Metaspoon User
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So you're just the jerk cow for them then, right? If she's screaming at you about living with her, she's clearly not nearly as invested in this relationship as you are. Might be time to have a come-to-jesus talk with her and either toss them out or walk away. Sounds as though she doesn't really want to be married to you.
AITJ For Suggesting My Niece Might Have Autism?
8 months ago
Sometimes you just need to mind your own business. It's the pediatrician's job to diagnose, not yours. No one wants to think their child is anything but perfect so I can see why she went off on you. Her reaction was pretty unhinged but I can understand where she's coming from with it. Personally I give you a soft YTJ because you were doing it out of concern, not malice.
AITJ For Posting About My Pregnancy?
9 months ago
Why do you even think you need to respond t her? Just block her and anyone she knows who disses you.
They lied to you and are likely still lying to you. Don't even worry about paying them back anything. They sound like total jerks. I would go no contact if they hassle you about paying THEIR debt.
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