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User Comments
Her plan the whole time was you and your partner to continue giving her rides. Don't let her guilt you. This may well be the end of a friendship. Congratulations on the baby!
I'm sorry but I've got to say YTJ. You asked for ramen and sides. He made you ramen. The sides now you say he forgot. He said you wanted ramen, meaning he might not have heard you.
NTJ. Time to remind Alex of their "roommate" status.
!!NTJ!!! Girl RUN!! He is a NARCISSIST! He's got you far from home and all alone. A narcissist usually keeps it under control around others,but he really wanted to run your family, your lifeline away from him out of your life. I bet he never told any "friends". Just trying to make him look right. EVERY thing you've wrote here reminds me of my last relationship with a narcissist, including the moving in with them, no help, and losing a lot of my stuff. It's hard to get out. I spent years wishing i "never existed". You are not the jerk! You are the victim of a narcissistic predator. No matter how much you try to change to appease him, he will change the problem so you can NEVER win. PLEASE JUST RUN! And don't look back.

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