Metaspoon User
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NTJ I agree with other commenters, your uncle wasn't invited he should count himself lucky that you allowed him to stay in your home. I would also ask if you haven't realized that both of your families are using y'all for free vacations. You have "guests" every few months, when do you get to live your life with your husband? Then to be treated like you were when you opened your home to your family, hmmm no. It may be time to set some serious boundaries.
AITJ For Asking My Mother To Buy Me My Own Clothes?
5 months ago
NTJ oh sweetheart my heart truly goes out to you. If your mother can't afford to clothe her brood of children properly, as in buy feminine clothing for you rather than you wearing your brothers clothes than she should not have kept right on breeding. Start raiding her drawers and closet and wearing her clothing if she won't buy you any. This is neglect, parents are required to by law to provide food, CLOTHING, and shelter as a bare minimum to the children they chose to have.
AITJ For Cooking Leftovers For My Partner's Dinner?
5 months ago
NTJ "Should I have played this differently..." no you just shouldn't be with an a*****e 14 years older than you that likes to emotionally/verbally/mentally abuse you to the point where you feel the need to come to internet strangers asking if you did something wrong. You did nothing wrong and if he'd rather starve to teach you that what he says goes no matter what you think then let him starve and while he's doing that go out and find a man who will treat you with decency and respect.
NTJ heck no and when she complains about it again you need to do up a bill charging her rental fees for using your car whenever your not in it and do not ever let her use your car again period. This person is not your friend, she a user with a good poker face who you happen to live with.
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