to be finished by the end of the trimester that was evaluated and graded in front of a jury of teachers instead of doing an exam.
I was paired with the biggest d*uchebag in class. Imagine a really entitled, arrogant *****. Every time we were supposed to work on the project, he would have some excuse to not show up and demand that I would work on it alone to make sure the project stayed on track.

In the beginning, I tried to complain and talk to the teacher, but she would just say, “Make it work; it’s your project.” After a while, I stopped planning work meetings altogether. He would call me to ask how the project was going, and I would say something like, “Yeah, it’s going well,” “I think it’s almost finished,” or “I’ll send you the presentation to prepare for the jury.”

Little did he know, I had a trump card in my hand…

The project counted for 40% of the final grade.

Me, doing well in the class, already got about 55 of the other 60%, so even if I got a zero on the project, I would still pass the class. The ***** had less… a lot less.

After it became clear he was just going to use my work to pass the class, and the teacher didn’t care, I decided to throw out all work for the project and keep the ***** in the dark. That last bit went a lot easier than I expected as he was happy with me telling him that everything was on track.

In the last week before the jury presentation, things became harder. The ***** wanted me to send the presentation, so he knew which part he had to present.
I managed to stall a few days with excuses, but 2 days before the jury presentation, I finally sent him an email with the PowerPoint, which was actually an mp3 file with a changed file extension.

The next day, I switched off my phone. In the evening, I called him back with the excuse my phone had issues, and he was panicking that there was something wrong with the PowerPoint.

I told him not to worry and that I will check it out tonight and have a working PowerPoint for tomorrow. I would come to the school at 8 AM, so he could practice his part of the presentation before the jury appointment at 9 AM.

The next morning, I arrived at school a little before 9 AM, having switched off my phone again.
When he saw me, he approached me with a mix of panic and anger, but before I could explain anything, we were called into the room with the jury for our presentation.

I just told the ***** to not worry and let me do the talking.

We greeted the jury, and I started the introduction: “The original idea of today was for us to present our project xyz. But, since I already have enough points to pass the class and Mr. ***** over here couldn’t be bothered to put in any effort, I decided to skip it and, instead, have a nice day off today. That concludes our presentation. Thank you for your attention…”

I just walked out on 4 confused teachers and 1 ***** with a mouth opened so wide, it looked like he was trying to eat a club sandwich vertically.

Naturally, there was some backlash in the days after that. The teacher called for an explanation, but in the end, he recognized that I was a good student, and I indeed already passed the class without the project. ***** was angry that he had to study over the summer for a re-exam. All in all, I was happy to have graduated and looked forward to going to college the next year.

After the summer, I heard from friends that S**hole failed his re-exam and that, combined with other bad grades, caused him to have to redo his last year.

Karma is a ****.” Kevinvl123

Another User Comments:

“In college, we were paired into groups to develop websites together. To ensure everyone pulled their weight, each group had the option of voting out a non-performing team member (provided all reasonable efforts to get them to step up have been tried and failed).
In the event that that happened, the voted-out survivor team member would do a solo project instead, but automatically couldn’t get full marks because working with a team was part of the project, and they already failed to do that.” Intentional-Blank

6. Try To Keep Us Living In A Mold-Infested House? We’ll Get Your Place Condemned


“I had recently moved into a house with two other girls.

It wasn’t the best house, but it seemed to look okay for a college apartment. One of the girls had a friend who had lived there before and told us that the landlord was sexist and kind of a *** but usually meant well, and it was decent rent. I’ll be referring to him as Dumb A** Landlord.
We were all broke, so we decided to sign a lease. I should have realized the warning signs when Dumb A** Landlord wanted to sign it in a Big Boy’s after he had just eaten dinner there, and the leasing agreement looking like he chopped it up from other pictures of lease agreements on Google.

We also found this apartment as an ad off of Craig’s List.

Things were fine for a few months. I was living alone until the next school year would start and wasn’t home all the time since I would go over to my boyfriend’s a lot and sleepover.

It was a split house with an apartment in the basement and ours on the first floor. It wasn’t long until I started to notice things happening.
We’d get a good amount of rain since we were in the Midwest by some big, local lakes, and it was springtime.

We’d get a good amount of water, and the concrete steps to the house would consistently fill up with water that I had to jump over, and it would disappear overnight. It also started to get a little bit of a musty smell in the house, and I had started coughing and sneezing all the time but didn’t know why.

Soon, the other girls moved in, and we started having some difficulties with Dumb A** Landlord. He wouldn’t tell us when he’d come over to check on the property.

(He said he did this to keep up on looks and mow the lawn, but he did it way too often for any of us to be okay with.) He would argue with us about having a copy of our own lease.
He’d yell at us to give him rent payments in cash, especially before going to his cabin up north with his girlfriend. But the biggest of all was that we were having problems with mold, and he did not care.

For a while, we hadn’t talked to the people in the basement apartment until everyone started having problems with Dumb A** Landlord. We’d hear them arguing and yelling down below about as often as we would upstairs. But they were in a ********. Everything they owned had mold growing on it. They had bugs everywhere: earwigs, beetles, ants, you name it. They were constantly throwing away their clothes, dishes, furniture, even their college papers, and homework since it was all growing mold.

They spent money on plastic bins to hold most of their important items, but even those would get moldy.

