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AITJ For Refusing To Care For My Sick Ex-Husband?
8 months ago
The one daughter said "put us before yourself". I'd have told her "I did, for years, and all it got me was served with divorce papers before I served them to your father".
NTA. Your children are delusional, selfish and entitled thinking that you have to do anything for their father when he's got a new wife fir that. Not your fault she doesn't treat him well.
His family can either help him like they expect you to or pound sand. Either way, their opinions mean nothing.
Enjoy your vacation
Dump the guy, he doesn't respect you. Give him 30 days to find a new place to stay. After that, he can stay with his ex.
Return the money for the detailing to his daughters. A gift with strings attached is no gift at all. This way nobody can say you owe them anything.
It sounds like they were all in on the plan to coerce you to lend them the car with the "gift" of having it detailed. Otherwise your partner wouldn't be so dismissive of your feelings about being lied to.
NTA. Dump them all
So you do a huge expensive favor for someone you don't even like and you don't even rate a plate of food? Please tell me this is satire... just wow!!
NTJ for leaving at all. Smart move turning off your phone and not dealing with any fallout until the next day.
But in no way should you give those pictures to Tina. She doesn't deserve them after the total disrespect she showed you. It's obvious she doesn't give a flying jerk about you and your mother is just as bad for asking you to "keep the peace".
I absolutely hate when people use the excuse of "but it's FAAAAAAMILYYYY" to excuse terrible behavior. If you wouldn't accept it from a stranger, you shouldn't have to accept it from FAAAAAAMILYYYY because you should be able to expect better from them.
Your cousin's partner IS a girl, right? She DOES understand basic female biology, right?
I'm failing to find the fault in what you did. You made sure you didn't "have an accident" and prepared for the possibility if you did. You disposed of the used products in the trash properly. So what's her issue?
To get her friends and family involved is insane. She sounds truly immature and self centered. This is all probably a ploy to drive a wedge in between you and your cousin. She's probably jealous of the time you spend together on some level. Let him know that you won't be doing movie marathon night at his place anymore but he's welcome to come by your place for the events. It would be unfortunate if he ended a tradition with you because of her and her ridiculous reaction to a biological issue you have no control of. I'm assuming she gets her period so I really don't get this at all.
NTA but she sure is.
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