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NTJ I don't know the age of most commenters on here but there's a LOT of bad advice.
Sit down with her, talk about the bills, tell her you want to learn about finances so you will know for your future, so you'd like to be included. Then make your agreement and build in a time to reassess. Like a month or two. But she may be saying that she hopes not to use as much as you're willing to contribute or she knows a wholllle lot more about working and paychecks and she knows that it may be better to wait to see if you stay at the job, what kind of hours you'll have, etc..
You sound like an amazing son! I know your mom is proud of you.
Oof, that's really ableist and not your place to judge. Most movie theater seating is now not that close as it was and you can pick your seats in advance to stay away from where people are sitting. You can go at the least popular time and you can wear a mask. Also, that wasn't even in the same universe as the advice for which she was asking.
NTJ Your feelings are valid and important but imagine when your children get older. You love them all. One does a super jerky thing to the other. Would you really want to ban one of your kids for the holidays? That would cause a big uproar too. As much as mom should be in your corner, unless she's being awful about it, don't make her choose between her children.
They should but often don't. Many use religion to be judgy jerks.
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AITJ For Saying I Don't Want To Babysit?
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