We also found out that they were supposed to have another roommate down below, but she couldn’t live there because of her allergies to mold after signing a lease agreement. We also found out that Dumb A** Landlord verbally abused her and her mother on the phone to the point where they were crying, and she couldn’t get out of the lease. She ended up paying for two places every month so that she didn’t have to live there because he wouldn’t let her break her lease and didn’t care.

Upstairs wasn’t as bad as the basement, but it wasn’t good either. All of us were coughing more and more each month.
We would wake up coughing in the middle of the night, and we were getting really sick. We tried to air out the house as best we could, but nothing helped. I ended up getting a severe case of strep throat so bad that every swallow I took made my eyes water and made me verbally make noise from the pain.

(I tried to ask the doctor I went to if he could prove that this was from mold later, but he, unfortunately, he couldn’t give me a solid statement on it.)

Me, being a vocal, neutral-good person who was also going to school to be an architect, tried to explain to him what was going on in the house: no air circulation, and his concrete steps and foundation walls were not sealed, so all of the water I’d have to jump over was most likely going into the basement walls causing most all of the mold.

We also found a few areas on the roof that needed patching, since we noticed some leaks, among other things. And the basement apartment had cheap patio doors for their only means of entrance and exit, which would consistently be up against water when it rained, adding to the problem.

Oh, SMART Dumb A** Landlord decided that we were all just girls complaining about silly things that didn’t mean anything, so he brushed us off and said we were fine, even though I had told him that I was learning about these things in school and knew what I was talking about.

He wouldn’t let us out of the lease as hard as we tried. So, all of us girls in both apartments decided we would get out if it was the last thing we did.
Then began researching all of the legal apartments and tenant information for our state and city to get out. We were paying for attorney fees, started taking pictures of the mold upstairs and downstairs that we could find, talking with several different city staff and police, and started compiling this into a nice document.

After deferring my rent payment to get a copy of the lease agreement from Dumb A** Landlord, we could finally take a look at our legal document and use that further to get out.

We were also working with another landlord at a rental company in town, who I will call Good A** Landlord. He was, thankfully, doing his best to get us out of the *** hole and into his apartment.
Through him, we’d get all of the legal ins and outs of the renting business, and he would help us find a loophole.

Then, after months and months of arguments, money, and researching, we found it.

If we sent in a mold test to a research lab, and it was over the limit of what was inhabitable, we could get out. It was safe to say that we had a pretty good idea it was over the limit.

The tests came back a few days later, and we sent that off to the city, including our nice, document of pictures, statements, and leasing agreements.

Not even four hours went by, and we got a call from the city.

Our house was so full of mold, that we were to move out of the apartment within 24 hours, and it was to be condemned.
We were ecstatic.

All of that hard work had finally paid off, although it was horrifying to know that the mold count was so high that the mold researcher who had been in the business for more than 30 years had not once seen a place with higher mold count than this house. (Yes, this included black mold.)

Fast forward to us happily packing up in our house, all of our parents getting us out together, us moving into the apartment that Good A** Landlord kept open for us to move into, and poor, old, Dumb A** Landlord sobbing in our driveway as we happily stack boxes into cars, complaining that he should have paid more attention and listened to us, that this was his girlfriend’s property, and that she’s going to dump him.

We all took a picture the next day, smiling in front of the condemned signs. It’s still one of my favorite pictures to this day.

Serves him right for not listening to his tenants.

As for the aftermath of it all, apparently, the city knew about a lot of shady things he did, when we spoke to them, it seemed like he was an “eye-roll” landlord. They all knew of other problems he had with tenants, but no one had been able to do anything about it until us.

He’d sneak his way out of things since it was a really small town. Unfortunately, there weren’t a lot of rules set in place for bad landlords, unless they did something really illegal, which is why we had a really hard time getting out of there.
Also, about a year or so later, I saw more college students living there again. We’re pretty sure he did one of those “at-home-mold-testing-kits” to get it up for sale again or fought the city somehow.

I don’t know what he ended up renovating, other than he ripped out a lot of carpet. I felt bad for those new people. I just wish them the best and hoped they don’t have as bad of an experience as we did. I wish it had turned out differently in the end, but I hope he learned his lesson to actually help his tenants when they need it. I don’t hate the guy, but I think he has some things to work out for himself.

Some people are also asking why we didn’t sue. We could have, but it wasn’t worth the money and time since we were all graduating in a few months and broke from speaking with lawyers. We did see what we could do about it, though. We just decided that getting out of the house and cutting ties would be the best instead of dragging the situation out further.” meggiezee

5. Spend The Money I Gave You For Bills? Criminal Justice Will Be Served


“The Background:

I lived with a group of people who I thought were my friends.

They were 2 couples, and we all lived in the same house for almost 2 years until I recently moved out. There were David and Tina, and Brittnay and AJ.
I was the only single person there.

There was a debate on how we should pay the bills, but we all decided to give the money to the person whose name was on the bill. David paid the mortgage, Tina paid the water and electric/gas, and I paid the internet.

It came to the point where I was paying close to 80 percent of the mortgage by myself, the entire water bill, about 75 percent of the gas and electric, and I was paying the internet bill by myself.

I was giving the money still to the person in charge of the bill but came to find out about that 10 days before I moved out that the mortgage was defaulted on, and the house was in foreclosure.
Also, the water, gas, and electric bills were in constant threat of being shut off and that the only up to date bill was the internet.

While they all saw me struggle to pay these off, they were mindlessly spending money during the day, which is when I sleep due to working 3rd shift, so I never saw the mindless things they spent money on nor did I ever see the mail since they grabbed it before I woke up.

