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From someone who's been there in a way, Josh is the golden child. Your parents are being emotionally manipulative by threatening to withdraw and gaslighting you into feeling guilty because good people compromise when they probably never have. I bet if you sit and think about it, this has been a common pattern your whole life with them. You're probably the black sheep because you do your best to take a stand for yourself. Once I realized this with my family I realized I was married to someone just like my mom. It took him getting physically violent, but I got divorced and cut out ALL family members who perpetrated this dynamic and went to therapy. I'm remarried now and none of them even knew about my wedding. One found out months later because I forgot she was on my jerk as a friend and I posted a couple of pictures. Right after she responded to the pictures..I blocked her too. Life is so much better and peaceful now. They will never stop. They have no reason to. It doesn't benefit them to stop with their mess. Tell them it's fine if they don't come and the ones who don't, cut them off. No explanation, no nothing and keep doing so to any who try to be a go between from then on. The moment they say, "but family" say yeah...and family doesn't treat one another horribly like they did and cut them off too. Totally NTJ.