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Just smile, nod, say, "Ooooooookay", and walk away. Religious idiots ALWAYS just pay attention to the rules they WANT to follow and ignore the rest. But Gods forbid you call them out on it! It's not worth fighting with an idiot - logic doesn't work on them, and it'll just exasperate you!
Start ordering online and do curbside pickup. And don't take your mother when you go. You'll get some time to yourself AND she won't get to scream at the workers. Win-win!
Depends - Was your deal $50000 AND the tools? Or $50000 and THE LOAN of the tools? If you gave him the tools, YWBTA. If they were a loan, YWNTBA.
It is possible to be "child-free" without being a "child-hater". Your sister, however, is the latter. Your child is still a human and deserves to be treated with respect, and as a member of the family. If she's going to treat your child(ren) with outright hostility, what does she think is going to happen once they'ire not children any more? Does she expect them to suddenly treat her like fun Auntie ? Won't happen. And THEN you'll get to hear all about how disrespectful your children are to her, and that they don't treat her like family. At that point, she won't be. She'll be a stranger. And it'll be her fault alone.
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