Brittnay never paid anything as she was having her check garnished due to unpaid student loans, but she always had expensive makeup, AJ never held a job for more than 2 weeks, and David and Tina were always calling into work, knowing that I wouldn’t allow them to go without a home due to our history.
One day, I woke up while they were all out and about doing something or other, so I went to go check the mail as I was expecting a package when I saw the bills in the mail, so I decided to investigate.

I opened up the gas and electric bill (as they are by the same company) to see a total amount of almost 400 dollars and being at risk of being shut off. I was shocked and p*ssed. I knew right then and there what was going on. And I vowed to screw them over as hard as I could.

The Revenge:

I had just interviewed for a new job that paid almost double what I was making, and I knew that I interviewed well with them, so I told myself that if I got the job, I would give them a 30-day notice and move out, and as it was close to the end of the month, and I had already paid them, I would be moving out before the 1st of February.

I got the call with the job offer the next day, which I happily accepted. I did the paperwork for the background check, and it all came back clean. The same day I accepted the offer, I typed out a 30-day notice and recorded myself, with my phone in my breast pocket, handing it to them, explaining that I was moving out.

I started my job and my hunt for an apartment close to my new job, which I found within a week of starting.

I took almost the entirety of my checks, set them aside for rent, deposit, and basic things that I would need. I was asked several times to help with the next month’s bills, to which I said no, as I was saving for my own place and that they had plenty of time to come up with the money between the 4 of them because I was doing it all by myself pretty much on a meager pay rate of 11 dollars an hour before my new job.

There were a lot of scowls, passive-aggressive behavior, and flat out attempts to take or use my things or foods without permission.

The day came when I finally went and got my U-Haul and had a few friends help me move. (Free drinks and free lunch are the best payment ever, as they shared it all with me.) I was determined to get it all in one go, so I got the biggest one they had, and we got everything packed up.

I took everything that was mine down to my pizza stone (which they loved), my expensive kitchen knives which they would use and never clean, even my toilet paper that I had bought 3 days prior because I needed it.
(A few rolls went missing very quickly.) After moving everything, I sat down on my couch, looked around, my cat in my lap, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I happened to be good friends with my previous neighbors (we smoked each other out frequently) and asked them to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

4 days go by, and I come to find out that the gas, electric, and water have all been turned off, and they were asked to fill up some buckets to manually flush the toilets, bathe in, etc., etc. Now, both couples have dogs (which my cat hated as they were both hyperactive as ****, but I loved them), so I decided that those dogs were in a dangerous situation as they had no water, no heat in the middle of winter, and probably no food as I had bought the last bag about 2 weeks prior (I hate to see an animal hungry), so I called the local humane society and left an anonymous tip about the dogs and how I was worried about them.

The NEXT day, my neighbor, Todd, texted me telling me that the dogs were removed from the home, that my previous housemates were being charged with neglect, and because of the lack of utilities, that these were not civil but criminal charges. This was enough for me to smile, but I wanted more.

I knew that David was divorced and had a child. I also knew that he wasn’t paying child support. I then contacted the local courts and made them aware of the flagrant non-support and that maybe they could help the agency looking for him.

I provided the address that we lived at and informed them that the homeowner was the one who was being looked for.

From there, it came to light that he was almost $25,000 dollars behind, which is a felony in the state where I live.
He is now living with someone on their couch, as Tina left him, the house has been foreclosed on, and he has nothing to his name while facing multiple criminal charges.

Moral of the story, don’t take advantage of a friend who knows all your dirty secrets.” falloutfan1987

Another User Comments:

“Yeah, bro.

Sometimes the way you can separate the real friends and “friends” is when some monetary issues happen. I can think of 2 people (during college) right off the bat that I thought were close friends for years until some issue with money came up (especially when you are more “financially stable” that them).

Dude was my friend from day 1 of college. I’d give him the shoes off my feet. We were best friends (us and the other guy) for years.
This “friend” was always borrowing money, but he paid me back eventually.

I knew he was not very fortunate enough to have parents that gave him money every week, and he had to work for the $ in his pocket. So, I would usually cover his share of an Uber ride with friends, smoke him out often, cover the food every once in a while, etc. just to make sure he was ok. I wasn’t going to let my boy starve, and sharing the “hippie plant” is just what I do.

Then he got a girlfriend who he wanted to treat to all sorts of things, even when he had very little $.

He then started racking up debt with me that was like $300 for random things like *****, Ubers, luxurious gifts for his girlfriend (shoes) and drinks.
I told him to his face that what he was doing was wrong and that I am not a bank and that I will not fund his/his girlfriend’s *****/alcohol. He told me he was sorry and that he was going to work extra hours/donate some plasma to pay my debt back.

Then for the next couple of weeks, he started covering my share of Ubers, buying my meals for me, covering part of my drinks to reduce his debt with me.

I thought I was finally getting through to him and made him realize what he was doing. Turns out, he stole my credit card number and transferred money to his Venmo account to pay me back for what he owes me with MY OWN MONEY!

We have had each other’s back for years, and this guy resorted to stealing from the only dude keeping him from being broke all for just $300.
Cut that child out of my life real quick. I don’t miss that $500 (300+money stolen) one bit.

Money well spent.

2) So, 2 of my boys (one was my roommate) and I went to the bars one night and after drinking we decided to walk back to our apartment ”cause it would be more “fun.” We were being drunk dumba**es and tried to steal a street sign (Not a STOP sign) ’cause it would be cool to put up in our apartment. The cops caught us right there, lol. My roommate got away, but this “friend” and I got stuck with the cops.

