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AITJ For Bailing On Moving In With My Sister?
3 years ago
Both of you are. You only expect to pay half but have 4 people to her 1. She wants you to use a microwave to cook all meals and a mini fridge and not use the kitchen, really. All of the household bills WILL go up. Totally no fair on each others part.
You NTJ. Your man IS THE JERK and his friends. I am a big woman and he doesn't put up with that s**t. He shuts them down. You talk crap about my man I shut you down to. If he doesn't care for someone I am friends with, he tells me and tells my why, they don't come over, same with me.
AITJ For Not Hiring My Son's Ex?
3 years ago
NTJ. You wouldn't have hired her anyway and she did have any experience in that field anyway. You called her back like you told her you would. she was rude and said personal problems don’t belong at work. She's right, they don't. Show this to your wife. Let her read the story and the comments if you want to.
NTJ. That is abuse. Abuse on the child, you and other customers. Sit them in a busy section and tell like another commenter said. If their child vomits them they have to pays everyone's bills and cleaning fees before hand.
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AITJ For Bailing On Moving In With My Sister?
3 years ago
AITJ For Not Hiring My Son's Ex?
3 years ago
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