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I mean, I agree that OP is not ready for a child, but how does that excuse the partner? Why aren't they held accountable? Why is OP the jerk for needing some time but it's okay for the partner to act like a slob just because they volunteer somewhere? ESH because the communication is lacking. But, for real, the partner needs to contribute too. Volunteering doesn't make money. But for some reason this means it's okay they live like a slob. I don't get it.
I'm sorry, but NTJ. You were a child. You had no control over anything. It's unfair to blame the victim.
I go see my son at my ex husband's house quite a bit. His girlfriend shelters kittens, and they're often in their room. My son invited me on, but I never cross the threshold. I never go into their room. It's not mine, it's theirs. This is unacceptable. NTJ.
Why is it so hard to say ''your' instead of 'ur'? This is the downfall of language. It's two extra letters.
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