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NTJ ,,,all you saying he is ,the guy don't have kid,and probably never think about that ,iam a mom of a 14 years old and definitely won't make a big fussy over ,understand if she is really concerned maybe say next time prefer you use a car ,because I think is not safe...but Good get mad over it ,cool step-dad...
AITJ For Not Wanting To Pay Rent?
2 years ago
You are not a jerk, but why just you don't rent you home and put the rent into a account for you guys ,like maybe vacations ,some fun time between you both ? Or maybe save for put down payment into a home whit both you names ,I don't know but something can benefit both of you??
Ntj ,but y you don't ofer, you both can make it together and leave it at home for later, be nice you guys is so new merried is silly arguing about something so small
Yes a jerk ,sorry they have they mental health problem ,but they did try go to wedding..just invite them
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