Metaspoon User
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NTJ! How dare she say this about your wife in your wife's own home! If mother dearest is uncomfortable, she can surely leave & be 'comfortable' elsewhere! Congratulations on being not too messed up by her, that you DO have very healthy loving relationship with your wife!
YTJ! You sound like spoilt 12 Yr old stamping their foot for daddy to pay the bill - grow up he's only asking you to show that you're reliable & serious about this, not just on a passing whim! Yes I'm sure 'he had proof' from your sister before investing - Plus he HAS NOT said No! Just for you to prove yourself
AITJ For Not Inviting My Bully To My Wedding?
8 months ago
NTJ! Its your day, not your cousins! Or your extended family either! ..You should tell them about the trauma she caused, then No - plus due to limited numbers that if they drop out then it makes room for people you Actually know that Will have your back ♥ ..Congratulations
Unfortunately she doesnt/won't understand pregnancy hormones & that's why she acted out knowing her sister had already slept in the bed - it doesn't excuse it ..Hoping Stephanie had a Fab baby shower, what a shame her own sister couldn't hold her tongue, Haley is setting the tone for when her own niece/nephew is born - what a shame, you need to tell her she needs to either be there for her sister àlrhough it is maybe difficult for her herself Or stay away instead of sucking All the happiness away! Congratulations to your new grand baby to be ♥
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