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ESH. You could have told them to quiet down without actually kicking everyone out. I understand the original plan was just a couple hours but it’s one night and he’s having a good time with his friends., You cool have given him the night to him and his buddies. Now onto the next m, his buddies are jerks for laughing and getting involved in the argument.,-And you husband is a jerk for not communicating as well.
Your fiancé is a major jerk. And you are too if you’re going to let her continue to trash talk your mom like that
I’m leaning on YTJ. I understand not making it his first name, but I don’t see a problem with it as a middle name at all. She wants to honor someone she loved.
This was an emergency and the entire birthday plans should have been put on hold to take her to the ER and care for her considering you both live In her home. ESH expect your mom
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