Metaspoon User


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I have seen advertised a Bluetooth link earthquake-caliber vibrating puck that you can put under your pillow that is designed to shake you awake without disturbing others. Worth a try...
Had a similar experience as a Mack truck salesman. 3 hispanic guys came in, dirty T-shirts, torn jeans, etc. People buying heavy trucks know exactly what they want, as they're going to use it for business. These guys were all over the place, an old cab-over, a near-new chromed-up fancy truck & flatbed, an older reefer pattern. After about two hours, having been taught to 'always ask for the sale', I asked which of the collection they would like to drive away with today? They stepped away, conversed in Spanish a minute or so, and said 'we will take this one...and this one, and those two reefer trailers...and pulled out a wad of $100 bllls the size of a fist. The dealer manager mockingly asked if I'd had a good time with the (hispanic slurs). I said 'yes, and I need the titles to these three trucks and four trailers, and they're paying cash.'

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