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AITJ For Not Having My Sister's Baby?
3 years ago
NTJ. You have no obligation to risk your physical and mental health (do people think it's easy to hsnd over a baby you carried for 9 months?) for anyone else, including your sister.
YTJ. You're conflating multiple issues and simply exacerbating an already bad situation. If you don't want to buy him a gift, ask a family member who knows the situation to trade names with you so you can buy a gift for someone else.
NTJ. Granny's insurance will probably drop her but that's not your problem. Granny made a bad decision and will have to deal with the consequences. If your friend can't understand that, your friend is a jerk.
NTJ and those parents are using their child's disability as a type of privilege. They've obviously not even tried to teach him boundaries. Instead they let him do whatever he wants and then project the blame on others when the inevitable meltdown happens.
Having a disability can require some accommodation but it doesn't require you to be made uncomfortable because of inappropriate behavior.
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