Metaspoon User
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Why are you even explaining yourself?? Tell her this is the way things are.... period....and just end the conversation. Tell her you're not even going to talk to her if she insists on arguing about every little thing.
Oh, absolutely NTJ!! Ironically, I had the same issue with my daughter and her husband when their child was a toddler. I was happy to watch the little one, as long as I had a heads-up about how long I would have her, and when.... because I actually have a life myself! There were several times where they went out partying while my granddaughter had a sleepover with me. And after a couple of times of them pulling this same stunt of not wanting to come get her because they partied too hard, I just nipped it in the bus. They gave me an attitude, so I just told them their lack of maturity wasn't my problem, and to just get over it. Guess what...they got over it!
I don't understand all the YTJ comments. She KNEW you were sensitive to "purfumey" smells. (So am I, so I get it) But she continues to buy smelly detergents and then try to act all cute about when you confront her. You're definitely NTJ! I would've told her to wash it herself. I wouldn't have thrown it down the stairs....I would've put it straight in the trash
AITJ For Calling My Stepson A Loser?
2 days ago
You're absolutely right....he is a loser. Give him a deadline to pull himself together or get out of your house... period
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