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Do not give away your daughter's money! Not your fault hubby and his ex didn't save properly! The agreement was certain finances stayed separate. If he continues to put pressure on you, tell him you will file for divorce.
And you're not married to him?! They have got to go! She misses her mom? Go home! He can go back to his parents. They DO have to get out of your house. Used sanitary napkins in her room on the floor? That's just disgusting! You are completely within your rights to evict them!
Your father is wrong! Being a Gen Xer, I can tell you that people my age ARE NOSEY! They think everything is their business and everyone under 40 has to respect them. Some have forgotten respect is earned not given. Congratulations on your first house! Call the police every time she approaches you/your property. No one deserves to know your business if they aren't in your home... and that includes your dad.

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