Metaspoon User
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Girl... you don't have to have proof. Your feelings are all the proof you need. It took me a long time to feel like I deserve better. You will get there too. I hope u boot his a*s and live your best life. You only get one. The best advice I ever got was this.." people treat you in the manner you allow". Good luck!!
I Had Drinks With My Buddy And Got My Modem Back
3 years ago
She will also remember how stupid she looked that night. As a woman, if I see another woman get physically aggressive with a man I make fun of her relentlessly. You're a j*****s to put your hands on somebody that won't hit you back. She's probably humiliated every time she sees you too
Don't stress yourself if she doesn't like you. After getting to know her, you may wish you'd have never talked to her. As long as she pays her bills, cleans her messes, and doesn't disturb you I'd consider that a win.
She Made Me Feel Anxious In My Own Home
4 years ago
I hate to say it, but I'd be just as petty and annoying as her. I try to hold it in, but this chick is too much. Don't let her bully you. Everything she does to you, pay it back 10 times. It's the only way I know how to deal with people like that. If she shares your personal info, print up flyers sharing hers and post them at her job, school, etc. If she tried to work from home in the living room, I'd make her so miserable she'd have to move. Take it as far as it needs to go to get through to this girl. Youd really be doing her a favor. She could have someone like me as her next roommate. I don't start petty wars, but I will finish them
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