Metaspoon User


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Get some noise canceling headphones. Truely they help. Build the tallest fence you can. Otherwise, not much you can do. But straighten your fence where he bent it. And the next time its bent call the lolkce for lroperty damage
Get a couple of cameras different angles. I have 8 around my house. Nothing gets by. Have all set to record all times. Get bigger memory for backup. Never hurts. Decent camera and memory is getting cheaper all the time. Ebay has tons. Good luck. Dont let it escalate. It never ends well.
I taught a kid not to steal by wiring up a wrencb and leaving it out. Hooked it up to battery charger set on 20 amps. He didnt steal after that. As fkr kkds in street. Easy get loudest horn hou can buy. A couple of honks should do the trick. Riding at night? Big flood lights that they dont want to look at. Petty yes but people start getting the point. Talk it over with sane neighbors first. Take a stand and stick to it. Good luck
Take a speaker and put it agaonst the ceiling. Play a song you love at about 50pecent volume. Over and over. Then when they knock on your door and they ask you to stop tell them you will if they will. Simple
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