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So-- let me see if I've got this straight--child's parents expect you to give them respite care for their child, but won't pay the damages from his meltdown just last year. Further, you're supposed to keep taking their kid and making sure they get their "yearly break," knowing there are problems and the kid's parents don't care. Yeah? NTJ if you don't take him. It's imperative they find respite for their child on their own given that he's been sufficiently frightening to his cousins that they are no longer feeling safe with him. Until he is able to control himself he needs care givers that understand his issues and can help him learn to deal with things that trigger him. Saying "not it" is a kindness to the kid, not a punishment. It's sad his parents don't appreciate you enough to do what's right. That doesn't mean worrying everyone on the trip so he can come is what's right. It's not right, and not fair to the other kids. NTJ.
Don't set yourself on fire to keep bags of junk warm! It's your car, your partner is trying to help his sister steal from someone he should protect! Dump them all and let karma sorry them out.
Dude, you're not a handbag. You're also not a toy, a dress or anything else someone uses to look and feel better. You're a human. You should have been included before, but it was "girl time" so you did your own thing. Once her friends dragged their partners in your partner should have either objected to the plan change or left, not demanded you change your plans to make yourself available as decoration. Seriously NTJ.
In a month or so after those kids arrive, they'll be needing much more money than they think. They'll also be looking for sitters. If they expect either from family they need to drop this party.
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