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I hope you realize you put both your own job and the company in jeopardy by going against the company's stated maternity leave policy. Leave ensures an employee has a guaranteed job to return to when their approved leave ends. You actions made it clear that your company operates in bad faith and doesn't stand by its own stated policies. There are severe repercussions to your company's reputation, as well as likely legal ramifications. In most reputable companies your actions are cause for immediate dismissal.
Ask if Lily will be invited to James and Brittney's inevitable messy divorce.
YTA. And a huge one, at that. Walking on a treadmill does not eliminate the possibility one has a disability. You know who uses treadmills a lot? People undergoing therapy for permanently disabling spinal, leg, and nerve injuries. My husband walks on a gym treadmill several times a week for up to an hour. When he's done he grabs both his mobility canes and heads to the locker room. The treadmill is literally the safest exercise he can do to stay healthy despite a serious permanent injury that leaves his unable to walk unsupported.
YTJ and considering your childish, selfish personality I'm sure your sister will have a chance to come to one of your many future weddings.
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