Long story short, those tickets were a $550 fine. I knew that this kid did not have $550 to just lose, and if he asked his parents for the $$, they would kill him.
So, I covered it, and he said he will pay me back.

I waited a month to see if he would start giving me some $ back. This guy just started ignoring my calls/texts. Fast forward 2 more months, and he is still ignoring me, which must have taken a lot of effort on his part considering our friend groups were somewhat mixed.

I knew where this ***** lived, and I told him that I would just come to his place and take what I feel was more than $550 worth of stuff. He said that he would kick my a** and roommates (who were also my friends) would never let me in. Plus, he would never try and fight me.

I just told his 5 roommates the situation, and they sided with me pretty quickly.
They let me in when he wasn’t home, and I shopped through his closet for rare sweatshirts and took his expensive hippie paraphernalia and left.

I got calls from him screaming that he was going to kill me. After about 5 voice messages and 56,343,434 texts, he just gave up and realized that he was not getting anything back.

I told him that if he paid me back the $550 that he owes me, I would give him his stuff back (easily $1k worth of stuff), but he just never did. Once again, my “friend” throws away a relationship over such a comparatively small amount of money.

That hippie paraphernalia was luxury, though.” adhiyodadhi

4. Animal Abuser Gets Her Cat Taken Away And Gets Evicted


“One year ago, I was renting a house next to the most unpleasant neighbor I hope to ever experience.
The only thing I liked about her was her cat, this freakishly adorable tabby who could grab even the most hardened criminal’s heart by the balls. Every time I came home from work, he would sidle up next to me for some TLC, which he never got from my neighbor.

As far as I could tell, she just used the poor thing to keep away mice and “play” (i.e., be terrorized by) her toddler grandkids on the weekends. The poor furbaby looked severely underfed and always appreciated the meals I’d leave out for him on our back porch.

Now, I have an indoor fur baby of my own (a tail-less ball of energy, aptly named Goblin), and one day, he managed to escape outside.
Luckily, I found him within a few hours, but by the next morning, what jumps on my lap? Not Goblin, alas, but a flea.

And if my social butterfly cat had fleas, I was positive the next-door fur baby had fleas too.

Now, I already had a bitter history with this neighbor. In addition to being a **** rocket to her cat, she’d harass my older parents who were helping me move in. Why? Because our U-haul rental was blocking a sidewalk to nowhere in front of MY house for all of 10 minutes. My parents are extremely pleasant people — my mom frequently gets THANKED on customer service hotlines for being the rare, kind soul in an ocean of impatient Karens.

And this lady was berating them needlessly for “ruining the community,” ranting even longer than they’d been parked, until they eventually moved to an inconvenient and wholly unnecessary distance.

Regardless of her **** rocket personality, I figured I’d warn her anyway in the best interests of her fur baby. When I knew she was at home the next day, I knocked on her front door. When she answered (no “hello,” just a scowl), I started to explain that my escaped indoor cat has fleas and so there was a good possibility that her outdoor cat also had fleas.

Immediately she berates me for “letting” my cat get fleas and snaps that she keeps her house very clean, unlike me, so there is no way her cat has fleas.
I just loudly sighed at her and went back home as she continued to yell. You’ve never even been IN my house, lady! And that’s not how fleas work!

All week, I noticed her cat scratching himself raw and felt so bad for the little guy. I wanted to give him flea medication and a flea bath, but with my neighbor now watching me like a hawk and screeching like a banshee if I even pet him anymore, I had to leave him alone.

BUT, I realized, there was something I COULD do.

You see, we shared the same landlord, who was very concerned about household pests and instructed us to call him at the first sight of a bed bug, tick, etc.
I also knew that my neighbor was keeping her cat a secret from the landlord to avoid paying the pet rent, as I’d overheard her bragging about this to a friend outside one day. So, what do I do? I call up the landlord to explain the flea situation, and I make sure to add that my neighbor’s cat has also been scratching like crazy.

There’s a pause. “Did you say she has a cat?” Yes, I assure him, she definitely has an indoor-outdoor cat.

Turns out that my neighbor had harrassed our landlord into replacing most of her carpet due to her alleged cat allergy. I don’t know why the landlord caved into this, but it wasn’t cheap. And now our landlord learned that not only had Madwoman lied about an allergy to score a free renovation, but she hadn’t paid pet rent in more than a year.

Well, an exterminator gets called, and our landlord himself shows up to oversee the whole thing. We had both received a flyer taped to our front doors giving notice that he would be coming to our houses on that date, but I may or may not have removed my neighbor’s, so she wouldn’t be able to just hide evidence of her cat for a few hours.

So, our landlord arrives, and I listen gleefully with my window open as my neighbor tries to prevent him and the exterminator from entering.

Eventually, she allows them to come inside, where there is obvious evidence of a pet living there. I don’t know exactly what transpired between her and the landlord (there must be other sh*tstains on her record, being such a nutcase), but a few months later, I had a new next-door neighbor.
And guess who Madwoman purposely abandoned during the move? Her poor fur baby, who became a much-loved (and flea-free) member of our house.” BootlegMoon

3. Refuse To Pay Me? I’m Getting $5,000 Out Of You


All over failing to pay his employee $275… Should have just done the right thing, dude.

