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AITJ For Taking My Dads Side?
1 year ago
My daughter was diagnosed with juvenial t1d at 16, she is now 24. I had to be the mean mom and make her check and take her insulin, cause I knew this was the best thing for her. I set a time limit...5 mins for her to do it herself, otherwise I would do it for her. Smart girl only held out for 3 mins. lol That said, she wasn't eligible for the pump or dexcon till she could manage her b***d sugars herself for a year. Sounds like he's having trouble emotionaly dealing with his new life. Sadly, as parents we can't baby them and do it for them, cause it will hurt them in the end. It's not easy on anyone.
Alot of stores have pickup now that you can call ahead and they will have it ready for you.
No, you're not. It's your choice what you choose to share with others. That is something special between you and your mom. He needs to learn to respect you and your choices. I don't tell my spouse everything and we've been married 27 yrs. lol
AITJ For Hiding From A Friend?
1 year ago
And all those who are saying differently, need to hush up. Sounds like no one around you cared to ask, how you were doing, as handling that situation on top of the one at work (work in a customer service job and some days is sucks your soul) wasn't easy for you. Hugs
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AITJ For Forcing A Teen To Drive The Car?
1 year ago
AITJ For Forcing A Teen To Drive The Car?
1 year ago
AITJ For Forcing A Teen To Drive The Car?
1 year ago
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