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AITJ For Asking My Fiancé To Change Clothes?
2 years ago
Why did she ask which dress she should wear if she wasn't going to listen to the answer? Coming from a "privileged" background she should be well aware of what happens when someone's SO wears"inappropriate" attire to an event! I agree that's stupid but that's the way it is in many businesses, universities, professional groups etc. Why make things more difficult for your partner? Obviously she didn't give a crap.
Sorry but unless the "terminated pregnancy" was over 12 weeks the convalescence is 1-2 days NOT months.
AITJ For Taking My Son's Skateboard?
2 years ago
If he's doing risky stunts that have a low probability of succeeding he may be doing it for notoriety online which is a scary and dangerous reason to do these stunts. Obviously he has long since passed by "responsible" and graduated to dangerous. Boys rarely mature until mid 20s or later.
So what happens if you remove the staples early and the wound dehisces(opens up)? Who's going to staple it back together? Let the vet do it!
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AITJ For How I Shut Down My Cousin's Wife?
2 years ago