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AITJ For Hiding The Car Keys From My Dad?
2 years ago
Ntj per se. But it is his car, he did pay for it. I honestly think you should save up and get your own car that way he'll never be able to touch it. And in the mean time only buy the amount of gas you need that way he has to pay for his. I know it's prolly not good on the engine but its not your car so not your problem. So start only getting like 5$ in gas when you need to go somewhere and if he complains tell him it's his car so when he needs it he can put gas in it just like you do.
WIBTJ If I Remove Someone From My Server?
2 years ago
YOU made the server. So why should he feel like he deserves to be on it when he treats you so poorly? Yes, it might create a little headache when you remove him but you shouldn't have to create another one because someone is pushing you out of it when your the one who made it.
Just let him know that if he doesn't quit treating you so poorly you'll remove him from it because it's yours and it's not fair that he's treating you this way while still using it. And then tell him that he can make his own server that he can invite whoever he wants instead.
AITJ For Wanting To Get Rid Of The Snake?
2 years ago
Your husband is gonna think it's all easy-peasy until a little boy let's the snake loose and you refuse to step foot back in the house over it.
Because I'm telling you, it'll happen. You should have made the decision together.
If your ex wanted himself painted in a better light then he shouldn't have pulled such dirtbag moves. That's on him. Your son is old enough to make decisions and have opinions on where he goes and who he deems worthy. If your ex isn't worthy maybe he should step it up and do better instead of throwing the blame on you like a child.
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