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Wow NTJ what's your budget for her Christmas present and what do you plan your budget to be for your anniversary cause I think you're budget for her birthday was amazing and very generous. If you're thinking marriage I would get this out of the way before you take your vows. I have said it for years you never know someone until you live with them for a while. Good luck
WIBTJ If I Don't Help My Parents Pay Their Rent?
9 months ago
NTJ unless you pay their rent..if you're parents are not technically challenged and are financially sound it's their issue. Especially if you think they won't pay you back that's a big no. And if I where you I would start trying to find out why you would think you have to help anyone with anything financially out of duty or that you need to do this for respect or acceptance. You don't owe anyone financial help if you don't want to good luck
NTJ where is the childrens father, what does the other uncles, aunts, and grandparents have to say. How old are these kids your sister-in-law has created jerk box that is going to explode one day and I bet my monthly salary it will blow up on you. I would get those who rolled their eyes to help you defuse this potential bomb before it has a chance to go off. Your sister-in-law has an issue with you and it would be better for everyone involved to find out what the issue is. I would not be surprised if it turns out she's crazy and may just need a padded room vacation. Good luck
AITJ For Cutting My Coworker Off?
9 months ago
NTJ he knows he overstepped just enjoy the professional relationship and don't feel bad about demanding respect. You can never go wrong with standing up for yourself
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AITJ For Taking In My Nieces?
2 years ago