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NTJ. My 2 siblings and I have birthdays that either land on or near holidays. We all have the same issues you have stated. Birthdays get lost in holiday planning and schedules never work out. Our presents when we were young were always grouped in with the holiday. They are also in the dead of winter. Most of the time as adults, our birthdays were just forgotten. What you are feeling is perfectly normal for us holiday babies. Mine is before Valentines day. I don't celebrate Valentines day. To me it is just a holiday invented to help jewelry sales through the slump. I've always told anyone I dated that if they want to celebrate that holiday, I will if it's important to them. I've also expressed that my birthday is far more important to me and I do not expect gifts. It never failed, nothing on my birthday, but they want to take me out for Valentines day. Until my current, who actually listened! What you are feeling is normal. I would say that you should at least go to the sister's party, just maybe not the full weekend of it. Express these feelings to your partner about how your birthdays always get overlooked. There's not much that can be done for this year as you are in his home with his family, but hopefully he will hear you and keep that in mind for next year. I also stopped planning parties and just picked something fun I wanted to do. If my friends want to join me, great. If not, I still have fun.
You sound like a Judgy Judy. What's depressing is your rude comment.
NTJ- but, I don't think you have anything to worry about. John is the one who in your description disrespected your relationship by openly hitting on your man when he knew he was taken. The other things you described are petty, but nothing too off the wall. Sure, enough to make you feel uncomfortable, but nothing relationship ending. But it sounds like John was more the culprit than Sam. It has also been years, and prior to this they were all friends. If you trust your husband, then there should be no issue. You did win in the end- you have him, and their (or John's) behavior ended with little contact. Your husband made his choice, and it was you! Let him have fun, I'm sure if anyone oversteps your husband will put a stop to it, just like he did the first time.
ESH except for Liz. It's been 2 years and no one has tried to get to the root cause of why he behaved that way? Maybe you did, but didn't write it in your post. The tone of your post makes me wonder if everyone else let that event change their view forever of him, and I'm guessing he was ostracized for it. Teenagers and particularly teenage boys, have moments like that all the time. It's something you have to forgive, and it sounds like he's never been forgiven, so why try? I'm a little confused as to why his sudden improvement is such a mystery. I'm sure you love your children, but you might benefit from a little bit of family counseling to get to the bottom of it before they enter into adulthood.
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