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AITJ For Leaving My Partner Behind?
2 years ago
In future, if you tell her you're leaving at 11, leave at 11. Don't let her push you into leaving later than planned. After you've left without her several times, she'll either change her ways or you'll break up.
If your sister in law, brother, children, etc. ever visit again, suggest you lock up the recipe book in a safe place. They might steal it.
AITJ For Going On A Trip By Myself?
2 years ago
NTJ, but are you sure you want to be with this guy? He has no respect for your plans or your money.
YTJ If I read this right, you've been freeloading for months. Eating their food, sending their utility bills higher, taking up space, reducing their privacy, but not doing any chores or child care, nor looking very hard for work. Your daughter should have been taught how to change a diaper the day after you moved in, so you and she could give those generous people some payback in exchange for the roof over your heads.
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