“I consider myself a decent person and an above-average employee. I worked for a medical office directly under a doctor for almost 2 years and was consistently facing issues with him from the start. He was aloof, unhelpful, and didn’t want to train or help establish protocol. He just wanted me to run everything and take the fall for anything that went wrong.

He was married with children but flirted and slept with numerous patients and staff members.
This isn’t unheard of in this field, so I often just kept my nose down and tried to do my best at my job regardless of his after-hour activities.

Problems started to arise more and more, though, as he hired people based on looks and his attraction to them versus their qualifications to do the job.

I tolerated a lot of *******, but the last straw was when he wanted me to do some somewhat illegal activities financially, and when I refused, the games began. I could sense that he was unhappy with my unwillingness to do whatever he wanted me to willy-nilly but didn’t think he was upset enough to justify punishing me or trying to get rid of me in any way.

Then literally ALL **** BROKE LOOSE after a minor procedure I had him do for me. We were in good standing (or so I thought), and I thought nothing of having him do it at the time. What sucked royally is that he botched my procedure and caused permanent damage. That wasn’t even the worst part; the way he dealt with it was.

Instead of apologizing and offering to make it right, to which I’m pretty understanding and would have accepted, he denied anything was even wrong or had happened under his care.

He went into total ‘cover a**’ mode and methodically started to try to get rid of me without firing me (as it would definitely be wrongful termination), and the tension was becoming unbearable more and more each day.
I was hoping he would make it right, and we could move on, but instead, every day was full of scrutiny of my choices and work and even a write up for a minor offense that I had no prior warning about. I could see the writing on the wall and realized he was going to wash his hands of me as quickly as possible to preserve his precious reputation, which I could definitely disrupt now with his mistake with me.

I noticed shortly after, while on a planned vacation, he was advertising for my job. I decided to quit then and there instead of being fired. I was trying to fix the botch prior to quitting and hoping he would help financially.
Nope, not gonna happen. I told him I was quitting, and since we were under very abnormal circumstances, that I would not be offering my typical two-week notice. He was P*SSED.

He was late with my last paycheck, in which he sent a snide letter telling me he was done with me and my care with him.

I noticed that the check was short for 2 sick days I had taken after the botch… We are talking around $275, but it was still enough money that I felt rightly owed. I had a TON of sick pay left and didn’t even give it a second thought until now and thought maybe he just forgot to add it.

Nope, he responded curtly saying I hadn’t accumulated enough time to pay for the days.
I asked to see proof of that because I knew I had enough time.

He changed the accumulation date to another month and said tough luck, he wasn’t going to pay. I told him blatantly that this was wrong and that I would have to report it to the labor board if he couldn’t show me proof. He just bullied me back and insisted it is what he says it is, and again, tough luck.

He even said to quit contacting him about it, or he would report me for harassment to law enforcement. So, I went to the labor board.

I brought in my contract and asked them about numerous questionable offenses. They couldn’t believe how many skewed things were actually going on that I had accepted because I didn’t know or he had convinced me otherwise.
They had me file for all of the offenses and said they would send us both a letter letting us know the mediation date.

I got the letter in the mail from the labor board and almost fell over dead right then I there. What was originally a $275 offense with the other minor claims and now ‘penalties’ added from the labor board the total was now $6,500!! I laughed hysterically and couldn’t believe it at first.

I thought about him receiving the same letter that day and just reveled at the thought admittedly.

Keep in mind, he didn’t know at this point that I had actually gone to the labor board as I promised. He didn’t think I would do it. He thought he had won up to this point.
Mediation day rolls around, and he sits across from me with the mediator there and is steaming under the pressure now. We both share our sides (which he lied about numerous things, of course), and then we talk separately with the mediator.

She explains to me that my case may be hard to prove, being somewhat he said/she said.

She encourages me to kind of take whatever he offers. Before leaving the room with her, I bring up one more thing to her that I was unsure of and didn’t ask about before. It involved him not paying overtime, and she lit up like a d*mn Christmas tree. BINGO. With that type of offense and me being able to show verifiable proof, he would have to pay the penalties starting at $6,000 and whatever the judge added after that.

She went and told him of this new claim, and he fumed out of the building saying, “I shouldn’t be able to add anything at this point” (not the case at all) and that he needed to speak with his lawyer.

I get a new claim in the mail with the added offense weeks later. The total is now $9,600! I die again laughing and just bask in the thought of him getting this new claim. There was no contact from him this whole time, but now, suddenly, there is an email sent to me in the sweetest tone I’ve ever heard him speak.

He pleaded with me that he never meant to withhold anything from me and that he would like to settle all this peacefully outside of the court.
“Of COURSE he would,” I thought to myself.

I forwarded the email to our mediator and told her that I did not want to respond and asked her to deal with him and let him know I wanted to continue the no contact he requested earlier. Weeks go by, and we are creeping closer to a court date…. Suddenly, the offer rolls in at $4,000, and he will settle.

(I was set on $5,000 because of all the hassle I had to go through up to this point.) I tell the mediator to tell him, “Nope, $6,000.”

Silence for another week or two…. Then the offer of $5,000 comes. That was my number, so I waited a couple of days (just to shake him up a bit more), and the mediator let him know I’d accept it.
I received the payoff within a week and then I got to wash my hands of HIM in the end.

He thought he could cheat me and bully me as I’m sure he has gotten away with it in the past. I gave him a swift lesson that could have just cost him $275 to do the right thing. Instead, I went shopping and bought shoes and an expensive leather jacket. Now, I’m going on a vacation to Hawaii and will sip a Mai Tai on his dime for trying to take back what I had rightfully earned and more!” notbudginthrowaway

2. Ruin Our Chances Of Getting A Place to Live? We’ll Trick You Into Signing Off The Lease


“So, my friend and I were in our second year of college together and were roommates.

