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User Comments
I'm a very private person and by extension I don't like unannounced visitors. Idc if you're a good friend or even family. Idc how close we are or how much I like you. You CALL before your come over, or preferably, text
"He is my brother" Like that means anything? I think he's using the fact that you're his brother to his advantage, probably banking on you feeling this way to keep you from actually going through on your threat. He's taking advantage of you and the only way it'll stop is if you put a stop to it. NTJ but seriously, get rid of his wacky
Exactly! I could understand if they were close and had a bond but to me it took some brass balls to ask in the first place seeing as they were practically strangers to each other
NTJ. While your brother and sister sound like they're at opposite ends of the spectrum, they both still fall under the category of terrible/intolerable/completely exhausting and are more or less 2 sides of the same exact coin. You're totally right, it's not your job to keep the peace between them and your mother is a huge jerk for trying to pawn that responsibility off on you. I know you say you aren't all that close to begin with but if I were you I'd try to limit my contact with all of them as much as possible, especially in a situation where all of you are present.

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