Metaspoon User
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ESH but was the guy by himself? As soon as you leave they are laughing together? Maybe they planned that so they could go on a date since she told you to leave. Maybe she knew you would react that way and it’s a perfect setup and a fun game for them. Last minute date and no way to cancel with you so he makes a scene. Either way you guys don’t seem compatible. Who goes on a date then decides okay I’ll eat alone because my date is now uncomfortable because I did something good and he’s a jerk but who cares I’ll ruin the date and make him eat alone cuz I done care about him just the staff
AITJ For Ruining My Husband's Birthday?
4 months ago
I’m a type 1 diabetic and we take longer to heal! It took me 6 months to heal from my c section which was two months longer then they told me. So they told me 4 months healing from the rip so everyone is definitely different because of his size and the difficulty during pregnancy and he was early by 6 weeks and still the size of a full grown baby and still spent time in the NICU
AITJ For Blowing Up At My Mother-In-Law?
4 months ago
They literally said that they would explore different religions with the child when he is older but the child in question is still an infant first and foremost! I was raised Catholic, but I learned about all kinds of religions in school and the ones I didn’t learn about. I was still curious about and I took it upon myself to learn about them. I’ve read all kinds of different Bibles from all different religions because I was curious Because that’s what kids do because they like to learn about things that are different and the parents again have already stated that they plan to teach them about different religions so they can choose from themselves on when they’re old enough and can make their own choices, not have it shoved down their throat And religion are no longer comfortable with
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