We were both transfers, going into senior year, and had been renting an apartment for the past year.
The two of us had lived with three other people the first year, but they graduated and moved out.

The apartment had two rooms and a den with double doors that could be used for one person. We had had two people in each room and one in the den. We needed to find people to replace our old housemates, and my friend knew a couple of people who were living together and wanted to move to a new place together.

She talked to them and set everything up before summer, so that way, during the fall, we would already have everything figured out.

We signed the lease before summer vacation, and everything seemed fine. One girl wanted to rent out the big room to herself and would pay the full price for it.
Let’s call her Sherin. The other one would live in the den who I will call Carrie. There would only be four of us instead of five the coming year, which we were looking forward to.

However, over the summer, Sherin started having second thoughts about living with Carrie. Apparently while living together, they’d had some issues. Sherin called my friend and I and told us that apparently Carrie had pushed her down the stairs while they were living together, and she bought pepper spray and a taser just in case… According to Sherin, one night, they thought they heard someone trying to break into their apartment and were standing at the top of the stairs listening when Carrie told Sherin to go check it out.

Sherin didn’t want to go, so Carrie pushed her, and Sherin fell down the stairs.

We asked Carrie about this, but she said that while they heard suspicious activity and called the police, she never pushed Sherin down the stairs. My friend and I didn’t know what to believe and ultimately told Sherin they’d have to work it out since she was the one having doubts. We also told her that if she changed her mind, we’d need at least a month’s notice.

Sherin decided she still wanted to live with us and was ok living with the other girl, so we thought it was fine.

Summer passes and fall arrives, Sherin is moving in. Carrie is planning on moving in a few days later.
However, Sherin brings someone over to the apartment and starts showing her around. She apparently wanted a roommate and wanted us to sign the new person onto our lease with an addendum, but she hadn’t talked to us about it before.

Apparently, she still didn’t feel safe with Carrie around and said she’d feel safer with a roommate. She told her potential roommate that she hadn’t known she’d be living with Carrie, even though the four of us had signed an addendum to put them both on the lease at the same time. My friend and I thought things were getting weird at this point and started feeling concerned.

Unfortunately, our lease was going to expire soon, and we needed to sign the lease renewal in a few days, and we couldn’t get an addendum to sign the new person on until we signed the lease renewal.

My friend and I had let the Sherin and Carrie know this in advance, and they had agreed beforehand to sign it. If we didn’t sign it in time, we would have to start an entirely new lease, and the price would go up a lot, which we couldn’t afford, so if we didn’t sign our new lease agreement in time, we would all have to find another place to live.

Since school was about to start, it would have been hard to find another place to live so quickly.

This wouldn’t have been an issue, but then Sherin was afraid that Carrie wouldn’t sign the new person onto the lease and said she wouldn’t sign the lease renewal if we didn’t add her roommate first.
We got p*ssed because she had never even asked us if we were ok with living with one more person or let us know beforehand, and now she was risking everyone’s place to stay to try and make us sign someone we’d never met onto the lease.

We told Sherin we couldn’t sign her roommate on before renewing the lease since we had to renew it so soon, which was the apartment’s rules. She kept making more demands and told us that if we didn’t do what she wanted, then she wouldn’t sign the lease renewal, and we’d all be without a place to live. She wanted me to observe a verbal agreement as a third party person between her and Carrie where Carrie would agree to sign the new person onto the lease after we signed the lease renewal.

I told her I wasn’t comfortable with this. So, this is where the fun starts.

Carrie seemed nice so far, and my friend and I were really uncomfortable with how Sherin was acting. She continued to move all of her stuff in while telling us her “conditions.” We wouldn’t agree to any of them, not only because there was no way to meet them under the rules of our apartment complex, but also because we weren’t going to let this girl control us like that and make us live with someone we didn’t know if we wanted to live with.

However, then Sherin came up with a clever idea. She said that we could sign her off of the lease with an addendum, then sign the lease renewal with Carrie, and then sign her and her roommate back onto the lease, that way she would have no chance of getting stuck on the lease without a roommate.
My friend and I told her that we agreed to this and told Carrie as well, who also agreed.

My friend and I went to the office to let them know, so they wrote the addendum to take Sherin off of the lease.

Everyone in the apartment had to sign it in order for it to be valid. My friend, Carrie, and I signed it and waited for Sherin to sign it after telling her it was ready. She went downstairs and signed herself off of the lease.

After this, she came back up, and my friend and I informed her that we would not be signing her back onto the lease. She got really upset. She told us that if we didn’t want to live with her, she would have signed herself off anyways, but we didn’t believe her.

She started crying and told us that she had just finished setting up her desk. We didn’t care. She had threatened three other people’s security and place to live, as well as her potential roommate’s. She went outside and slammed the door. My friend and I were relieved it was over and that we wouldn’t be losing our apartment. We just needed to find someone to take her place.

Sherin came back in with a smug look on her face and told me she had her mom on the phone, and her mom wanted to talk to one of us.

I took the phone and put it on speaker while my friend listened. Carrie went to her space and closed the door.
When I answered the phone, Sherin’s mom went off on me. She called me a **** and told me to go to h*ll. I stayed calm and told her that I stood by the decision we made. She told me to go to **** several more times, then she told me Sherin had nowhere to go, and I didn’t give a rat’s a**.

