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NTJ, she's the kind who give Autism parents a bad name. You did nothing wrong, shouldn't have left and her behavior is what triggered her son's meltdown. Kinda wonder if she did it on purpose to make the line shorter.
NTJ! LOL!!!!! I LOVE IT, honestly I'd keep doing it until she stops her crap. She could pick times when the two of them are alone. Amanda & her daughter are the rude ones & your dad is enabling it.
NTJ, stand your ground. How the bride and her entourage choose to behave as a result is on them. If the friend group is splitting, it's probably overdue. Maybe time to leave/crate a new friend group. Block anyone taking her side, they're not your friends
NTJ, you don't owe them anything. Stop answering their calls. Save all messages/texts and threaten legal action against all of them if they don't stop harassing you, as that's what they're doing.
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