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So what they're telling you is that Dad is SUCH an alcoholic that he can't be trusted to NOT go rummaging in all of your closets and cabinets? Nope. I don't want someone like that in my home. Cancel the dinner.
Wow. The main character energy is stirring with this one.
You're father acted like a spoiled child. He owes you an apology. Maybe next time sit as far away from him as you can and order what you want. HIS food preferences should have NO impact on what YOU order. And to gripe at you repeatedly in the car? What a brat.
Start a list of everyone who calls to berate you about this. "Oh, you believe I should chip in? Wonderful! The difference between cremation and burial is $XXX.XX - How much can I put you down for? Oh. You can't afford it? But faaaaaaaamiiiiiilyyyyyy!" You'll shut that s**t down fast.
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