I told her she was right; I didn’t. Her mom told me to go to h*ll one more time and hung up.

I gave the phone back to Sherin, who seemed surprised that I wasn’t intimidated. She whispered, “Sorry” as I gave her phone back to her. Then she went to her room to take her stuff apart and start packing.
Since we paid the lease in advance for our place, as per the apartment’s rules, Sherin had paid to stay until the end of the month, so we let her stay until then.

This gave her about five days to figure something else out. She made it as difficult as possible but eventually left. Pretty sure I didn’t see her on campus or anything after that, so that was the last time I saw her.

The best part is that the girl who was going to be Sherin’s roommate still needed a place to stay, so we signed her onto the lease and helped her find a roommate. It was actually a fairly lengthy battle, but in the end, we won our apartment back.

Word of advice: don’t sign people onto your lease months in advance, even if they will pay for their room while they’re not there. People can make a lot of changes in a few months, and if they don’t know you, they won’t care about ****** you over.” revengetale

1. Take Credit For Somebody Else’s Work? Now Your Chances Of Winning The Election Are Low


Being dishonest gets you nowhere.

“Let’s begin this back in October 2018. I am a sophomore in university, and I’ve joined some student clubs.

At this time, I wasn’t too active in the club. That is the subject of this story. But in October 2018, the president at the time, who we will call “John” since he is a close friend of mine now, was working on a project on campus.
This project was to accommodate certain individuals on campus by allowing them to park in staff lots. On our campus, parking in the normal lots for these individuals could mean a 10-15 minute walk with their temporary impairment.

So, parking in staff lots makes a whole lot of difference.

After months of being tossed around by different departments, John ultimately got the approval by going to the university president directly. In total, John had worked on this project for a little over a year. I was later elected in Spring 2019 as the club historian and then the president in Fall 2019.

For a year and a half, things were going well. Our club asked about how well the project was doing since its initial start, and dozens of students with the particular impairment had been using it.

We were incredibly proud to have made a difference on campus. John was especially proud since it was basically his baby that he conceived for the campus. There was even a university and nationwide article published about it for our club.

Introducing Jane. Jane was a classmate of mine who was in political science and had aspirations for public office where we live. She had been in some of my classes and was a well-known student senator on campus. Jane was pretty well-known for being liked and popular.

However, with those who have worked with Jane, like my friend John, Jane was infamous for being manipulative and a flake on things that didn’t benefit her own interest.

Lo and behold, this semester (Yes, this Spring), Jane did something remarkable: Jane took credit for John’s work.
You see, our university newspaper publishes the biographies of each candidate running for student offices. Jane was running for president. You may think, “Why is this such a big deal? It’s just a student popularity contest.” Yes and no.

Yes to it being a popularity contest but no because the students in office at our university control hundreds of thousands of dollars. The last reported number I saw was around $1-$2 million in a full student office-controlled budget. If Jane was elected, Jane would have real power.

Anyways, Jane had taken credit for John’s work. Again, John had slaved for over a year to get the program in place at our university, and Jane just grabs the credit for it, saying that she “created” the program.

In addition, Jane was a nominal member of the club, having only attended a handful of meetings and never attending events except in passing.

John confronted Jane about it, to which Jane promised to change her bio. (Haha… I bet Jane wishes she did.) After a few days of no change, John emails the editor of the university paper and asks if they can change Jane’s bio, while also giving due credit to John and the clubs affiliated with the actual work.

The editor informed us that because Jane was not requesting the change herself, the most that the paper would do is place a note at the bottom of the bio saying that what Jane said was false.

This wasn’t good enough.
By now, the paper had been out for two weeks, and no one checks the online sources by now.

John confronted Jane again, now demanding that Jane not only change their bio but also publicly apologize and give credit to our club. Jane again promised, and we waited for another week, giving her ample time to make the change.

By then, it was already election week. (This was the very first week of Corona lockdown for our city.) On the election ballot, Jane’s bio had changed to say that she had “initiated,” not “created” the program. She changed one word. One. Word. John and I were furious. We had to do something. But who would take this seriously? The student elected officials are all an “in-group,” and there’s no way we can get this by without some hard evidence.
Then there was me.

I spent a few days compiling text messages between John and Jane, emails by John from Oct 2018 to late 2019 to university departments, emails from John to the editor, and news articles officially giving credit to John and our club. Obviously, Jane was nowhere to be found in the email chains. Not even the meeting minutes for the university senate had any record of Jane proposing the program to the student senate. We had her dead to rights on flat out lying and stealing credit for work that she didn’t do.

Unfortunately, I did not get the evidence compiled before the end of student elections. Jane was elected as the associated student president.

But wait… Something glorious happened.
A day or two before I submit my findings to the student senate, a post on the university Facebook catches my attention. It couldn’t have been more beautiful. Right there was a screenshot of Jane DMing someone on Instagram, saying that if they vote for them, that they’d be enrolled into a gift card raffle. Borderline bribery and incitement? You’re darn right.

In a matter of hours, the post went viral on campus. Hundreds of students demanded an explanation with no official comment by the student senate, campus administration, or external student affairs. The silence riles up the student plebs even more. To add salt into the wound, a particular student senator defended Jane saying, “It was approved; get over it.” Little did we know, this person would be VERY important later…

After about two days of no actions, I finally have all I need.

