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AITJ For Defending My Sons From A Nosy Neighbor?
5 months ago
NTJ - Twin toddlers, laughing and playing in their yard with water balloons at 2pm on a summers day, under their mothers direct supervision. You are a gift to the neighborhood! Did you tell your Mom what happened? I would. Just sayin' ... LOL
NTJ - I'm not keen on labels BUT I'm an Aspie with an adult Autistic (HF) daughter. I think your father cares but lacks the capacity to express it in a compassionate way. Have YOU explained your Autism to him and the way it impacts your life? Does he understand stims are a way for you to self-regulate? Or how physically and emotionally draining masking is? If your Mom was your primary care giver ... he, honestly, may not know these things. You and your Mom may have to teach him how he needs to interact with you as an adult. On a final note, as a parent, I am SO proud of you! You've built a multi-faceted life for yourself and you've managed to balance it! YOU GO GIRL!! :-)
NTJ - It's your day! Save the money and elope! Best wishes!
AITJ For Ignoring My Daughter-In-Law's Texts?
5 months ago
YTJ - I'm a Nana, several times over. Did all of my kids marry someone I approved of? No. However, it is MY responsibility, as the older, wiser in-law to realize I may not be seeing the entire picture. Also, once they start having children, they are in your life forever, in one capacity or another. It can be hard ... like you're making it ... or you can make it better. She sends you pictures. You reply, "Thank you for the beautiful photo! CHILD is getting so big and looks so happy! You two are doing a great job!" Continue on the path you're on and I can almost guarantee you won't have a relationship with your first grandchild. Get it together, get over yourself and grow up.
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