Metaspoon User
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Everyone knows the cultural significance of a quinceanera. But i can imagine with something so big, it was the focus of everyone's attention and time for a good while,so from Chris's perspective he went from being celebrated equally to a background accessory to his sisters special day. Effort should have been made to ensure eeqChris knew he was equally loved and his parents were equally proud of him.
Omg they are 5. It's not like she's indoctrinating them I to a cult. They won't even remember a month from now and MIL is content that their " souls are saved" No harm done. ( this might be a good time to insert, I'm an atheist too. Like, contemptuous, not just indifferent) To people like us, it's just some d**n water. If THEYwant to believe its some magical water that grant's them Express access to Sky Daddy, what the harm? Keep the peace and let Mil think shes done a heroic thing. She wasnt trying to crap on you. She genuinely believes she was saving her grandbabies. She obviously loves them deeply to risk your wrath to protect them from what she believes is d**nation. Put your pride aside and accept it in the spirit intended .
Respectfully, I don't think you should seek or listen to advice from anyone not of your culture. We dont know what we dont know. This is not a black and white issue and should only be explored by those who understand the nuances of the culture.
Wife is being ridiculous. Pretty gross to make her moms death into an attention seeking opportunity. I'm sorry for the position she is putting her husband in. Friend is right. She needs to get over herself.
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