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Even if she gave her permission for him to use her SSN, he still wouldn't be allowed to pretend it's his own. He would still have to submit his own and then have her sign as a co-signer. You can't just use whatever SSN you come up with.
"I was told by the concierge guy that I can’t bring it up the elevator anymore" Concierge doesn't make the rules, so tell him to pound sand and report him to the building manager.
Both parents sucked, they should have BOTH been prepared and prepared their child for this. However, since the Dad has a larger amount of custody time, he also has bigger responsibility to make sure his child is prepared for life. He is just as, if not more, neglectful than the mother.
Her father and the girl's mother should have already discussed periods with each other and the daughter. They BOTH dropped the ball. I'm also side-eyeing the dad not helping his daughter and asking his girlfriend to step in as the parent in this situation.
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