The emails, the texts, the bio screenshots, Jane’s promises to change the info, and Jane’s DMs to people bribing them to vote… My case file was complete. I even managed to have John give me an official statement on the issue, which was approved by the National Headquarters of our club. I PM’d the Associated Students Office on Facebook, and I emailed their office manager (and a few student senators) all my findings. I also CC’d the chair of student affairs to make sure that they read my email, because whenever you CC upper leadership, they won’t be happy at seeing bad stuff being said about them.

A few days later, and I got a response. All my findings were forwarded to the student court, which was the judicial committee of the student senate.
(I also had no idea we had one, but apparently they have a good deal of power.) Enough people were emailing complaints to the office that official cases were bring brought up against Jane – two by Jane’s opponents in the election and the other by me. Within the week, I was invited to make my case against Jane.

Trial day. Now the rules of the student court are rather lax. If you’ve ever been a part of a mock trial, it was a lot like that but with less formal rules on what you’re allowed to present to the court. To add to this, due to Corona, we had to have the court session over Zoom. (The set up is a whole other story involving explicit imagery from a troll.) In the stupidity of it all, Jane had refused to show up to the online meeting but was giving rebuttals via… email?

Before me, one of Jane’s opponents went against her.

For the sake of simplicity, I will summarize both the cases against Jane by her opponents. Basically, they argued that what Jane did was unethical. Even though no specific campus policy went against bribery (literally), they still argued that it was unethical and that the court should both recommend that the senate amends the policy and punishes Jane. Introducing… Justice Simp.

Remember that student senator who defended Jane on the Facebook post and told us to get over it? Guess who one of the justices on the student court was? That’s d*mn right.

Justice Simp. Conflict of interest? Yea. Definitely.

For a solid 15 minutes, Simp was arguing with the other justices on whether or not to recuse himself. However, due to a lack of solid evidence detailing the relationship between Jane and Justice Simp, he was allowed to sit on the court.
Now, before each election, every student candidate is required to sign off on a form stating that they understand the rules, that they are accountable to all rules and regulations, even if they do not get elected.

For all intents and purposes, the candidates are members of the university senate policies. This is important because Simp tried to argue a technicality – the student senate rules are specifically worded to include only active student senators/members and faculty. Justice Simp argued that because Jane was bribing students, but not as a president/senator, that the rules do not apply to her. (He literally said this.) Justice Hero wasn’t having any of it.

This entire time, Justice Hero and Simp were going at it with Simp oddly defending Jane to the death while Hero was just trying to get to the facts of right and wrong.

When Simp’s argument for the technicality failed, he literally argued, “How could Jane possibly know about the rules?” In comes Justice Beast, another Justice on the court who isn’t having any of Simp’s crap. Beast comes in strongly, reading verbatim the statement on the form that Jane signed when beginning their campaign, saying that she promised to comply with ALL university rules and regs. Goodbye vague loophole, you’ve been closed.

When the court voted on whether or not Jane was guilty of bribing other students, the total was 4-1, with Justice Simp being that one guy who refused to accept the facts.

Now, my case was a little different. Where the other cases were about Jane bribing other students to vote for them, my case was about Jane breaking the policies of honesty and integrity.
The student official’s code of ethics literally has a section about honesty, and a section about fulfilling obligations that you promise, AND not taking credit for work you didn’t do.

All the justices were forwarded to my case’s evidence, and it was my time to make my case against Jane.

I presented all the evidence I mentioned before, elaborating to say that no one does anything like this unless you intentionally lie (including the literal change of ONE word). My nail in the coffin was the official statement by John, which detailed the entire ordeal in a nicely approved letter by National Leadership.

Upon being questioned, Justice Simp tried to trip me up, asking how I knew Jane was active or not in the club.
Me, having a few years of mock trial experience, declared that it would be hearsay for me to answer, as I wasn’t an active member or officer during the time that Justice Simp was asking about.

In order to get an answer, he’d have to ask John, who was the president at the time. However, I did add that in the times I was an officer, I only saw Jane 2-3 times over the last year and a half, nowhere near the levels of activity that Jane was claiming.

Nice try, Simp, but your crap isn’t gonna work with me.

Again, Justice Simp is stalling, trying to keep the court from voting on the issue. It’s getting late in the night, and we all want to leave.

I am almost certain Jane was watching from a friend’s screen while also messaging Justice Simp.

During the deliberation, Jane emailed the justices her “response,” basically saying how the rules don’t apply to her because she wasn’t acting in the office of a student official. Justice Simp read Jane’s response verbatim and still defended her. Justice Beast and Justice Hero had enough of Simp’s crap and call for a vote on the case. My case, being much more well documented and based on concrete university policies, held up ridiculously well, especially when Hero and Beast brought up the ethics code about only taking credit for what you did.

Simp shut up really quick.

The end vote: 5-0. Even Justice Simp couldn’t deny that Jane had flat out lied and stolen credit.
I celebrated that weekend by buying some drinks and enjoying myself, social-distancing style.

We are still awaiting the official punishment of Jane, but there is talk about removal from office as well as Justice Simp being investigated for conflict of interest in the cases. I’ve never been more satisfied to ruin Jane’s campus political career, and it likely will ruin their future political career.

I plan to email the evidence to politicians Jane has/is working with.” augustinus33

I’ll never be okay with being in the latter situations! It’s unfortunate that the storytellers had to deal with such a situation, but in the end, they were able to get gratifying pro revenge. That’s all that matters. If you enjoyed reading these narratives, share them on Facebook for your pals to read too!

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