Metaspoon User
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OMG, that first paragraph just described my interactions with my father to a T. Practically word for word the nasty email he sent me last year.
What!!!??? So if you daughter got hit by a car at 35 you should just put her down too, I mean she is likely to only live to 70 anyway. A trained therapy dog, or even just a putebred dog in general usual costs a lot more than $2000. You are not logical in any way shape or form. None of you arguments are valid. Not even one. You tell her the morning her best friend is childish? That she needs to grow up!? And in the same breath that she is not mature enough to be there for the dogs death!!!!??? Wow! That is some gaslighting at its finest. You are a terrible person and a complete failure at logically thinking through the problem. A sociopath to boot, no one care that you think you aren’t, it’s very clear from your post.
You’re both right and both jerks. Unfortunately it was one of those times that she needed to learn consequences, but there also needs to be more empathy for your daughters struggle. I’m 38 and I had trouble is school with arithmetic and reading out loud. Now I know how to add and subtract, but I could NOT memorize math facts for the life of me. Still can’t. Even though I now have a minor in math and breezed through calculus. I didn’t find out until I was a grad student in college that I had dyscalculia. It’s is similar so dyslexia, but the only reading issues I had were differentiating b d, p q, things that were mirror images. When readin to myself it was no issue because it was east to tell from context, but reading out loud was more difficult because I was then focusing on the sounds, not looking at the word as a whole. Also, those texts where you fill in as many fast as possible in 1 minute were pure torture. As was the answering problems on the board for arithmetic. I had to count every one on my fingers and was always the last one done. I was held back in math, and yet now I have a minor in math and breezed through calculus and set the curve in algebra because I could use a calculator. No teacher or parent ever bothered to look into why I struggled. I was never test for anything even though ADD ADHA and dyslexia were pretty well known by the point. HECK my mom was a Special Ed teacher! Please don’t let your child struggle and be shamed and made to feel stupid for absolutely no reason. You KNOW she is smart by her other grades. Something is going on.
AITJ For Saying Donations Don't Count As Gifts?
3 years ago
Generally speaking, donating to a charity can be a great gift. My mothers favorite gift was when I donated to send a girl to school for a year because she was a teacher and is a feminist. However, in this particular setting I can see how it would be awkward.
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